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If you liked the trailer, see this movie. If you hated the trailer, avoid this movie. It's that simple.
ScottDMenzel17 April 2006
"The Benchwarmers" is about 3 older guys named Gus (Rob Schnieder), Richie (David Spade) and Clark (Jon Heder) who start a baseball league against the bullies in the neighborhood. After a huge crowd comes out to support the team, the guys decide to enter a competition with the bullies. The winner will get a brand new stadium. Lots of immature laughs ensue…

After walking out of "The Benchwarmers" I realized one thing. That this movie is exactly like the trailer and television spots made it out to be. This means that if you didn't find the trailer funny or amusing avoid this film because the odds are you won't like it. I, however, did enjoy the film. It's not a great masterpiece or anything like that but more of an immature film that you can laugh at and remember what it is like being a kid.

I took three of my little brothers to see the film with me and all of them really enjoyed it. Just hearing them laugh and get such a kick out of it made the film just a tad better for me. This movie is childish by its very nature. All the characters in the film reminded me of watching little kids which in my opinion was amusing seeing grown men act this way. It was funny and amusing not to mention contained a whole slue of memorable quotes that people will be quoting for many days to come.

While I enjoyed most of the movie and I can appreciate it for what it is, a stupid fun comedy, I must admit some jokes were used too much. The fart jokes came by the truckload in this film and while a few were amusing, most of them weren't. Also the amount of gay sexual undertones in this movie was too much as well. When the film first tried a gay joke, it kind of worked but as the movie continued on, the gay jokes just got worse and worse and weren't funny.

Rob Schneider for once plays a different role here. While I have always been a fan of his cheesy and overly stupid roles, I am glad to see him play a different role. He played a more mature character and for once in his career, this role didn't involve him becoming something like a woman, an animal, or a male gigolo. I enjoy Schneider much more than I probably should admit and I am glad to see he expanded his role choice for once. David Spade is really starting to grow on me. After seeing him alongside Chris Farley in "Tommy Boy" and "Black Sheep" I thought he was someone who I was going to enjoy for many years to come. But then "8 Heads in a Duffle Bag" and "Lost & Found" came out and I lost interest in him. It wasn't until 2003 when I began to like David Spade again after seeing "Dickie Roberts" and ever since then he has been growing on me again. I think it's is whole sarcastic sense of humor that I enjoy. Like his quote from the movie," I didn't know athlete had three syllables, that's AAMAAZZINNG". I kind of feel bad for Jon Heder because I like the guy but after "Napoleon Dynamite" I feel he will be playing the same role for the rest of his life. He plays a more talkative "Napoleon" in "Benchwarmers" and is a lot of fun. He is still amusing and most of his jokes work but I just wonder after a few more films will audiences be tired of him?

"The Benchwarmers" is a must for those who are fans of Schneider, Spade, or Heder. If you hate these guys or hate stupid immature comedies then avoid this movie. There is a specific target audience of adults this is geared towards and is a film that you will either enjoy (notice I didn't say love) or hate with a passion. Also it's a pretty safe film that many kids between the ages of 7 and 18 will probably enjoy more than anyone else. Every once in a while, I enjoy seeing a stupid childish comedy like "Benchwarmers" but I know what to expect when I go into it and I got just what I expected. Movies like this aren't screened to critics because studios know they will not like it. They are not the target audience. But for myself, I can still like art films and enjoy silly comedies that have no substance. If critics loosened up a bit or maybe had kids and took them to see some of these movies with them, they would realize how fun some of these films really are. "The Benchwarmers" is a fun hour and a half for those who can appreciate this film for what it is.

MovieManMenzel's final rating for "The Benchwarmers" is a 7/10.
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Enjoyably stupid but not exactly good.
Christopher_Reid13 April 2007
I was expecting The Benchwarmers to be an overall pretty bad unfunny movie, based on the reviews and average rating it has, with the possibility of occasionally succeeding in fleeting moments as is often the case with stupid comedies. In a sense, that's exactly what it amounted to although somehow the movie managed to be watchable even when many of the jokes were missing - to it's credit it's quite fast-paced (this contributes to the movie making even less sense, not that it matters).

The plot for The Benchwarmers has nothing original to offer - basically it's about three nerds (Rob Schneider, David Spade and Jon Heder) that play a bunch of baseball games against various teams of kids. The movie is never intended to be taken seriously so the abundance of clichés is forgivable. But where the movie fails is in the lack of original humour. Classics of the stupid comedy genre such as Zoolander and Dodgeball explored new ground whereas The Benchwarmers retreats to familiar styles of comedy with the occasional stroke of genius (or perhaps that should be idiocy).

Overall, I found the movie quite enjoyable. There were a few little parts I found quite hilarious and probably won't forget for quite some time to come. Even the standard reflective speech(es) near the end came across as sincere and not completely worthless. There are also a number of familiar faces (and cameos) which help move things along. Rob Schneider, David Spade, Nick Swardson and Jon Lovitz are all good in their parts whilst Jon Heder seems to be stuck in his Napolean Dynamite character. But unfortunately these are not enough to change the fact that this is not a good movie. It is decent enough entertainment for its running time though.
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Harmless Fun
twentyfour78 April 2006
This movie was oddly delightful. I found it to be very entertaining, I certainly didn't find myself bored with the movie in any way. Although some of the side characters are contrived and somewhat monotonous in their weirdness factor, overall it does a very good job.

David Spade stole the show however, he did a very good job and needless to say his character was the real barrel of laughs within the film. My biggest complaint would have to be Jon Hedder (Napolean Dynamite guy). I must say he seemed to play the EXACT same character from Napolean Dynamite. All the complaints aside, this movie was entertaining and harmless fun.
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Silly and Gross
claudio_carvalho1 December 2008
When the owner of a minor landscaping service company Gus (Rob Schneider) sees the nerd Nelson (Max Prado) being abused by a group of baseball players, he defends the boy. The paperboy Clark (Jon Heder) tells that his friend Richie (David Spade) and he have never played baseball and Gus invites them to play in the late afternoon. However, they are challenged by the bullies and they defeat the guys. The millionaire and father of Nelson, Mel (Jon Lovitz), invites Gus, Clark and Richie to form a team called The Benchwarmers and they become the sensation of the league, with a legion of outcast cheering for the team. However, when the behavior of Gus in his childhood is discovered, the team and fans are affected.

I am a great fan of Rob Schneider, but "The Benchwarmers" is a silly and gross comedy. I know that his movies uses low level jokes and situations, but they are usually hilarious. Unfortunately the jokes in "The Benchwarmers" are not funny. Further, I am not a fan of baseball but I believe that even fans of this sport will not like this stupid and deceptive story. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Os Esquenta-Banco" ("The Benchwarmers")
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Funny and enjoyable
Kingslaay28 April 2017
The Benchwarmers is definitely worth a watch if you are interested in some light heated fun. An unlikely trio led by Rob Schneider put a baseball team together and challenge the local bullies. David Spade does a great comedic role as one of the incompetent team mates. The humor effortlessly flows and the film doesn't try too hard to be funny. The look and situations of the characters are a riot. The scene where Spade and Schneider were hitting mailboxes with a bat at the back of a car was easily one of the funniest scenes in the film. Physical and silly comedy when done well is a treat to watch.

Despite its humor it also touched on the serious topic of bullying and how its sadly prevalent. It was nice to see the bullies put in their place in the end.

It's an enjoyable experience where you don't have to think too much when watching it and enjoy a good laugh.
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This movie is horrible
drewbroughton-121 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If I could vote '0' I would. Do not go see this unless you have lots of time and lots of money to waste. This movie is quite possibly the worst film I've ever seen on the big screen. Very disappointing, because I really dig these casual-humored movies, like Napolean Dynamite and Old School, but this one... The script is utterly moronic and the jokes are like pulled punches. Adam Sandler may have been involved in the production, but I guarantee you he never saw it; if he had he would have pulled out with the quickness.

I actually felt a tiny bit stupider as I walked out of the theater. It was like my IQ was being slowly picked at with the 'stupid' hammer.

I remember distinctly waiting and waiting for something, anything, to laugh at...but the knee-slappers never came. Well, there was one funny part, I'll concede, involving a Dominican Republican, but man, one laugh in 2 hrs is not what I paid for, you know? Anyways, I'm normally not this critical about things, but I just had to send out a warning for all good, free citizens - BEWARE OF THE BENCHWARMERS!!!!


And what's with David Spade's career tanking like it is? That show of his on Comedy Central is almost as bad as this movie...

Oh, well.
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Is what it is....if you like these kind of movies see it if not please don't complain after you see it.
Zingbot_900017 April 2006
I saw this movie the other day. And I was pleasantly surprised. It amazes me that people come on here and complain about these type of movies like it is the worst movie ever. I like Rob Schneider and David Spade. I have liked many of the Adam Sandler movies also. This movie is from the same production companies of Sandlers movies. And I must say it is better than most of their recent offerings. I laughed out loud about 10 times and laughed silently many more times. Laughing out loud is something I generally don't do.

My review is mostly for those of you that have liked some of the Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, or David Spade movies. I think this movie was better than Anger Management, Mr Deeds, The Longest Yard, The Animal among others. It was very funny at times and it was cute also.

Rob Schneider was the man of the group. He played it is the athlete in the group and the leader of the team of misfits. David Spade played a nerd in David Spade style. And Jon Heder was good as a Napolean Dynamite guy with a little more energy.

Sure this movie has it's flows especially in the storyline. Like if Rob Schneider is so much better than Heder or Spade why did the other teams not just walk him.....things like that. But take this movie as it is better than most Happy Madison productions of late. Schneider, Spade, and Heder fans don't ignore this movie because of comments by people who don't like them to begin with.
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If you think a movie about grown adults acting stupid is funny...
MLDinTN10 February 2007
then this movie is for you. Three grown nerds decided to get back at the bullies from their childhood by participating in a baseball tournament with other kids and jocks. The winner gets a new stadium dedicated to them, being built by super rich nerd, Mel. Of course, being adults, the 3 nerds can hit better than the kids. Heder plays the most memorable character, Clark, who has serious IQ problems. There are a few funny scenes, but this movie is still pretty silly. There are also some surprising cameos. Reggie Jackson is in this as well as a couple of retired NFL players. Craig Kilborn even has a role as a grown up bully.

Best scene was the baseball player with his birth certificate saying he was 12. Funny.

FINAL VERDICT: If you like silly films with not much plot, then you should like this.
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asam31227 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
For the nerd in all of us, Gus, Ritchie, and Clark have come to play baseball for missed opportunities.

When young Nelson, the son of billionaire Mel, is bullied by some nasty little league players, Gus comes to defend him followed by video rental clerk Ritchie and paper boy Clark. Challenged to a game of 3 on 9, Gus single-handedly beats the 9 opponents.

Challenged again, with Nelson and Mel watching, the Benchwarmers win again. Mel decides that he must sponsor them for him, his son, and nerds everywhere.

Thus, Mel holds a little league tournament with a team of three grown men. What follows is a series of laughs, forgiveness, and lighthearted comedy.

Starring Rob Schneider as Gus, David Spade as Ritchie, and Jon Heder as Clark, "The Benchwarmers" is a comedy showing us that it is never too late to take a stand and to play the All-American passtime. Go see it for Jon Heder. Go see it for the baseball. Go see it for the laughs. Go see it for a break from the real world.

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The best baseball comedy since Major League!
jellyneckr22 April 2006
It all started in 1999. Adam Sandler, at the hieght of his popularity, decided to help old pal Rob Schneider out by producing DEUCE BIGELOW: MALE GIGOLO. That film was surprisingly a hit so Sandler took the next logical step and produced a film for another SNL buddy, David Spade. JOE DIRT, while not the commericial success 'BIGELO' was did great in DVD sales and has since gained cult statuts. Sandler has continued to produce projects for both Schneider and Spade over the years so it seemed inevitable that the two would end up starring in a Sandler produced film together. THE BENCHWARMERS teams Schneider and Spade with Jon Heder, best known for starring in the worst comedy of the 2000s NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. The three play pals who after beating a bunch of little bullies at a baseball game discover that they could make a living doing so while standing up to bullies in the process. The plot and most of the characters are secondary to the rapid-fire slapstick and gross-out gags, 85% of which hit. When the gags do fail, it's due to Heder. He does well in his role for the most part, but at times it seems like he's still in Napoleon Dynamite mode. While some more backstory into his character's life and Ritchie's (David Spade) life would have made the movie more filling, they still aren't the usual one-dimensional characters the audience is used to seeing in most flicks these days, which is ultimately why I recommend it. 8/10
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This movie is a waste of your time and money
rinasawyer8 April 2006
Where do you begin on rating such a lousy movie. This movie is a waste of your time and money. Do not go see this movie. This is not a movie that should even be rated pg13. That rating is too mild for this movie. It was extremely offensive in every way. The humor was purely gross and sets bad examples for kids even 14 and over on what is funny. The scene where they had the bench warmers practicing their batting by riding in a truck whacking mail boxes in a neighborhood, sends a message to teens that this practice is acceptable behavior. ALL of the sexual innuendo throughout the film was unnecessary and crossed the line. There was no reason to introduce any sexual innuendo in this movie. A scene where one of the coaches on the other team opens his front door of his house with his gay male lover barely dressed and then repeatedly showing the continuing saga of this relationship throughout the movie was reprehensible...totally unnecessary to the movie. Besides all this, it was extremely disgusting to watch on several occasions throughout the movie people farting, vomiting in somebody else's face, picking noses (and eating them). Nevermind the fact that in another scene they show an agoraphobic and effeminate man handing a 2 liter bottle of urine to his brother. Another scene in the movie, demonstrates to kids that drinking is OK-----the scene shows a man somewhere around the age of 30-40, masquerading as a 13 year old in order to play ball. The movie producers show this man drinking while waiting to play and while he was playing ball. This was very offensive.
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You either love these kinds of movies, or you hate them.
Psycho_N8_Phd8 April 2006
I really think that's the only issue with this film. If you've been a fan of Adam Sandler's work (this is a Happy Madison production), you'll like this movie. Not only was it produced by Sandler, but it was co-written by one of his longtime buddies Allen Covert. If you go into this movie not knowing what to expect, that's your own fault. I know this movie won't be received well by critics, but when has ANYTHING that Sandler's done ever been? Ontop of that it features Jon Heder aka Napoleon Dynamite. To me, this was a huge added bonus. I love Sandler movies, and I loved Napoleon Dynamite. Many people feel Heder's a terrible actor, but I think his delivery is hysterical. I found myself laughing throughout this film, and thought it supplied Heder with more great one-liners that will be quoted for the next year. After saying that, some of you might turn your nose up at me and tell me that I wouldn't know what a good movie is, but I enjoy and cherish Casablanca, The Godfather: Part II, and Good Will Hunting as much as anybody, but forgive me if I like to enjoy a little mindless laughter at times. If you didn't like Billy Madison, The Hot Chick, or Napoleon Dynamite, you'll hate this movie, no doubt. But then why would you even go see it in the first place?
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Funny film!
dlterm31 March 2006
I don't know what that Dutchmen's ax is (that he obviously needs to grind), but I am guessing that he never saw the movie. Jon Lovitz doesn't have a "cameo"...he has a substantial part in the film.

I watched it today at an advanced screening and laughed my ass off. It is nicely paced and I had a smile on my face throughout the entire film. I am not a big fan of Spade, but I liked him in this roll and Schnider actually shows some range...go figure!(Good director? probably...but, will have to see Schnider in his next movie) Cute chicks, some laughs, baseball, fart jokes, and Lovitz drives a couple of cars that can't be topped for coolness. Get some popcorn, a soda and don't expect "The Natural" will have a great time at Benchwarmers.
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Jon Heder, I will pray for you...
lune788 April 2006
I'm not a very difficult person, and I'm not very hard to please when it comes to movies. I don't mind watching a harmless, gross-out comedy once in a while, and I laugh at most of the jokes, even those that aren't supposed to be that funny (heck, I found Date Movie hilarious...that should give you an idea on how easy it is to make me laugh). However, this was just plain awful. I mean, when Rob Schneider is the best element of a movie (which isn't saying much), you know you're in for something really, really stupid. The jokes are so unfunny, it's painful.There's only so much you can do with farts and bodily fluids... Even the kids at my screening didn't laugh. I usually adore David Spade because of his bratty attitude and caustic humor, but his character in Benchwarmers is completely uninteresting. As for Jon Heder... What happened to the young, promising actor who made audiences laugh with his character of Napoleon Dynamite? It seemed like you had such a beautiful career ahead of you! But now, it's only a matter of time until you hit rock bottom and join the "Unfunny actors who have lost all credibility because they keep making bad movie choices" club which your co-star Schneider has been part of for quite some time now. But I have faith in you Jon! I know that you can still redeem yourself! As for the plot, it is a rehash of something we've seen thousands of times, and you'll be lucky if you don't fall asleep. Saying that it's harmless is an understatement : it's too boring and bland to have any kind of impact.
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For dumb high schoolers and beer commercial fans only...
donaldgilbert14 January 2007
I rented this because I like these SNL comedians; however, they're mere actors here. It's not a 'best of' vehicle for any of them (not a Caddyshack, for example); rather, they are playing roles that they are, for the most part, miscast for, reciting jokes that are old and predictable, telling a story that is so much pure fantasy that the moral (that bullying is wrong) is marginalized or lost entirely.

Who are the people that gave this movie high ratings? Are you young teenagers who haven't had your fill of booger and fart jokes from the previous 30+ years of cinema? Are you infrequent, very casual, or just plain indifferent art and film viewers with no sense of taste? Or are you simply watching this film with some alcohol and/or weed, a bag of munchies and a desire to stare at a screen and not think after one hell of a day/week? I don't know- I only know that a full 10 out of 10, is like saying that it's a perfect movie, among the best. If that's the case, what gets the one star? I'm serious.

(BTW, I give it two stars because it sustained enough interest for me to make it through to the end.)
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It's easy to warm up to the Benchwarmers but the potty humor goes a bit too far
inkblot1113 July 2006
Gus, Richie, and Clark are three of life's wallflowers. Richie, for example, still works in a video store and has never kissed a girl while Clark has a paper route and thrills to macaroni and cheese dinners from mother. When they spot a baseball team full of bullies doing their thing on a group of sweet nerds, they hatch a plan. The three of them will take on any little league team that has swelled heads and cold hearts. Nevermind that only Gus can hit and pitch, the trio do quite well and create havoc for the bad news bears everywhere. They even get a sponsor who promises a lovely new baseball field to the winner of the benchwarmers vs. bullies season. But, are there secrets that will destroy the benchwarmers noble ideals? This is a funny movie, without a doubt. The three stars, Schneider, Spade, and Heder, are a winning and wacky combination, to say the least. The gentleman who plays Richie's agoraphobic brother is a scene-stealing guffaw machine as well. The movie has top notch production values in costuming, scenery, script and more. The only problem, in-your-face throughout the film, is the bathroom humor that goes too far. Parents should be cautioned about this gross-out material before the family sits down to watch the movie together. Nevertheless, Benchwarmers has some good messages and giggles galore. It should be a hit with older children and fun-loving adults everywhere.
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Utter Crap
ddn321 December 2007
I know Adam Sandler has become a very rich man by aiming low. However,this is worse than a punch to the balls, which I am sure Mr. Sandler and the amazing number of people who actually liked this movie would find rather amusing.

The humour is so weak. It is a "nerd's revenge" movie that is so far fetched that your brain must take a two hour vacation. First of all, what 40 year old would play competitively against a bunch of 12 year olds? Secondly, there is no way that the dweeby character David Spade plays is going to interest that hot 25 year old Pizza Hut chick unless she has a loser fetish. Thirdly, they have to get moralistic in an attempt to make this more than a fart and nerd joke movie. Also, with so many ex-Saturday Night Live performers, you don't even have to watch it to know it will suck.

Avoid at all costs, unless movies aimed at immature 12 year olds appeal to you.
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Very funny.
skylightangl6 April 2006
I had the pleasure of winning free tickets to a screening of this movie. As far as normal comedies go, I didn't give it a high rating. Some of it was just plain disgusting. Mostly it was funny. The actors did well, and in my opinion they all changed from their normal type characters. It's definitely worth the time to watch it. The audience in the theater got all involved and connected to the movie. We laughed, we gasped and at least 3 times, we all clapped for the characters and applauded at the end of the movie. It was a great atmosphere! You leave the movie feeling good and proud. When we walked out, a lady asked what my favorite part was, but I couldn't pick, it was all good, I liked the whole thing! The thing I really like about this movie is that despite it being a comedy, it teaches a lesson and makes you want to be a better person. I would definitely recommend this to friends and would see it again in a heartbeat.
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Very bad movie...
Decafe1573 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Knowing that this movie was produced by Adam Sandler's company, I wasn't expecting much in terms of intelligent humor or a logical plot, but this was the first movie that I ever wanted to walk out on.

It consisted of gross humor such as farting in people's faces and eating buggers. The jokes were predictable and unfunny. Heder reprises his role as Napoleon Dynamite minus the glasses and hair. I hope he has other acting abilities because his whole routine is getting very stale.

There was a guy who gave himself a titty twister, someone in the stands asking for a little person as a pet, a bully coming up with the insult "Gus Bus", and the so called plot twist of Snieder's character being a former bully was predictable from the start.

I saw Deuce Bigalow 2 and thought that Rob Sneider could not be in a worse movie. Well, he managed to prove me wrong. If you want to see one of the worse movies ever made, then go see The Benchwarmers. Otherwise, save your money!
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If you like Jon Heder, you might enjoy this movie.
margotpt19 April 2006
I generally avoid movies with a lot of gross or body humor, and movies with the three major stars in it, and would naturally have avoided this one, except that Jon Heder was in it, and I thought I would give it a try. I was not disappointed. He pulled off being an idiot without recreating his Napolean Dynamite character. He was funny.

There were other elements of humor that were random, silly and funny. I found myself laughing out loud, but unembarrassed. Many of the scenes caught me off guard. I was pleased that the movie had less trashy language than I expected, and actually less body humor than I expected.

If you like random, silly movies, this would be a good choice, and if you are Jon Heder fan, you might really enjoy this movie.
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my thoughts about this movie (awful&crap)
narcatin9 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was awful and even the ocational funny lines didn't make up for the sappy stupid intended meaning of this movie. Even the pure basis of this movie was completely stunted. there is nothing funny about a bunch of grown men playing baseball with kid's that don't have even half their strength.

or maybe it's just that I hate the intendded steriotypes put through in this movie, and the fact that the whole steriotyping was directly stolen from revenge of the nerds.

also, even though the way this film was directed it was intended that the movie not make much sense, there were no reasons given for anything that happened in the movie... everything was just said to have happened by pure coincidence or some weird type of folly.....

overall, don't see this movie, it is crap, but if you want to see 2 or three funny jokes that are misc. embedded in this film then go see it....
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Ultimate guilty pleasure for me
UniqueParticle18 March 2022
I absolutely love this whacky comedy/nerdy movie maybe cause I have autism I connect with it differently! Denis Dugan has made a bunch of silly comedies this is one of the most ridiculous out there not appreciated much and it's understandable. I love the humor so much and how it flows; I never get tired of it maybe cause I respect quirky beings. Benchwarmers is wonderfully fun for what it is!
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Mostly Good
leskacamden24 July 2023
This movie has good humor and isn't just comedy because towards the end of the movie it becomes more serious. I think if you want to laugh and be pretty interested in a movie at the same time, this is a movie for that. Also, this movie can get repetitive if you watch it more than once because it doesn't make you think that much. Overall, I think is a 7/10 because it has a wide variety of characters and is very creative. I get why it has a 5/10 because it is pretty immature. My favorite part is when Carlos plays in the semi-final, hits a home run and goes around the bases with the Dominican Republic flag. All in all, that is my opinion on The Benchwarmers.
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Nerds vs Jocks... haven't we seen that before???
filmmaker0002-14 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a classic formula, nerds vs the jocks. Most of the jokes you can see coming a mile away... although they do bring some new stuff to the table. But not much. To be honest "Benchwarmers" has some great moments but beware the potty humor, this movie has plenty of it.

It was great to see Jon Lovitz as a billionaire whose home would give every obsessive star wars fan a wet dream. Seeing Lovitz sporting a Hasselhoff leather jacket and driving the car from Knight Rider is funny stuff.

David Spade is annoying as usual with his dry quips. I wonder if it was intentional to have him wear what looks like Chris Farley's hair-do from Tommy Boy.

John Schneider was surprisingly low key and likable. No Duece Bigalow here.

I keep wondering if Jon Heder will play anything other than variations on the Napoleon Dynamite character? I hope so.. the dude's got talent.

Nick Swardson was great as David Spades brother "Howie". He has done a lot of work on the Reno 911 series and it is great to see him on the big screen.

Anyway... I'm not here to stand on a pedestal and talk smack about this movie or any movie. If you are into these kind of movies... "Slobs vs The establishment" you might like it. But if you want my opinion don't waste your time driving to the theater to see this one wait four months and rent the DVD.

That way you can turn it off if you really hate it.
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I am now stupider.
crazyblonde_mm8 April 2006
A mediocre pretense coupled with appalling dialogue and unnecessarily ignorant and crude side plots makes for a movie experience worthy of requesting double your money back. I'm so sorry to say, but this was the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. It's a pity, because I am a huge fan of John Heder, Rob Schneider, and David Spade... but this movie was a horrendous waste of everyone's time and money.

It negatively furthers "nerdy" stereotypes and contains unnecessary stupidity and ignorance in every aspect of the way it was made. The moral message it was trying to convey was overshadowed by the off-color references to homosexuality and cheap "kicked in the balls" type jokes. This is the kind of movie that encourages, instead of discourages, kids to make fun of homosexuals, little people, agoraphobics (or anyone with a social disorder for that matter), virgins, etc. Think long and hard about the behavior you want to teach your children before you take them to a movie like this.

You'd all be better off eating your ten dollar bills... it would be way more entertaining.
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