"She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" The Retreat (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Funny show despite all the negative comments
neskire30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is a tongue-in-cheek comedy. People who have down voted the show were probably expecting more superhero action. I see it as great social commentary. The writing is not top-notch but I still look forward to each episode. From what I have read, She-Hulk stays true to the comic books. If this is not your cup of tea (or kale smoothie) then go on to your other mindless action shows. They are really defining Jen's character and many can relate to her human existence. This episode shows that she has a love/hate relationship with her Hulk self. The original Hulk comics were inspired by the original story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It is an exploration of our own human nature where we wear different masks for different situations and how we try to come to terms with them.

However, the most important thing is to have fun with the show. Don't take this show (or any other superhero show) too seriously.
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I wish I had a Yurt for when Men ghost me
RebelPanda2 October 2022
This week's episode seemed like a filler episode because of the variety of comic relief characters. However, it developed Jen's character arc by addressing her insecurities balancing superhero vs average lawyer. Stranded on Emil's estate, Jen confronts her loneliness and neediness for a partner in group therapy. In the previous episode she met Josh at the wedding, who liked her as Jen rather than She-Hulk. Unfortunately, Josh turns out to be a typical disingenuous man only trying to hookup. The people she meets at Emil's therapy retreat support her pain, particularly funny a matador and a minotaur who are codependent.

It did not make much progress towards the overarching plot, however it motivated Jen to value herself more. Overall light on action, but heavy on feels.
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thijmenproduction29 September 2022
Finally an episode that is not that bad. I absolutely didn't like the previous episodes but i'm glad that this one wasn't that bad. Jen has some character in this episode and a good open ending.

CGI can still be better ofcourse but CGI isn't everything, story is what matters and in my opinion this episodes truly shows story within the characters. As example: The sort of therapy session felt heartwarming how the group embraces Jen and She-Hulk. I hope to see those characters very soon. I still hate the fact that Daredevil hasn't appeared yet... it's taking a bit too long because we are almost at the ending of the season and still no daredevil...

7/10 for me.
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Finally a good episode!
sahil-masrur78629 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Thanks to Zeb Wells and his history with comic books, a good episodes finally without the baggage of annoying supporting casts (looking at you Nikki and Pug), this episode focuses more on the Jen side and how she wants to be looked and use She Hulk as a protective shield. The therapy session works really well with newly introduced characters from comics - Man Bull, El Aguila, Porcupine and Saracen. Tim Roth surely does having a good time with a different take on Abomination and love how he helps Jen with her dilemma. Only problem is that the episodes are too little, like around 25 mins and the sub plot progresses a little.
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This episode shows how bad this entire series missed the mark
Nagitokomeda29 September 2022
Its painfully clear now that She Hulk is a tremendous waste of the viewer's time.

Our first 3 episodes were decent, providing a look at the legal world within the MCU.

After then, the show has been on a rapid downward turn of some of the most bland and utterly terrible plots I have ever seen.

This episode continues this, with the entire plot for this episode feeling so valid and hollow we are left wondering exactly what is the point.

I can give a single positive- every actor is doing great. They are trying so hard despite how awful the writing is. Its impressive they can deliver these lines at all.

Also- the show really teased a certain iconic character returning, only to make us wait until the penulimate episode?
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Best episode so far but...
jackgibson-1376129 September 2022
I would say that this is the best episode so far but I couldn't Tell you why.

We see Jan go to a retreat with a meal and some other villains and she shows a lot more vulnerability than we've seen so far and I think this adds a new dimension to the character.

The ending albeit very slow sets us up for what I think will be a real turning point in the series.

The acting continues to be very good but the writing still seems to be the primary issue along with the CGI.

I think for the last two episodes we will see a lot of what will be the important stories begin to materialise. I can't help but think the story might be continued in the new daredevil series as I expect we will see him next week.
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Just when you think it can't get any worse.
User14511130 September 2022
Another She-Hulk episode, another 30 minutes of AI written dialogue and nausea educing CGI.

Painfully unfunny and unbearably tedious is about norm for this series. I want it to be good. I really do.

We just want Daredevil. As soon as it was clear to everyone that this show was such a mess all anybody wanted from it was the Daredevil appearance. Sure, it will probably be a tiny cameo that just sets up the new Daredevil series in such a way that they are basically throwing the advert at us through the screen, but even the most average of Daredevil cameos will be the absolute peak of quality for this show.

At least Titania wasn't in this episode.
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Really refreshing
jmunter-118151 October 2022
Best episode so far

Super refreshing from last week which I would argue was the WORST episode so far. This was an unexpected joy to watch, and I thought it did Jen's character well for some much needed development

Also, in my opinion the best 4th wall break in the entire show so far. The jokes were back to funny, I enjoyed the heck out of the cinematography in the beginning, and I was glad to see a storyline that I'm pretty sure everyone can relate to in the 21st century

I'll be the first to admit I'm still waiting on Daredevil to swing by, and I'm upset he's getting dangled in front of my face like a carrot, but if we had to wait one more episode to see him, I'm glad this is what came of it.
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Loved the cinematography in the opening scene
SureCommaNot2 October 2022
Say what you will about the rest of the episode; that opening sequence was such a treat. I loved the angles, the lighting, the composition, and then the multiplicity-style ''one shot'' that followed. Superbly refreshing.

The rest of the episode was... just fine. Like the rest of the season (so far), I'm not raving about the show but there's little I dislike. We all know the CGI is awful, but I still find the character of Jen (and some of the side characters) to be charming and worth watching! I'm among those who prefer the seriousness of early MCU entries, but still it's nice to just relax into some frivolity sometimes. For audience members like me, that can take some effort.
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The Retreat
bobcobb3015 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It looks like there isn't going to be an overall purpose for the show. That's fine, a number of the Disney+ series didn't really have one, but it is also very swing and miss scene to scene and episode to episode.

There were parts of this episode that were really fun and made me laugh and made me smile. And then there were other parts that made me want to bang my head against the wall.

She-Hulk has so much potential as a character, it had impact in the comics, but they simply did not commit to telling a good story and having a cohesive plan with this series. It is a real shame because this could have been good.
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Why Marvel? Why?
denright-4227729 September 2022
I am a major Marvel nerd and i watch everything and try my best to enjoy it.

I struggled with Ms Marvel but stuck with it but She Hulk is just poor television.

Where to start? Poor stories, bad characterisation poor acting poor cgi the list is endless.

Tatiana Maslany does her best to act with the tribe of a script she is handed. The whole illusion that this is Daredevil' big reintroduction to the MCU is extremely poorly handled. It is a sneaky tool to keep hardened fans from watching just to see a decent Marvel character.

I shall carry on watching but at this rate I think season 2 will be skipped.

Missed opportunity Marvel.
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Trey_Trebuchet3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a therapy episode. Not what I expected, but not necessarily bad or offensive like others are crying about.

I think the stuff about Jennifer using She-Hulk as a sort of emotional protection was interesting, and I totally get the not-texting-back-for-several-days thing.

I think what has been working for me for this show is the humor and the acting. I do find it legitimately funny, and I'm glad this ended with a group of guys accepting Jennifer for who she is whilst also believing her AND listening to her. All good traits to have!

This was certainly one of the better episodes in weeks. I don't think this show is amazing and maybe it isn't even great, but I'm enjoying it for what it is, even Emil Blonsky. Feels weird to say this is one of the better episodes, but I found it to be reasonably refreshing If nothing else.
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How does a series get worst over time
ha77y73ad9729 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When the MCU started out as a true escape from reality but this is just getting worse and worse. Escaping from everyday issues but a dating series isnt something that i give any cares about.

We still havent got any indication of the main villain of the series and i hope to god that they dont renew this series or tease anything at the end of the series. TIm Roth is totally wasted in the series. How can the worst marvel movie suddenly become a true view of the characters they have depicted.

Only good detail that has come from this is that we might have been introduced to the first Vampire on screen. With the mention of the vampire thinking his dad is a vampire dare i say hes related to Blade. All of the z list characters are dumb to the level of all Americans that a joke aimed at Spain not being a country.

So much of the series is just terrible writing, terrible CGI and making male super villains into complete woke boring cringe characters that have to talk about their feelings. How does Iron Man 3 and Spider-man no way home deal with any type of emotion so much better. Compared to the Hulk transformation in the avengers was awesome but they cant even afford to have a hulk transformation. Yet again Marvel "Comedy" takes over a poignant part of the episode which is where the state of the MCU has gotten to.

Why have all of these episodes ended with 30 seconds of actual interesting moment in a series of absolute boredom!!
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O Retiro
foxbrvar7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
She-Hulk: Defensora de Heróis (2022)


1st Season

Episode 7 - O Retiro

Emil Blonski as therapist.

Even this clone is watched and sabotaged while she sleeps, the more that goes on, the more similarities appear with Orphan Black, but this is the worst clone so far.

I still don't laugh at anything in this series.

I think I'm already very old, because I've never heard the term "Ghosting", I don't know if that's how it's written because I watched it in the Brazilian dub, at 27 I'm no longer aware of the terms used by young people today.

Episode seven of the first season of the Miniseries She-Hulk: Defensora de Heróis watched on May 7, 2024.

Rating: 2/10.
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I don't know and I don't care anymore.
JustOneDude29 September 2022
This is the only episode after episode 2 that can consider not regrettable.

Just like every other she-hulks episode a waste of 25 minutes without a storyline. Where you can feel every second of it.

No humor, No development or advancing plots.

But it is not soulless, Tim Roth (abomination) is Everything in the episode.

Yes, it has too many flaws, In the meeting, she was 5 to 5.8 feet tall, and during chats with the idiot's group, she was more than 7 feet.

We all knew that josh is the villain he is only Jenifer's blood but why he took Jenifer's n'des?

And many flaws like those. And don't want to count.

I have done with this show it is Poison to eyes. I'm not going to watch episode 8 or 9.

I rather watch a youtube explanation about the daredevil episode.
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I Loved Everything About This
RikerDonegal29 September 2022
I loved everything about this. It was even better than episode 4, because it really showed what the series is, what it wants to be, and what it (clearly) can be. (Not every episode nails it quite like this.)

It was very funny, but also very smart. And, as I wrote two weeks back, this show is enthusiastically about the female experience. They really doubled-down on that viewpoint here. And it made it very relatable and entertaining.

I hate mobile phones (with a passion) and barely use mine. It was very amusing to see Jen so tethered to hers here. Though, it was very understandable.

Saracen is a new character to me, but I know and recognise all the others. And it was WONDERFUL to see them here, used this way. Very clever indeed. It gives me so much joy that we have such a fresh vision in the MCU. Long may it last.

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cedarboys9530 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode about nothing. No humour. Nothing connecting to the MCU. Just no point in this. I was really looking forward to watching She Hulk but this is just pathetic. I feel sorry for Marvel. Disney you are honestly destroying The MCU with every garbage tv and movie you have sent our way lately. I honestly hope you don't ruin Dare Devil too. The last 4 seconds of the episode are interesting but the rest just fast forward.

No post credit scene Honestly I'm over this show and there's not many episodes left. Which is a shame because they could have done something great with This character and really done some fun stuff.
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I love it!
taylorkronberg1 October 2022
I laughed so hard at this episode! I think Marvel has really set up unrealistic expectations for itself. This could be a stand-alone series-no connections at the end, no build up to an Endgame-like event and I would really enjoy this series even still! I was a little unsure of the series at first. I thought it was fine but not excellent by any means, but it's really grown on me. I feel like Jen and I could be friends and that's something I couldn't ever say about a Marvel series or movie before She-Hulk. I think that's wonderful. And I don't really even like comedies! I can't wait to see the rest of this series.
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This is the last episode I'm watching.
wmmurphy00030 September 2022
I tried to give the show a chance to impress me. The writing is horrible and predictable. There are so many ways that the story could have gone better if writers and director(s) just read the comics rather than reinterpreting them to a new agenda. I wanted to watch this series to the end, but I can no longer tolerate it. I feel bad for the lead actress. Pretty sure she's going to debate the path she followed was the right one for her. The people she surrounded herself with when she was making the decision as to whether be this iconic character will also suffer or have the beliefs questioned whenever she ask their opinion. This is the first "bad" show I've seen from Marvel in recent times.
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Insults Our Intelligence
cwigtil-7562430 September 2022
Much like the previous episode, this one strains credulity. No questions are asked about the shady figure who returns, and none of the obvious questions--such as how a Hulk lacks any home security setup after a previous attack-are answered. It's like we're expected to think that Jen lacks any intelligence. None of the new characters bring anything except characters who are too immature and overly focused on the romantic interest, and Jen is acting way dumber than she's been shown to be the whole episode. She could leave the episode's entire secondary location because, you know, we've seen her make giant leaps before.

Also like the previous episode, this one can be skipped. There's really very little character (or plot!) development, but because she's mixing it up with new characters, we're expected to think she is growing, but she's really not-she's just peer-pressured and slaps on a smile when she acquiesces to foolish suggestions. The worst is-it's boring. Not much happens except walking & talking worthy of the Star Wars prequels.

The second star I give is only because of the creative opening shot, which took time and thought to set up and shoot. The third star is because even when she's written like this, Jen is likeable.
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Progressively worse
marcotiero29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, this show is getting progressively worse. This episode was so unbelievably bland, nothing happened until the last 3 seconds.

Like Ms Marvel, this show is clearly aimed at girls under the age of 16, but She Hulk doesn't even have any action in the slightest, and they've taken a great character like Blonsky and just made him a boring hippie living in his sanctuary, helping boring guys with powers.

There are 2 episodes left to tie everything together, yet it still feels like they've not even got traction yet and still trying to figure out what kind of story they want to tell. I hope that it improves but I've got a feeling that it won't pick up.
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Juvenile and Hard to Watch
kadenkgcampbell29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The characters are nearly impossible to like or sympathize for. Every character seems like they were written to be comedic relief. Not a single person this episode was a respectable decent character. Everyone acts like they're in a Disney channel kids show...oh wait.

Episode 7 and still no stakes, no conflict, no rising action. Just a middle aged woman struggling to find a man and cope with her She Hulk powers. We have to wait 8 maybe 9 episodes to actually get to the conflict that will better the character of Jen, that will finally progress the story? In the mean time we just waste our time watching meaningless empty stories. I could've skipped 6 episodes and not miss a beat. If you say "well it's a sitcom, random stuff always happen" well then it's a terrible sitcom. Modern family is 10x better, the Office, Friends, The Good Place, just to name a few, ARE ALL BETTER.

Who is the target audience??? It's not friendly enough for children because of the hooking up and certainly because, what 10 year old wants to watch a 30 year old struggle to find a man? It's not targeted for adults because it's honestly insulting and demeaning to think that a mature adult would find the juvenile and cringe humour amusing. So who is this actually for.

I'm frustrated with myself that I kept giving this show chances.
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Best episode yet
porchtuosh1 October 2022
This was definitely the best episode I've seen so far. I love how lighthearted it is, I love the fact it doesn't take itself very seriously, the breaking of the fourth wall etc. This episode in particular had me laughing out loud. The scene closer to the end in the lodge was bloody hilarious, And real, and funny. I I don't understand why the show has low ratings, my guess would be sad little fan boys that don't like it? I'm a 50 year old man who grew up with comic books. I love Batman, Spider-Man, Deadpool, but I find the show to be pretty freaking brilliant tell you the truth. I find it sad how How to many, I assume men, have a hard time with this show. I wish people would just lighten up and enjoy things.
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She-Hulk's problem isn't the slice of life, but the flawed writers' logic
eunbi053029 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And to the surprise of NO ONE Josh turns out to be one of the people that wanted to steal Jen's blood. This whole idea was very cliché because it was pretty much established someone would try to steal her blood from the Wrecking Crew with power tools enchanted with Asgardian runes, the next thing we know there is this "mysterious" character approaching She-Hulk and we are supposed to accept he is well-intended? If he ended up being a good chum, that would be a better outcome, I don't know maybe even have him ghosted Jen because he was kidnapped and a Skrull take his place - for whatever reason a Skrull would want She-Hulk's blood, maybe a greedy Skrull? Or already a setting for Secret Invasions?

The whole Josh thing gets worst with the episode because, for some reason, one of the dudes that jumped on Jen with the Asgardian tools is actually there. Despite the whole open heart idea behind this episode, he never tells her he was hired by someone to steal a sample of her blood, so Jen is still oblivious about it, maybe writers thought it wouldn't be a good idea to have him mention that because they would have felt obliged to have Jen come to the conclusion that Josh was only after her blood.
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The Retreat
Prismark1019 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode where Jen does not do much when it comes to being a lawyer. In terms of lawyer.

The show is also struggling with its main arc. It is very much a footnote at the end of the episode.

Jen might be a good lawyer but is so green when it comes to men. Not even for a moment does she wonder if the new man in her life has an ulterior motive.

Just what was is the deal with Josh Miller? He has stopped returning her calls and she felt so good getting it together with him.

This all comes to light when Jen visits Emil Blonsky for a possible breach of his release violations. Jen discovers that he is running a retreat for other people with special powers.

It ends up with introspection that Jen clearly needed as she tried to cope life as the She-Hulk.

An haphazard episode that wants to focus on the comedy with the wacky characters in the retreat. It does not entirely work.

The presence of one person from the Wrecking Crew was jarring, especially in light of the reveal at the end.
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