Date Movie (2006) Poster


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Wow, something crappy this way comes
knightc622 February 2006
This won't be a long review, as this movie doesn't warrant much more than a warning not to waste your money on it. I'm not sure how a movie so god-awful can make it to screen, but my faith in the system has been shaken. The film isn't funny, I'm not sure if it tries to be or not, but it's not. It references other movies (Meet the Parents, When Harry met Sally etc.) but doesn't really spoof them. This was the biggest problem I believe, as it doesn't have any semblance of flow or sense. Random scenes pop up, trying to get a laugh by basically reenacting the scene, not exaggerating it or making fun of it. I managed to sit through House of the Dead, but this film actually made me angry it was so unfunny. Please skip it, have one of your friends go see it instead and then ask about it. If they don't knock your teeth out for setting them up to lose money and 90 minutes of their life, then you can go see it yourself.
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They should have fired these two writers as well.
CMUltra17 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have enjoyed the Scary Movie parodies to varying extents, finding in each installment at least a few laugh out loud moments. Date Movie provided two… maybe three light chuckles. That was it.

The best they could come up with for a clever tag line in the poster art was "From 2 of the 6 writers of Scary Movie." Uh… okay. Well, why'd you keep these two? It was honestly like they didn't even try. I could write a better parody than this and, since I'm not a good enough writer to be hired by a studio, I just have to assume that the writers are capable of better.

There was nothing original. They were drawing such a creative blank that they spent a good five minutes having the camera watch a hand-puppet cat squirm around on a toilet seat. They interspersed fart sounds and quick shots of facial expressions from the stars. Oh yeah, that made it better.

A good parody will take the existing content it is lampooning, and present it in a humorous way by providing ironic twists. Here they simply made sets, costumes and situations similar enough for you to recognize the source material and then either laid vulgarities or toilet humor on top of it. There's no thought in that. Just pitiful.

Comedy of this nature almost always demands a straight man. In silly parodies, the straight man is often the least absurd of the various characters. In the Scary Movie series, star Anna Faris carried this role well. She's not up to a Leslie Nielsen standard yet, but she's getting better with each installment. Her delivery, her deadpan, her timing are all very nice. In Date Movie, Alyson Hannigan cannot do this at all. She used a total of two facial expressions to convey her character's reaction to each situation. It just became annoying.

I think Hannigan has proved herself to be a charming actress, not without talent. So I'll assume that the problem here was the two writers. Hopefully they'll now go join the other four.
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Easily the worst parody I've ever seen.
TheMovieMark17 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"I didn't think it would be that bad," Mr. Shade remarked as we walked out of the theater, despondent over the fact that 80 minutes of our lives were wasted and there was nothing we could do about it. "I'd say that's the worst parody I've ever seen," he continued.

I couldn't agree more. And I like parodies. When they're funny. Unlike "Date Movie," a film whose severe lack of humor suggests that the script couldn't have taken much more than an hour to write. I understand that it can be hard to write good comedy, but at least put forth an effort. I'm sorry, but was I supposed to laugh when Alyson Hannigan popped a huge zit on her face and the force of the "stuff" coming out catapulted her through a wall? That's funny? No, no it isn't.

Like I said, it's hard enough to write good comedy. And yes, I sincerely believe that "stupid" comedy CAN be funny, so don't even bother claiming I'm just some snobby reviewer who can't appreciate stupid humor. Believe me, I can - I enjoyed "Scary Movie 3" for goodness' sake! But it's even harder to cleverly satirize movies that are funny in the first place. Perhaps it's just a special brand of talent that can take funny scenes from existing movies and make them completely unfunny. Congratulations writers! If that was your goal then you succeeded.

I don't know; maybe it's me. I guess I should blame the fact that nowadays my comedic standards call for something more than a cat having sex with a human corpse. I didn't realize anybody on earth would find that humorous, but it looks like I was wrong. And I suppose I've gotten to the point in my life where extended scenes involving a cat with diarrhea just don't put a smile on my face.

I was also under the impression that the "I'll have what he's having" joke had run its course, but the writers of "Date Movie" have proved that no joke is too old or tired for them. Nor will anything stop them from dragging a scene out way beyond an acceptable length. Oh look, Eddie Griffin's face just slid up and down Fred Willard's hairy chest and Eddie pulled a hairball out of his mouth, and it only took him two or three extremely unfunny minutes to get to the big "payoff." Wow, talk about funny. Ha. Ha. My gut just busted. I better see a doctor.

A girl sticks a cherry stem in her mouth and pulls out a carousel, and I'm supposed to laugh? Hardy har har. Uh-oh, it's shock value time! They're talking about a vaginal thermometer that has been in the family for generations and how for good luck it can't be washed. Please, try not to hurt yourself from laughing too hard. These guys are pushin' the envelope and walkin' the edge!

As gross and ridiculous as all that is, the worst is when some old woman is having a romantic dinner with a fake cat and later makes out with it. Uh-huh. That's high quality stuff right there ... IF YOU HAVE THE IQ OF KEVIN FEDERLINE! Sheesh. Are you getting the picture?

If you're reading this and thinking, "Man, all that sounds hilarious!" then I weep for our future. But if you're sitting there with a look of disgust because you can't believe that somebody greenlighted a budget for this tripe then you know to avoid this like Paris Hilton with the plague, and you give me hope.

Mrs. Shade had to stay at work late, but she quickly headed straight from work to the theater, arriving just in time for the screening. After the movie, she grimaced and said, "I rushed over here for this?" I can't fault her anger. At least she didn't have to pay to see the movie. Just imagine if you go to the trouble to drive to the theater AND shell out at least $8 a ticket. Please, learn from our painful experience. Avoid it.

If you have even the slightest inkling that you might want to see this then grab a bottle of White-Out and vanquish those thoughts right now. You've been warned; don't treat this carelessly.

As always, I'm Johnny Betts, and I'm watching bad movies so that you don't have to. Don't let my efforts be in vain. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to read a book in the hopes of recovering some lost brain cells.
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I'm writing this to save you
bdubstater420 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Its true. Everything you've read is true. This really, really, really is the worst parody ever. This movie was so bad that I spent the entire ride home from the theater, frustrated that I couldn't come up with the vocabulary to describe how I felt about it. IT IS NOT FUNNY. I, like most other people who have seen it, chuckled a few times. The rare laughs were part genuine enjoyment and part trying to make the best of a horrible situation. On the whole, though, 98% of this movie is just mind-numbingly bad. And not just because it has a lot of toilet humor and fat person jokes. The worst parts of the movie are the ones that are not only devoid of humor, but they just flat out are so stupid they don't make sense. I've never had an experience where I've sat through an hour and a half film and felt like I was watching a bunch of two minute clips of stupidity that had almost nothing to do with each other. It was almost surreal how horrible this movie was. Please, do not go see it. You're welcome.
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I would pay someone to kick me in the balls for paying to see this movie.
KingofMcDonalds19 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of the most horrible experiences of my life. With once having sat through twelve hours of constipation, I have yet to sit through a dump that was more excruciatingly painful than watching this two hour film. The worst part is it isn't even two hours, it's eighty minutes, but it makes you feel like you must have aged four or five years through this. I feel they must have added in Sophie Monk and Carmen Electra not because of their amazing acting talent, but because they felt the humor was so poor they needed to wake people up from this painfully dumb movie. The audience's reaction to the film provided more laughs than the actual movie itself. I can't decide whether I find it comical or depressing that this film managed to parody movie scenes and make them worse. Truly, the people saying these writers aren't talented are wrong, it takes an art to be able to make something this bad. The movie is a complete non sequiter too. In one scene, after the family has toasted at the rehearsal wedding dinner table, Lil' Jon comes in and says, "What? Yeah. Okay." and that's the punch line. Seriously, Hotel Rwanda was funnier than this movie. The film also contains tons of gross out humor, with a man coughing up a hairball, a woman with a hairy back, and a cat humping a corpse. Real clever guys. This is the kind of stuff that makes angels cry, and kills orphan babies. I would've walked out of this monstrosity had it not been for me hoping that maybe, just maybe, it might be slightly enjoyable than the previous torturous minutes. I mean you know something is wrong when the funniest part of a movie is a cat crapping into a toilet. This film is only really a mess of parodies thrown together that don't make any sense. I really have to say it's as witty as it gets when Frodo delivers a swift kick to the nads of Gandolf, and he screams, "My precious!" Finally, the ending seemed to have been thrown in to make an attempt to give the male audience a boner so maybe the wouldn't come out of the theater asking for a gun. No, the worst travesty is not that I spent $6.75 on this movie, but that I will never be the same person I was before. This is the stuff nightmares are made of. Don't go see this under any circumstances. If your significant other wants to see this, fake your death. Anyway you can get out of this movie is truly a blessing.

P.S. My cellphone started ringing during the movie. Why, oh why didn't I pick it up? Seriously, man eating on the phone would have been more entertaining than this movie.
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Alyson Hannigan Deserved Better
thehonorablestanlaurel22 February 2006
Are you short for cash, Alyson? Is that why your beautifal face had to be seen on screen in this joke of a parody movie? I went to this movie with high expectations. I mean very high. I am a sucker for the parody genre. Ever since The Naked Gun films and Airplane!, Wrongfully Accused, Spy Hard, Scary Movie.. I've been a nut for these types of movies. So why was this one so bad? I can't really explain.. I saw all the movies they parodied, and still.. it just wasn't funny. I am absolutely in love with Alyson Hannigan. She's a very beautifal and very talented actress. Eddie Griffin is one of the funniest comedians to grace the silver screen in years. And please, Lil' Jon is in the movie! What's not to like? Well, the fact that basically, a lot of the parodies were just word for word retellings of some of the movies. The dinner scene was an ENTIRE ripoff of the Meet the Parents scene to a t. This movie tries too hard to be funny, and at sometimes its okay (the Pimp My Ride scene comes to mind), but honestly.. it just tries too hard and doesn't go anywhere. I can't say I was disappointed, it was beyond that. If there's a sequel to this atrocious comedy I'll eat my hat.
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Not even Alyson Hannigan can pardon this turkey
RogerBorg25 February 2006
I'd imagine that the main reason that people are paying to watch this is because it stars Alyson Hannigan. Well, she's in it, and she makes the most of a thoroughly unchallenging role, but unless you're a total completist, that shouldn't be enough of a reason to waste even 80 minutes of your life on this appalling waste of talent.

What the writer/directors seem to have missed is that if you're going to parody or satirise a scene from a decent movie, you actually have to add something. It's not sufficient to just throw a bunch of stolen scenes together in the hope that the conjunction will generate humour by itself. I honestly could not see one - not ONE - original thought or idea or line in the script or direction. That in itself is something of an achievement. The whole thing plays like it was scripted by teenagers, and not teenagers from the top end of the grade curve.

In fact, I have to wonder if this films is deliberately aimed at the lowest common denominator. If so, it missed by several yards to the south.
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Just when you thought Hollywood has reached an all time low, you get "Date Movie."
ScottDMenzel2 March 2006
"Date Movie" is a movie that spoofs romantic comedies. The movie follows Julia Jones (Alyson Hannigan) as she goes through all the events that take place in order to marry her prince Grant (Adam Campbell). This process involves meeting the parents, breaking up, meeting the ex-girlfriend, planning the wedding and everything else that the romantic comedy genre has thrown our way. Laughs are supposed to ensue…

Just when you thought Hollywood has reached an all time low comes "Date Movie," a movie that proves that anything can be made into a film in Hollywood and no matter how bad something is people will dish out their hard earned money to see it. "Date Movie" is by far the worst pile of crap I have seen in several years and can possibly go down in the history of film as being one of the worst movies ever made.

This movie contained zero laughs, none of the spoofs were even remotely funny. It was an insult to anyone who dished out any kind of money to see this film. The saddest part about all of this is that I knew before seeing this movie that it was going to be bad but I didn't think it could ever be as bad as it actually was. All the jokes fell flat and half way through its groundbreaking 75 minute running time I wanted to find a way to end my life so I wouldn't have to sit through another second of this horrid movie.

There really isn't a positive thing I can say about this movie. The first question that comes to mind though is who the hell came up with the idea. Why spoof comedies? Comedies are already funny so why spoof them? This is a question I wondered when I first heard about the movie and now after seeing "Date Movie" I know it can't be done and shouldn't even be attempted. While "Date Movie" only runs 75 minutes they try to spoof everything they can including Bridget Jones's Diary, Kill Bill, Say Anything, My Best Friend's Wedding, Napoleon Dynamite, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Hitch, The Bachelor, Meet the Parents, Sleepless in Seattle, Rize, King Kong, Wedding Planner and so many more. You would think that one joke would work but in all honesty not a single one did. You just sit there staring at the screen, losing your brain cells, and wondering how on earth someone got money to produce this pile of garbage.

I guess you should know that a movie is really bad when it's not screened for critics and the trailer tries to sell you a movie by saying "from 2 of the 6 writers of Scary Movie" but there is always that small part of me that says it can't be as bad as it looks but in this case it's worse than it looks. It's a train wreck and if anyone finds this movie funny I am sorry but there must be something seriously wrong with you or you are just so incredibly immature.

This movie took 2 people to write and two people to direct. If I ever meet Jason Friedberg or Aaron Seltzer the writers and directors behind this crap I will demand that they give me my $6.75 back for paying to see this movie. These guys have no right what so ever to make a movie when they put out a movie like "Date Movie." There should be a law in Hollywood that if your movie is hated by both critics and audiences alike that you should be placed in a cell and beaten until you write everyone who watched your film a huge letter of apology. I really wonder what crap can come out of Hollywood next that can be worse than this film.

So to sum it up, "Date Movie" sucks, plain and simple. Even if you see it with little or no expectations you will be disappointed. I despise everyone who was involved with this movie from the entire cast who somehow read this script and said this is going to be good to the interns who didn't walk off the set after the first day of shooting. Why is it that we have to suffer through movies that are this bad? And Hollywood wonders why ticket sales are going down because when you pay $6-$10 to see a movie like "Date Movie" I can totally understand why people aren't going and would be leery of what Hollywood puts out. This is the worst film to come out of Hollywood in years even worse than "Gigli," "Batman and Robin" and "You Got Served."

MovieManMenzel's final rating for "Date Movie" is a 0 out of ten. This movie doesn't even deserve a 1 because nothing worked at all and people shouldn't have to be tortured like this when they see a movie.
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savatage_saints19 February 2006
The fact that this movie was allowed to advance past the "script writing" stage is beyond me.

If I could vote it 0, believe me I would. Watching paint dry would be a more cultural experience.

They actually re-created scenes from existing comedy movies & virtually did them note for note. Can somebody explain the word parody to the film makers???

Some of the acting was quite good, it's just a shame that they had so little to work with to be able to assist with making this pile of junk watchable.
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Maybe they needed the other 4 Scary Movie writers
LONDON53718 February 2006
This has got to be one of the worst parody movies ever. No, wait - scratch that. This is one of the worst movies ever. There were so few laughs in this supposed comedy. They few chuckles I heard from the audience was a nervous laughter (as in, "I can't believe I wasted my money on this..."). The toilet humor (literally) was simply retarded, and a few jokes almost worked... if they were funny. Pretty much all of the characters were annoying, and most of the parodies themselves were just unfunny. I really don't know what could have been done to save this movie and actually make it funny. The concept was great, and "date movies" are ripe for being made fun of... yet somehow this just wasn't it.
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That darn cat
opinionettona26 September 2021
Seeing the cat in the toilet scene, still cracked me up even after all this time. Watched it lately and God, I cryed of laughter when I saw again that cat.
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I thought this movie was pretty funny.
dobbin-48 February 2008
Date movie is the first of three(so far) spoof movies that 2 out of 6 of the writers from the scary movies wrote. This one is probably the funniest of them with its obvious references to the past 10 years or so of romance comedies that have graced and disgraced out screen. The story is about Julia Jones a lonely girl who just wants the perfect romance but her father wants hr to marry a Chinese-German Jew or something like that. She then meets the love of her life and all is well until his ex fiancée comes into the picture. I recommend this film over Epic Movie and Meet The Spartans for it is funny and direct but they still can not get away from thinking that dancing from famous characters is really funny. Oh well just watch this movie and TRY NOT to think for a change is that too hard.
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Horrible movie
clowtee22 February 2006
My friends and I went into this movie expecting something along the lines of a dumb but funny movie like "Scary Movie" or "Not another Teen Movie".

Sad to say, this was the worst movie I've seen since the beginning of 2005. DO NOT see this movie and DO NOT believe the advertisements for this movie as those scenes were the best parts of the film. I admit, I laughed during the Napoleon Dynamite skit, but that was probably the only funny scene in the whole film.

This film is stupid, but not stupid in a funny way. It is stupid in an EXTREMELY boring way. The only (barely) entertaining parts of the movie were in the first 10 minutes. The rest of it was filler as the scriptwriter probably ran out of dumb ideas.

I, along with probably most of the audience, felt like leaving on the spot. This is a bad film with no redeeming features.
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Not worth your money
joeydt7223 February 2006
I'm glad I saw this movie for free, because I would not dish out $2 to see it. The acting is horrible and the parodies of the other movies are not done well. I don't think I laughed more than twice the entire movie, and even those were small chuckles. The soundtrack used in the movie is comprised of simply played out songs that have appeared in many movies already. Even though the point of the movie was to have shocking plot twists by referencing various pop culture ideas and movies, the movie was completely predictable at all times. The only thing that kept me watching this movie was Alyson Hannigan herself.

Save your money on this one.
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Don't eat before watching this film.
Marius-Creb27 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I believe the title speaks for itself. Date Movie has indeed earned a well deserved place in IMDb's bottom 100. The film is packed with disgusting images that would make any decent human being sick to his or her stomach. From the cat humping a nearly mummified corpse to Eddie Griffin spitting out a mammoth hairball in slow motion, the humor in this movie is downright distasteful. Sure, everyone needs a dumb comedy to laugh at once in a while, but there is nothing funny about the family cat raping Grandma's freeze-dried remains.

There are several moments in this movie that could be funny were they not dramatically overdone. For instance, when the cat is sitting on the toilet with diarrhea for two whole minutes. It was comical for the first thirty seconds, but after that you start to impatiently wonder when this scene is going to end. Even more so is the opening sequence when Alyson Hannigan is dancing through the street in a fat-suit. No offense—I'm a bit on the heavy side myself—but no one wants to see a soaking wet obese woman dancing on her hands and knees. In the dinner scene, Adam Campbell's orgasmic and continuous shouts of "YES!" are awkward to watch. Judah Friedlander plays Nicky, a fat slob covered from head to toe in grease stains who states one of the most disgusting lines of the film, "When I think about the honeymoon my sac gets all tingly and s--t." That's just nasty. Carmen Electra's parody of Paris Hilton's car washing commercial for the Hardee's thick burger is sickening and it is shown in at least four flashbacks throughout the film. It's simply overkill.

To its credit, this film does have some key elements that most audiences enjoy in a movie. Boy meets girl, boy thinks girl is beautiful, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl face obstacles in their relationship, boy and girl overcome said obstacles, and they all live happily ever after. Sadly, this film could have been something enjoyable, but it instead we are faced with this warped piece of trash that only the most sick and uncouth can laugh at. This is a movie that will mean absolutely nothing to future generations (if it even exists to them at all). Yes, it had potential, but it turned out to be something repulsive.

Really, Date Movie doesn't deserve the attention it's getting from me writing this review. I'm trying to impress upon all movie-goers what a saddening waste of time this film is. I heard warnings from friends, critics, and fellow movie buffs, but like an idiot I watched it anyway. Don't make the same mistake I did. And if you are so curious that you decide to watch it against your better judgment, don't eat before doing so.
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Awful Movie
alligatorchic23 February 2006
My four other friends and I wanted to see a movie that would make us laugh and have a good time. We narrowed it down to Pink Panther or Date Movie. We decided on Date Movie. We went to the theater about 15 minutes early and when we first came in we were the only ones there, which surprised us. By the time the movie started, there were only three other groups of people, which surprised us. By ten minutes into the movie, we were no longer surprised. The movie was horrid. It was full of disgusting jokes, and not just in a sexual way. I was surprised anyone even bothered making this movie. About 45 minutes in, I was disgusted and bored. My friends were, too. I'm not the type to walk out during a movie. I never have before, but this movie was a waste of my time, the 11 bucks I spent on the ticket, and the five bucks I spent on popcorn/ candy. I have never seen a movie as bad as this one, and I have seen a lot of bad movies. Usually I'm not this prude, but this movie made me worry about our generation.
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The first scene is a good indication... (spoilers)
vertigo_142 July 2007
'Date Movie' continues the seemingly never ending franchise of comedies intended to lump together every cliché from recently popular films, a trend set off by the 'Scary Movie' series. The story essentially follows a hopeless over-weight girl (Alyson Hannigan) who spends about 80 minutes trying to find true love. What might actually seem like a good couple of laughs, at least judging from the trailers, actually falls apart fairly quickly. If you don't find yourself laughing by the opening sequence of the film, then there really is no point to watching the rest, as the jokes hardly improve. There are far better spoof comedies out there to pass time with.
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terrible...just terrible
mattholland2415 July 2007
So i was sitting around one afternoon, looking for something to do. I went to on-demand and saw that Date Movie was for free. And thank Jesus it was. I can't even imagine paying money for this movie. Awful, possibly the worst movie ever made - even when compared to made for TV movies. I'd rather watch a lifetime original than watch this movie again. Don't waste a signal breath on this movie. Even if it looks interesting to you - believe me its not. its not funny at all and sometimes it is just disgusting. For example, when the cat is sitting on the toilet accompanied by revolting sounds. This part is not even a funny parody, and its certainly not funny five minutes later - when the cat is still pooping. Watch this movie only if you want to see carmen electra - don't watch it if you're looking for a laugh
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Too Terrible for words
h_wilson9225 August 2010
I really regret going to the movies to see this and playing 12.50 for the tickets so I can see it.All I can say is that I want my money back and the 75 minutes i spent watching this movie which i will never ever get.This movie is absolutely rote and the acting is awful.The parodies they did in this movie were so bad.In the first 10 minutes of the movie I saw 3 people get up and leave.They didn't return.The same happened at 20 and 30 minutes.These were all kids.There wasn't a single laugh in the theater.Hardly anyone stayed at the end.Don't rent this movie at all - it isn't worth the $1 rental price.I really regret ignoring peoples advice that saw the movie "Dont see this movie! it is awful" Aaron Seltzer who directed the movie really doesn't know how to make movies.I really wanted to give this 0 stars but instead the lowest possible rating is 1 star.Officialy in my top 10 worst movies I ever seen in my life.I don't think Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg should be able to make movies again after Epic Movie,Date movie,Meet the Spartans,Vampires Suck.

0 out of 10 is my rating.
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Welcome to Jyparody!
duffyboy66613 April 2006
Duffyboy: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the show! Please meet our contestant. Hank!

Audience: *Applause*

Hank: It's good to be here Duffyboy!

Duffyboy: OK, You understand the rules of the game?

Hank: Sure thing Duffyboy, fire away!

Duffyboy: OK I'll start with a practice question.

Question: A magnificent and charming man dedicated solely to sifting through the worst of what the multiplex has to offer.

Hank: Who is Duffyboy?

Audience: *Applause*

Duffyboy: Nice one son! And now it's time to call up the board. What specialist subject will you like to take?

Hank: OK I'll start with a £10,000 question.

Question: A movie mainly aimed for comedy fans during the Valentines day period.

Hank: What is Date Movie?

Duffyboy: Correct for £10,000!

Audience: *Applause*

Hank: OK now I'll move on to £25,000.

Question: These two men are in fact directing their debut effort.

Hank: Who are Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer?

Duffyboy: Well done, here's your £25,000!

Hank: And another £25,000 next please.

Question: 'When Harry Met Mr. & Mrs. Smith at My Legally Blonde Best Friend's Big Fat Greek Wedding in Sweet Home Alabama, which was Crashed by King Kong, Shallow Hal, Napoleon Dynamite, and Bridget Jones as Hitch discovered What Women Want: How To Say Anything To Lose A Guy In Ten Days whenever they Meet the Parents and Kill Bill.

Hank: What is the long scientific expression of Date Movie's title?

Duffyboy: Well done you're doing superb!

Audience: *Applause*

Hank: Right now let's move onto the tough ones. £50,000! Question: It's a series of famous moments from movies that may or may not actually be romantic comedies, and then makes a satire of them as if it were concocted by ten-year olds who had never seen the original pictures.

Hank: What is the significant flaw of Date Movie?

Duffyboy: Correct, and for a bonus £15,000

Bonus: They ought to be sued for this type of behaviour.

Hank: What ought to be done to the directors for ripping off Scary Movie and bastardising it?

Duffyboy: Damn you're too freaking good!

Hank: Well then, hit me with another £50,000!

Question: Bought in to desperately inject some life into this movie. She's trying her best but alas to no avail.

Hank: What the hell is Allyson Hannigan doing in this atrocity?! Duffyboy: Sweet!

*The show continues until Hank gets to £500,000.*

Duffyboy: OK Hank, you've done well so far but this is the big one. If you get this right, you double up to £1m and win this fabulous sports car. If not, you're £500,000 is gone. Do you want to gamble?

Hank: How can I possibly lose? I'm going for it!

Duffyboy: You are a brave man. Here we go.

*The studio turns completely dark as the question is asked*

Question: You know what? I have't a clue either.

Hank: Errrrrm.....errrrrm......I think it would be.....Why would anyone ever want to watch this?

Audience: *graons*.


Hank: Oops!

Duffyboy: Ah well, you get the consolation prize. A DVD copy of Date Movie! Security, show him out! And now a word from our sponsors!

Sponsor: Don't watch this film.
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An erudite analysis of contemporary feline culture
barryweir16 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In an age where cinema is bogged down with lighthearted fare like 12 Years a Slave and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, comes a refreshingly original exploration of what it means to be one of the feline species. I feel sincerely that the director and writers should be extremely proud of taking on such a difficult topic with such aplomb, to say nothing of the fantastic cast, who breathe rich life into such well rounded characters.

But really, the star of this piece is Jinxers. For too long have felines been forced to live in the shadow of their canine cousins. Often portrayed as ruthless, evil creatures hellbent on world domination. Finally, thanks to a shrewd script we witness the true side of the cat world. Intelligence, creativity and sexual prowess.

To say that the feline defecation scene exemplifies cinematic art at it's finest would be an understatement. Creatively shot, it carefully depicts the skill and mental ability that cats bring to this world. With deft scripting we are able to witness a side of the feline not previously shown on celluloid. For too long have bigots trodden the cat name into the ground with falsehoods about litter boxes and small piles of faeces in the gardens of fellow neighbours. Finally the truth is revealed.

At a time when Oscar nominations are going to such hacks as Robert De Niro, Jinxers executes his role perfectly. With subtle movement and flare he conveys the emotional trauma of cat crappery. People have dared to suggest to me that Jinxers is, in fact, animatronic. How offensive. Such a skilled performance could only be accomplished by such a fine thespian and people should miss his work at their peril.

This movie is an unrequited masterpiece and I am appalled that this ever shallow world of low brows and Daniel Day Lewises more people are unable to recognise such fine artistry.
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Actually Not as Bad as I Expected
gavin694225 June 2006
I really dislike the "Scary Movie" series, and since this is same group of idiots, I assumed I'd hate this film, too. But despite the fact I wanted to hate it, and despite the fact it really was awful, I still feel fairly entertained. And best of all, the film was really short (roughly 73 minutes).

The bad: The is film is nothing more than 50 other movies (mostly romances or chick flicks) strung together in a very exaggerated way. So if you are looking for something unique, this is the last place you want to check. The acting is also rather poor, and the soundtrack seems to be just Kelis and the Pussycat Dolls repeated over and over. I would not take a date to see this "date movie" unless she was 12, but then I'd have bigger problems than this movie.

The good: I sadly must admit I enjoyed the cat using the toilet. At first it was stupid, but they stretched the scene way beyond the time necessary. Sometimes when you repeat a bad joke long enough it becomes great. For me, this was that moment. Also, this film featured two of my three favorite Buffy actors. Alyson Hannigan was beautiful and fun, and less obscene than in the "American Pie" movies. And Tom Lenk shows up in a cameo appearance as Frodo Baggins, a scene that makes no sense with the rest of the movie but I found to be juxtapositionally hilarious. If only this film also had Michelle Trachtenberg.

The ugly: The disgusting parts were actually much less than in the Scary Movie series. Other than pimple joke, I think the only really gross thing was the way this film portrayed fat people. A fat joke here or there I can understand, but they stretched the jokes to the limit with this movie and it was rather nauseating.

Don't rent this movie. Although if you like the stupidity that passes for humor these days, this might be up your alley. Heck, I deplore this film and still confess I laughed out loud at least twice. But don't tell anyone I said that, because this movie is not good.
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ConnerBonner25 February 2006
This movie was seriously the worst movie I have seen since like ever. I wish I could give it a 0 out of 10. It made no since in how it flowed into a movie, they crammed way too many parodies into a 1 hour and 20 minute movie. Horrible sad excuse of a movie. They could have made this into like 2 or 3 different movies and expanded. making it more original. But every scene was taken from something else. The scenes just made no sense when you watch them all as one movie, they even had movie spoofs of films that came out literally like 6 months ago. Some of the actors did not even seem to have any life to them, they were just there to be fillers. They should have taken more time to make this.To sum up this movie: sad, just a sad poorly done film.
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Irresponsible and unfunny....
Strudi7420 September 2008
I just watched the first 45 minutes of this on DVD, and decided to take the hit on the money I paid for it rather than watch another second of this awful waste of effort. Generally I am not a very politically correct movie watcher but the scene in which a drunk gets beaten up for no reason whatsoever other than it being "funny", was absolutely nauseating to me, especially when you hear this kind of thing happening on the news every night- there are too many idiots out there who would think that is a cool thing to do, and I feel this is irresponsible film-making taken to the limit. Other than that, the humor is not humorous, and the production really poor. I like Alyson Hannigan as an actress and hope the salary for this was good, because it was an absolute waste of effort. If I could give this zero it would still be over-rated, don't waste your money like I just did.
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In a Word: Awful
hollywoodgirl-124 February 2006
I took my sister to see this movie on President's Day when we both had the day off. I was expecting a funny movie in Scary Movie fashion. What I got was this piece of crap that was a complete waste of an hour and a half and my 6.50. What's the problem? Oh where to begin...first of all, the plot is stupid. It's simple enough, I guess, but there's so many random things that just don't make sense (the random weird flashbacks during the Kill Bill sequence, for one). I don't know if it's just that the parody genre is being stretched so thin that there isn't anything left anymore, or if this movie was just bad writing. The acting isn't terrible, though some is cringe worthy. I think they tried so hard for going over the top that the jokes turn out disgusting, offensive, gratuitous, and just plain not funny. Nearly every sequence with "Jinxers", the Jones family cat, are horrid and disgusting. Nearly 98% of the jokes I had to tell my sister I would explain to her when she was older. And to complete it all, I was in a theater full of teenage boys, and not one of them laughed once, which goes to show how much the film falls on its face. The only time the audience gave a half-hearted chuckle was during the Mr. and Mrs. Smith sequence. So save yourself the time and money. Skip this absolute zero.
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