Jhoom Barabar Jhoom (2007) Poster

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Brash and loud, though not completely terrible.
planktonrules7 February 2014
Reading through many of the reviews for "Jhoom Barabar Jhoom", I assumed that the film was 100% awful from start to finish. Well, I disagree--it's only partially awful. The first half is impossible to believe but is likable. The second half is truly horrible and all the good will I had early on vanished as the film continually assaulted my senses. Subtle and romantic are two words I'd never use to describe this film.

It all begins with a nice song and dance number by Amitabh Bachchan. He appears in the film periodically--though I have no idea why other than he's the father of the leading man in this film, Abhishek Bachchan. Oh well, I really enjoy seeing Amitabh and at least I got a few glimpses of him even though his character was ill-defined and vague.

Soon Rakesh (Abhishek Bachchan) bumps into a gorgeous woman, Alvira (Preity Zinta). They are waiting to greet someone arriving by train and it is late. So, they sit and begin talking. He talks at length about his fiancé and she does the same--though in reality both are unattached. This really made no sense nor did it make sense that Alvira would soon fall for Rakesh because he seemed so very obnoxious and full of himself. However, I have noticed that this is a BIG theme in a lot of Indian romances--the obnoxious pretty-boy--and it's a cliché I really hate. For me, you have to like people for the romance to work. Still, despite its flaws, I found the first half of the film watchable and interesting. It could have worked well.

Unfortunately, once the train arrives, the film is pretty dead. Both are in love with each other but don't know what to do since they'd been lying. Well, sadly, the same can be said for the writers as most of the final portion of the movie is set at a dance contest which totally assaults your senses. It's loud and looks like a 30 minute Indian music video and the costumer appears to have been Liberace!! It's tacky, loud and pointless.

By the time the end occurs and the inevitable occurs, you are exhausted and just want it to end. It's a shame, as the film was not horrible initially and had it been, I would have turned it off and saved myself from the second half! So, first half of the film I'd score a 5 and the last a 1. Overall, a score of 3 seems reasonable as I have seen quite a few movies (both Indian and non-Indian) that were worse....though not a lot worse.

By the way, I am shocked that the IMDb goof section didn't include this one. At one point, Alvira exposes the top of her left breast to show a tattoo. Later in the film it's moved to her right breast!!
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Disappointing movie!!!
movie_freak_dubai17 June 2007
I read in an Abhishek interview that when he was initially presented with the JBJ story idea (while shooting Bunty babli) it was set in a Delhi train station platform......i can just about imagine the charming scene. Abhishek and his heroine chatting over a cup of chai next to the tea stall. How did that potentially charming romantic tale turn into this over the top Bollywood film based in London? Jhoom Barabar Jhoom was an utter disappointment to me considering the same banner and director came out with the thoroughly entertaining Bunty Aur Babli. The movie felt like a 2hr long music video/ fashion show. I felt the person who would get the most mileage out of the movie would be the fashion designer/stylist of the movie which had a lot of outlandish costumes none more so than the attire of the Big B in the title song.

The first half felt awkward although there were a few funny moments thanks to the Lara and Abhishek. The movie picks up in the 2nd half but it was more due to the performances of the actors rather than the progression of the story. The actors did a relatively good job considering the weak script. I felt Lara Dutta and Bobby Deol were the standout performers from the movie as they had the opportunity to portray characters that had different shades to it. Lara was especially cute with the French accent and the potty mouth of the 2nd half. Bobby had some excellent comic moments in the 2nd half. Abhishek took a bit of a risk by playing such a loud character...he does go a bit over the top at times but I still think he is a good actor and he has his moments. For me Preity Zinta has been repeating herself in all her movies recently (except maybe Lakshya)...ever since Kal Ho Na Ho, she seems to be playing the same character over and over again i.e. an Indian who is either born and brought up abroad or living abroad. She too improves only in the 2nd half when she is not trying to put on an accent. There was not enough chemistry between the lead pair although you could see that they are buddies.

The music was excellent although Shaad Ali managed to drag all life out of the catchy title song since it pops up all over the film. The slow romantic number was also good.

I feel that Yash Raj films are catering more to the NRI crowd with their movies and subsequently took the soul out of this movie by presenting on this enormous scale.. you cant really blame them as it is a business and they need to recoup their costs.

The film has its moments but it is in no way anything more than an average product.
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Disappointing, even Preity Zinta disappoints.
Peter_Young1 July 2009
I love Bollywood films. Ravishing, well-invested musicals, song and dance, dialogues which are larger than life, wonderful actors, strong characters. The song numbers have been an artistic tradition Hindi films, and what particularly amazes me about all these films is the complete irrelevance of the song numbers to the film's story itself (unless it's a film like Dil To Pagal Hai, where the music is part of the script).

I think Jhoom Barabar Jhoom is a brave attempt to make a film with the songs being part of the screenplay. But even then, it just doesn't work. Why? Because there is NO screenplay. The entire film is a big dance show. And it shouldn't be like this. When there are no songs, the film consists of silly jokes and plastic "acting". Some sequences are so ridiculous that you start hating anyone who's been ever involved with this film. It is intended to be funny and crazy, which is a good purpose, but this film manages to be neither this nor that and instead, it sadly ends up being a big silly show. I do admit that the songs are well danced and catchy, but they become tiresome at some point, mainly because most of them are actually the same song in different versions.

The acting (not that it can be called acting in this case) is bad. Abhishek is annoying and miscast. Pretentious performance. Preity, an actress I like immensely, is her usual bubbly and vivacious self, but here, somehow lifeless. The fact that a great actress like Preity could even think of appearing in this film makes me want to slap her. Bobby and Lara are terrible. They ham, overact, and even in the dance numbers get overshadowed by the leading stars (at least here they make some sense). Lara is particularly horrible as a prostitute with her fake French accent. All in all, I do recommend to watch it if you intend to go and dance through the entire film. Quite a special watch buhaaaa...
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A playful, knowing, kitsch film about self-mythology and the power of Bollywood fantasy
Afzal-s200719 September 2007
I saw Jhoom Barabar Jhoom while travelling in Rajasthan, in the Raj Mundir in Jaipur, which is, with some justification, described as the best cinema in Asia (and it certainly beats watching a film in a 'Multiplex' on a screen the size of a large TV in London).

As the film ended and the huge audience of all ages rose, making its way into the grand, pretty foyer, I turned to an Indian man in his thirties next to me and asked him in Hindi if he liked it. He said he loved the songs, particularly the song of the title, which he thought would get even the most unlikely person in the cinema dancing in the aisles. Then he added,

'But the the rest of the film is nonsense'.

I certainly agree with him about the infectious song of the title, having badly hummed it often. However, I don't think the rest of the film is nonsense. What I believe many people mistake for nonsense is actually a playful, kitsch, knowingly referential film revolving around the desires and problems of self-mythology, and the power of Bollywood fantasy.

The film is set in Waterloo station where a young Indian man and woman of Pakistani origin bump into each other and form an acquaintance while waiting for infamously late English trains. But their talk about themselves, we come to see, may not quite be so credible and ingenuous. Not only this but there is something magical in the air at Waterloo Station, for a wondering busker, Amitabh Bachan, looking like a sixties drop out, is somehow mysteriously involved in the lively plot.

The two leads, Bachan's son Abishek, and Preity Zinta, make engaging leads and, alongside the wonderfully outrageous Laura Dutta and Bobby Deol handle the film's sense of fun and comedy vigorously (though perhaps the nods to the famous Bachan/Deol partnership in Sholay goes too far).

Another thing about Jhoon Barabar Jhoon is its sure sense of place, something few Indian films set in Britain can claim. Preity Zinta's Alvira is an NRI and the film makes a playful but genuine attempt to engage with the London Indian diaspora.
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A "Must-not" See
bodhisatvab16 June 2007
My 2 cents: This movie was highly recommended to me by a friend. He "sms'd" me the previous night and told me that it was an awesome movie... something that I should see the very next day. Taking his advice, another friend and I bought tickets at a "premium charge" (being newly released and all). Halfway through the movie, I wanted to tear my arm out and beat myself to death with it. The movie has an abysmal storyline. The intended "plot-twist" most moviegoers can predict when they are 30 mins into the movie. We stayed back after the intermission coz after all, a movie cannot be _that_ lame and boring.... Well, to our horror, it actually was. So USPs of the movie: 1) Lara Dutta looks hot 2) Nice song (only one... but after the 100 billionth repetition, it actually becomes really irritating) 3) Big B in a cool outfit.

Why you should not see this movie: 1) Extremely boring and slow. 2) Very lame jokes - courtesy small B. (Ash's man-toy) 3) Predictable storyline. 4) Big B needs to buy a ticket to Pluto and come back after a gazillion years... somebody needs to tell him about something called "OVER-EXPOSURE".

Conclusion: DO NOT SEE!
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Utter Rubbish
shahhirenmr16 June 2007
I have never seen worst movie then this. Waste of time, energy and of course money. Why do people make such movies just for petty gains by robbing millions of anticipating audience. The crew involved in making the film and star-cast should be punished to watch the movie 10 times and I'm sure they'll also become unconscious.

All the stars have been wasted of their potential, no screenplay, poor direction and confusing all the way. Cinematography is good, nothing much to say about choreography, title track is good but when it appears in movie 5 times, you loose the interest from that also..What is the need for Amitabh to play a joker ? So, don't waste your weekend watching this movie, instead take your family to some garden, museum, restaurant or even zoo is better. However, if still you want to see zoo of human beings this movie is for you. I have wasted my Saturday evening watching it and me and my wife continue to repent even today morning.
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Jhoom machale (Sarcasm)
springsunnywinter28 June 2007
It simply has to be the worst movie of 2007 because it was complete lame about two strangers Abhishek & Preity met in a train station and told each other that they are already engaged, then they told their story when they first met. In Abhishek's story he got a ticket to Hollywood but Lara look it from him and he was singing & dancing to get it back. When he got it he kissed Lara in front of the Eiffel tower which was lighting up and threw the ticket away (Crap, Crap, Crap, & Mega Crap!). In Preity's story she was in Madame Tussaud's and a lawyer (Bobby) saved her from a Superman statue falling above her and they fell in love. Preity wanted to sue the owner of Madame Tussaud's and Bobby was fighting her case but all of a sudden the judge started singing like a squirrel and they started dancing & singing the Kiss of Love song. The lyrics of the Kiss of Love song should be changed to "Stupid film, Stupid film, Stay away from the stupid film". Music is not that great as many people are saying the only good song is the very first "Jhoom" and the rest of them do not jar and lacks instant recall after one hearing. There are a few surprises but they were so predictable that you didn't even have to be of average intelligence to figure them out. Amitabh's get-up was good with his long hair and hat with feathers but it didn't make the film any better. Watching three hours of your washing machine spin would be more rewarding than this!
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The Cure For Insomnia
est201927 May 2020
This movie is simply put, awful. Don't watch this movie if you're in a good mood, because it will most definitely put you in a bad mood after 30 minutes after this nonsense.

The song "Jhoom" is good maybe the first two times. But the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh time it plays it starts getting annoying. What's even more irritating is that the upbeat songs in the soundtrack include: Jhoom, JBJ, and Jhoom Barabar Jhoom. THEY ARE THE SAME SONG. Unfortunately, they're the best thing about the movie.

If you were like me and you made your way through the movie hoping it would get better, I sympathize with you. This movie was crap from start to finish.

Lara Dutta was the only decent actor in the entire flick. Bobby Deol didn't even TRY, and Preity Zinta and Abhishek Bachchan both looked like they had better things to do - which they did! Don't get me started on Amitabh Bachchan appearing in random places and randomly singing. WHO IS HE SUPPOSED TO BE?

Most Bollywood movies have songs spaced out between the plot. THERE IS NO PLOT IN THIS MOVIE. The scenes, if you can even call them that, are spaced out between the same song playing over and over again. Think about ONE line that a character said in this film that isn't stupid. You can't, right?

The movie isn't funny at all. Even a delirious person would have a straight face throughout the film. I just realized that I titled this review "The Cure For Insomnia". I'm sorry, but I lied. After watching part of this film, you won't be able to fall asleep because you'll be too angry at yourself for watching this crap.

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Caught up in their own hype!!!
CriticRoshan17 June 2007
Yashraj Films know they have a set audience that will turn up and watch whatever they put in the cinemas. I've never known such loyalty towards a production house.

But JBJ will be a massive wake up call for all concerned. The film has its good moments and some worthy performances. But the overall product is nothing short of being a complete disaster. Fair enough the Director may have thought that he has come up with an ingenious idea, but sometimes certain ideas or thoughts are far better off staying within the confines of ones head, as they sound and look a lot better swirling around 'up there' than on a large screen.

The protagonists (Abhishek Bachchan and Priety Zinta) look unconvinced by their characters and the whole scenario. And despite Abhishek's best efforts, you almost end up hating both the main characters, purely because the film has bored you senseless by the time proceedings really begin. And by this I mean the introduction of the other two main characters (Bobby Deol and Lara Dutta) - this time in person rather than in the imaginary world of AB and PZ.

Bobby Deol does a very good job considering that he is offered very little in the way of screen time. He plays both his characters very well, in particular the mummy's boy. Lara Dutta is amazing and really puts Priety Zinta in the shade with her performance. Despite both BD and LD having peripheral parts in the film - they both, in my eyes, walk away with the honours as the most entertaining pair on screen.

Amitabh Bachchan is wasted and only appears every time they need to break the monotony of the main characters. He also appears in the dance competition to lend his support to a rather over long sequence.

Overall, JBJ offers very little in the way of a storyline. The treatment of the subject is what you expect of Yashraj films. But even they couldn't dress this weak subject up. DVD rental material at the most.
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No, not anymore!
die_Heuchler17 June 2007
I am so depressed. What the heck was that all about? Jhoom Babarbar Jhoom is a topper. It has made it all the way to number 1 in my list of "Movies I hate the most" overtaking the place of Yashraj's previous release Dhoom 2. What is the fuss all about? Who wants to sing, shout and dance with actors performing their most idiotic characters ever. There is no way anyone in any way can relate to this movie. Great sets, great locales, great actors - yet JBJ is a loser in every sense. If this is how Indian cinema is going global then it must stop, immediately.

Director Shaad Ali leaves everybody disappointed. His earlier movie Bunty aur Babli rocked the nation. He approached Jhoom.. is almost similar retrospective manner. Unfortunately, it does not work out this time because there is nothing Jhoom.. can be considered as decent cinema. Rikky and Alvira meet, erect a heap of lies, an idiotic nomad (Monsieur Amitabh Bachchan, the Great!) appears out of nowhere and does almost nothing, now the two are making up stories to conceal their lies and bingo - guess what, they're in love.

Why, why do they have to do it? They call it a rom-com, but let me tell you - it's neither romantic nor comic. It's not a movie that fits into comedy genre neither does it happen to be a love story (no, don't call it a love story. Idiots don't fall in love.) If there is anything in the movie, then it's the lush cinematography, great editing works, that breathtaking 360-degree rotated view of Taj Mahal, the dance sequence in front of the Eiffel Tower, the Superman falling sequence at Madame Taussad, Lara Dutta's French accent + the swearing and everything, and Preity Zinta (her Brit accent does not seem to work out for me.) Abhishek Bachchan needs to seriously think about his selection of roles and Bobby Doel, welcome back. A lot has changed while you were gone. They don't make those good movies anymore. But Bobby looks good, both as the hunk and the geek.

Kudos to Vaibhavi Merchant - she is the only person who does justice to her work. Shankar Ehsaan Loy fail to impress (Ticket to Hollywood.. is too Rahman style!) Gulzar is caught up with a bunch of people who don't know what they're doing. The casting director seems to have accomplished a hectic job. And finally Yashraj! (sigh) Least spoken is best. They're making money and that's good, perhaps they know Jhoom Barabar Jhoom is the substance that sells. And if films like Jhoom.. continue to sell, then Indian cinema wouldn't be very proud as the world's largest film industry.
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Bad Bad Bad
shikhasinghi16 June 2007
Yet another all style no substance drama ( err no drama too). A film that has many music videos but no story or screenplay. Big stars, Short skirts, high boots, fashionable jackets, expensive glares, London/ Paris streets, but ZERO content. When Shaad Ali makes a Sathiya in simple homely locations, its delectable. Why, then, do you want to go abroad and increase the tourism of those countries? I feel when one has no story, you can not cover up with extravaganza.

Abhishek still can not act. Preity is the same. Bobby and Lara are wasted, though they act better than these two. Amitabh is trying to make a statement with his hideous attire. And the audiences are being fooled by the promos.

JBJ is yet another disappointment in the name of progressive Indian cinema. It's light years away from Hollywood.
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JBJ is a wild, fun, and mad crazy ride!
Jamiedean22 June 2007
I loved Jhoom Barabar Jhoom. I'm from the UK. But I saw the film at an almost packed theater here in the USA. The majority of the audience laughed, cheered, and had a great time. The film had some wonderful humour, dancing, and Bollywood references. Almost nothing was off limits to poke fun at. Abhishek Bachchan was the engine of the film. Abhishek has turned in a very solid performance as Rikki.

He is really turning into a very talented and versatile actor. Guru and JBJ work as he leads both films well. Preity Zinta and Lara Dutta are both gorgeous, spunky, and funny as hell. Even Bobby Deol is very good in the second half of the film. My only complaint is that the film was a bit slow in the start. But that is about it. JBJ is a fun and entertaining way to spend a weekend at the cinema!
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In Defense of a Great Film!
mmacante21 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sad that so many of the comments here bash this movie. I thought it was great! One of the best films of this year.

You really have to see this movie with a grain of salt. If you understand that this is supposed to be a fun movie where the actors are just having a lot of fun, you'll love it.

The plot is right, and well scripted. The movie runs smoothly, and doesn't seem to last the time it actually is. I was left wanting more.

The actors are amazing. Abhishek Bacchan is terrific in his role as Rikki Tukhral. Preity Zinta and Bobby Deol do a fine job, but hats off to Lara Dutta who is amazing as both Anaida and Laila. As Anaida, she portrays the vulnerability and her Indian-French accent is very believable. Her turn as Laila is awesome. The contrast is terrific! The songs are well visualized, and the costumes are fun and fabulous.

I have to say that this is a great movie, and it should have gotten better reviews.
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Jhoom....: A shame to Indian Cinema
salilgoyal17 June 2007
Wanted to see Fantastic 4. Couldn't find a show at that time. Ended up seeing this movie.

Jhoom barabar Jhoom is a shame to Bollywood. I mean.. how could one think of making such a movie with such a stupid plot. I never expected it to be that bad being a Yash Raj movie. I know these people do exaggerate things when making movies, but this was something else.. It was terribly horrible or horribly terrible or terribly horribly bad..

This movie deserves no stars and no description (because the movie itself doesn't have any). But I'll still give it 1/10 because I started to laugh on the stupidity when the height of boredom had peaked. Amitabh bachhan comes out of nowhere in between the movie, every now and then, dressed in a Jack Sparow Outfit, singing Jhoom Barabar Jhoom. He looked like an idiot and that was the funniest part. Only respect that I could give this movie was that I didn't leave the theater in between.

Now I think Dhoom 2 was excellent, if this is good (as some morons will say).
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It was a waste of time
crzy_lss18 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I eagerly awaited this movie for half a year thinking that an Abhishek and Preity pairing would be interesting and also to spot my friend who was an extra but alas it was not to be! I spotted my friend but the first half of the movie was just pure rubbish and a lot of the audience were falling asleep, but to be honest the second half did pick up. Not enough to save the film though!!! The only saving grace was that of Lara Dutta's real character appearing in the second half of the movie. I was also annoyed that Shah Rukh Khan's apparent cameo was not shown and Amitabh Bachchan's character was scaring a lot of the children in the cinema hall. Overall an OK film but disappointing for Yash Raj standards.
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Awesome movie !!!
fred20a2 July 2007
I can't understand that many people don't like the movie ....I think many peole didn't understand it..

You can sense the joy that went into the making of Jhoom Barabar Jhoom right from the time the title makes its appearance....Amitabh has a great cameo, Abhishek is different but good too - Preity is always beautiful...in this one i like here better than KANK...Lara and Bobby are great ..I've always like this couple...but I was surprised that i enjoy Bobby's play most...

he plays this character with a lightness...and I have really enjoy it when he was on screen...have wait all time that he appears...

I can only say go watch it!!!! ...it is different Bollywood but thats good ....can only say very Entertaining Movie...don't listen to the reviews ...last but not least you will enjoy it..
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sadia_nasim27 June 2007
This film was so bad, I had to walk out half way, it made me cringe!! We decided to go and watch this movie because one our friends really enjoyed and loved the humour in Shaad Ali's Bunty aur Babli,(which for me was bearable not great, but it was alright) hence we thought maybe this would be similar but to our astonishment this movie was abysmal. It began with song and dance, and continued with songs that were thrown in for the sake of it. The acting was terrible...from both B's and Preity as for Bobby - no comment. The storyline was predictable, this goes to show that no matter how great or wonderful an actor/ actress you are if the script is not right…..then you will look like a fool, and that's exactly what they did look like! I don't go to watch a movie because a particular actor is it…unlike most Indian audiences...I go to watch a movie because there is a good plot, storyline etc hence had it not been for my friend i would not have gone to watch this movie. For me to take time out and write this review goes to show how awful I thought this movie really was.
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A very boring movie
mayurika-s2 July 2007
A very boring movie!! The movie was expected to be very good with very high performers, music by Shakar Ehsaan Loy and lyrics by Gulzar but this movie turned out to be a drag from the very beginning. Preity looked old and gaunt, Abhishek too loud.. and rest had no scope to perform.

The song Jhoom Barabar Jhoom starts getting on your nerves by the time the movie reaches the end. Amitabh looks a total hippy with nothing to do.The movie has no story line and the main characters keep lying throughout the movie. They have copied sequences from Sholay, Veer-Zaara and Bunty and Babli.
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time pass not worthy to be watched in the cineplex
QaReZmA30 September 2007
JBJ is a classic example for theory that a great ensemble of a big production house, star-kids, a beauty queen, a queen bee and a great musical score does not guarantee a great film.

The supporting cast has over shadowed the main leads, Lara was a delight to watch with her street antiques, while Bobby was the cute mama's boy. Both Preity and Abhishek are as stale as their last year's flick together, KANK. One fails to understand why a classy girl like Alvira falls for the piracy-specialist Rikki.

This movie has everything in the book for a good film, except a story, which was clearly missing from the big picture. It was like watching a movie of nicely choreographed music videos, all the songs make you jhoom literally, and cinematography was top notch. Song sequence of bol na halke looks something out of Veer-Zaara, which makes me wonder, is the message of the movie is kiss and make up between India and Pakistan?
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Ghoom Chakkar Mein Ghoom
HeadleyLamarr4 December 2007
And churn out flop after flop - this seems to be the standard YashRaj Films formula these days. How can an illustrious production house churn out such tripe, film after film? 2007 would be a zero for them but for one film, but this is not that film. Abhishek (looking more and more like a dirty toilet brush with his scruffy beard) meets Preity (looking more and more like a stretched and nip-tucked desperate middle-aged woman) meet at a train station. They tell each other stories about how they are waiting for their affianced ones, and we see the suave (don't be shocked please) Bobby Deol and the sexy, Frenchified Lara Dutta in 'flashbacks'. There are weird dialogs exchanged between the lead pair like "Sex Hua"! What the heck/fish/whatever? Turns out they were both making up a story. Hello? Why were this retarded duo at the train station in the first place? After such a beginning you are still expecting a story to emerge? So what else can I say about JBJ? Oh yes - that it is utter tripe.

The saving grace are the two sideys – never thought I'd say I liked Bobby Deol (gulp, shudder, please don't strike me down God, Zeus, Allah, Rama), Lara Dutta was decent too. Preity disappointed big time, Abhishek never could act so what else is new. Amitabh was a joker, he dressed as a pimp and acted as a drug addict – can someone please tell him to hang up his hat? Songs sucked big time and there was no saving grace in the film other than - no, I cannot say it twice, there will be hell to pay. Avoid this one like the plague, you probably already did avoid it in the theaters, you lucky bunch. Now run from the DVD!
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I'd rather watch dead animals decompose
wajiha_dawood2318 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a waste of money and time. Sure this movie has great settings, excellent costumes and great actors, but the story was restarted!!! It is so stupid how someone makes up they are engaged then so does the other one , then they both bring fake spouses and find out the truth and happily-ever after. AND WHAT THE HELL WAS AMITABH THINKING WHEN HE TOOK THIS ROLE??? I mean he pops out of no where every 10 minutes wearing a cheap ,dumb outfit and it has NOTHING to do with the movie. The movie was too long for a pointless story. The two 10-minute songs that are right next to each other was another dumb idea. Overall, this movie was so dumb, that i'd rather waste my time watching dead animals decay.
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What a terrible movie!
virindra4 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Once I wrote, as a Bobby Deol fan, that he only had to play in a Yash Chopra movie. Because Bobby is a great actor, and Yash Chopra makes good movies. But I was wrong, yes Bobby Deol acts very well, but his part in this movie is too small. His entrance was great, but the special effects were horrible! Yes, Yash Chopra can make a horrible movie! Abishek proved in Kabhi Alvida that he can act very well. In this movie he did not act good. It was very bad! He could not make his character alive. It was like a painting that did not come out of his paint.

Preity Zinta still is an annoying actress. The combination Zinta and Anishek was not good. The story between these tho was too predictable.

It was funny that Amitabh Bachchan played in a song in this movie. It was like a good joke. But this joke was repeated several times. Then it ain't funny anymore.

The actress Lara Dutta I guess was also annoying. She reached the annoying level of Zinta. Her accent was terrible. I didn't see the whole movie. I put the DVD out en I started to watch Cheeni Kum. Maybe tonight I am going to watch the end of this movie.

With saying this, I must add that I never have seen a bad movie like this from Yash Chopra before.
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Dance Bolly Dance !
romolopecci27 June 2007
Bollywood certainly at it's nearly-best, DANCE BABY DANCE delivers in ways both standard and special. Even though we've seen these handsome & curvy thesps in other top Bollywood productions, all deliver broad but colorful performances.

Acting, music, singing, & choreography seem classically Bollywood - all of it sweetly proportioned to the generous talents involved.

Wonderful location shooting predominates, especially pulsing Paris and lovely London - a nice change-up from the usual Mumbai sound-stages.

Whimsical story rarely if ever takes a dark turn; light & frothy predominates, built around common theme of romantic sleight-of-hands. The exuberance is festive throughout, with poignancy never far away.

Special kudos to always reliable Bachchan, who plays a kind of MC or host to the giddy romantic roundelay.

This is the kind of superb Bollywood fantasia that really merits a theatrical viewing....although with limited distribution DVD-on-your-Plasma is next best thing!
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Finally a film that the youth can enjoy
akaushal198328 June 2007
A fantastic film, was laughing from start to the end. Great casting and perfect acting from all. Shows that young AB has vastly improved and can further his acting skills after great performances in KANK & Sarkar. Preity doing her standard role opposite him, lara dutta looking very seductive and improving by the film. Bobby Deol shows he has a comedy side to his acting, a great role to cast him in.

Overall this is a fun film where you leave your brain at home and enjoy the ride from start to end. A film that the youth from 18 - 30 can really enjoy as this is happening in their lives.

Very funny and would definitely recommend if you love fun filled comedy films and AB is looking too slick in his gear even if he was there just for one song. He pulled it of in his naturally typical style and the soundtrack is another good yash raj score.
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A Crazy Entertainer..
pcsarkar8 July 2007
I walked into this film, paying Premium Rates, at a classy multiplex in Connaught Place, New Delhi, simply to escape the afternoon heat for a few hours. I had no idea what the movie was about, or what could be expected. I was pleasantly surprised to see the film opening with Amitabh doing a cameo rip-off on Carlos Santana, singing a song with foot-tapping beats. Since I accept that Abhishek is not only a lousy actor, he is one of the ugliest actors around, his lip-hanging dialog delivery and lugubrious comedy was no surprise. However, he seems to have accepted his ugly looks and tends to keep a stubble to give him a macho 'look'. From Refugee, he has come a long way, finally accepting that emoting is not for him, and he can earn bucks as long as he is in his father's shadow.. his future has always been bleak. Preeti Zinta, has been repeating herself over and over again as an NRI (Non Resident Pakistani here).. but so what.. let the cheques come as long as possible. A promising actress doing hopeless roles. The rather masculine Lara Dutta was quite charming and the underrated Deol, with his locks back,was far far better then the small B. As to the film, there is absolutely nothing in it to discuss.. just a roller-coaster sequence of events, ending into a predictable conclusion. What is different in it that it is not run-of-mill.. No villains, no fights, no vendettas, no caste / religion issues, no social messages,no bombastic dialogs, no villainous parents, no weepy mothers, no heavy-handed treatment of national integration, no platitudes. Just about perfect to escape the afternoon sun and smile, while the movie rolls and bounces along..
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