Death Hunt (2022) Poster


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einsamer_boy13 July 2022
The idea is not bad, but the actors remain colorless. The film could be a nice homage to the old 80s movies.

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Enjoyable revenge flick
jpw-5551314 November 2022
The storyline of this movie is familiar, and the outcome is predictable. If you are seeking a revenge movie to watch, then this film may suit.

In a typical revenge movie, you want the bad guys to be bad and you want them to do bad things. If the bad guys are bad enough, you begin to cheer on the good guys and hope the bad guys get their just rewards. Thinking along these lines, this is certainly the plot for this movie, except that the good guy is a good gal.

The acting in this movie will certainly not win any awards. I did not recognize any of the actors from previous films. Still, the storyline keeps moving and there is enough action and suspense to watch the entire movie.
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Background drinking movie
brian-752-174917 August 2022
I thought only stupid shark movies were fun when you're drinking, well, I was wrong. This horrible movie is quite good if you MST 3000 it with some beverages.

Worth watching as long as you know it's really bad.
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Really Bad Movie
stunnerman15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucks and the word to describe the movie is incompetent. It is like the writer reviews the watcher as having limited brain capacity. The hunters couldn't hunt a bear much less people and the heroine in the movie could have died so many times its not even funny. How do you hunt someone and not realise your prey is right there just feet away from you and how will you hunt someone and leave the gun for the person to kill you? Oh and when the guy said he has been hunting for five years and making mistakes like a novice was pretty comical. I give this movie a one because it was bad and it insulted my intelligence and the whole movie was nonsensical even when the guy was throwing bombs into the lake and not realising that when someone is trying to escape they wouldn't stay close to the lake but swim out. I mean come on.
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The audio is so bad that it's almost impossible to hear anything
radiospots-224 July 2022
Not being able to hear people speak doesn't help the movie one tiny bit. Normally I like these movies with this sort of plot, but it's hard to follow as I mentioned earlier because the audio is the pits.
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Animals just don't cut it anymore
nogodnomasters21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ray Harper (Omar Tucci) is a New York real estate developer. He is i Crawford Co. Michigan trying to obtain some land from some small town farmers for a development without a lot of luck. He is with his girlfriend Brooke Hamilton (Marlene Malcolm) . His wife introduced them. The year is 1998. Ray decides to take the back roads to a destination up north. They get involved with some locals and are taken prisoner to a remote island somewhere 20 miles from shore. This is where TJ (Terry McDonald) Rick (Rick Amsbury) and Deputy Sheriff Gary (Greg Johnston) the least brightest and agile in the group, plan to hunt these two folks on a three mile diameter island.

If you ever saw one of these films before, they are all basically the same. And I am not sure how much different you can write one and still leave the audience satisfied. I will say the acting was less than par and I want to get a special shout out to Greg Johnston who yelled so unconvincingly, it was funny. And what happened in the cabin between Gary and the girl? They were dancing close and then it was the next morning? Did he rape her? Grope her? This was as bad as Jabba the Hut and Princess Leia. Hey what happened? How did it happen? Jabba is like Donald Duck. He doesn't wear pants and doesn't protrude anywhere.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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What happened to the mistress' bright red lipstick?
selfdestructo14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The second she (Brooke) and her cheating land developer boyfriend (Ray) are loaded on the boat, it vanishes. Also note the giant Motorolla cell phone Ray whips out, and he's portrayed as a wealthy, immoral New Yorker, taking land from mountain folk. Was this a feeble attempt at a period piece? I don't know what year his "new" Trans Am was, maybe that was another clue. I dunno. Here's a fun one to spot: Ray gets shot in his left arm, and when he stops to catch his breath, he leans on a tree with that very same arm. Ok, I'm REALLY nitpicking here, because Death Hunt is one colossal failure.

I like this premise! A sleazy NY land developer shows up, er, somewhere in the mountains (it's implied they're in the south, but I detected Canadian accents?!), to buy up land from the locals and develop it, for, well, something other than mining (movie's real low on the details). The local corrupt sheriff pulls over he and his girl, and his redneck buddies show up to haul them off to a remote island, where they will be hunted for sport!

And, that's right about where the wheels fall off. So, the "hunters" never give their "prey" anything in the way of explanations, but it's implied, I'll give them that (well, until the ending, anyway). But these are three guys who claim they've hunted humans for 5 years on this island, and frankly, I'm given zero proof they've hunted anything but tin cans during this period. The writers, the actors, it's obvious. No one has any hunting experience, has not shot a firearm, or can even create a suspension of disbelief!

The bulk of this movie takes place on an island, 3 miles by 3 miles, and 20 miles from shore. This entire duration is such a debacle and a farce, I don't know if I can recall the sheer volume of mishaps.

Here's some highlights: The three hunters have absolutely no strategy or tactical skills. They walk around as a group(!) Yes, they don't even split up! There's one point where they discuss a tactic they've used, and it's implied they split up. Cut to the next scene where they're within 5 feet of each other. Ray comes up behind the sheriff while he's staring in another direction, hits him with a log, and steals his gun. So you get a whole lotta shots exchanged, with no real use of cover(!). Ray is killed, and for whatever reason (it's gotta be an ill-informed one), the hunters document these events with a 35mm camera (ah, another piece of the feeble period puzzle!). They have evidence convicting them of murder, AND leave the stolen 9mm with the body! 5 years, my ass.

So, they've armed the girl. The filmmakers certainly succeeded in getting a pretty face to be their heroine (Marlene Malcolm). No idea if she can act, has skills for an action movie, or even has a real personality. The writers have given her nothing to do. She wanders aimlessly, she runs, she fires her guns (yes, plural, these hunters prove themselves extremely dim). She doesn't even have anything good to say! (That goes double for the hunters. These writers have obviously never seen an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie).

At one point, she sets up a rather transparent trap... That ALL THREE hunters fall for!! One guy is severely injured, and continually screams to his friends to help him. Not to be outdone, Brooke doesn't wait for her two remaining tormentors! It would've been like shooting fish in a barrel... and ended the runtime 30 minutes early!! Ouch, who do these filmmakers take us for?

Brooke obtains a radio... and the hunters have another. Each time she speaks, they stand around and listen, going, oooohh, this can't be good! Again, ouch! Threaten her on the radio, let her know your listening, tell her you can locate her! Scare her! No, they stand and look at each other.

The sheriff gets Brooke on the ground to kill her. He delays, you know, to let her get her bearings. He fails to secure either of her arms! Big surprise, the writers wish to insult your intelligence further in this movie.

I won't even detail what an idiot the third guy is, but let's say he enables "Plan B." You know it, because he pulls out an ammo crate with "Plan B" stenciled on the top! I can't make this stuff up.

Again, Brooke needs to prove herself equally as dumb... She's got the guy wounded, just where she wants him. And I guess the writers... forgot... to inform Brooke why she was being stalked? It's made clear that she is not in on her boyfriend's scheming, or why he keeps a gun in his car. She's begging the hunters at the cabin, Why? Then her boyfriend is killed, then she doesn't BOTHER to find out! This is filmmaking at its laziest.

A word about the (SD) DVD: It's got a nice, clear picture (I could see the heroine's acne scars), and the cinematography is a highlight in this POS. The two audio tracks, however, were completely botched. In the 5.1 surround track, the dialogue is practically inaudible. Gun shots, explosions, music, great. But I need to hear what they're saying! (And I cranked my committed dialogue speaker to the max!). I defaulted to the 2.0 track, where dialogue could be heard slightly better, but there was also the occasion where I'd hear something in the rear speakers, independent of the front ones. What is happening? This whole mess is just insult to injury to me. Avoid!
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Little girl from the city bent on revenge, old and unoriginal
skispeed6928 July 2022
3 country manly men with automatic weapons and grenade launchers can't hunt down 2 unarmed city folk adults in the woods. This looks like it might be silly enough to actually be bad-good. They had to throw in the stereotypical rebel flag to bash southern folk.
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Goofy uninformed wokism
Really really awful. Goofy characters, B-roll of action scenes. Just bad.

All the bad guys fly confederate flags, the heroine can only hip fire and scores an instant kill everytime.
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Difficult to watch.
webologist20 November 2022
American & Confederate flags mix with Canadian accents, scenery & apparently stereotypes.

As ex-mil, NRA instructor & competitive shooter the firearms scenes were agonizing. Please enlist a firearms expert to assist.

Actors without finger or muzzle discipline. Firearms without recoil, that don't lock open when empty, fired from the hip without aiming at impossibly close range.

That said, the actress was fit & lovely. The scenery was beautiful. The plot, while perhaps overused was still thought provoking.

The choice of vehicles was excellent. I really liked the Trans Am & police cruiser.

Despite gritting my teeth at the firearm handling & stereotypes, it was reasonably entertaining.
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Am I deaf or is the audio engineer just stupid??
NullUnit14 August 2022
Some of the worst acting and audio mixing I can recall seeing in quite some time.

I'm sure everyone tried their best, but the cast (all of them) are NOT actors no matter how much they wish to be.

And whomever is responsible for the audio mix for this film should NEVER touch another film. Dialog which can not be head AT ALL.. then gunshots or background music that will blow out speakers due to the exceptionally high volume necessary to actually hear any dialog.
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Women are NOT stupid!!!
ueymorgme26 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie like all movies of this type make us women look stupid. WE ARE NOT STUPID!!! We don't fall down when we run. We wouldn't stand out in the open to get shot at nor would we use a radio to ask for help, especially when we know that the bad guys have a hand radio too. Finally, the woman got smart but things could have gone the other way and she'd be dead. She had a flare gun and shot it in the sky. She should have used it on one of the men. I would have. Otherwise, this movie was okay. I spent most of the time yelling at the stupid woman and the husband. I had to give it an 8 just because I'm tired of the way movies portray us women.
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I like it! it was everything I expected it to be
subxerogravity12 November 2022
Interesting enough, I almost feel like Death Hunt is cheating. There is a formula here and Death Hunt is following it to the letter. Not once watching this movie did, I not know what was going to happen.

I need to admit however that in its predictability I got everything I wanted form this movie. No more, no less and with that it's not a surprise that I enjoyed it.

Not much I can say about it. It was like a small snack that got me through the day. I did not need any more. It leans far more on the good side of the bland line than the bad but tomorrow, I will definitely forget I even saw the flick.
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Three blind mice
jonerogers29 July 2022
Okay so take 3 blind mice, spend some time teaching them to speak English and how to sing. Then put them into a shoebox with food and drinks and air holes, take them to a distant land and down a 1000 foot deep mine. Put them safely on the ground and back fill the mine with 800 tons of concrete, and then listen for them to call will then get how quiet this film is. I had my TV on the highest volume of 100 and could not hear a thing, i even heard my cat fart from another room.

It has potential as a film but being so quiet ruined it.

Come on guys sort out the sound crew.
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djdavies-188707 October 2022
This movie is listed as being released in 2022, but it looks more like it was released in 1970.

Whoever edited this movie is incompetent.

The background ambiance sounds, music and sound effects are way louder than the character dialogue. You cannot hear what most of the characters are saying half of time time and, therefore, can't follow the movie.

I'm not sure who thought it would be a good idea to edit the character dialogue in a way that makes it inaudible.

I'm only about twenty minutes in and it's really annoying me that I can't hear half of what is being said. I'm quickly losing interested and I'm probably going to turn this off. The acting is awful.
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Great heroine
BandSAboutMovies16 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Developer Ray (Omar Tucci) and his mistress Brooke (Marlene Malcolm) run afoul of a cop named Gary (Greg Johnston) and his friends TJ (Terry McDonald) and Rick (Rick Amsbury), who go from bothering the couple to putting them through a most dangerous game before we discover than somehow Brooke is better with guns than anyone in this film.

There's one surprising moment where Brooke is sure the men will assault her. And they reply, "No, we're married." I mean, they'll still kill her. But they have morals.

Marlene Malcolm goes all out in this and if this were the 90s, I'd be looking for her to be in a whole series of direct to video action movies. Here's hoping she gets to accomplish whatever is the same thing in 2022. She's talented.
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whats with the music?
elle-six25 July 2022
Anyone else feels that the bg music kindda out of place?

Like during the hunt... they played a loud epic music. The kind that usually played during epic medieval battle with horses, swords and stuff.

This is so weird.

The story is basically some guys kidnapped a couple and hunt them for sports in an island.... with loud epic music.
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Brain dead
cudax15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that this movie is even shown on Amazon prime video. There's absolutely NOTHING good about this steaming pile of dog s++t. The acting is atrocious, the obligatory pretty girlfriend/mistress is thrown into the mix as the heroine who survives to hunt the hunters (of course) apparently holding a rifle for the first time because she's not even holding it in a proper firing position orlooking thru the gun sights! The screen writer must have been on a 4 day drinking binge. The sound editing is so bad that you can barely hear any dialog without cranking up the volume, but that only makes the stupidity of the effects even louder! Way too predictable with the typical dirty cop, local thugs controlling him and presumably terrorizing the other local citizens, but this is not shown, as I have to assume the entire budget was only a few thousand dollars to be this bad. I only watched this crap out of sheer boredom. There are too many goofs, inconsistencies ,and , just plain stupid visuals to list, but trust me when I say that anyone with a working brain should be able to spot them This is probably marginally entertaining to anyone in a drunken stupor.
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Not Deserving Of The Title.
wandernn1-81-68327426 November 2022
Okay so this one is going to start out with 1 star and see if we can improve on that. The 1 star is because it stole the movie title of one of my favorite classics, Death Hunt from 1981 with Lee Marvin and Charlie Bronson. I mean how can you steal that title? That's completely unacceptable.

Anyhow, so I guess theres a guy who is trying to develop a piece of land in a town who really doesn't want the land messed with. Well his license says NewYork state so you already know he's an ahole.

So some bad men from the area kidnap the developer and his girl and take them to a small island in the middle of a lake, and hunt them. People get shot and people die. Okay and once dude gets the drop on the girl, it should be over. Is it not over here? Oh you gotta be kidding me! No. Just no. Dumb.

Okay I made it to the end, so it gets a 2/10.
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Fun to watch but an still an awful movie
ttakls21 January 2024
Quintessential "B" movie, poor acting, ridiculous plot, amateurish movie making, the ending is predictable. A crooked cop ( how original) in cahoots with 3 burly Rednecks that kidnap a land developer and his mistress take them to a remote island in Michigan so that they can hunt and kill them for sport, hasn't this plot been done numerous times before. We have a girly girl extremely frightened and crying in this predicament then hunted by 3 Rednecks magically becomes a female Rambo possesses a weapon that seemingly doesn't run out of ammo, and kills them all, having said that it has a happy ending, entertaining in a comical sort of way!
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Don't waste your time!
pierreeriksson-2792829 November 2022
It started somewhat okay. I find it difficult to create a movie that missing so many, in my opinion, critical points. I would be ashamed, to release a movie with such lack of colorful actors and the director seems to be missing a few key points, what's potential real and what is not real. Take for an example, when she initially is about shoot the first guy, she seems to be aiming, when she actually shoots, she shooting gangsta style without aiming and at the last three shots, she aims at the guy in the boat and she places all shots. Wasteful time to watch this movie, I just had to finish the whole movie to actually see who directed the movie, so I can avoid his/her/it's movies in the future.
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One of the best man hunting movies ever
ronniedarko-0231126 November 2022
The urge for men to hunt men. A primal instinct since the Dawn of time. That thrill of chasing people through the woods and stalking them down with machine guns. This movie captures that theme immaculately. It reminds me of Surviving The Game. But 1000x better. The chemistry between the man and his mistress is Oscar worthy. Even better than the chemistry between Gary Busey and Ice Tea. The hunters are very good, but no match for the land developer guy and that girl. THEY DREW FIRST BLOOD. The music score is absolutely epic as well. Blasting in our ears as they run through the forests. Reminds me of the Hans Zimmer masterpiece score in Gladiator. I have to take a break after watching this one. The suspense is so thick it hurts me down to the bone. This is what humanity has become. A bunch of animals who want nothing more than to spill the blood of land developers.
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Unintentionally Campy but a fun 90 minutes
cjkavanagh-8951715 July 2022
It is exactly what you would expect of a budget confined indy action/horror flick. If you are expecting The Avengers or Citizen Kane don't bother. If you love B level 80s action movies however this is time well spent. The female lead is actually excellent. Hope to see her in more.
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The acting is awful and the plot is not much better
edenstern11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The final girl is one of the worst actresses ive seen in a LONG time. Its a good movie to watch for a laugh but its not particularly different to other movies other than some extremely laughable action shots. Cut to 1:17:40 for a good chuckle. I would recommend watching revenge, lake eden or hunted which have better acting and MUCH better (professionally) done action sequences that don't look cheaply spliced together. One good thing i will say about this movie is it does not use rape as a plot device which is pretty refreshing which these types of movies. The filming location is actually quite pretty too.
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Take a nap instead of watching this.
candynjim11 November 2022
I should have given this film a zero, but decided to be generous. I am not sure who any of these actors where, and again I'm being generous by calling them actors. The show is a rip off of the movie "The Hunt". The story is predictable, but the actors are so terrible that I have to wonder who would be brave enough to even produce this....the next time the director is looking for actors, go to the nearest senior center and recruit, at least they would be more entertaining. And if the person putting up the capital to make and produce this film has that much money to waste, please contact me as I have a few bridges for sale.
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