Postal (2007) Poster


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A Bollian journey into Tromaville Territory
matthewmacgyver27 August 2008
Uwe Boll's best Movie. Better than "You Don't Mess with the Zohan". Neither of those statements are saying particularly much, but to say the least, this movie is actually worth watching. Postal is essentially an absurdist farce comprised of characters designed to be caricatures of the worst parts of humanity. Assuming this was not some cosmic coincidence whereby Uwe Boll managed to write and direct a movie that actually entertains it's alleged target audience, I feel confident in saying that this movie actually hits it's mark. Knowing the spirit and tone of the source material, this is actually a pretty decent video game adaptation. The movie is essentially a Bollian journey into Tromaville territory: from the crass socio-political commentary, through the excessive violence, coarse language, gratuitous full frontal Dave Foley nudity, right down to the self deprecating director cameo. It's intentionally offensive to everyone. Despite itself, on some level this movie works. It's weird that I seem to only have good things to say about this movie, seeing as it is not a good movie... but, dare I say, it's not bad either. 5/10
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Satire, the Uwe Boll way
basrutten23 August 2009
Uwe Boll has done the impossible: create a game adaptation that stays at least somewhat true to the game; he has turned a game full of antisocial and offensive content into a movie full of antisocial and offensive content. So, as an adaptation, it's a success.

Unfortunately, it's still Uwe Boll we are dealing with here, so don't expect the movie to be actually any good. while it does have it's moment, "Postal" wears out his welcome very fast and becomes a pain to sit through.

At its core, Postal is a satire on the United States, as done by a twelve year old kid. Boll seems to think that offensiveness is linearly proportional to comedic value: the more offensive, the funnier, and the more exaggerated the funnier. This results in a movie that sets new levels of tastelessness while being extremely hit and miss. Yes, some gags do work but it seems to be pure luck. High points include the director satirizing himself, and people getting hit very violently by trucks and other vehicles. Low points include..well pretty much everything else.

After the initial surprise wears off, Postal simply becomes a bore to watch. Yes there is a good joke every and good point ten minutes, but everything else consists of hordes of annoying characters shooting and chasing each other all over the place for what seems to be an eternity.

This probably would have worked as a short movie, but it's just not enough content for something that lasts over 90 minutes (although it feels twice as long). There are nice ideas and nice tries, but they get hopelessly lost in endless and pointless action scenes and content that is offensive just for the sake of it 4/10
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An Uwe Boll movie that is actually good
Daemian_Lucifer15 October 2008
After all the crap Uwe Boll made, I really had very low expectations for this one. And those were not just met, but exceeded. The guy actually has a sense of humor. A dark sense of humor. But few people like that thing, so it's understandable that many don't like it. It goes against most common movie taboos, which is good, it doesn't favor any side, and makes fun of itself as well. There are a few drawbacks, though, like the music and some scenes could've been better, but overall it is above average.

The movie is random, it is senseless, but it is also fun. I never thought Id say this, but if you like dark humor, go see this Uwe Boll film.
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Surviving the U.S. Premiere
Kristgaze10 August 2007
Went to the premiere at the Castro theater in SF. Uwe Boll was standing outside the theater schmoozing with his fans for a little while before the fun began. He took the stage and gave a short speech before the film started, a speech that seemed to say that he felt the movie he had made was striking a Lenny Bruce-ian blow against censorship, and that he was hoping to stick it to Bush. Unfortunately, the movie was a complete farce from start to finish, and I can't say I took anything away from it, save now knowing what Dave Foley's dick looks like. The movie was so completely devoid of anything resembling intelligent film-making or vocational pride that I remain unable to assess my feelings about it in words, point for point. In the Q&A that followed the film, Uwe voiced his opinions that the Hollywood system is too predictable, too many sequels and retread franchises exist, and there is too much censorship. Unfortunately, all of those admittedly retread films amount to, even at there most contrived, movies that stand lightyears ahead of anything Uwe Boll has ever done.

Before the movie, I remarked to my friend, "What if this movie is actually okay? That'd be crazy, that's be disappointing." Thankfully, Uwe didn't disappoint, and may have crafted his opus. This may just be the worst of Uwe's worst.
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How much imbecility can you possibly put in one movie? Just ask Uwe Boll
Coventry27 July 2009
The 'development' – if you can even use that sort of term in this case – of Uwe Boll's career is getting all the more pitiable lately and, based on my viewing experience with "Postal", even downright embarrassing. At first he simply was just another untalented director whose video game horror-adaptations evoked non-stop mockery amongst movie critics and members of various internet forums (including our very own IMDb horror board, where Uwe Boll is only second to Nick Palumbo of "Murder-Set- Pieces" when it comes to loser directors). Boll became infamous because he was stupid (or clever?) enough to respond to all the nit-picking on his persona in very aggressive ways. He grabs every opportunity at Festivals to state the media is against him, publicly claims himself to be a visionary filmmaker and even challenged movie critics to physically fight him in a boxing ring. All this alternative publicity seemingly led Uwe Boll to really enjoy and further exploit his reputation of German weirdo guy and I have the impression that since 2007 his film choices have turned in that direction as well. Okay, movies like "Alone in the Dark" and "House of the Dead" may perhaps have been abysmal and stupid, but at least they were pretty harmless and over-the-top gross. His more recent films, like "Seed" and "Stoic" are truly nauseating and wannabe controversial. "Postal" plays in yet another entirely different league. With this movie, Boll truly surpassed himself in terms of bad taste, shamelessness, vulgarity, immaturity and surrogate embarrassment. Especially during the sequences in which Boll granted himself a supportive role, and jokes about his supposed Nazi family background, you obviously notice him thinking aloud: "ha, look at how controversial I am!". Well, unfortunately, we have yet another newsflash for you, Mr. Boll … Movies such as this don't turn you into a controversial figure. Movies such as this one only make you an even bigger laughingstock then you were already.

Apparently Uwe Boll, as well as the (thankfully) restricted group of loyal fans of "Postal", loves to compare this movie with "South Park" and the escapades of Sasha Baron Cohen's character Borat; allegedly because all of these films/series satirically comment on the typically American life-style. Again, in the case of "Postal" this is a false and misleading statement. The script doesn't provide any social commentary on America at all; it only grotesquely enlarges all the already known and overused stereotypes. "Postal" is a gigantic caricature with all the clichés that "South Park" doesn't even dare to use anymore because they're so out of date and repetitive. Is it really that offensive and/or shocking to see another film featuring trailer-trash characters, obese sex-addicts, trigger-happy hillbillies, naive cult members, foul- mouthed midgets, racist police officers, cute kids getting blasted away, handicapped people in wheelchair getting run over by trucks or Muslim terrorists arguing about the number of virgins that awaits them in the afterlife? No, in fact, all this stuff is hopelessly antiquated and makes even the geekiest teenager roll his/her eyes. "Postal" has something that remotely resembles a plot, but I'll spare you the description since it's really not that interesting anyway. However, one thing that never ceases to amaze me is how Uwe Boll always manages to convince a handful of adequate and well-respected actors to appear in his rubbish. I'm not talking about lead stars Dave Foley and Zack Ward, because they both suck big time, but several of the supportive players like J.K. Simmons, Erick Avari and Seymour Cassel. There isn't a single laugh-out-loud moment in the entire film, let alone a more or less imaginative plot line, and the desperate attempts at obscenities (like child massacres, chimpanzee rape, 9/11 mockery, blasphemy and holocaust theme-parks) are utterly retarded.
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Uwe Boll did it again.
aik19912 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie at a Sneak Preview screening and I'm glad I didn't pay for it. This movie is just disgusting. Its full of dick and fart jokes and takes no pride in the action sequences(such as the shootout in "Little Germany"). I made a little list of things I enjoyed in the movie.. and a lot of which I didn't agree of.

1. Dave Foley's penis. 2. The fart jokes. 3. The Poop jokes. 4. The Dude was a pussy. 5. No Gary Coleman. 6. The Talibans 7. Again making fun of Bush.. WE GET IT HE'S AN IDIOT.. move on. 8. The Dude has blonde hair. 9. The Plot. 10. The killing of minors 11. Uwe Boll was in it. 12. Most of the cast were just outrages and out there.

Now the (few) good ones

1. The Dude uses a cat as a silencer like in the game. 2. Lots of action. 3. Crotchy made a return (and a cameo of the maker of Postal) 4. Uhm.. I didn't have to pay for it. 5. There are a few "what the ef" moments

Boll did it again. He made another crappy game into movie adaption. Kudos to you, Mr Boll. 2/10
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Just stop...
wusabizbroker27 August 2008
Please, Mr. Boll, just stop. I respect the fact that you love video games. I do too. But just because I love football (NFL), doesn't mean I can coach it. So please, in the name of all that is holy, stop.

Unfortunately, IMDb is making me fill this out with 10 lines. I really have nothing more to say about this film. It is THAT bad. Was this supposed to be a comedy? Based on the game Postal? The game is MUCH funnier. The only redeeming quality is that Zack Ward looked like the character from the game.

I cannot remember the last time I shut off a movie before it was finished. I got 20 minutes into Postal, thinking it might get better. It didn't. J.K. Simmons? How do you get a guy who has been in 3 of the top grossing films of the last decade (Spiderman 1, 2 & 3), not to mention Oz, to be in THIS? Did you blackmail him?

I gave it a chance, Mr. Boll, despite your previous "films" based on video games.

Just stop.
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no holds bar comedy.
xWHOxLEExOHHx31 July 2007
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> With their no holds bar cruel offensive humor, sure enough to offended anyone, you would sure think this would be a laugh riot! ............wrong. Worest movie since Open water. Don't be to surprised if you completely miss this movie upon release date as I'm sure it wont do very good at all at the box office. This movie had a lot of Potential but fell to little to short. No enough character development, awkward actors and The upside of this movie was nudity. Boobs. Amazing. If I had to see this movie again, I myself would go POSTAl. <<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<
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Postal: Boll's "Best" Movie
Bocklocke28 August 2008
Now we all know Uwe Boll's track record when it comes to movies, but even more so when it's applied to video games. However, in the case of Postal I have to say I was rather surprised because the movie possessed this subtle flair of the game. While watching it I felt it was trying its hardest to be as true to the game as it could. It has sick and pointlessly funny humor both political and sexual, and it has a ridiculous plot that feels like something right out of the game. Perhaps the one thing Boll does well in Postal is the bumbling collection of Muslim terrorists who are apathetic about the whole "Jihad" thing and they are quite funny to watch as they goof around. I guess what makes Postal the movie special is the collection of little silly Easter egg-esquire instances that will just make you chuckle. Like the Postal game, the movie deserves its due because it is a novelty among movies. Regardless, it's Boll's "best" work.
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I wouldn't even steal this movie
digitalmaleficus25 January 2008
Okay this is gona be short and sweet review...Something the movie should have taken a practice ina nd made its life shorter and sweeter than it was.

This movie is $^@%. There's a good reason there was a petition with over 40,000 + signatures ALL demanding Uwe Boll stop making movies from franchises people liked. Blood Rayne being a biggie there.

The jokes are good...if you've never heard them a THOUSAND times before. THe acting is descent but u can really only blame the script for that. I even a few moments wonder if they're even using a script.

The movie has little to NOTHING to do with the original games. HELLO if you've played the games u know the main character has no real motivation outside homicidal urges like mass murder because he stubbed his toe or simular. There's way too much story for such a stupid movie. like I said. I WOULDN'T even steal this movie. ANd for the person who says this is ' Funniest movie of 2007'..........need to take a look around, the news is better than this.
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You may not Believe it, but I REALLY liked it.
U8RU48629 August 2008
Disclaimer: Let me start by saying that I was neither drunk nor high when I watched this movie. I watched it stone cold sober, alone, in my living room.

Amazingly I just gave an Uwe Boll film 8 stars, I know, I can't believe it myself. If I were twelve years old and still read MAD Magazine I'd probably have given it ten stars.

There are plenty of "zany" pop culture riffing movies out there, (Meet the Spartans, Super Hero Movie, Date Movie, etc.) but the difference here is Postal works. I laughed throughout the entire movie, with the exception of about seven jokes which didn't make sense or just didn't work. But it doesn't matter that these seven jokes failed because the movie is an endless stream of jokes, sight gags, bikini clad cult members, machine gun battles, and bad taste in the vein of John Waters/Troma Films earliest efforts.

It's too bad Uwe Boll got himself involved in a petty internet pi**ing contest over this film. I think had he just been modest, kept his mouth shut, and let the film speak for itself it may have been a minor success. The old Hollywood saying about there being "no such thing as bad publicity" doesn't work for you when all you get is BAD PUBLICITY.

That said, the only real problems with the film are the low budget production values and a few of the minor performances, but even those problems just add to the humor of this film.

The plot actually made sense.

The actors played it straight without being too zany too often.

And the jokes, although in bad taste and definitely not for everybody, were never so mean spirited that I was turned off by them.

I think Uwe Boll knew what he was doing with this picture. The satire and parodies worked well, and there were even a few jokes that made me want to cheer. I know, crazy huh?
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Does Boll pull it off? No. Did I laugh? Yes.
DAFTCOHO23 September 2007
This is Uwe Boll's best film to date. That being said, it's still crap. Abundant plot holes, crudely forced shock tactics, a shallow attempt at satire, and the worst director in the entire world are just the tip of the iceberg on why this movie blows. I hate Boll's work. I hate his belligerence. He should not be allowed near a camera.

The ultimate question, however, is did I laugh? Yes. In spite of everything , I laughed. This movie is Uwe Boll's "F*^# you!" statement to the world. He's going to continue making movies whether we like it or not, and he's actually a lot better at crude humor than any sort of horror, adaptation or whatever random dung heap genre he sticks his nose into. He even makes fun of himself in this movie during a cameo between him and the actual creator of the postal franchise. For some weird reason, I respect that.

Zack Ward was fantastic, and really should be getting better work. This may be a rare time when an actors participation in a Boll film didn't herald their imminent career death. He proved himself to be an adequate action actor, and I'm hoping this gets him some publicity. The same cannot be said for Verne Troyer or Dave Foley, who are circling the drain. (I still laughed though.)

Is it worth the price of admission? Nope, but it's so much closer than any of Boll's films have ever been. Boll may be a deluded, stubborn and angry man,(at the Q&A he explained to us in a very serious tone, how postal was a gutsy, intelligent satire) and his work may be awful, but Boll genuinely loves films and wants to make them. He wants to get better and who knows? Maybe one day Boll will produce something worthwhile. Tasteless director John Waters invented Hairspray, which was thought to be impossible. Maybe Boll will one day harness his ambition towards film-making in a productive way. Or not. Who cares?

You shouldn't see postal if you have an option, but if you don't, you might giggle a few times, in spite of yourself. However, if you're a moron, you'll love it!


P.S: Boll has always clashed with wheelchair-bound "AintItCool" news leader, Harry Knowles. They don't get along at all. Why do I reference this? There is a mentally challenged character in the movie who begs for money from the seat of a motorized wheelchair. Can you guess his first name?
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not funny....
imprmc8 December 2007
If I could i would give ZERO stars for this one, but unfortunately i have to give one...

There is no single scene I could laugh about... but the game didn't make me laugh either. So if you're some ill retarded folk, go to your local cinema, watch this movie and give it 10 stars, like some people here already did.

but for me... in a movie where children are shot dead to achieve humor... good taste goes over the edge... this was the third time i wasted my time to see a Boll movie and it was definitely my last!

0/10... i'm ashamed of being from the same country as Uwe Boll!

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"Postal" Is Bad
arollo-230 September 2007
I saw this movie at the Edmonton International Film Festival, with the great Dr. Uwe Boll in attendance.

The film is, simply put, very, very bad. And no, not in the usual Uwe Boll "so bad it's actually entertaining" way, but just plain bad. The plot concerns a man who leads a terrible life (because of a past criminal record, apparently), can't get a job, and with an awful 900 pound cheating wife. This man turns to his cult-leader uncle in a plan to steal a truck load of toys that contain the bird flu virus. Al Qaeda also has designs on stealing the toys, and what follows is just under two hours of completely incomprehensible sex and violence.

The acting is awful (except for Dave Foley, who really tries, despite it all), the jokes never rise above children being shot in the chest in slow motion, and people taking a poo. It's supposed to be satire, but I'm not sure of what.

Think "Airplane!", but done by the creators of South Park, and without any jokes.
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Where does HE get his money????
bowen10315 September 2008
First thing first...where does he get his money to make so many crappy movies that give absolutely no return whatsoever??? Second...Knowing that he makes really crappy movies HOW in the world can he get actors like Jason Statham, Ron pearlman, Ray Liotta, Dave Foley, Eddie Furlong, so on and so on to star in his movies...WHERE IS THAT MONEY COMING FROM!!!!! To get to Postal, I noticed that most of the reviews where filled with pity....yes pity. Nobody actually gave any real comments except saying that its his best movie ever!!! I take a lot of craps and some feel a lot better then others but at the end its still crap. The movie is garbage, the acting was pretty bad, the story was filled with so many plot holes. He actually had to rely on shock value to have any chance of attracting some king of audience. I love watching movies that sucked, but watching a movie that tries so hard to suck is very frustrating. I am so baffled...
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Can't even call this a movie.
chuckroddy17 November 2008
The film used was high quality. That's where the quality ends.

Bad acting, dialog, script, editing, music ... Everything! There are worse movies out there, but they are rare no-budget features shot by people on drugs.

The movie tries very hard to shock, but unfortunately doesn't know anything about comedy. If you laugh because someone said a bad word, then perhaps this movie would be for you. Other people are going to actually want a joke.

Edgy humor can be very funny, but it has to be humor. Just killing a kid isn't funny.

The DVD has Boll boxing a 17 year old kid and pounding the hell out of him. That's the extent of class for this feature.
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Tacky even by Uwe Boll standards!!!
andell25 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Oh man, you gotta hand it to Uwe Boll- with such a chronic display of a lack of talent, most Directors would have been buried long ago, yet he constantly proves that one man's (or perhaps every other man, and every woman as well) trash is another man's treasure. And he's done it yet again, this time with "Postal," a film so depraved, indifferent, and just plain bad that by comparison, it makes "Blood Rayne" look like an Oscar winner.

To understand what this movie is about, think of an amateurish rip off of "Pulp Fiction's" mixed story lines, and toss in more and more bizarre images. It begins with two terrorists arguing over the number of Virgins they will get for their act of terror- when they call Osama Bin Laden, they are dissatisfied with his answer, and decide to fly to the Bahamas...only to have the cockpit stormed and the pilots overpowered into the World Trade Center. Too soon? Just a little bit...even though its a given that some will enjoy the debate over the exact number of virgins each Islamic martyr gets.

In another stream, a young man leaves the trailer park to seek out a job, and winds up embroiled in a heist over missing toys that, for some peculiar reason, are the next major fad. In another, a cult that has been predicting the end of the world is looking for a way out of a tax hole. In another, Osama Bin Laden and his men are hanging out in the store room of a variety store. In another, for some reason, Verne Troyer is gang raped by a room full of monkey's.

Very bizarre and quite unpleasant! So tasteless it is pretty much anti-satirical! I miss "House of the Dead." Its sad when you have to think of that as the "good old days" of Uwe Boll.
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well... bad
Berserker_swe28 August 2008
I probably shouldn't rate this movie. Because frankly i couldn't find strength enough to see it through. But as far as i got it was just boring. The acting was bad, the dialog's in particular. And I did not find the unnecessary violence that one might expect from the game fun in any way.

Perhaps people with some knowledge in American politics can find something in the movie to enjoy. As for me i am more interested in the connection to the game. The game didn't have a really good story... But this movie did not even follow that. I am not gonna blame the staff however, i think postal was an entertaining yet bad game. And probably a bad choice to make a movie out of.

So, i didn't see it all the way... I've got better things to do... Like writing here for example =) But I cant recommend this movie to anyone.
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Uwe Boll returns to his roots
roger-21210 August 2007
If we forget for a minute that this film was directed by Uwe Boll, the discussion of this film would be very different. It's hard not to remember other video games he's responsible for bringing to the screen ("Alone in the Dark," "Bloodrayne") that really really sucked.

Boll has said he looked inward to write about his own frustration with the world for this. And it's very different. It doesn't compare to his other films at all - is closer to "Kentucky Fried Movie" than to "Alien Vs. Predator." It's a comedy, presumably his first intentional one since his debut film 15 years ago, and it goes to a place he hasn't shown us before.

It's based on the spirit of the game "Postal" already politically incorrect, cartoony, out of control, and not really serious (not even as "Vice City"). In a post 9/11 world, how do you make a film about an urban terrorist who's just "p--ssed off" without addressing terrorism, racism, and everything else that are hot buttons in the world...that create the madness that might make someone go...well, you know.

Boll has channeled the politically incorrect attitude and turned it on its ear. He doesn't mind making everyone look the fool, do things they shouldn't for the wrong reasons, kill the wrong people, overreact, act out clichés, etc. Everything and everyone is fair game in this film, and we must remember that - it's a FILM. It's fake, folks. Everyone in it takes themselves too seriously and thinks killing someone solves their problems. They're crazy, wrong, and in this film, they're laughable. Having fun yet? This is really a kitchen-sink movie. Every possible joke, high and low, sexual or sociological, is jammed in, with varying degrees of success. A lot of it's quite funny, some is stupid and offensive (but weirdly, in a good-natured way. It's not mean-spirited at all.) Ultimately it's a lot of fun. I agree that's it's too long towards the end, if only because Boll didn't have the resources to make the final shootout as epic as it should have been, and it begins to feel cramped.

The portrayal of Osama bin Laden (by "soup Nazi" Larry Thomas) is inspired. Zack Ward and Dave Foley are both great and very comfortable in their roles. Uwe himself has a great no-punches-pulled cameo along with the original maker of the game "Postal" at one point.

I wonder if this will ever translate to a wide release or if it will remain something we see on DVD (unrated, we can only hope) and laugh over. It is up to us to support any film that gets to the uncomfortable part of our world.

And amazingly, Uwe Boll wrote and directed it. Good job. Not the best film in the world, but one to remember. I don't think Paul W.S. Anderson or Eli Roth (to pick other famous "hacks") could possibly have pulled something this off. Boll is off the worst-director-ever list after this.

Let's hope after "Bloodrayne 2" he does something else more personal.
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Kill Yourself Instead
ChippyMcF28 September 2008
If you've been teetering on the edge wondering if you should commit suicide or not, then watch POSTAL. There will be no doubt in your mind after watching this that you would be better off dead.

To say that Uwe Boll is the worst director of all time is an insult to all the other worst directors out there. He actually appears as himself in the film, and how does he decide to treat himself? He gets shot in the crotch. And this is right before a scene where dozens of little children are massacred in an amusement park. Uh huh, this is supposed to be comedy. And what does this say about Heir Boll's inner thoughts about himself and the world? I think a psychiatrist would report him to the police.

I had to wrestle my poor monkey away from the noose about half way through this piece of excrement. Then my monkey urinated on the DVD and we set it ablaze.
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Funny as hell
fraggle_rock_12330 May 2008
I don't understand the bad reviews of this film. People complaining about how its not true to the games have obviously never played Postal 2. This movie is probably closest video game adaptation that I have seen. It is completely true to the theme of the game.

I watched this film at the premier and actually had a chat with Uwe Boll before the film started. He came out right before the film and made a 10-15 speech that consisted mostly of him tirading about how Bush is an idiot and even more about how he hate all the reviewers that give him bad reviews. I think he must have self esteem issues to come off like that against the reviewers.

Anyways, this movie is very funny, if you're into this sort of movie. Obviously if you hate Uwe Boll or are totally politically correct or are easily offended, then don't watch this movie. For people like me that like dead baby jokes and are pretty much desensitized to everything, this is a gold mine of comedy.
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Uwe Bolls Me Over
Jonny_Numb1 September 2008
While Uwe Boll has garnered a reputation as one of the worst directors of all time, I can only surmise that those particular critics either have a very limited awareness of cinema (and clearly have not seen any films by Ulli Lommel...or Eli Roth), or are so embittered by their profession that they cannot see the insane, driven vision beneath the surface of the German mastermind's work. Those who have followed his career with masochistic pleasure have concluded that his current works have shown a legitimate upgrade in quality, and "Postal" is one of his most impressive films; while yet another loose take on a video game, Boll's proficiency with narrative structure (he co-wrote the script with Bryan C. Knight) has gotten better, as has his scene composition (few out-of-nowhere edits away from the action); and placed on the grounds of an absurd satire (a genre that many filmmakers bungle), Boll shows unfettered confidence and drive, even if the end result comes up short. Ditching the nauseating sitcom-structure that has turned Judd Apatow's films into crudely saccharine cinematic gold-mines, Boll goes for the subversive, anti-commercial jugular with "Postal"--he seems on a mission to top one offensive gag with one even more offensive, and the film (true to its title) is an onslaught of un-PC humor from start to finish. While I will say I laughed often at "Postal" and its politics (which echo the anti-consumerist diatribes that made "Fight Club" a cult classic), the comic timing is probably only spot-on about half the time; the remainder of the film's humor flows out of the absurdity of its premise: Dude (Zack Ward, the red-haired bully from "A Christmas Story") is an unemployed, lower-class guy having a bad day--in a pinch for cash, he and Uncle Dave (Dave Foley) concoct a plan to steal a shipment of Krotchy dolls from a Nazi-themed amusement park (run by Boll himself in a hilarious cameo); meanwhile, Osama bin Laden and the Taliban (camped out in the back of a convenience store, natch) are also converging on the coveted toy. Yet the plot is really just an excuse for Boll to let loose with a skewering of stereotypes, history, and blue-collar madness: while "Postal" could have merely been tasteless and humorless, its own sensitivity toward mankind's collectively repressed id shows a greater existential curiosity toward our "post-9/11" society than any Oscar-nominated tearjerker to come down the pike.
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This movie sucks Bolls!!
bobbyem2 September 2008
There is not even a hint of anything funny in this movie.

There is just an endless flow of fat women and dildo jokes. If that is your thing this is the movie for you.

Even though the game was pretty bad, this movie is worse. And I don't have a problem with violence, sex or non PC remarks. But this is just silly, even Scary movie 4 has more quality than this movie.

And yes of course this was a crappy movie from day 1. But Im sure that any other director would have made something better with the time and money that was put into this.

I was hoping that this movie was gonna fit Uwe Boll, but it did not.
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Why do we let Uwe Boll direct movies
Vwergrokh22 June 2008
Why do we let him even get near a anything related to movie industry?

and the answer to that is : watch any of his films and u still wont know why.

Now most of his movies are attempts of great video game titles that he completely murders ,Postal is not different from all others. It is bellow a 10 year old amateur.

I wish i could comment something about that film but there's nothing to it and some ppl are saying its his best work...

why is the movie industry becoming so retarded as to try and sell stuff like this i have no idea, lately the constant terror horror and remakes and attempts to use old movies to make money is a blasphemy toward anyone with brains and a film knowledge.

This movie does not entertains just like any from the same director. not worth mentioning or seeing at all.
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Uwe Boll
biggpoppa191 May 2008
2 words...Uwe Boll...why waste your time?

The man cannot make a movie to save his life. Look at such films as: Bloodrayne, Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead...need I continue.

It's idiot movie goers who continue to go see the crap he calls films, that keep him in a job.

There is a petition (supported by the man himself) that when 1 million signatures are collected he will stop making the garbage he makes.

Please do the world a favor & DO NOT go see this crap.

Uwe Boll is an idiot.

Uwe Boll makes Germans look bad.

Uwe Boll is laughing at you right now, because he knows you will waste your money on this movie.

Uwe Boll wouldn't know a good script if it bit him in the @ss.
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