Far Cry 6 (Video Game 2021) Poster

(2021 Video Game)

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Ubisoft takes the quick way out
burnzyburns3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've been playing the Far Cry games since 3 and I've loved the series enough to play every game that's been out since. But in recent memory the series has gotten a bit stale. This is something that doesn't surprise me with long running video game series, however, Far Cry 6 might be the start of a wrong path.

I won't waste anyone's time saying that every Far Cry game is the same. We know this but that's obviously what you expect with formulatic games, and I've lived with this without problems throughout much of the games in the series. When Far Cry did make a noticeable change in Primal, it did not receive well, though it is quietly one of the best games of the series because it does enough to be different without running away with a completely new system. After Primal, Ubisoft went back to making the games consistent to the original protagonist, good guy, story heavy approach with recycled but, still, mostly effective gameplay.

Far Cry 6 is the first game of the series where I have some serious doubts for the future of this series. Ubisoft hasn't exactly been thriving lately with some of their releases outside of the major titles like Assassins Creed and the Tom Clancy stuff. They put a bullet into Watch Dogs, a series that's not looking promising going forward, and I think Far Cry is starting to head that way.

FC6 is still a quality game. The controls are easy, familiar and the customization might be the best yet. The world Itself is truly stunning and I applaud the detail we see there. I don't know if there is much more to say beyond that. After my first 2 hours of play through, I felt this game to be much more boring then I would imagine. I lost all grip for the story, I didn't like one character in any particular way, the villain is barely in the game and I didn't feel a reason to despise him outside a couple of scenes, and the repetitiveness of each mission and how EASY each mission was, is so underwhelming to me, even on its hardest game mode. The world also feels very empty, even with the endless side missions. I could drive around all over the island, swim, and fly, and it's just monotonous. But to conclude, my biggest problem was, this game is way too easy to be good at. Everything you could ever want in the game, is very easily accessible. I found myself never having to use certain weapons or wear certain clothes because they didn't matter at basically any point in time.

Far Cry 6 should be had only on sale. I'm sorry if you had to drop full price or if you paid for the deluxe version, because I don't think it's justified enough. The developers took a step back with this game. It is commercially appealing but barely playable. If this is your first time playing a Far Cry game then you'll enjoy it I'm sure, but that probably only applies to a very few select group of people. This is the first time I've ever said I want more from Ubisoft out of a series I love. The next Far Cry game will have to correct these problems.
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Good Game
Jesterss666PL13 October 2021
+expressive, beautiful views +big open world with tons of content +Yara looks beautiful in many places +Huge and very diverse world -Untapped potential of Giancarlo Esposito -tragicomic artificial intelligence.
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Very enjoyable
elliotpower200021 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The game is about 20-25 hours long depending how quick you play and if you do side missions etc. It has a very good story and lots of memorable characters and even a few sad moments such as el Tigre. The final mission is very well put together however a few of the missions do get boring as they feel the same as other ones.
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Farout! Far cry is beautiful 😍
RuthlessJak13 October 2021
Everything is designed beautifully - gun play is the best so far and driving now actually works - the side missions are intriguing and some are hilarious.

I've dropped Valhalla to finish this in time for Horizon 5!
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FC Fans just don't know what they want
cruzjeremy230910 October 2021
This is the purest Far Cry has ever been, sure it lacks in some areas, but this is definitely behind FC3 as among the best in the franchise yet. These so called die hard fans dont know what they want. The amount of content here and the world of Yara plus with Giancarlo Esposito, is amazing. Props to Ubisoft for stepping it up.
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Revolution is a lie
Weap0n3 November 2022

Far Cry 6 is set in the Republic of Yara. Fictional island that resemble Cuba. Our character is Dani, male or female is your personal choice and his background story is as thin as easily forgotten right after the exciting opening game's sequences. Dani is basically the tool, the Pistol of this Revolution against the new tyrant. Since Far Cry 3's Vaas, this series has been known for having great charismatic villains. This year's Far Cry has the honour of featuring Anton Castillo. His role is played by the famous Giancarlo Esposito. The Castillo family has been holding Yara in his hands for generations and thanks to Doctor Reyes invention, a drug called Viviro, the world avoid to put a word on the inner conflict between the Castillo and the rebels. Viviro is basically described as a drug that can cure cancer. Through the whole storyline we can see different characters taking over, most of them with a huge reverence on themes such as racism and LGBT+. Sometimes this all appears all over the place and out of context but we know, it's 2022, and this game wants to be inclusive even at the cost of being ridicolous. This said the game features great cut-scenes and all are pretty well acted despite the plot never really thickens and most of the villains just randomly die and Anton Castillo, like Pagan in Far Cry 4, has not much screenplay. Overall plot and characters are forgettable and just an excuse to go there and do this/that. Side-note: I have never seen so much swearing in a single game. Every single dialogue ends or begins with F words. Also it was a waste to not see Giancarlo Esposito more and with an extended role and dialogues.


Far Cry is always being known for having giant maps and a shooting gameplay that doesn't take itself too seriously. FC6 unfortunately is a huge hole in the water because of bad game-design choices and a map that is too big and too empty and when you combine these two with a lot of backtracking between missions you can clearly see the fun is out of the game. Let's start by the fact that to accept a mission we need to go to the campbase each time and soonafter accepting we have to take a 5-10 minute walk in a map that is hard to navigate with a lot of verticality and a main character with no exploring skills. I said this because Dani can jump, yes, but most of the climbing is scripted and he/she cannot climb when it's not programmed to. Same goes for the grappling hook, whicht is a nice feature but hardly implemented in the course of the game. With such a huge map you expect a good placement of checkpoints and fast travels: that's not happening. More than in a handful of occasions I died and had to walk all the way back to the mission..and FC6 is probably the first time I see an open world game where I cannot change the time of the day. Let's talk about the main missions. Most of them require the player to complete basic tasks like killing a target or collecting intel. Some of them required me to find some sort of collectibles or find specific prompts that were not marked on the map, so, although I like the exploration it ended up being quite frustrating. Missions features always a similar pattern with Dani looking for something, getting ambushed, killing the horde and having to deal with a chopper or a tank that we kill with a single shot of Supremo. This is basically a special move, an Ultimate, to destroy huge threats at once. Far Cry 6 quits the good old skill tree and the outcome is a widely classic gunplay that results very stale and basic, without crazy twists that are left to just a few mods for our beloved guns. I wish they took the risk to create some more creative ones. Sure we get special weapons that fires CDs and fireworks but I liked some crazy skills as well to give some more variety and style to the game. Enemies AI is on of the worst I have ever seen with soldiers charging you with all themselves or completely forgetting you are even there. Most of the challenge lies in the fact that the game is divided using the (in)famous rank level and this might left you out some areas for some time unless you are happy to take lot of damage from dumb enemies. There are lots of checkpoints to conquest and missile bases to destroy to open flyzones but they are so boring to reach, having to walk a lot between them, that it is just not fun. Most of the mini-games are pretty common, copy pasted, unfun stuff. I am talking about race games, hunting and fishing. I really enjoyed Cockfighting though, a very easy copy of Tekken but I am sure there was a lot of controversy about it..


Voice acting is okaish. Most of the dialogues have a bad, bad writing and are full of swearings and hardly fun or enjoyable. Anton Castillo and his Son, Diego, have probably the best depth scripts but even this doesn't shine with so many games out there focusing on great storylines.


Yara is gorgeous and Ubisoft did a lot of work to create a map with lots of vertical options. Far Cry 6 is one of the best optimized game for PC and it features PS controller layout and tons of accessibility options. Most of the character models are well detailed and animated and Giancarlo Esposito is simply a 1:1 game model of himself.

Ubisoft tried to revive Far Cry once again but it is probably time to put it to sleep for some time. Hiring Giancarlo Esposito might have lured some people to buy in this new episode of the franchise but I am sure they have been disappointed and will think about it twice next time.
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Exceeded My Expectations
ajp201211 October 2021
Far Cry 5 was my introduction to the series when it became one of the free monthly downloads last year. I wasn't overly keen on the story but loved the open world setting and the gameplay itself. That is what got me excited for the latest release, and I have looked forward to it all year.

Well I can say that it certainly is not a disappointment. Firstly, the scenery is absolutely beautiful, and has been intricately detailed, so even when you are in the back of beyond, there is always something to see or do, or a cave to explore, or wildlife to hunt, or do as I do, which is just to explore and observe the breathtaking views. Although the map is huge, every area has some kind of landmark, whether it be part of the story, or just there to explore, and does not have that empty dead space of huge maps, such as the Just Cause franchise. There has clearly been alot of effort put into the design and layout.

Secondly, there are loads of weapons to choose, all individually upgradable by collecting scrap items, scattered around the map, as well as unlocking unique weapons in hidden chests. Although the upgrades don't seem as in depth as other specific first person shooting games, there is still plenty to keep the majority of players happy, not to mention the ridiculous and crazy guns you wouldn't see in any other game anyways.

The vehicle choice is adequate with the usual planes, helicopters, boats, cars, trucks in previous games, but I feel they easily could have added alot more choice for a game of this size. It was nice to see the mini hovercraft, and strangely enough, horses too.

As for the story, it is very long. I'm around 30 hours in and I couldn't even tell you if I'm half way through or not. But I love it so far. There are numerous characters you cross paths with, some likeable, some not so much, but they are all part of the exciting journey. There are some very nice and unique missions throughout the whole game and what I personally enjoy the most, are the ones where you have to think strategically. You cannot go in all guns blazing in every mission because you will literally die every 2 minutes. As the story progresses and enemy soldiers become harder to kill, you are almost forced to take a stealthy approach. Some players may not like that, but I really do, and I'm sure others will too. Having the ability to play co op with a friend will make a huge difference in how you handle missions, as well as being generally more fun. I have only played solo so far but had great times with friends in FC5.

There is so much good to say about this game and I can't praise it enough. I would score it 10 but unfortunately it's not a perfect game for me. As good as I think it is, there are some things that prevent it from a perfect 10.

The radio stations for starters are diabolical. I think there's only 3 songs that I recognise and I do love listening to good music in games.

Vehicle choice as I said earlier. The white player blip/arrow on the radar is horrible, as it merges with other white icons making it a nightmare to see where you are. The game freezes intermittently for 10-15 seconds, launching your car in the air. (Could be an old gen issue). The enemy is very over powered, constantly hitting you before you can even see them. They run whilst fully locking on and shooting, randomly throw a grenade whilst shooting and you are getting hit left right and centre. It can be very frustrating, especially when you have an objective to carry out whilst fighting off endless enemies, reloading, healing, dying and restarting all over again. And the enemy spawns aren't the greatest. There is definitely room for improvement but over all I have been very impressed. I'm very excited to see how the story ends and then work through the side missions and treasure hunts. Last thing is, there are alot of haters out there putting this game down for no good reason, so if you want an honest opinion, go to a small online streamer. Those guys will tell you exactly what this game is like.
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middling, don't buy at full price
hermessealed2 June 2023
I got the game on sale for twenty dollars. Finished the game at about 34 hours. Overall a competent game but it's middling and soulless. Flat and repetitive gameplay and plot. Very little endgame payoff. Very meh ending. The environment looks quite nice but the world is barely interact-able. It has all sorts of base-building and RPG elements but none of them seemed to really matter at all.

On sale, I think there is enough content there to keep you occupied for some time. Only buy it when it's on discount and don't expect to be blown away. I would have been angry had I bought this game at full price.
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What More Could ya Want?
Master_Strange10 October 2021
The game is super solid. Insane graphics, interactive and fairly intelligent NPC's. The plot is very well done and hardly lacks any major factors, similar to its predecessors. Mechanics are amped up a notch, Driving feels entirely new and has weight and physics to it now, Gun play is a fresh breath! Would highly recommend. Beginning is very gritty and eye opening for some, but something that draws you in to fight for what is right! Eye candy views, customizable weapons, and a croc that eats people... what more could ya want?
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Weakest in the series so far
8512226 June 2023
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Far Cry 6" (2021) is a very uneven game - at least it was for me. At the beginning first few hours were boring. Later it picked up and i started tio highly enjoy it, and even was thinking its going to be one of the best games in the series. But soon a spell went off and it ended on being so so game.

Best things about this game: graphics, acting by Giancarlo Esposito, gun play and some exploration. Unique gear sets were also pretty unique for the series, but soon I was only using few of them. I did complete the story but was disappointed by it for it being to generic and predictable. Ending was pretty brutal (no spoilers), but overall it was mehhh.

The worst thing about Far Cry 6 was its generic approach to basically everything. I played all parts and Ubisoft really needs to start improving this formula because it become very predictable and stiff. If they won't change things up drastically for next installment, i won't return for inevitable 7th part.

Overall, "Far Cry 6" is not a bad game by any means, and at most part its a pretty good one. There are few great things about it, some OK ones, but mostly its boring and predictable. If you played any of previous instalments, you already played part 6.
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The Best Far cry yet 10/10
jamesarooney7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't had so much fun blowing stuff up since a ps3 game of 2010 title just cause 2 but that's another review Far cry 6 gets the elements of Far cry 5 and Far cry 3 and puts you in yara in 1967 Guerrilla Revolution Led to a collapse in poverty for nearly fifty years until a new leader with the courage to reclaim paradise. You can lead crocodiles to kill and blow stuff up the acting is awesome giancarlo actor anton steals the show and is very intense and did I mention there's a cute puppy.
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Sadly disappointing
sethrbingham26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me preface this with my love for the Far Cry series, namely Far Cry 5, which I have replayed more than any game I've ever played. What happened to 6? Why is a game with more content, boring compared to its predecessors? I'll tell you why, it's because all of that extra content, is worthless. We've got customizable gear...with perks that do very little, or nothing at all unless a certain scenario happens. We have a BUNCH of guns that are customizable, yet again with mods that need to meet a criteria before they actually kick in. And Overclocked weapons? After Hours of grinding for gun powder, The non overclocked versions can be upgraded just as good, if not better than the overclocked. It's like they added a bunch of features to make the game fun, but straight up forgot the fun. Bandito missions? Next to worthless. I have to wait two hours for 300 pesos? What's the point?!

What it all truly boils down to though...is the story. I have no attachment to it. In Far Cry 5, I could NOT get enough of the story or the characters. I was drawn in to the world and felt the perils of the characters. In 6, I just feel like a washed up Scorpio from Just Cause. Bad writing isn't the only thing to blame. The sheer number of side quests is laughable. Why am I picking up 35 side quests while I'm literally ON MY WAY to a main mission? I do have to say, the stranger things episode was cool. I love Ubisoft games and yes I've put many hours into this, but I am without a doubt, disappointed.
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The worst story and characters in a Far Cry game to date.
fredrik-m-987-8453537 November 2021
I must admit i had pretty high expectations for Far Cry 6, but i was severely disappointed by the finished product. Don't get me wrong, Far Cry 6 still features plenty of the same exploding action and beautiful nature we are used to find in the world of Far Cry, but they made a mistake when they removed the skill tree from earlier titles. It just doesn't work as well as it should. I find it annoying to change shoes, pants or headgear just to be able to do certain things. (I just ended up not using any of the features) Not to mention the fact that you have to shoot enemies 20 times to kill them if you have the "wrong ammo type for the enemy" by simply adding a feature like in Far Cry 5 where you could change the arrow for your bow on the fly it would be way better. What really killed the experience for me though, was the fact that all the characters seemed to be written for gaming journalists and the Twitter community, you know.. The worst part of the community on Twitter. Every single character was extremely annoying and very hard to like. I didn't care about any of them. I would complain about the story being so short but in this case it's a blessing.
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Most beautiful game so far !
heringaschilder9 October 2021
Of you loved far cry 5 you want to marry far cry 6!

This game is so beautiful i cant believe my eyes 😍
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I had fun !!
lowkee333 November 2021
I didn't mind Far cry 5, just saying. Far Cry 6 is better in my opinion. The story had just enough humor and seriousness. Dani the main character actually has a voice and a personality. I liked that too. I will say it's not perfect and there is plenty for people to pick apart. But I needed a game that was going to be fun and not necessarily so serious and this game has fit that perfectly. I hope you enjoy to try not to listen to all the negativity!!! If you like Far Cry games then definitely play it :)
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Brilliant n fun
chrisselmes-1476427 February 2022
By far best graphics I've even seen,the far cry world looks amazing,best far cry I've ever played,good characters n good story.you can stop n stare off a mountain n into the water n ever detail of the island looks beautiful.
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Great game
mxrowfn28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Game is fun from the beginning. The story and place are amazing. The environment is very beatifull and big. Bigger then every other far cry map in history. The villian anton castillo is also one of the best villians in the franchise.
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Heartwarming Fun Experience.
kylloween11 January 2022
Far Cry 6 is an all around joy to play. It's so fun and addictive to just free roam and fly around and do random stuff. It's easily a 10/10 for me personally!
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mihaimazilu-617492 September 2022
Would like to start by mentioning that the graphycs is gorgeous, gameplay friendly and easy to figure out, controls make sense and you seldomly encounter any difficulty on that level.

However, the story is sooooo bad, dull and easy to forget what was any particular mission about.

Utterly dumb and annoying characters, of course a touch of PC and LGBTQ. Feels like watching a Mexican telenovela for teenagers in Canada. Goofy to say the least and what the hell is with that rooster chasing you all over the place?!

Far cry was supposed to give you the chills and make you lose yourself in the narative, not constantly roll your eyes due to the ridiculousness of the dialogue and petty characters.
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The best ubisoft game of all time
ugrfeyildirim1 May 2023
Star Wars: Republic Commando is very special game foe me and Far Cry 6 is a very special game for me from now on. I've been playing the Far Cry series since the 3rd game and this has been my favorite among them, and I really enjoy playing the game. Especially the hitting feel is very good. You can understand what the main character is going through very well and you feel that he is a stronger character than the previous characters. But after a while, repetitive operations can be a problem for some people. Moreover Far Cry needs a new thing.

The villain is also regular Far Cry villain like Pagan and Vaas. 6nd game is average of 3rd, 4nd, 5nd games but the top. And I opened the imdb account just to review this game.
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amaizing game but there are too many helicopters but rocket lunchers are hard to achive
shahnamnegahdarri5 January 2022
Amaizing game but there are too many helicopters but rocket lunchers are hard to achive. Beautiful gameplay several bugs the story is the best of all farcrys.
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Good but bad
aureyshow12 June 2023
It's a pretty good game i have not seen better but Diego and his dad's relationship takes a Sly turn but at the end of the whole game which is very sad seeing Diego get killed by his father the game would have had a better life span if the Diego stayed alive it would have came back as a new story also would have been better if Diego's mom would appear more in one of the scenes where he shoves a Pin Needle and Diego's hand it very sad it's a very good game so much in fact that I learned every line from the game and I sometimes have dreams and I'm in the game. I love this game I recommend you play it.
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Most cinematic far cry
samroyce-377514 April 2022
I've been playing the Far Cry games since FC2 and yes this feels very similar to the rest but the story is gripping more than the last game. The map is is also flesh out more and is similar to the third entry, (in a good way) the main character Danni is enjoying to play as and also some of the side characters.

However alot of the mission do feel copy and paste and the A. I does not feel that feel improved since the third game.

If you love blowing things up good uprising story and chaos, you'll enjoy this game.
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psychotico13 June 2022
Far Cry 6 is my first in the series with the Motion Blur settings being available on the consoles to turn off and on, the previous games made me nauseous as it did with a lot of people. I hope Ubisoft continues adding that feature from now on as more players will be able to finally play the Far Cry series without the blur motion sickness.
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Where did we go wrong...
Carson10222 July 2022
Very concerned about Ubisoft as a company. Far Cry 3&4 are some of arguably the best games to ever hit the market but it seems they've become a version of COD where every game progresses and plays the exact same. The game has great upgrades in feel and look, but that's a requirement because of it being made more recently. Story is bland, and most importantly the villain isn't someone you dislike, which has been a staple of the far cry series. Glad I bought it on sale but I wouldn't even recommend it for that.
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