The Jack in the Box (2019) Poster

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It's okay.
Otkon22 February 2020
It's not gory. It's not fast-paced. It's not fancy.

They clearly spent all the budget on the box and Jack - which are nice and convincing. But they obviously hired their cousin with a DSLR to shoot it. It is recorded with ambient light and sound. So it just looks and sounds flat. That seems to be the standard nowadays in these dime-a-dozen pre-professional horror movies. So if you are looking for stimulating atmosphere, there is an echo-y, brightly sunlit, nearly empty local historical society "museum" at the center of the film.

It is also very understated in a British way. The lead actor will wind up going on to better things. He is charmingly handsome; and it is only up for him from here. He just had a peculiarly muted accent. Most of the other cast was staid and just there.

The movie had some interesting ideas. A decent protagonist. A very well-designed villain. But horror-oriented plot, suspense and execution - not so much.
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Exceeded my expectations
rohanownz22 February 2020
I am a hugeeee scary clown fan and I can't tell you how many times I come across movies with amazing covers that turn out to be dog crap. Clown movies are staples of low budget, f grade acting, and terribly written atrocities. It seems for every decent one you have to dig through 5 terrible ones. For instance some of the better ones would have to be Drive Thru, Clown, Killer Klowns From Outerspace, Terrifier, and Haunt. Just to name a few.

So where does Jack in the Box stand? I was actually quite shocked at the production value of this movie. The clown looks wonderful and the intricacies of the box itself. Although CGI in some spots. Looked really well done. This movie reminded me of Gremlin from 2017. In that it had a similar story line. And for me I also enjoyed that movie because it brought some new ideas and was pretty interesting to watch. Especially the twist at the end which I thought really made the movie. This one took some of those same principles but mixed it in with a clown and I for one am quite happy for the attempt.

The back story of demon boxes and how something like this came to be. Although pretty far fetched is quite a fascinating piece of fiction. I really like how this thing thrives on it's victims and has to be passed along in order to stay alive. It's clear they at least had a foundation for the plot line of this movie. However I would argue I wish it contained a few more layers. At times we are left trying to put together the pieces and you can't help but notice that at it's core it's pretty one dimensional. There isn't really a pay off and the ending although alright, has been done many times before in similarly told stories.

This movie also has several drawn on boring scenes. Not even important scenes that are critical to the progression of the film. More so just there to fill in the gaps and add some dialogue and character interaction. We have all seen this done countless times in movies that don't have much direction or a solid complex story that can keep things interesting. Nor do they really go out of there way to make you fall in love with any of these people to warrant such scenes. But when it counts they do give you just enough to keep watching.

The death scenes aren't amazing. A lot of times you just see people being dragged into the box. I'm sure with a bigger budget we could have had some more glorified kills. However when that clown is walking around it is quite terrifying and I cannot credit them more with nailing the way he moves and breathes.

Acting is fine in my opinion. Nobody took me out of the film nor did anyone go above and beyond. There are times where it isn't as strong as it could be. But I am not a stickler for this kind of stuff. As long as it isn't amateur hour.

If you are a fan of creepy dolls or music boxes. Puzzles or clowns. Then this is a great movie to watch if you have nothing else to do. I would say the movie itself probably deserves a 4 in it's plot progression. But it gets another point for me because that clown was so well done.
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A Missed opportunity...
paulclaassen8 January 2022
'The Jack in the Box' had the potential to be such an awesome movie, but sadly fails.

The film's score is really good. The sound effects are good. The Jack in the box doll with its haunting eyes, is creepy. The demon clown with its scary make-up is the stuff nightmares are made off. So what went wrong? The script. This is a very basic script, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes its good to have a premise that is simple and straight forward. Only, the dialogue is pretty standard. The characters are not fully explored and not interesting at all. The events are not even interesting. The demon clown appearing for the kill felt deja vu. He had the same demeanor in every scene - and there were times when it seemed they didn't really know what he was supposed to be doing.

The Acting. Boy, the acting was bland. The film looks acted. It didn't feel realistic - as if the actors were saying their lines, and then waiting for the director's "Cut!". It looked like they were doing this for the paycheck, or for experience only. They didn't seem motivated at all. Unconvincing. Lucy-Jane Quinlan especially was really bland as Lisa. Then again, the character itself was such a dull and dreary character that one can't really blame the actress. She hardly served any purpose in the movie until the final moment.

Ethan Taylor stars as the film's hero, Casey, who also didn't really seem like he was taking it very seriously. Maybe the director was to blame, who knows, but the film lacks on too many levels. Had 'The Jack in the Box' been directed by Mike Flanagan or James Wan for instance, I think it would have been a lot better. The film just wasn't as suspenseful or captivating as it could and should have been. The film also looked like it was shot with a home movie camera. The visual effects were also basic and low budget. The main draw card here is the box, which had a great design, and the Jack.

Having said that, it also is not a bad movie. If you can overlook the flaws, sit back and allow to be entertained, I'm sure you'll find something here you like. The clown certainly is memorable, although he, too, could have been far better explored.

Surprisingly, it was followed by a sequel - 'Jack in the Box: Awakening'.

Would I watch it again? No.
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clairebear_009 April 2021
You could tell it didn't have a massive budget but other films manage. The villain was very good but wasn't used well. At the end he was shown like we hadn't seen him before but we'd seen him like 4 times before already so the final showdown wasn't that exciting.

Acting was very bad, and I'm not sure why they made the lead American? They also gave him a tiny bit of backstory that went no where and didn't really contribute to the story. Like I thought the cleaner and the boss were the same person.

It just all kinda made no sense and we were spoon fed all the info but it still didn't make any sense, the timings were very off.

I think with a better setting, better pacing, acting and backing story this would've been a great film.
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Just Plain Stupid
peterDM-3038023 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The female lead doesn't bother to tell the police that the male lead wasn't the one who attacked her before she goes on an adventure to seek advice from the demonologist? She couldn't just tell the police the guy got away and the lead man was there trying to help her? What a stupid ending.
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This movie had so much potential and dropped the ball
kevin_robbins20 July 2022
Jack in the Box (2019) is a movie I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a family that discovers an antique Jack in the box in their home. Little do they know this Jack in the box unleashes a creature that kills humans to survive. Once they open the box will they ever be able to close it?

This movie is written and directed by Lawrence Fowler (The Ghost Within) and stars Robert Strange (Penny Dreadful), Lucy-Jane Quinlan (Made You Look), Charles Abomeli (Torchwood) and Simon Balfour (Harlots).

This movie had so much potential and dropped the ball. The Jack has fantastic makeup, costumes, mannerisms and sound effects; unfortunately, the kill scenes are super weak, lack gore and should have been more creative. The acting is fairly mediocre and the ending is a bit predictable.

Overall this is a disappointing addition to the horror genre that should have been better. I'd score this a 3/10 and recommend skipping it.
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It isn't worth jack.
BA_Harrison11 December 2020
I was going to say that The Jack In The Box is the best scary Jack-in-a-box film I have seen, on account of it being the only one, but then I remembered that I had watched Demonic Toys and Dollman vs. Demonic Toys, which aren't great, but are still better than this steaming pile of dung.

The film begins with a weak prologue that doesn't bode well for the rest of the film: a collection of poorly shot scenes sloppily edited together to introduce the 'box', home to Jack, a demonic killer clown who drags victims into his domain. Twelve years after Jack's last appearance, Casey Reynolds (Ethan Taylor) unwittingly unleashes the evil within when he discovers the box amongst donations to the village museum where he works.

Producer/editor/writer/director Lawrence Fowler (Jack of all trades, master of none) repeatedly fails to adequately set up scenes (most notably, a break in at the museum, where we're not even shown the burglars breaking in), and then abruptly cuts away from the action just as things start to get interesting. Despite an intriguing premise, his script is chock full of clichés and features dreadful dialogue, while the lack of any atmosphere or scares makes for a very dull watch.

The best things about the film are its titular box, which is like the lament configuration's big brother - kudos to the prop builder - and the clown itself, an impressively ugly creation who has real potential to be an icon of the genre. It's a real shame that Fowler hasn't the horror know-how to actually make his monster frightening.

After much bloodless tedium, replete with bad acting and more terrible editing, the film closes with a not-very-shocking Drag Me To Hell-style twist ending that is so blatantly telegraphed that even Stevie Wonder would see it coming.

2.5/10 for the box and the clown, rounded down to 2 for being a badly made bore.
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Bad accent time
Stevieboy66615 February 2022
Why is it that so many low budget British horror films feel it necessary to have at least one American amongst the lead cast but don't employ an American actor or an actor that can do a convincing American accent? The main character here is Casey, played by Ethan Taylor, meant to be American but judging by his laughable accent he obviously isn't. I have marked this down as this is a pet hate of mine. Bad accent aside the Jack in question is reasonably creepy and there are a few half decent scares. Sadly the pace between kills is slow, some of the acting is of the wooden variety and the plot is predictable.
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Not as bad as the usual junk AND with some historical background.
S_Soma18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing particularly special or surprising about THE JACK IN THE BOX recently released from the UK. You can pretty much tell what you're going to get within the first few minutes.

In short, there is a supernatural Jack-in-the-Box toy, together with a collection of supernatural rules that govern it, that if you pop it open you give the demon associated with it access to our world and it goes on a killing spree. In a 2 for 1, there is a rather disturbing-looking toy clown within the box that pops up when you turn the crank together with a full-size demonic-looking clown that sort of appears near the box that does the actual damage to the collection of victims. As a viewer, you're supposed to understand that the demon is coming out of the box based on the fact that you see a demonic hand coming OUT of the opening occasionally and a victim's hand disappearing INTO the opening, also occasionally.

The person that releases the demon can't be killed by the demon (keep track of these rules; will be a test at the end of the week), although the demon does bash him around pretty good just for fun, but everyone else is fair game for recreational killing. And there is a ritual the box opener can perform to trap the demon inside the box, and if you can prevent the box from being opened (after successfully performing the ritual) for the number of years that equates to the demon's number of victims times 3, (and there's a very handy and convenient counter on top of the box to help you keep track...) then the demon is fully kaput.

Outside of the ritual, the box is indestructible and can move itself around and blah blah blah. And of course nobody believes anybody who tries to warn anyone of the dangers of the demon Jack-in-the-Box problem.

No real origin information is given during the movie, and rather unusually we are told that it's one of "natures creations" and is therefore mortal, so there that is for what it's worth. A local "expert in demonology" seems to talk about them as if they're a fairly common, pesky annoyance, like having moles; the demonologist speaks of them almost exclusively in the plural.

To wrap things up at the end, there's the obligatory conclusion where we THINK we've got the demon trapped but SURPRISE! the trapping ritual was not properly performed and we wrap up the picture with the literary door left open for a sequel... you know, in case this one made money.

On the positive side, while THE JACK IN THE BOX is not exactly of inspirationally high quality, it's maybe 15% or 20% better overall than the complete junker you would EXPECT it to be. The acting is a touch better, the box and doll execution is up a bit, music is better, the overall sound and other production values are not completely appalling, and so on. You won't write any term papers on it but it won't kill you to watch it, either.

On an interesting note, out here in the real world, the whole Jack-in-the-Box "thang" has some history behind it. If you look up Jack-in-the-Box on Wikipedia you'll find it apparently has French origins and the French refer to them as "diable en boîte" which translates as "devil in a box" together with some other enlightening background information as to how the Jack-in-the-Box toy came to be and become popular, AND it's demon-related. It's worth reading. And it makes this movie a bit more interesting in terms of its background.

If you are into supernatural horror and are willing to keep your expectations appropriately low, I'd say it's worth seeing. Not the best moviegoing experience and it didn't strike me as particularly terrifying unless you've got your own personal hangups about clowns as some people do, but somebody did care enough to try to do a good job where they easily could have turned out a real piece of junk.

I gave the movie a 6/10 which probably requires a word of explanation: I rate movies based on 1) how close the movie subjectively came to being the movie its makers intended to be and 2) how well does it rate against other movies of its genre. THE JACK IN THE BOX I think came reasonably close to being the movie its makers intended to be, but it doesn't seem to be a real standout within its supernatural horror genre. For me, it subjectively averaged out to about a 6. The only real difficulty I had with the movie was the affected, poncy movements of the demon in his efforts to look "otherworldly"... or something.
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Easy pass
takato05244 January 2021
Like others have mentioned, this is a slow movie. The music doesn't fit, the cinematography isn't great, and the actors seem bored. This takes place in England, yet the lead actor is supposed to be American, but his natural English accent slips out all the time. Him being American didn't contribute to the story at all. Neither did his conflict with someone in his past dying. Good film to fall asleep to.
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Great low budget horror movie.
lord-blade18 October 2020
Jack in the Box really pulled it off. It's low budget with a small cast, but they act well and the script is well written. Admittedly a little predictable, but it's rare to find originality in anything these days.

Clearly most of the budget went into the costume and effects for Jack, which was a smart move. Simple sets, but a great monster really sells it.

And the movie's smart. It starts off strong, letting you know about the monster right from the start. No wasting an hour or more with "what ifs" or shadows. We know what's going on and the movie just jumps right in. That's how it needs to be done. Most movies waste most of their run time trying to set up a scare, which just makes them boring and pointless. Jack in the Box is enjoyable from start to finish.
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Nice movie
benaissi12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A good movie, jack in the box A monster comes out of a box and swallows people but its end is very sad ..
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Jack was creepy, storyline was awful
bigfourr22 February 2020
Jack kept me in this, even though the story made no sense!
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Lots of potential that never were utilized...
paul_haakonsen24 October 2020
I had not even heard about this 2019 movie when I was given the chance to sit down to watch it here in 2020. But from the movie's cover, this most definitely was a horror movie, and that was what lured me in.

Well, for a horror movie, then "The Jack in the Box" was bland and rather generic. Sure, it was a watchable movie, but writer and director Lawrence Fowler just never managed to bring the movie out of the mediocre lane.

The storyline in "The Jack in the Box" was pretty straight forward, albeit very, very generic. And it was contents that you have seen in other previous horror movies many times before; a demonic entity being caged up inside a physical box, unleashed unto the world unwittingly by someone not knowing what powers they were meddling with. From that point on, the movie was just overly predictable and followed a very generic how-to-make-a-horror movie blueprint, which left very little room for surprises and plot twists, apparently, because there were none of such in the entire movie.

I will say, however, that the demonic Jack in the Box was actually nicely made and had a good, scary appearance. But it was just a bit under-used and didn't come off as being malignant and evil enough. It felt more like just a creepy uncle creeping around in a clown costume. So writer Lawrence Fowler didn't really manage to create something that was all that spooky or disturbing.

The acting in "The Jack in the Box" was adequate, but it was clear that the actors and actresses had precious little contents to work with in terms of script and character development.

All in all, "The Jack in the Box" was a watchable movie, but it was hardly an outstanding or scary horror movie. My rating of "The Jack in the Box" is a four out of ten stars. Watch it if you have the chance and if you have a preference for horror movies, but just don't get your hopes up for a horror masterpiece. This is, however, the type of movie that you watch once, shelf it and never return to watch it again.
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Not awful
clairesmaybin18 February 2020
I'm always looking for something to watch because I'm not interested in the TV offerings like 'Love Island' and similar. This wasn't too bad, actually. A hundred times better than a couple of others I've had the misfortune to choose and pay for in the last couple of days. A new concept in horror (well, I've not seen a Jack in the Box horror before) and not badly done. The ending was completely foreseeable and actually foreshadowed in the dialogue, so that was predictable. But not dreadful.
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The box and the Jack are great.
baslee10 December 2022
This film has a great box and an excellent villian. Jack's costume and the actor's movements (especially his facial movements) were a real highlight. Unfortunately, it doesn't have much else. The dialogue feels unnatural and the music score attempts to compensate for this unnatural pace of the plot. The barren set design does not help with the world building either.

Not a deal breaker but, even as a non-american, I could pick that the main character was not from the US, and it breaks the already tenuous realism built in this film.

The demon's costume and performance were fantastic though.

Watch or don't, it won't change you life.
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Good & Entertaining
tonymarchei-1417619 April 2020
This is a sort of movie that isn't the worst of its kind nor the best. That's why I have it a 5. Overall it entertaining enough to enjoy watching. The characters are good and so is the story though predicible.
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It was 'ok'
heatherlynn1986200519 March 2021
My 11 yr old son and I watched it. We did not find it scary at all and rather humoring. Ethan Taylor did a fine job at hiding his accent, yet it was very easy knowing he was not American with a few slip ups. Overall, the movie was good. Still not understanding why it would be am 18+ when I'd have thought it would be a 13+. No nudity
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Surprising good
mskristinajones15 August 2020
None of the actors were familiar to me and that was perfectly fine. The story was creative and not like a horror film concept I've seen before. It combines the eeriness of some of our greatest fears regarding clowns and the nostalgia of a childhood toy. Excellent character creation, costuming, and movement of Jack. No foul language or gratuitous violence. Not Rated but was a film we watched with our 10 year-old. Give it a chance.
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aditibaindur18 February 2020
The direction and editing is really bad. And there's always music playing all the time which never suits the scene. It's a really badly written story. Theres absolutely no reason for you to watch this movie. Instead, save yourself an hour and a half and enjoy the creepypasta story instead!
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I loved the Clown Jack
joekane_200010 April 2020
This was a great way a spend isolated with, just creepy enough not to scary unless ur a little kid. Fun time interesting take I look forward to a sequel Jack In The Box 2 Another 6 To Do! Fingers crossed
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Nice little horror
elliotjeory28 June 2020
A low budget but enjoyable horror. The main character is a good actor and the jack in the box wasn't exactly scary but was entertaining.
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Idea was good but poorly executed
bobby_keyz25 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The whole idea of a freaky looking jack in the box containing a demon is a good base for a horror film. But this film has too many stupid plot points. The museum with expensive items having no security guard no cameras no nothing! And after the demon attacks the main character he goes back the museum on his own... yeah right youd be too scared to go anywhere on your own. Couldv been an great horror but this was not to be
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Great acting, terrible script
rks-749695 April 2021
Being one of Amazon Prime's plethora of subpar horror movies, I was surprised how well many of the things in the movie was put together. Normally the acting is terrible but here it is what makes the movie believable.

I will definitely revisit future work of this crew and cast.
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Jack is a dud
tonycollums26 August 2020
Don't waste your time. The movie is slow. Very predictable. Acting is mediocre at best. No wonder this movie was free on Vudu.
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