Moonshot (2022) Poster


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i liked it
news-1212 April 2022
Much better than expectations.

Ok not oscar material but its nice gentle comedy.

Entertaining and light hearted.

Sometimes we all need these.

Probably give it a 2nd viewing in a month or two.
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One time watch film!
anaaannya5 April 2022
Moonshot was supposed to enchant me, but it never did. Condor's natural charisma should carry this, but Sprouse's Ryan Reynolds Lite chatter-snark grinds it to a halt. Goofy omnipresent robot voices interject one-liners, unmemorable supporting characters come and go, and the obligatory pseudo-philosophical two-blips-in-the-vastness-of-the-universe moments are more corny than profound. Such things aren't good or funny enough to take our attention away from the painful reality that our two protagonists are so thin and generic that their love story is dormant.

Among the hilarity, Moonshot primarily featured some light drama centered on two young people trying to figure out who they are and what they want to be, culminating with Walt giving Sophie advice about her relationship with another Mars-dwelling Dude. If properly executed and written, it would be a good starting point. However, the film tries to combine two genres by juxtaposing lightly combative banter and forced tender moments against Ikea Basics Spaceship backdrops, which, despite establishing a more cheery and optimistic tone than the usual austere dystopian-future fodder, feels like two ideas crudely stapled together. After seeing this, I honestly believe that Wall E and EVE had more chemistry and a better storyline than this film and lead casts.

In short, if you have nothing to do and nothing to watch one evening, you can stream it. Because- Moonshot appears to be a different kind of rom-com, but it tells the same old story. For me, it is only a one-time watch film.
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fresh premise but could be better
a_filmcritter1 April 2022
This film follows the same template as most romcoms, the two pretend to be boyfriend-girlfriend, despite disliking one another, but then they can't help but fall for one another ...except this takes place in space.

Moonshot is definitely tailored for young viewers, and in that sense it is entertaining, funny, and cute. I found the beginning to be weird or slow, but once they get into space things start to pick up. I also thought the chemistry could be better between the two, as some romantic scenes felt too forced. But they are meant to be a quirky and 'different' couple from most romcom couples, and I thought they were able to pull that off together.
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This was actually surprisingly good...
paul_haakonsen27 April 2022
Well, I have to admit that the 2022 romantic sci-fi comedy actually turned out better than I had anticipated it to be. Sure, the storyline here was generic and predictable to the core, but there was just something stellar and otherworldly about the storyline that made "Moonshot" work out so well.

The storyline in "Moonshot", as written by Max Taxe, sure was a generic one, but at the same time it did manage to bring something new to the genre. It was nice to actually have an out-of-this-world romantic comedy movie such as this. The setting and the atmosphere of the entire movie just panned out so nicely and worked well in favor of the storyline.

The movie has a good cast ensemble. I wasn't familiar with Cole Sprouse (playing Walt) or Lana Condor (playing Sophie), but they really carried the movie quite well in their individual leading parts. And they definitely had a great on-screen chemistry that just added a lot of flavor to the movie. It was also fun to see Zach Braff in the movie, despite only for a brief time.

I was actually genuinely entertained by director Christopher Winterbauer's 2022 movie "Moonshot", and it is one that I can warmly recommend you take the time to watch, especially if you enjoy the archetypical romantic comedy genre. But take into consideration that "Moonshot" takes it to the stars.

My rating of "Moonshot" lands on a well-deserved seven out of ten stars.
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The same movie but in Mars
Yuliet101 May 2022
Everything is really enjoyable, the use of the lights and colors really fits on the screen, the music really gets you in the space they are living, not even a single reject about the production. The acting is really what we could expect. But every single movement, every direction and every plot twist is reminds me at least 10 movies i´ve seen. Even the comedy is the same.
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An underwhelming romance featuring two unlikable characters with no chemistry and rather underwhelming comedy
IonicBreezeMachine31 March 2022
In 2049, mankind has successfully colonized Mars with applicants able to either purchase commercial tickets or apply for the a work program. Assistant barista and slacker Walt Scott (Cole Sprouse) having been rejected 37 times and finding his "dream girl" Ginny (Emily Rudd) is now going to Mars finally decides to stowaway on the latest ship to mars using the unwitting help of Sophie Tsukino (Lana Candor) whom he tricks into bringing through the boarding gate so he can sneak in on the escape pods. Shortly after liftoff, Sophie quickly discovers Walt and realizing that security will connect his presence to her reluctantly helps hide him so she isn't placed on a no-fly list and kept from reunited with her boyfriend Calvin (Mason Gooding). Over the course of a month Walt and Sophie serve as reluctant roomates with their relationship developing over time.

Moonshot comes to us from producer Greg Berlanti's Berlanti-Schechter Filmsin the second feature film produced for HBO Max following 2020's unpregnant. The movie is the first major release for director Chris Winterbauer and writer Max Taxe with Winterbauer's previous credits being mostly short films and a feature called Wyrm which appears to have never been released. On paper the film seems like an okay setup for a light sci-fi comedy romance film, but in execution it falls flat with two leads who don't fit as a couple despite the movie's attempt to make them.

Cole Sprouse plays Walt as a slacker who hasn't accomplished anything and somehow thinks going to Mars will fix all his problems. He meets a random girl, Ginny, at a party and takes this as "love" and uses it as an excuse to trick someone into helping him stowaway. Lana Condor plays Sophie who's tightly wound, abrasive, and condescending and seems and the character despite having more drive than Walt by comparison carries airs of superiority that honestly just grated on me. Both these characters are awful and their chemistry is virtually non-existent. At the relative "height" of their "romance" Walt and Sophie never feel like they go above mildly tolerating each other let alone romance especially in comparison to ancillary characters like Cameron Esposito's Tabby and Sunita Deshpande's Celeste who make you wonder "why are we not watching a movie about these two?".

Moonshot evokes the feel of a number of other similar movies with bits of Wall-E, Silent Running, or even more recent films like Love and Monsters and it just doesn't come anywhere close to the level of these movies you can't help but compare it to. Maybe if our two leads had the slightest bit of chemistry to them or endeared themselves, but they don't. Even in the third act nadir Sophie still has more chemistry with Calvin than with Walt and the movie wants us to root for Sophie and Walt as a couple. The one element I can say kind of worked was Zach Braff as space entrepreneur Leon Kovi whose whole gimmick basically boils down to laughing at how much of an idiot Walt is and his turning Walt into an interstellar punchline by Memeing while a little pandering was probably the high point of the humor in this movie which probably speaks to how inert the humor truly is. There are also some moments of visual wonder and genuine awe in the movie tat almost work, but most of the time the setting isn't fully exploited and it might as well be a cruise ship for all it effects the plot.

Moonshot is not good. It features two unlikable characters portrayed by actors with no chemistry and pales in comparison to similarly themed films that are better. Zach Braff's brief performance at the end was kind of entertaining and there's individual moments that almost work, but this is one you can skip without missing much.
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Awkward beginning, ok middle, meh ending
hazard1112 April 2022
I like both actors but together as a couple not so much. I don't really feel the chemistry nor do I find anything about them romantic, they are just awkward tbh (and the male lead's actions is honestly creepyville not romantic)...I'd accept this more as a light hearted "drama". Giving it a 6 because I liked the space theme and the whole adventure premise, wish they focused on that more and put the "romance" on the side but alas we get this.
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A cheesy children's movie
stevelivesey671 April 2022
Very bland. Lots of Elon Musk hero worship (not referred to directly). Very Hallmarky, sugary Disneyesque.

The 2 main leads are annoying. The useless, nerd white loser and the unlikeable uptight Asian girl seen it all before.

There is just nothing to reccomend here unless you are a 10 year old girl.
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Unexpectedly charming! :-)
stevebondi5 April 2022
While the concept is pretty straightforward, the way the relationship builds is quite interesting :-) The dialog from the AI's was very funny and one of the highlights of the movie :-)
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Unconvincing, dull, and cringey.
pasaribuharisfadli2 April 2022
I must give Lana Condor a credit for being able to bring some gravitas to her rather bland character. Alas, the same cannot say about Cole Sprouse. He's only making his irritating character worse. Despite how much effort Lana and Cole try to give, the romance between Sophie and Walt is still unconvincing, dull, and cringey.
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A lot of fun
rafaews1 April 2022
I was totally expecting another OK romcom but this flick surprised me.

I busted out laughing quite a few times.

The AI robots are the funniest.

Maybe it's just me but I loved it.

Just try it.
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As an older person i like it
If you want a romantic movie with some overacting lol "the way he sneeks into the ship" it is ok to watch. Acting wasn't that good but for some reason this movie was fun to watch.
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Not sure what I watched....
aimtrain10213 April 2022
I usually like Cole and I've watched Lana in To All the Boys a million times, but this was not it for these two. It could have been so much better. The idea was different and had potential but the execution fell flat. The dialogue was just off. And weird. Felt no real connection to any of the characters. Definitely no romantic chemistry between the two leads. The jokes didn't hit right, if can even call them jokes. Again I usually find Cole charming and funny, so not sure what happened here.

I couldn't get into this at all no matter how much I wanted to.
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Here for Terraforming Mars
lauradt7 May 2022
I thought this would be a cute movie. It kind of was, kind of wasn't. There's absolutely nothing new here and after a little while you'll be able to guess exactly how it will end (heck you can probably guess that without even watching any!).

I have pretty low standards for movies - I'll watch any old rubbish and usually be entertained - but I did find Moonshot a bit lacklustre. It seemed like a missed opportunity.

But the reason I had to leave a review is for the travesty that is the misrepresentation of Terraforming Mars (the board game played towards the end of the movie). It's not like it's even my favourite board game or anything but I was so disturbed by the way they made it look like a ruddy game of monopoly. Rolling Dice? Cheering?? Pieces placed illegally on the board??? Oh, mercy!

Listen, if you like board games in general and haven't discovered the modern board game hobby yet, I invite you to find a local game store or check out Board Game Geek. There is so much out there. You will be amazed at the amount of choices and strategy a modern board game can offer - no more rolling to move (usually) or family members fleecing you of all your money just coz you were unlucky enough to land on their property during a gruelling three hour game of Monopoly.

You can even cheer during a game of Terraforming Mars if you want - just make sure you're at least attempting to play it as intended first!
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scottjtepper1 April 2022
A Hallmark TV-style Movie from the cramped quarters (er, I mean set) of a spaceship involving two cartoon characters with no chemistry for each other (or anything else for that matter). Except that Hallmark would pass on it as too formulaic, obvious and dumb.

This treacle is passing for entertainment these days and was breathlessly advertised by HBO Max in a direct email campaign to its hapless subscribers as something to watch. It's not. It's just awful.

Don't waste your time. Yes, it's good the actors and the crew got paid, but HBO Max should be ashamed of itself.

The trillions of electrons that died for this trash deserved better.
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all story, don't expect special effects
ksf-21 May 2022
I'm surprised at the low-ish rating on imdb... this story is more about relationships than the sci-fi side of the story. Maybe people were expecting better special effects. The landscapes of mars and the universe were pretty one dimensional, but i think we can overlook that as we follow walt around on his adventures. Walt (cole sprouse) wants so badly to be able to go on an exploration to mars, so he stows away with friend sophie (lana condor) who can afford to buy a ticket. He claims he wants to follow his girlfriend, but his story later falls apart. A small role for zach braff. It's a cute love story, with some cool backgrounds. Those looking for spectacular special effects won't find it here. Kind of a plain, old love story. Directed by chris winterbauer. Story by max taxe.
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Watchable once
noobdas-8375431 March 2022
Well, I didn't expect much from this and it was as expected. Pretty fun movie but it's too slow at the start and gets annoying. Acting was mediocre and plot was the same, supporting characters don't have any importance whatsoever and overall Its a 5/10 for me.
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Surpassed my expectations
savanna198031 March 2022
If you go into this movie with the understanding that it is a simple and lighthearted romp and no more... you will enjoy it. I say this as someone who never seeks out sci-fi or rom coms -- I actually only turned this on to see what Cole Sprouse looks like all grown up. I intended to only watch a few minutes and it gave me reason to finish it out. Sprouse actually has incredible comedic timing (similar to Ryan Reynolds in timbre) and Condor delivers a believable angst. The plot isn't anything revelatory, but the writing provides pockets of witty banter that keeps it moving in a predictable direction. Overall I think that fans of either genre could enjoy this movie as long as you aren't expecting Oscar-worthy performances or story. It is suitable for grade-school children or above, without the burden of foul language. I appreciate writers who understand you can write material without profanity and still be funny.
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Rom com to Mars. Why call it Moonshot?
dochands10 April 2022
This is predictable and silly. Not worthy of review. My only question is if they are on a shuttle to Mars why is the movie called Moonshot? Asking for a friend.
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It's pretty good
killercola1 April 2022
Didn't think I would like this but it ended up better than expected. It won't win any Emmy's but I don't think it's intention is awards. It's a fun and easy watch for passing time. Give it a go.
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A film for the woke generation
nigepitz6 April 2022
It's cliched, predictable, lazy and anodyne but despite this I actually enjoyed it. The two leads have no chemistry whatsoever but in the end that doesn't matter as you've already suspended your belief so high some more nonsense doesn't matter. Shallow, dumbed-down and made for the woke generation who all have sub-level IQ's and the attention span of Voles and need to be told how to think and feel, it was nonetheless an enjoyable couple of hours. Surprising.
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deesirius5 August 2022
Really tried to enjoy this. But i was pretty much on my phone the whole time. I wanted to watch it because I love each lead separately...but together? This was not the project for these two. If anything i like their original significant other. Thought they matched better than these two. It wasnt seemless...they seemed better as friends. And the mars thing??? What was the point of that year??
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I enjoyed it.
karyoten31 March 2022
I'm definitely not the target audience for this movie, a predictable teenage romance, but with nothing to see I decided to give it a try and was entertaining.

Great acting.

The special effects were fine.

I'll take one thing from this movie:

"You are not special, I'm not special, most people not special. Someday you are going to meet someone and made something special with them, like a memory. Or a weird well baby thing."
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An Out Of This World Rom-Com
cahidi10 April 2022
Before you say anything about how illogical and how dumb this movie is, you should take into your consideration what genre this movie is categorized. Rom-com isn't supposed to be rocket science (even though it's literally a story about one). Rom-com is all about the feelings you get in your guts that warms you up and lights your life up. The fuzzy feelings you get when you're happy and content. And that's exactly what this movie had given me. That's what compelled me to give decently high ratings for this flick. Watch this if you need something to make your day or to make you feel better about the world. Satisfaction guaranteed!
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