Dragon Age: Origins (Video Game 2009) Poster

(2009 Video Game)

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300 hours into the game... and going for a lot more...
RageGT18 December 2009
What makes it remarkable for me is the way that it draws me into my characters and their relationships with his companions, with situations where I must chose what type of personality will that particular character have. And then I try to keep that character consistent with the chosen personality.

The amazingly constructed comedy, that put some people like me in stitches, to lighten a little a very dark and apocalyptic threat to the world that my characters are living in, the brilliant way that the story develops and throws consistent events that make sense considering all the lore of the world that has been presented and the progression of the tale, particularly in random encounters that are determined by the stage we are in the tale.

There is something really magic about DA, something that I simply had to try and capture. For me it was the first time that I felt compelled to make movies of a game and I have some 50 of them already. Because each moment in DA is unique. A battle will never be replayed the same way, the party chat will never occur in the same order, at the same place. For a particular moment in DA, there are possibly way more possibilities than I can calculate. While in other games that I love, including The Witcher and even Gothic, they all replay exactly the same. Not talking only about mechanics or the order we may choose to make those things happen. DA is Epic!

Oh, and I love Leliana so much! Thank you Corinne!!!
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Best RPG of 2009.
zZenoXx10 January 2010
It's hard to deny it, but once you really get into the game... you're hooked. Bioware has always been great at making Roleplaying games and this one is no exception.

The first thing that i found to be really awesome were the number of different ways to start off the game (Depending on your race, origin and class). Even though you only get a handful of unique missions before you end up at Ostagar, where the story eventually goes on in the same direction with all classes, every play-through still feels unique with each new character. This is a great concept and I'd like to see more games like this.

I've never been very fond of the battle system in most RPG games, but this game was so good that it didn't bother me.

The graphics are great, the visual and sound effects really add to the epic feeling you get when you see the bigger battles in the game.

The Voice-over work is awesome, but I expected nothing less from Bioware.

I gave this game a 10, just because when i finished it for the first time. I just sat there... and smiled.
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Best RPG i have ever played
mrpringlez16 November 2009
This is one of the most in-depth games i have ever played its fun and very emersive.I have spent a total of 109 hours on it i just cant stop playing it!The story is also very good with a massive amount of extra content to find and read each statue each book each sign and quest has another piece of information to add to your codex i have spent at least 10 hours reading things from the codex and other things,the amount of armor and weapons is ridiculous each type of wep and armor has Tiers 1-9 plus the wickedly powerful special versions of the three melee weapon types and 2 ranged types they are usually much different looking compared to the normal weapons unlike for example TES:oblivion specials its also the same with the armor.I have tried all 6 origin stories on this game and have found myself liking all of them equally i enjoy how every character treats you differently depending on your race and origin.The game play is very well done its fun it take time to master and you need to use the pause and play tactic even on the console version even though there is no friendly fire unless you play it on hard or nightmare but its still needed.I finished this game with tears in my eyes and immediately starting a new save i heavily suggest this game to anyone who is looking for a fun,addicting and heart twisting thrill ride this is one of the best games of the year 10/10
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An outstanding game
TheLittleSongbird23 July 2013
Dragon Age: Origins is an outstanding game on all levels, one of the best in recent years perhaps. If there was one thing that wasn't quite so good, it was that some of the outdoor background art were a little flat-looking. Other than that, the graphics were not bad at all despite the numerous criticism it has gotten on Amazon. The characters look well-modelled at least, the colours are atmospheric and help make the world and adventure believable and the voices do sync well with the lip movements. The music has moments where it is rousing and others where it's eloquent, overall it's well written and synchronises with everything with never a jarring note. The story is rich in detail and characterisation, totally immersive in its blend of fantasy, adventure and action and you are genuinely transported into the world the characters inhabit. The game play is varied and not overly-simplistic or overly-complex(even if at times Alistair was perhaps too easy to kill, but really that's part of the fun). What was also impressive was the balance of game play and story, they added so much to one another and there wasn't a time where there was too much or little of one. The writing and the voice acting stood out the most. The writing is incredibly intelligent and thought-provoking with some well-judged light-hearted humour for contrast, doing wonderfully in giving the characters distinctive personalities and emotional impact. The character interaction is strong and never stiff. And the voice work adds so much to those qualities, everybody is wonderful and nobody bad but in particular Kate Mulgrew is quietly firm and authoritative and Tim Curry has that subtle smarmy malevolence spot-on. All in all, an outstanding game. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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sethdevan20 February 2010
For those looking to truly immerse themselves into an RPG experience this is it. Combined with amazing visuals, unique combat settings and varied character building options. Players face a multitude of decisions that shape the storyline (sometimes more so than others) but at the very least change how your allies interact with you and even how they fight. I can admit that there were times I felt like I had to step away because I faced so much decision, but this is a testament to how emotionally engrossed the game kept me rather than seeming forced or excessive. Dragon Age - Origins is simply everything you want in a Fantasy-based RPG. It's a pleasure to both watch and play on the PS3. Here's my money, BioWare, take of it as you please provided games like this keep coming.
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My favorite game of all time
xog_9710 April 2013
I don't know why the score for Dragon age has been dropping the last couple of weeks because it is a brilliant game. The amount of things you can do is just amazing,you'll need to play the games at least eight times (which i have) to do half of the possible things in the game. the companions that you travel with are all unique with their own back stories. and personal quests that are emotional and tell us more about their characters. the romance system is also awesome and shows us a more human side of the game. The choices are brilliant and question are morals and what we believe is right. The story is fantastic, it is classic fantasy with a dark evil god coming to destroy everything, it does this in a way that makes you think it is the first time you are experiencing it. This is my favorite game of all time because of the choices game play and characters. Also the epic emotional story that makes you want to keep playing again and again. Now Finally i will talk about what makes this game amazing. the origin Stories. you get to pick your back story which all are emotional and show loss and sacrifice. I Recommend this game and think it is a brilliant, fantastic experience.
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The best rpg game ever made
AaronCooper-nh114 November 2014
Dragon age origins is a fantastic game, anyone who has played it would tell you the same. The voice acting is magnificent, the character depth is paralleled by no other game out right now and the story is lengthy enough to make you feel satisfied at the end, but sad you no longer have more quests to go on with the group of followers you became close to. The characters will make you establish feelings for them, whether it may be hate for sten,friendship with allister, or even love for morrigan. And they aren't even the only characters in the game. All of the relationships made in dragon age will make you forget about one dimensional characters like lydia. Please get this game.
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The best RPG since Oblivion.
johnny_w623 February 2010
I stumbled upon Dragon Age: Origins with no knowledge of it at all. After playing for a few hours I was gripped by the compelling story lines and the VAST amount of depth.

At first I was taken back by the combat system. Combining real-time action with micro-management on the fly is truly brilliant. Once I got into the swing of things, I found myself strategically placing my ranged characters at a distance, while my rogue set traps at a doorway and my warrior lured enemies into an ambush. This game makes you think! Hack'n'slash'n'button bashing just doesn't cut it with Dragon Age. You must plan every single attack carefully, for the greatest effect. I'm over 100 hours in and I've barely even scratched the surface.

With the massively extensive customizability and official downloadable content, this game is going to be hanging around for a long, long time. Game developers owe a lot to the modding community for keeping their games shining, long after they're released. We can be sure set for some great mods and new quests to keep us glued to our screens for many months/years to come.

A must buy for any RPG fan. 10/10
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A great RPG made by BioWare
k_g_barreto15 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dragon Age: Origins was a surprisingly good experience for me. I alread knew BioWare because of Mass Effect, but I never played and just heard it was good. I didn't expect too much of the game, I was just looking for a game wich the player make choices and that choices have consequences, like Telltale, and I must say that I founded something better than that. All the possibilities and the endings. It makes the difference. I played with a female human noble, I married Alistair, became Queen, survived the battle against the archdemon because of Morrigan's ritual, I just played thinking ''story-based'', thinking in a happy ending, and I will play again, with another background and class just to see the different outcomes. The plot is good, despise all the cliches, ''gathering an army'' and all that stuff, but the mithology of the game it's the best thing. The Chantry, the Grey Warden, I loved reading the codex to see more of this world. A truly good game, kudos to BioWare.
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A Crazy Ride
nix-cornelissen20 June 2022
Amazing! Diverse and unique locations, full customization of your entire squad, extensive dungeons with creative designs and enemies, an engaging story plot, companions with complex personalities and real weight in the story, and TONS of loot!
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A Masterpiece in Gaming (Except on Console)
RiriLovesFilm23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dragon Age: Origins is an example of how to do an RPG right. From its great focus on highlighting player choice, to the amazing world-building used to construct the world of Thedas.

You have the ability to choose your own origin story, which not only makes the first few hours of the game unique, but different origins have different relationships to the overarching narrative and sub-plots, and furthermore, every decision you make truly feels like it has an impact - you can secure the best ending for a minor NPC, kill everyone in your path, and even have an orgy with your companions.

Speaking of companions, Dragon Age: Origins has a great cast of characters, many of which are entirely optional for you to recruit, and many of which can also die by your own hand. The best thing about these companions is that they are their own characters, if you make a decision that goes against their beliefs, they will turn on you.

Another thing Origins does well, which its successors fail to do, is to create an immersive world full of live. The game features many destinations from the underground kingdom of the Dwarves, to the forests the Elves reside in. The world is large but is not simply littered by empty space, it is filled with unique enemies, narratives, characters and lore to explore.

One of the less praiseworthy elements of Origins is that it follows the cliche "chosen one" trope, yet still achieves to make it an enjoyable experience, even if you have seen it time and again. The darker aspects of Origin's narrative is what sets it apart from its successors, highlighting themes of sexism, racism, and classism that many modern games shy away from portraying, and as your own protagonist can be at the receiving end of these issues, it makes for a more personable experience that helps you gain empathy for the people who suffer from such injustices in reality.

The reason I did not give Origins a 10, or even a 9 is for two reasons:

1) The combat, while adored by many, is not the immersive experience in this game, especially so on a PlayStation 3 where you are more limited with what abilities you can quickly use. Overall the combat feels sluggish and lacks depth in some areas, though makes up for it with depth in other areas.

2) The primary reason I cannot give the PlayStation 3 version of Origins a higher score is because the game is filled with a plethora of bugs - from crashing, graphical glitches and quest progression bugs, to conflict with DLC to the point where some characters do not appear where they should.

Overall, I highly recommend anyone who can, to play Dragon Age: Origins at least once fully, but if you can, I highly suggest playing on a PC over a PS3.
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Not-so-Epic Classic Fantasy RPG
Weap0n21 February 2023
Story follows a basic high fantasy plot with a villain's army to defeat. Characters have not much characterization and one to one conversations aren't many through the game. World is pretty much a map with few locations to select and navigate in a straight-foward way. Most of the sidequests are straight stuff and choices ends up to be "kill/esile x character", either way you won't have much impact on the story anyway. The only important choice is for Morrigan and we will see her fate in DA:I at least. Combat is, yet, a standardized RPG with party and skills to develops. Mage, warrior, thief. All with sub-classes with some extra skills. It's nothing new for the genre in the end. Dub is well done but dialogues are not always interesting and basically never surprise the player.

100% Classic RPG. Good or bad, the choice is yours.
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A NAIVE display of dull clichés, Waste of time.
maligna8717 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that this game actually made me register on IMDb to share with you with my opinion, as feeling of utter-disappointment is just smashing!

I won't talk here about game systems, graphics and that kind of aspects, as my only concern in RPG's is plot, story and characters - all that create a true, good RPG base.

Well what to start with? Let me just state the obvious... If Tolkien was still alive he should sue BioWare for a shameless brutal rape they just made upon his works. Dragon Age is absolutely worst type of Fantasy world I've seen, mostly because it is so schematic, so stereotypic, so cliché based, that if not the monstrous advertisement campaign BioWare sponsored this game would NEVER be noticed. It's just everything we have already seen so far and I mean EVERYTHING. It's most stereotype-spam-stuffed game that shamelessly tries to call itself a 'breath of fresh air' in world of RPG's. Even architecture is same as in Tolkien's world, but to hell with that.

AGAIN the plot is about army of Evil, Darkness, Deamons, Monsters (and other things that sound spooky) invading the world for no particular reason, but to destroy stuff and wreak havoc... just because. ((The SAME story is in almost every GOD DAMN Fantasy RPG! Oblivion? Army of Evil Deamons Wants to Destroy the world... Neverwinter Series? Army of Evil/Demons wants to destroy the world... LOTR? Sauron and his Evil army wants to Destroy the world! Myth and Magic? Army of Deamons and monsters wants to destroy the world... World of Warcraft? Army of Deamons wants to destroy the world... Diablo? - guess... It's always the same... you call a fantasy rpg and you got same thing again and again. Ever since I played Baldur's Gate nothing changes, it's same fantasy, saving world in name of goodness and some pseudo-moral politically-correct mumbo-jumbo. - Just because it's good to be good and so we should do good stuff.))

Honestly! What's wrong with you people?! Speaking of Ripp off's even those damn scenes in this game are insanely similar to what we saw in LOTR - one of our Mentors just finished off enemies (that strangely looks like Orcs from the Tolkien's world), looks in direction of distant mountain peaks above which dark clouds gather, and lava bursts into air from volcanic craters... Just call it Mordor, would ya? Capitol of Dwarfs and battles in underground halls where 'darkspawn' roams - yeah... does not recall Moria even a little bit, does it? Oh! And of course a forgotten king who happens to be our fighter-friend, while evil impostor takes his place and governs lands o men. Similarities go on and on...

Story is a naive copy of everything made already... I had this feeling writers of this game just needed excuse to incline some cinematics in between battle sequences, or give reason why to mindlessly grind anyway. It's like they read some random cheep fantasy book you can get for one buck from basket with 'no one want's to buy this crap, but kids'-kind of books, rewrote whole story, changed names of places, characters, fixed new geography, used same models from last Neverwinter game(remade for needs of new graphic engine) and voilà!

I can't believe same people who created Mass Effect (that was a great game with a world made from scraps, professional and serious, with decent climate and style.) made Dragon Age.

Another bad thing is voice acing - it is absolutely awful! No climate and atmosphere at all... random people often use language you can hear on the street, or in school, that not even a little bit resembles to medieval period. There is even this Dwarven girl who talks like some random high school Stacy that sucks lollipops and play with her hair, while flirting with teachers. Characters can't decide to which culture they belong, sometimes they use accents, sometimes not. They act like they were stuffed with wood and their voices are just a fail... simply a fail. Imagine yourself a situation, where whole village is overrun by monsters, world is besieged by daemons and evil that wreaks havoc everywhere... And people we happen to talk with, that just saw how their friends got slain and impaled, talk with you like nothing really happened, like they have a wonderful time, just finished reading morning newspaper and await for a hot cup of tea with pinch of sugar and a slice of lemon. They sound so dull and boring you can fall a sleep in the middle of dialog.

Political correctness was elevated to a whole new level! I am a woman, I understand concepts of equality... BUT PLEASE! Is it made for children?! or does American censorship just stalks for easy prey to suck out millions from one of many lawsuits it's ready to unleash upon BioWare? I loved KOTOR series, where sometimes supporting a tyrant and dictator caused more good to the planet that was under rebellion, than supporting weak princess that ruined economy and so on. It was nice to see that not always choosing obvious good is good in fact, that was tricky, made players to think twice, to make a right judgment... And Dragon Age? It's all same Democracy/Socialism = good, progress, peace, flowers and happy children dancing. Monarchy/Authoritarism/Free Market = Evil! Death! Suffering of Poor people! Little crippled children digging graves for little dead butterflies on dry, blood-stained meadows.
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A well thought, bold game which will ring through the halls of video games for the ages
andrew-stephenson48825 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This video game is by far BioWare's top creation, it shows a multitude of sides in which "relate" to issues now a days. Depending on the beginning you decide to do, there will always be the people who dislike you and hate you, discriminate you and will be racist towards you. This game allows you to get emotionally deep with each and every last character, and BioWare is not afraid just to rip your heart.

Many of the games characters such as Allistair and Morrigan are such well though, yet at the same time basic characters with such a in depth background to them.

You do not just do quests to save Ferelden from the Darkspawn invasions, you also get to help your companions with a bit more personal things. It allows you to create a romance story with any of your companions, by helping them and doing them deep meaningful favours. Though it is not necessary to romance them.

A really cool factor as well, is the love/hate in which the companions can have towards your character. Depending on the companions and people you have in your party the choices you make will differ. For example if you decide to execute certain players, than Allistair may dislike you and the hate meter may increase a slight, while Morrigans may go up in the like meter.

A well thought, bold game which will ring through the halls of video games for the ages.

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One of BioWares best games!
kobemackenzie21 July 2022
Dragon age: Origins you play as a Grey Warden one of the last ones and it's up to you to build an army and defeat the Darkspawn! Dragon age origins may be old but it's one of the best RPGs out there if you like playing games that are story based and have choices that really affect the world around you and the story you will love this game! You are able to Customize your character and you can choose your characters backstory. The combat may be repetitive as you most got to press A then your character does all the work for you. But the game really focus on world building. Your companions have great backstories you will grow to love them. You can also Romance them. This game really gives you the best role playing game. Overall really great story driven game!
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alexathan9420 October 2018
The best RPG, great game, with epic story and amazing music, memorable scenes/moments... I have played the game at least 30times and played all the characters and choices in game... A dark fantasy with a range of choices from creating a heroic virtue grey warden, to a dark twisted mind that kills and makes bad deals given the choice... Bioware at its best

The companions are memorable with deep range of feelings Morrigan, Leliana, Alister, Shale, etc

The lore is amazing, the creation of a mirror world that is possible to exist...
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An excellent Roleplaying Game
inquist200026 May 2011
Sometimes in the life of someone with a background of tabletop role-playing games such as D&D you look for those computer or console games that can somehow match up with what you imagine in your head whats going on when you roll the dice. Dragon age is That and then some! What is compelling about the game besides the excellent gaming mechanics and the interpersonal RPG banter between the characters and npcs, is the rich and full history they gave this world. You hear about histories and tales about places you don't even go too in the game but somehow their presence is felt as part of the worries and threats of certain characters. There are stores of information about groups civilizations cities nations empires that they only scratch the surface, hinting Dragon Age could become quite the chronicle of games with the wealth of information that could support it.
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Excellent game, setting that is full of potential.
naivement16 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Dragon Age Origins is a fantastic story that is full of potential.

The writers give the player a choice of six different characters to play as. They are a human noble; a dwarf noble; a dwarf commoner; a mage; a nomadic elf and a city elf. After you play through the initial "Origin" story of your race, you are recruited into the Grey Wardens by Duncan and brought to Ostagar to help the king fight the dark spawn coming out of the forest. Each race you choose to play as is treated slightly differently by NPCs, for instance if you are an elf, generally people will treat you like garbage. Or if you are a human noble, you are treated like an equal or when speaking to soldiers a superior. Or if you are a mage, the massive majority of people will be terrified of you. Although you are given a choice to whom to play, the storyline is the same for whichever type of person you choose to be. The only differences are a very slight change in how you're spoken to, and a very slight change in characters appearing in your story. Although the original idea for Dragon Age Origins was a gigantic task of writing six separate story lines that each tie in together with you fighting dark spawn. It would have been made a lot better if EA had not been breathing down the necks of the Bioware studios.

Bioware was working with limited time and money for this project should have taken a lot of the time, if you look for it, you can spot mistakes and unfinished parts of the story. A lot of mistakes were made in the original dialogue, which seems to have been written and casted before the script was finalised. You can also spot where the actors had a stuffy nose at a particular time, or where a particular NPC was somewhere else and then Bioware decided to move him at the last minute. The EA timeline made the Bioware team say "That'll do" for a lot of the production. Steve Valentine has a cold today but we need these lines done a half hour ago, "That'll do". We really like this one NPC but you only see him on the Dalish elf origin for like 3 seconds, let's move him so you can interact with him more, even though he's mentioned in a line from your Dalish Elf companion at the Origin story; "That'll do". Leliana works really well if you play as a human, but she's particularly racist in her wording if you play an elf; "That'll do". Etcetera, etcetera...

Although EA rushed the writing phase of the production, the visual effects and gameplay are particularly good. The artists at Bioware did a great job in character creation and texturing and creating the settings. Although the environments are made larger and less realistic due to the medium, they work very well. Although the character you play has no voice at all, the NPCs and party members seem to be able to have a fluent conversation with you. When you sit there listening to the dialogue of your companions you almost feel like a mute because your responses are in text at the bottom of the screen. This has made the conversations a little one sided and your companions and NPCs do get some very long winded dialogue because of this, another unrealistic fact of the role playing game genre. I believe, because the actors are not interacting with another actor while they do these lines, it does make these lumps of dialogue to not flow all too well. If EA stopped being a hulking menace Bioware could've gotten an actor for the characters we created and it might have made it easier for the other actors who are talking with the hero to have a more believable conversation. Alistair does tend to say the word "anywho" a little too often in one sentence.

Fighting in Dragon Age Origins is a little bit technical. You can't always just set a good tactic for your party members and let them do what you expect them to do; a lot of the time you have to personally direct your companions, in particular your healer, and tell them to do what you want them to do, instead of wasting their mana casting a wishy- washy attack at the enemy. It doesn't help the fact that the enemy has at least 10 more tactic slots in their tactics, than any of your party members have at that time. So for a person who is new to the role playing game formula, casual mode is the way to go; although if you go and download the Advanced Tactics mod, it makes the game a lot easier and more fun to play. If you don't have a rogue in your party you will find yourself with a lot of injuries and you'll see your party getting up a lot because of traps, especially oil traps. A mage and an oil trap, it'll go boom and you'll have to wait for all your characters to get up, use their potions and then run over to the mage to not let it cast fireball again. Everything is exceptionally slow during fights, and the computer always seems to think you've made a mistake in your commands and doesn't do what you want it to.

Overall, Dragon Age Origins is a great game with great potential, most of which has been snuffed out of it by the EA giant. It has a lot of room for additional stories of the Dragon Age universe, but one more thing, Bioware get out now! EA is bleeding the life out of your stories! If you stay with EA the rest of the games will be more of "that'll do."
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The game is a masterpiece. one of the best RPG games
Elgarnan14 June 2023
I will talk about a different subject first, but it is related: I always wondered why Television shows and games were not this brave like the Dragon Age series. The TV shows and games could have done more by including representation in both comic/books and games/TV shows. Now to talk about the game: The game was released in 2009, so I understand. I liked the way combat is introduced. Especially, I liked they introduced tactics to control the behavior of the AI character such as when the AI character will perform a specific attack or spell attack, etc. I liked the dark and gory atmosphere of this game. The darkspawn design was slightly terrifying and dark which is interesting. I like that they have included a few different sexual orientations. This is brave, and I applaud it. I noticed some different endings that the game creators and developers did not want to pursue such as Cullen's fate. If you pay attention to the ending of the game depending on which path you take, you will see Cullen's fate that did not mentioned in the Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition. I do not want to be negative, but I wanted to continue uploading my character and gameplay data on Dragon Age Keep. I am aware that it is not supported anymore. I am excited to see what they would do for the remake if they ever going to remake. I have to say one of the best RPG games. The game deserves more than 10 stars. The story was interesting, especially, with the way it continues in each game, however, I also noticed there are some quests or plots that could be included in each next Dragon Age Game.
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PS3 version: A solid fantasy romp not without its flaws
KillerK199117 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Make no mistake, Dragon Age is definitely another solid entry in Bioware's ever-expanding library of successful story-based rpgs. Story is definitely the star of the show in this regard. While the main plot rehashes the Bioware staple of the-hero-and-friends vs seemingly unstoppable dark forces, the individual moments and chapters possess a plethora of memorable moments and characters in perhaps a greater supply than its Kotor and Mass Effect brothers and sisters. It helps that a big decision lies within almost every section of the game, the choices made actually seemed to have interesting consequences at every turn; something I found lacking from most modern games that imply that the choice is there. Even at the onset, you get a staggering amount of options on what kind of character you want yours to be, getting your own origin story; a great touch that I haven't seen since. The graphics are simply all over the place. While character models look good and the blood will flow to an almost humorous and definitely satisfying degree, I found the environments severely lacking and frustratingly dull, bland if you will. The music is nothing really to write home about beyond the eloquent main hymn. The game plays like an updated version of kotor; I found the pathing to be quite troublesome, and the menu is a sluggish nightmare. The worst problem the game has lies in the fact that you are staring at the same load screen for the majority of the time, a costly price for the sheer amount of written content thrown into the game. This is a lengthy adventure; I tried burning through it as fast as possible and it still took me about 24 hours to complete the dang thing. Recommended if you are willing to overlook its last-gen antiquities for a good, dare I say great, choose-your-own-adventure, dark fantasy yarn.
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A masterpiece
andrewtragedy9514 January 2024
This is easily one of the finest role playing games ever developed. Playing this on my Series X again with FPS boost has been an absolute dream. Origins has long been my favorite in the franchise, the care BioWare put into developing this world and characters is something that needs to be experienced. Even if you've never played a BioWare game before you owe it to yourself to play it if you're a fan of fantasy and role playing games. I'd also recommend this to people that loved Baldurs Gate 3, it will scratch that itch. It's also one of the few RPG's I've played where I feel my choices truly matter. Once you make a crucial decision in the story you'll find yourself wondering what might've happened if you chose the other path. Same with the origin stories, I'm playing City Elf this time and can't wait to see all the others again. Things like this are what make Origins so engaging. The other entries are enjoyable in their own right as well, but don't miss where it all started.
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The ultimate review.The gameplay and amount of content are great but the narrative is surprisingly weak and uninteresting. An average, overrated game.
kyle-domination7 December 2013
Notice: This review is not biased. I have completed all Mass Effect games and I absolutely love them. This is my honest opinion.

I stumbled upon Dragon Age: Origins a while ago and I thought it looked really cool so i decided to buy a copy for my Xbox. Since it was made by BioWare, who made the amazing Mass Effect games and KOTOR, I thought it was going to be another great game to play. It's promotional presentation, however, deceived me.

I made my character, a Mage and I have to say really like the customization in the game. The amount of content is staggering. I started the missions and I thought it was great.

Until I began.

As soon as I was shown the game's storyline, I thought it was uninteresting. This is surprising to me because BioWare are a great company who made some fantastic games that ended up being RPG classics. I wasn't drawn to the story and it kind of bored me. I decided to stop playing as a mage and began as a warrior. That was bad too so I decided to play as a dwarf and...it was worse.

The character voices are surprisingly weak and the characters themselves were completely forgettable. Dragon Age: Origins disappointed me. BioWare disappointed me.

Although, I did like the gameplay mechanics and its skill system despite it's repetitive aspects. The magic and warrior spells are cool to watch and to wield.

Dragon Age: Origins is the most overrated RPG I have played and that is my honest opinion. I do not know why people love it so much?

Surprisingly disappointing, uninteresting and it's fun gameplay can't save it.

Do a better job, BioWare.
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The pioneer of the RPG genre and the best of the Dragon Age series
PenetratorGod14 October 2023
Dragon Age Origins takes us to the realm of the kingdom of Ferelden, located on the continent of Thedas, which has a pretty solid backstory. Inhabited by humans, elves, dwarves and other races, the land is plagued by dark hordes of monsters of all kinds under the command of the archdemon, a powerful dragon. To protect the people of Ferelden from evil, the grey warden, an order of people of all races sworn to fight the archdemon, are summoned by the king to help defend the land. In the game, our character is offered the chance to join this group to fight against evil. Your introduction to the Grey Wardens will vary depending on the starting choices you make for your main character at the beginning of the game. The single-player mode offers around 60 hours of gameplay, and with the DLC expansions this can be extended even further. One of the most interesting features of Dragon Age Origins, which has become one of the pioneers of its genre, is the relationship between making choices and living with the consequences. Almost every mission presents us with many different solutions, and the decisions made not only shape the main character's personality, but also influence the fate of the game world.
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Greatest Fantasy RPG EVER!
I have played this game including the Awakening Expansion and after Experiencing Dragon Age Origins I can say without a doubt, that it is the GREATEST Fanatasy RPG EVER!

The INCREDIBLE Musical Score by Inon Zur quite literraly takes you away from the Opening Stanza in the Intro. Its haunting and prepares you PERFECTLY for the tale that you are about to embark on

With Dragon Age Origins being in 3rd Person Fully rendered 3D world that and Full Voicing of all Main NPC and the incidental Npc's that you meet along the way it just creates the perfect enviroment to tell YOUR Characters story.

There are Eight Different Origin Background that you can choose between Human, Elven or Dwarf Backgrounds and you begin at those locations and progress with your based on that start.

The GREATEST and Bioware's Masterpiece!
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