The Hottie & the Nottie (2008) Poster

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why would you do this to people?
Peeni_Sweenis22 February 2008
this movie is to say the least, one of the worst things done to mankind in the past 100 years right behind the a-bomb. I had the misfortune of seeing this piece of garbage with my sister for her birthday. I would not recommend seeing this movie even it it is for comic value of how bad it is. There are 3 scales of bad: 1. the kind that makes you laugh it is so bad (murdercycle) 2. the kind that is soo bad it pisses you off (Epic Movie) 3. Gary busey bad (The hottie and the nottie). i hated it but my sister loved it, (granted she is 12 and has down syndrome (no lie)). the fact that this movie also tries to portray a message is even worse, because i wasn't sure what it was until i did some reading.... this is perfect grounds why IMDb needs a 0/10
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I want my 90 minutes back
jodylax15 February 2008
Surveillance Vido of an Empty Parking Lot Is A More Entertaining Way to Spend 90 Minutes. 'Awful' is way too kind of a word for this piece of garbage. And to think, crew people actually had to get out of bed in the morning and waste gas driving to the studio to make this movie. A waste of time, money and effort. The only thing NOT wasted here was talent, since no talent was used in the making of this stinker. Is Paris so broke that she has to stoop this low to get some cash. Offering to water my lawn would garner Paris more respect in the public arena than what she did on screen here. I hope the studio didn't spend more than $50 on the script. If they paid more, they got ripped off.
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So ridiculously bad
Smells_Like_Cheese3 June 2008
OK, I'm not going to bash this film based on Paris Hilton, I admit, I don't like the girl, but I'm not going to base my comment on that alone, I think it's unfair. A lot of people are giving this movie a one just because of Paris without even seeing the movie, it gets a bit annoying. But I don't know why, I think I was just in a mood for one of those awful films that just leave a bad taste in your mouth, I think every once in a while, we need to see something like that. Now the problem with The Hottie and the Nottie, besides it's stupid title? The story, beyond predictable and hypocritical, along with the acting... it's like they just took people off the street who had no credibility to be in a film. I love how Paris Hilton isn't even the main character and yet she is first billed, you know that she paid good money for that or wouldn't be in it, big woop, her as an innocent charity loving girl, that's believable.

Nate Cooper is a man that just can't seem to move on in life, after 20 years he returns to his home town looking for his first grade crush, Cristabel. She's still around making men drool, but she won't go for him unless he can hook her ugly friend, June, up with a guy as well. June has bad teeth, bad skin, bad nails, bad hair, just all in all, it's bad, so Nate does everything he can to get June a guy, but it's more difficult than he could ever expect, until he finds out that love isn't everything he thought it might be.

The script is predictable, stupid, could've been written by a teenager and was very hypocritical, which you will see what I mean if you watch this movie. Now I know that they were just trying to get a big name, but come on... Paris Hilton? I actually had an open mind and just thought to give the movie a shot, but she just is such a horrible actress, like beyond horrible, I'm not just saying that because of who she is, just I know you'll believe me. This is a movie that really shouldn't have been made or if Hollywood wanted it so much, get different people, please, before they do something like cast Paris... never mind. Stay away from this movie at any costs.

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But why'd they have to make her so ugly?
dove2230911 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the whole movie might just hit a Razzies grand slam for 2008. This film easily achieves Worst "Actress" for Paris Hilton, but the horrible support of the main actor Joel Moore on her side, the no-brainer screenplay, the childish script (if you look in the quotes section, see if it feels like the way ACTUAL human beings would normally talk), and the horribly wrong direction is not helping her out. It's horrible to see that this movie was accepted to be taken on to be a movie.

The Premise is simple: A guy (Moore) chases the girl of his dreams from kindergarten (Hilton), and finds her just as stunning, and single, as he could have ever dreamed. Well, not entirely single, as she still has the same friend from kindergarten (Larkin), who is hideously ugly. Hideously. Disgustingly. Hell-Hole. Frigging. Ugly! Jesus! All the money it must have took to make 100% sure that Larkin was going to be the most vomit inducing creature must have been half the cost of the movie. The other half must have been Hilton's salary, as, there is nothing else that possibly could have cost money, as the movie really has nothing to offer. Don't get me wrong, though, Paris Hilton's "Acting" doesn't even deserve the time and energy it takes to pull out a check. Before I get off on a tangent (or is it too late), it sickens me to see that hideous creature co-starring this mess.

Well anyway, as it turns out, Moore has to find a guy to go out with Larkin, because Hilton swore that she wouldn't ever date again until her friend has a date too. And, oh-so surprisingly, Moore starts to develop feelings for Larkin despite the ugliness(!!!!!) of her skin. Don't blame me for the horrible predictable screenplay, as anyone with eyes could see that something like this would happen. Of course, normally a moral is at least enough from saving a movie to be a 2 instead of a 1, but the true showing of Moore's character's true liking for the "Nottie" is after her surgery and transformation. It implies to all young girls that they NEED to be that perfect ten in order to be looked gracefully upon society. That is a horrible thing to engrave into a girls mind.

AND THEY HAD TO MAKE HER SO FREAKING UGLY! It's torture staring at the screen with that freakish wreak up there. And half the movie is gross out gags making fun of her. It isn't even like Norbit's make-up department, which made a black man believably Asian. Instead, it enhances unbelievability, as no one would ever be that ugly. Normally, I look for ANYTHING to give in order to prevent a 1 star vote. This includes Acting, Special Effects, Costumes, Dialog, even one fresh joke. But this movie deserves what I give it, the worst possible grade ever. I wish there was a Zero out of Ten, as this movie gives me and my eyes nothing but pain.
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Money can't buy love or talent . . . GAG!
printzcomm16 February 2008

If ever there was a case for barring someone from the film industry, this piece of trash is it. Money DOES NOT equate talent (or common sense in the case of Hilton).

This movie has little plot and Hilton's zombie-like "acting" puts the deep freeze on anything you might want to get out of the film. There's a reason the rest of the cast is made up of unknowns and little known bit players in Hollywood.

There have been some pretty dense actors through the years, but Hilton is by far the runaway winner of all time. She even believes her award from Harvard is something good!

Some people learn they don't have the skills to be in the business after the first flop, or at least after the second bomb. Hilton however is obviously too blinded by her bedazzled sunglasses and purse to be able to recognize she has been in FOUR of the worst movies of all time!
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Oh my that's bad
Meeker24 February 2008
I am just amazed that (as of this moment) there are 554 people who rated this movie a 10...

I would like 10 pounds or 20 gallons of whatever it is that has warped their mentality to such a degree...

Acting - Abysmal to Non-existent... Script - Huh? Wazzat? Directing - Not that I saw.

My only regret is that I cannot vote less than 1...

Although I must say that I am quite satisfied that this flick has rocketed to the numero uno spot of the bottom 100...

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As stupid and vein as it is disgusting, and this movie is nearly vomit inducing.
TOMNEL21 June 2008
It's obvious a movie that's sole claim to fame is that it stars Paris Hilton is not going to be a masterpiece. In fact, it seems every movie Paris Hilton stars in ends up being a horrible mess, and this is no exception. The Hottie and the Nottie...let's just think about what a stupid and conceited title that is. When Paris Hilton was offered the role as "The Hottie" she should have turned it down, not just because the script felt like it was written by a 10 year old, but because she is playing "The Hottie". That sounds so conceited, especially since Paris Hilton isn't all she seems to think she is. The title is also stupid, and sounds about as mature as the actual script is, which is the maturity you might find in an elementary school bathroom.

Nate Cooper (Joel Moore, who seems to be a mixture of John Heder and Mike White) is dumped by his girlfriend and decides to go to Los Angeles to find and date Christabelle Abbot (Paris Hilton), the girl he was attracted to in the first grade. Christabelle is apparently so attractive that every time she goes jogging, all males stop their activities to stare at her mouth agape. He ends up becoming friends again with her, but she can't go out with him because she made a pact with her not so attractive best friend June Phigg (Christina Lakin). Nate tries to set up guys with June to get with Christabelle. As June begins to get procedures done to her to make her less ugly, Nate begins to become more attracted to her.

I believe earlier I said that June Phigg was not so attractive. Well that's an understatement. The make-up people made the normally attractive Christina Lakin as nasty looking as possible, with black and green teeth stubs, a balding head, and a terrible case of halitosis. Several times I had to turn away from the screen when they would base the humor around June's hideousness, because I felt like I was going to throw up.

The script is bad, unfunny, and along with that shows no development in character whatsoever. Nate begins to fall for June, but not until after she becomes pretty. Before that, he shows no interest in her at all. He didn't even like her personality, he cares simply about looks, so if any of the female characters were like him, they would be running for the hills from this doofy looking guy. In a romantic comedy (I guess you can call this that, despite the lack of romance or humor), you'd expect there to be someone looking for their true love, but not here. It's all about looks in this superficial waste of time. Also Nate is always lying to make himself seem hipper, and ends up seeming like an unfunny version of Seinfeld's George Costanza, mixed with a lobotomized Napolean Dynamite. The plot also makes little sense. This guy had a crush on this girl in the first grade, then moved. Who the heck keeps a crush on a girl he only knew for less than a year, that barely even knew him. He thinks back to his time in elementary school and really wants to see her...she was a little girl. It's almost pedophilic.

The acting is all around bad. Joel Moore is by far the best actor, and he doesn't even deserve to play extras in community theater. Paris Hilton has an annoying flirtatious delivery of each line, and I don't think that she was told to act this way, this is just her natural acting abilities. Christina Lakin also has very poor acting abilities, but also didn't really need any. Her role is to be there and look as nasty as possible, then later to look pretty. She has few lines in comparison to the two untalented leads, especially Joel who spouts out stupid lines every 2 seconds. The back-up cast is also terrible, including one guy, who plays Nate's stupid friend, who thinks he is so cool, he's credited as The Greg Wilson, after all it's super cool to put a "The" in front of your name.

I watched this movie, because I thought it might be one of those "So bad it's funny" experiences that you enjoy laughing about later with friends. This is not one of those movies. It's just bad, no wait, it's just terrible. The movie's sense of the humor is so bad, it actually almost made me feel sorry for the writer. If she thought what she was writing was good at all, then she is either completely delusional, or she might have a mental problem. I hope Heidi Ferrer, writer of this film, along with a few episodes of Dawson's Creek, will write a masterpiece and just leave this as a blemish on her booming career, but in the future not force contrived slop on the viewing public with any more screenplays like this.

Now, onto the positives. The camera direction wasn't bad. It was kind of flashy and nice looking at times. The beach this was shot at looked like it would be nice to go for a dip at. I guess that counts as a positive. Paris Hilton plays a terrible character, but at least she's a kind hearted one. And that's all I can think of.

If you can't tell, I hated this movie with a passion, and from it's current ranking of number 10 in the bottom 100, I can tell other people share my views on this cinematic massacre.

My rating: BOMB out of ****. 88 mins. PG-13 for language, and crude humor.
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This Is So Not Hot
dcinsider13 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Hottie and the Nottie is somewhat of a conundrum; it is a romantic comedy that is neither moving nor funny. It attempts moments of gross-out humor, but holds back from going for an R rating. And for having a target audience of teenage girls, it lacks characters that most girls that age will be able to identify with.

The last two films that Paris Hilton has appeared in have received some of the lowest ratings in the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). Pledge This! received a user rating of 1.6, ranking it at #7 in IMDb's Bottom 100, while Bottoms Up was rated 1.9 and rang in at #22 in the Bottom 100. It appears as though Hilton is lined up for a hat trick with The Hottie and the Nottie, having managed to hammer out three terrible films in a row.

This is not to say all the blame should be placed on Hilton. She does a decent job with what she had to work with. But scriptwriter Heidi Ferrer manages to cram more teen movie clichés and unfunny moments into ninety minutes than any reasonable person could.

The film begins with Nate Cooper (Joel David Moore) remembering first grade and his first experience of love, with Cristabelle Abbott (Hilton). Then the film flashes forward twenty years to an older, sadder version of Nate, accompanied by unnecessary character narration – a sure red flag for a bad movie.

After his girlfriend leaves him, Nate decides to move from Maine to California to find his first-grade crush. Somehow he is in touch with Arno Blout (The Greg Wilson), from first grade, a disgusting mess who lives with his mom. In less than 20 seconds, Arno quickly fills Nate in on all that he's missed in the past twenty years; Cristabelle is hot and single, but that is only because she lives with her ugly friend, June Phigg (Christine Lakin), also from first grade! OMG! So begins Nate's quest to conquer Cristabelle, aided by Arno's stalker file, which tracks her every move. After their lives literally collide, it doesn't take long for Nate to find out what a nice girl Cristabelle is and how she creepily remembers him, too. Of course they cannot be together because that would be a fifteen-minute movie, so she confides that she will not go out with anyone until June gets a boyfriend. Nate vows to find June someone so he can cozy up to Cristabelle.

From here, the film devolves into a banal take on "The Taming of the Shrew" as Nate tries to find someone who will go out with the ugly duckling of a friend, only to find himself suddenly in love with her the instant she gets a makeover. Try not to count the number of loose ends or the implausible leaps of believability -- there are simply too many.

Probably the saddest piece in this Jenga game of absurdity is the director, Tom Putnam. Just five years ago he was named "One of the 25 New Faces of Independent Film" by Filmmaker Magazine. But "fresh" isn't a word that comes to mind when describing this film.
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This makes Manos seem like North by Northwest
dmc-2615 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, this movie actually got better when I remembered my wife carried pepper spray in her purse, and I dug it out and sprayed myself in the face until the canister was empty.

But, in fairness, not ALL aspects of this movie were 1 star out of 10, and the single score system for IMDb does not address such. So, I will try and expand the grading system:

Plot: WTF were they thinking? Cast: 2 stars. Cinematography...*chortle*. Acting: At least as good as some hip-hop videos played om know, the ones starring Vanilla Ice. Costumes/Wardrobe: 4 stars. (See, I am being fair.) Maker-up: Disgusting. On SOOOO many levels. Sheer disgust factor: 1,000,000 stars. The freaks who made this don't seem to understand that laughing at people who are not beautiful is a lot like laughing at people who suffer from a lack of mental ability--it shows your own ugliness.

Forget the fact that the monster-girl blooms, most of the movie she is the troll that gets beaten for our amusement.

Sick. Sick. Sick.
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How much really needs to be said here?
blooutcast19 February 2008
Just try and tell me you don't think the lead players had their roles all mixed up. Even as a tomboy on Step By Step, Lakin was a real hottie and knew how to make "boy" styles look cute. She deserves a whole lot better than this. Hilton's track record, on the other hand, speaks for itself. If Judge (Michael) Sauer had the power to indict her for bad acting, singing, and just plain performing overall, he'd lock the door, throw the key away, and make sure this nottie – with an Executive Producer credit, of all things! – never got out. I ragged on Madonna for her performance in Swept Away; compared side-by-side to H&N, she's Oscar material! If this aural and visual carnage never makes it to DVD or home video (trust me, it will), it'll be too soon.
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More "Not" than "Hot"
Buddy-5116 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"The Hottie and the Nottie" is one of those hypocritical films that pretends to make the case that beauty is only skin deep - only to turn right around and prove the opposite.

Cribbing at least a portion of its story from "The Taming of the Shrew," the movie stars Paris Hilton as Cristobel, a drop-dead gorgeous "hottie" who has put her own love life on hold until her grotesquely unattractive best friend, June ("the nottie"), can get some guy to go out with her. This is bad news for Nate Cooper, a first class dweeb who's had a major crush on Cristobel ever since the day she sauntered into his class in the first grade and ignited his passion. When he finally finds her again after all these years, he's stuck with having to come up with a guy who'll be willing to date the nottie - that is, if Nate is to have any chance at all of making it with the hottie.

I suspect that "The Hottie and the Nottie" was originally designed as some sort of bizarre vanity project for Ms. Hilton, showcasing just how much better looking she is than the rest of the human race by placing her side by side with the most unattractive woman the filmmakers could possibly come up with. But I believe there's something more insidious at work here, in that, in the end, the movie endorses the very thing it is supposedly arguing against. Through all sorts of unlikely cosmetic alterations, the "nottie" is miraculously transformed into a "hottie," making her at last an acceptable object for love - thereby assuring that all is indeed right with the universe. The movie also labors under the double standard of requiring that the women all be beautiful and sexy while the men are allowed to look as dowdy and disheveled as they please and not be judged for it.

Still, there's probably no point in over-thinking a movie that's as featherweight and insignificant as this one is. And bad as it is, there are a few genuinely funny moments when Nate finds himself competing with an impossibly handsome, blonde, granite-jawed, muscle-bound "doctors without borders" dentist for Cristobel's affections. Nate gets a bit of his own back in these scenes and they are well-played and clever, at least compared to the rest of the movie. Hilton doesn't exactly disgrace herself in the role of the hottie - she actually has a certain innate sweetness that is rather disarming at times - but her acting has yet to go much beyond simple posturing and posing. Joel Moore, Christine Lakin and Johann Urb can't be blamed for the material they've been handed, so we can be generous in our assessment of their performances and simply note that all three have their moments of likability and charm. Here's hoping they have better luck in their future projects.
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Great film
battlemetalchick8 April 2012
I really enjoyed this film :) it certainly doesn't deserve its 1.9 rating. It was a lovely film which kept me watching to the end to find out if he ends up with one of the 2 girls. I know a lot of people will rate this as a 1 straight away because Paris Hilton is in it. Give the film a chance :) I'm no Paris Hilton fan by the way but do find it unfair people rate badly just because she's in a film. She's not the best actress but she's in no way as bad as some others out there. E.g some of these found footage films e.g Blair witch (which amazingly scored way higher than this) Overall the film had some funny moments and you get to know each character's personality and find yourself wanting the ugly girl to get a date.
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An actual review of the movie (NOT the star!)
beesknees216 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There's a certain thrill that comes with seeing films that meet with universal derision. I guess it's the hope that amidst the rubble of bad buzz, something halfway decent may emerge. I didn't take ANY hope of that happening with The Hottie and the Nottie. Didn't even plan on seeing it in theaters until a perfect storm of events came to pass. 1) The movie had a historically low turnout on opening weekend. 2) It reached the "top" on IMDb's bottom 100. 3) I had a friend who wanted to see the movie because she thought the trailer looked GOOD(!). How could I pass up the opportunity to be amongst the select few to say I saw this in theaters (I think more people have won lotteries).

As a bonus I figured on getting some laughs out of every abysmal joke that would make my easily amused friend laugh. With this in mind, no one was more shocked than I to find myself laughing at what was on screen. What most of the negative reviews fail to grasp is that the star of the movie is not Paris Hilton but the male lead, Joel Moore. The Nate character is that rarity in films, a dorky underdog who is nonetheless confident in his conviction of what he wants. Too often we are subjected to the put upon dweeb who blossoms (think Jason Biggs), or the part gets cast with a good looking guy like Dane Cook/Ryan Reynolds since confidence is only a trait of the pretty (I'd try to make a distinction between these two, but there is none when we're talking about this level of unfunny). Joel Moore looks and acts the part perfectly and is even able to wring new layers of laughs out of a sitcom level scene that has him trying to make up a name for a fictional friend who might be interested in dating the Nottie (the "Cole Slawsen" scene was where I finally gave in to the slapdash charms of this movie).

Paris Hilton isn't even the main female character. Christine Lakin as the Nottie really works in one of the most thankless roles I've ever seen. She has a good chemistry with Joel Moore and tackles the part fearlessly, somehow making you care about the Nottie's fate. Lakin's almost too good as the dignity and awareness she brings only makes me wish the filmmakers had gone for something a little less ridiculous in conceiving the hideous physical flaws of one June Phigg (that infected toenail bit belongs in American Pie) and put more effort into the strange relationship she has with Hilton's Hottie character. The premise of the movie is that every beautiful girl has a less than beautiful friend, so why not explore the darker aspects of that?

As for the notorious Paris Hilton, the truth is she didn't bug me here. The part is made with her limitations in mind and is akin to Bo Derek's in 10. Her main contribution is that her name was enough to get a movie made which stars unknown talents like Moore and Lakin as romantic leads.

So there it is, a good review of the worst movie of all time. I'd be shocked to see of anyone who finds this review "useful" based on the comments I've read so far. Let's see how that theory holds up.
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Even though 99% of the people voting on this movie haven't even seen it...
fjhuerta-29 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Uhmmm.... well, I wanted to make a witty remark, but I can't think of anything. Blah.

Yes, I saw the movie. I have certain masochist tendencies I'm not too proud of. I love watching bad cinema. To be quite honest, I did enjoy this movie in a certain level - it's like watching Jerry Springer, or reading the National Enquirer. I'm not ashamed to admit I watch and read both. So take this review as you will.

First, the bad things. The main problem I could find is that there must be some sort of connection between a movie and reality, however feeble it may be. As long as we can sort of identify with the main characters or the situations they are in, we'll play along with the plot, however idiotic it may be. But there's nobody to identify yourself with. Unless you are extremely weird. If you are, I apologize for insulting you.

The movie is basically a copy of "Ugly Betty" and the Latin American originals. Except that in those series, the ugly chick is kinda nice. Here, she is obnoxious, dumb, and a bit annoying. Is it a surprise that Paris' Hilton character is desired by 99.9999999% of the people in this movie, and is the nicest, most beautiful person inside and out of them all? I hope not, because if you were surprised, then once again, I apologize for insulting you.

The movie had an interesting hint which I'll share with you; the main characters spend the entire movie drinking alcohol. It's not that I'm disgusted by it, but hey, there are other things in life. Maybe water, Coke, whatever? Every time a character is facing a difficult task (going out with the ugly chick, trying to have sex), he gets drunk. Way to go! Maybe that should be a pre-requisite for watching the movie, actually. I suggest a DVD tie-in: 2 liters of Bacardi Blanco when you buy the Special Edition.

The movie itself isn't that bad. I mean, it was entertaining. That's more that I can say of... uhm... "The Phantom Menace", for example. I go to movies to be entertained, and I don't care about anything else. Think about a carwreck on the other side of the highway. Do you stop and stare, and then feel all guilty inside, yet strangely satisfied? I rest my case.

Don't expect any morality lessons here, though. The movie was far too busy making Paris look like the hottest woman on earth to care about any sort of message whatsoever. Which, I suppose, is a good thing, since most of the people who will watch this thing are too dumb to know what a morality lesson is, anyway (I include myself in this select, elite group). I think it had something to do with "if you are ugly, then you need to find a guy willing to have sex with you in exchange for dntal work. Then you get all pretty and everyone wants to have sex with you, so you can dump the dentist". Or something.

My spoiler: Want to know the best laugh of the whole movie? Paris Hilton is supposed to work for a charity organization. There, I said it. Since you weren't going to watch this movie anyway, I really don't feel guilty at all.

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I no longer fear Hell.
PrivateBits29 July 2008
I can confirm that I no longer fear Hell for I have seen something much worse. This film is so bad it just wretches you with extreme agony and torture until your eyeballs bleed. I haven't even bothered to rate this because even rating this film "0" is too high.

I wouldn't say the acting is bad because saying it was bad would be too generous to the actors/actresses in this film. I have been more convinced by E-mails claiming I can access a bank account worth 10 Million if I pay 10 grand to activate it. As for the writer, well it wouldn't surprise me if it was written by a child because that is the sort of stuff a 6 year old would scribble down if told to write a story. From a technical viewpoint, this film wasn't the worst if you exclude every other film made in history. As for comedy - Well this film makes Schindler's list look like Monty Python, I found this film about as funny as AIDS. Now romance is the only convincing factor in this film, that is if your idea of romance is watching a drunken 1 night stand where both parties have very unsatisfactory sex.

I can't rate this because it is like lining your Grandmothers up and rating their looks. Just don't bother, for the sake of your mental health, don't bother - Spend the day licking dirt off the floor or something but avoid watching this...'film'.
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If any popular actress was the lead, people would find it watchable
EdwardNashtonReeves12 February 2012
People hate Paris Hilton. Why? Because they are taught so. Because when a woman makes internet porn, she's instantly famous, yet again instantly hated. With people like Charles Manson on IMDb, the girl who shown a lot of skin and is rich certainly doesn't deserve any hate IMO. Was she Oscar worthy? No. Was the film? No. But it is a watchable, nice film, and she isn't bad at all in her role.

It is actually a story about a guy who loves a hot girl (Hilton), and then gets slowly involved with her unattractive friend (Christine Lakin). It is a story of surpassing the physical stuff and loving someone for their inner personality. And it is not original, nor genius, but it is a warm and funny film. I'm certain that if some actress who is not famous for being famous is playing Hilton's role, that this movie would have like 5.0 average rating instead of 1.9. People need to stop bashing just for the sake of bashing. Bottoms Up was bad. This one is not. I would actually recommend it for a casual and relaxing afternoon watching.
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Not nearly as bad as the rating
colinwii25 July 2022
This is a pretty bad movie for sure, but it's not outragously bad and actually quite an okay watch.

Some funny moments here and there, simple and cliché plot. Just don't go in expecting anything else than that.
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Its not that bad...
Shazzlovesjohnny27 April 2008
I saw it thinking it was going to be horrible..

The acting wasn't that bad in fact I was impressed. Joel Moore and Christine Lakin were very good. Paris Hilton wasn't the best but considering the expectations gave a good performance.

The plot is a bit shallow-Guy going after the hottie but has this 'nottie' in his way- but it sends out a good message.

Although I don't think it is the best movie out there by a long shot I think if people got past the fact Paris Hilton is in it they would be pleasantly surprised.

Don't judge it till you see it.
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Under-rated movie - average not not terrible
paulFransenNZ26 August 2014
This movie does not deserve to be in the IMDb worst movie list. As of 2014 it is 3rd from the bottom. I have seen a lot of the bottom movies and this is far above them. It's still an average movie it's not a terrible movie.

The acting, directing, sound, editing, etc is fine. The story is a little weak and in some places silly, but this movie came from Hollywood so there is nothing unusual in this type of movie.

There is a few cringe moments in the movie which some people may not like but still it wouldn't drop the movies ratings by much.

In my opinion this movie gets an extremely low rating because people don't like Paris Hilton. They don't like her "party girl" life style and she comes across as shallow. In this movie she plays a character that is the opposite of her real life persona.

So if you don't have a problem, dislike, jealousy, envy, etc with Paris Hilton you should enjoy this movie. If you still don't like it and you want to rate it then try watching "birdemic" or "going overboard" first as these should be the standard for judging all one star movies.

So in summary; this is a below average romantic comedy. Don't expect much from this movie but I think you will enjoy it if you can see through the Paris Hilton media negativity.
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Failed because of IDIOT voters and STUPID reviews!
dominicdanielewicz3 April 2008
OK, before you shout and scream at the "5" rating I give, please just read this. I think that it will help you.

Firstly, lets talk about the low 1.1 (or whatever it is now) score that this movie has been given by IMDb users. It doesn't deserve it. Yep, you heard me right. It doesn't deserve it. Why? Because the truth is - this film isn't "awful, horrendous, a crime..." or other words LAZY, IDIOTIC certain IMDb users throw about. Screaming and shouting even more? Hang on, I'll explain.

Why does it deserve 5? Because there are other films out there, that have been worse then this. Meet the Spartans for example, another film I have seen recently. That deserves to have a lower score. Why? Because it has poor acting from nearly everyone, a terrible story and a horrible attempt at a spoof. And believe me, I love my spoofs from classics such as Airplane to Hotshots right up to the Scary movie series. There are films out there that have been made with NO CARE – just for fame or money. But "The hottie and the nottie" was not one of them.

I'm going to be honest. This film wasn't the best film in the world. The acting wasn't amazing, the cinematography didn't blow me away and the cast wasn't all A list. But so what? Does every single film have to have these attributes to be "watchable"? No. This movie WAS made with some care, although not a lot. The script although cheesy at most points, wasn't as bad as (do I have to mention meet the Spartans again? How about Datemovie – yuck) others, and the acting (minus Paris Hilton) was actually decent.

So what went wrong? Well obviously you are all shouting out "Paris Hilton" by now and I do have to admit – She was pretty bad. And Paris, I hope you read this, because I am not going to be immature and throw stupid words around, but rather give some advice. You need to seriously consider acting as an ART not a "job" or a quick route to glamour and honour. Some people are born with the talent and some need to develop it through teaching and discipline. You have some evidence of ability (towards the end of the movie you don't have to wince as much watching Paris and during the "pretend drunken" scene she was actually OK) but you unfortunately HAVE to work on your abilities. You need to take time out from the crazy lifestyle you lead and spend a few years asking yourself do you want to become a SERIOUS DEDICATED actress or a laughing stock. If you put your mind to it, I'm sure you will impress most of us – but make it a comeback – wait a few years, don't just keep making half-assed attempts in many movies otherwise there will be a day when not even ANY director will hire you.

After her performance in HOUSE OF WAX, I'm not surprised many people didn't want to see this movie, but they should have still given the movie a rating based on the other actors abilities – not just Hiltons – and based on the story. I know it was clichéd and cheesy at some points, but generally I think it was a good idea, and in fact, honestly, the very end scene, on the pier did move me. That scene between the other two actors (JOEL MOORE and CHRISTINE LAKIN) showed that there WAS evidence of good acting, and that this movie could have done better.

So, if you like Romantic comedies and can spare Hilton in this, then I would say, see this movie. It's not amazing and it probably doesn't deserve more than 5 stars, but it will give you some laughs and it would also annoy those IMDb users who vote 1's because they are either immature, stupid, or jealous.

Also, don't read reviews from the likes of ROLLING STONES and others. Because what those pompous idiots write is frankly rubbish. They are just middle to upper class idiots who don't understand the meaning of "fun". They also write reviews as if they were judging the film against all time greats such as The Godfather. That's not what a review is supposed to do! In fact, I never read reviews because I want to make my own mind up about films. So, that's why I say, you might read this and think I'm praising the film. No, I'm just saying that there is worse out there and that IMDb users should really THINK before they write USELESS reviews and give BIAS votes! You might go see this movie. You might not. You might love it. You might hate it.

But whatever you do. Don't be influenced by anyone else and remember that one member of cast doesn't make or break a movie.
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Not funny, not amusing, not even in a train wreck kind of way.
gsh9999 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Of course, everyone, like myself, will have to see for themselves. But this movie is not worth the time. It's just annoying and banal.

There's not even a moral to the story. An ugly girl becomes beautiful and her friend falls in love with her AFTER she becomes beautiful. The makers forewent the "beauty is only skin deep" angle, so what's the point of this movie?

I thought I would watch this because it might be so bad and stupid it was good. But that's not the case. I will not be tempted to see it again.

It's just not funny or cute or worthwhile in any way.

You have been warned but, of course, you will see for yourself. Once.
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Thank God for pirated movies.
jeanette-roman2 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's movies like this that I thank the great God above for pirated movies. While I did waste 90 minutes watching this detritus movie, I at least did not pay for it. I only downloaded it because I was curious to see if Paris Hilton improved her acting skills, and to see how ugly they made Christine Lakin look. Paris should just keep on doing what she does best. Party, and spend her family's money, because honestly, that is more entertaining to watch and read about then watch her pretend to run and have an ugly best friend.

Was Lakin's character straight? I understand that she's supposed to be straight and likes guys but she's so hideously ugly that she can't get men, but when guys are coming up to Cristabel to hit on her, she kind of acted like she was the girlfriend, like they were a lesbian couple. Lakin, come on! I love you in Step By Step and you're a total hottie (I'm a straight woman myself), but the angry best friend bit was too much. Taking things out of Wedding Crashers was uncool (the scene when Arno yells at his mom to bring him the file reminded of the scene when Will Ferrell's character yells at his mom to make them meatloaf). And Paris, THERE IS NO LAUGHING IN ACTING! How many hours and takes did that scene when Cristabel supposedly farted did that take? The funniest part of the movie was in the first 10 min or so when Nate is still living in Rhode Island and breaks up with his girlfriend.

I don't understand how some people rated this movie above a 1. Honestly, those people need to spend their money watching other time worthy movies currently out like 21, Street Kings (and I also think Keanu Reeves is a dense actor, so that is saying a lot), and Horton Hears A Who! Those are the movies with worthier actors than this garbage.
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cabkat13 March 2015
This movie is the greatest movie I have ever watched in my whole entire life. It inspired me to be different like the ugly one. It also helped me learn that it is not okay to be ugly. I want to be beautiful like the hottie. But I am nottie. I am the grossest ugliest person you will ever meet but this movie showed me how to rock it. I am the new ugly rock now. WATCH OUT WORLD. I am coming. People scream when they see me and I used to be embarrassed but now I feed of of their screams. I am powerful. I am unstoppable. I am the new nottie. I am like a fire and peoples screams are like the kindling that feed me and make me grow. I am starting a new earth where I will rule the world and the world will be a better uglier place. If you are an ugly please watch this amazing, classic, romantic, comedy, thriller, adventure filled, action packed, foreign, horror, sci fy fantasy, musical drama. You wont regret it. If you want to join me and the uglies please tell me and I may accept you into my ruling. Goodbye hotties HELLO NOTTIES.
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A not-terrible lighthearted, brainless, and somewhat enjoyably trashy B-movie romp
willman8520 July 2018
This movie has joined the list of movies Considered The Worst Ever.

To me a movie is bad if it is unengaging and without worth.

I have seen WAY WORSE films.

Paris Hilton is something of a guilty pleasure for me. I think she's matured from a tabloid It Girl heiress to a mature young woman who knows the value of her name, and is focused on building her brand. She is every bit the businesswoman that Kim Kardashian-West only wishes she could be. This movie is an artifact of that transitioning period.

I therefore consider myself to be more unprejudiced and open-minded than others here. (Hindsight may also be a factor; I am reviewing this in 2018.)

What we have here is a lighthearted, brainless adolescent romp. Joel David Moore is terrific as the lead. And Paris' acting isn't terrible, it's just fine in fact (a significant improvement over her Bottoms Up performance). An enjoyably trashy B-movie. It was after all shot in 5 weeks with a $9million budget and produced by Paris Hilton Entertainment.

At worst it's corny and very average; at best it has a little heart and charm. It is definitely nowhere near "one of the worst films of all time". Not even close.
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Don't watch more than the trailer
denismou21 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the trailer the other day for this film just by curiosity because I heard Paris Hilton didn't get invited to the Oscars because of how bad her new film was. I literally got sick just watching parts of the movie. I mean she's OK when she's in a reality TV show because she just has to be herself. Being an actor you have to at least learn to play another type of person, than the person you are in real life. She has to start believing that her body can adjust to numerous different roles and characters than simply a megalomaniac, massive ego (probably the biggest I've ever seen), arrogant hot chick. But if she so desperately wants to be taken seriously as an actress, why doesn't she just try to play someone else than always that same person that everybody wants to be around and that all the guys dream of. You know, I think Paris Hilton is a beautiful woman, I always have. But in her movies, she reminds me of a girl so uggly in the inside, that she can't live a life without being beautiful on the outside. And the worst part of it is that's her true personality.She plays the same type of character in each one of her movies.
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