"Supernatural" Swan Song (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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kimba1178-118 May 2010
I am surprised at the number of comments that I have read online where people don't seem to understand that this episode was intended to be the series finale. The show was scheduled and planned to run for 5 years only. I'm thrilled that Supernatural will be back for a sixth season, but I can't imagine anyone writing another finale that will live up to this episode. The bar is now set very high. The writers did an amazing job putting it all together for us and coming up with a wrap up that is much more difficult than your average TV show. Most shows just have someone move, get married, die, or generally transition into a new chapter in their lives. Swan Song took care of all of those categories while tackling, ummm... Armageddon. Most of us can't say enough about how terrific this show was. With the exception of one classy genius who felt that the episode was too emotional and that Dean should end up with a skanky chick. Really? You didn't expect this to be emotional? You didn't pay attention to 5 years of the show. As for his other concern, you can see that most people disagree totally with his assessment. Like Chuck says- there will be some bitchy fan who just doesn't get what you were trying to say. Well, the rest of us did, and BRAVO!!
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Five years in the making, and worth every darn minute spent waiting for it!!!!!
dhalfen-113 May 2010
I started watching this show about halfway through the first season (coincidentally, at a very difficult time in my life), and I was instantly hooked. Since then, I haven't missed a new show, I've bought the DVD sets, and I've often watched the primetime reruns "just because." Over these past 5 years, my great satisfaction with the series has remained constant; granted, a few episodes here and there have been a bit weaker than the standard, but what accounts for a "poor" episode of "Supernatural" would be one of the "very good" efforts from 99.9% of TV-series history. And when "Supernatural" hits one of its (many) peaks, as it does with this 5th-season finale, I really, really, REALLY just want to stand up in front of these guys and applaud their work!

Yeah, I'm gushing, but anyone who has as much admiration and affection for "Supernatural" as myself would understand my enthusiasm; one could only be as enthusiastic if you've been with these guys since the beginning. In many ways, "Swan Song" _could_ have been a VERY satisfying series finale, had "Supernatural" not been renewed for its 6th season. This episode actually manages to neatly summarize the past 5 years' worth of shows (read: Sam's & Dean's lives) beautifully while also plunging headlong into the expected, inevitable outcome. And where the finales for seasons 3 and 4 proved to be edge-of-your-set cliffhangers, "Swan Song" accomplishes the dual feat of leaving me totally satisfied story-wise whilst whetting my appetite for some incredible events yet to surely unfold. So, in essence, this season finale is both a cliffhanger AND the most significant turning point yet in the series' story arc.

None of this would be possible without both the top-notch creative writing (Eric Kripke, did you REALLY pen this by yourself? -- outstanding!!!), with dialogue that only the best playwrights could produce, and the great group of people who bring the writing into the realm of flesh and blood. Jared & Jensen are two of the best young actors currently working, and their chemistry with each other is unsurpassable. No less important are Misha and JimB, who have really proved themselves to be "star"-quality support for our two leads. (The great emotions in this series resonate all the more deeply because of their support.) In all, these gentlemen give this show plenty of heart to match its smarts. (I almost forgot: Mark Pellegrino has been a standout as Lucifer this season. Hats off to you, sir!!!)

I laughed, I cried, and then I cried a little more (the episode features a few shocking developments, as you'd surely expect), and I'm only sorry that we have to wait several more months before we can do it all again! The "Winchester Chronicles" just keep getting better and better.

(For those playing along at home, please pay close attention to Chuck.)
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The finale that should have been
CBat9820 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's well established that this is one of, if not the, best episodes of the entirety of Supernatural. Truthfully this was the perfect ending and the one that made sense with the characters. Sam got to save the world and feel he redeemed himself, he also got Dean out of the hunt, when both brothers always thought that was how Dean would die. Cas got to live and brought Bobby back to life leaving them both with open-ended futures. It had emotional impact, from the descriptions from Chuck about the car and its place in the Winchester's lives, to the raised stakes and familial bonds (both blood and non-blood), all culminating in those bonds breaking through to save the day.

Sam and Dean and Cas and Bobby deserved this ending, an ending with emotion and meaning.
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daggersineyes8 November 2014
LMAO at the reviewer who suggests this episode was bad and the show is out of new ideas and "starting to run out of steam" etc. Here we are another 5 seasons later and it's still going - stronger than ever so bet your face is red now mate! I've only just started watching this show and have been binge watching each season because it's so riveting. This episode was fantastic and I loved it's unpredictability. Yeah we all knew certain things were likely, I don't think the writers ever pretended otherwise - so they ran with it and still gave us many surprises. Other reviewers have covered some of the most magic moments of this finale so I wont. Suffice to say it was a deserving finish to what has been a stunning 5th season of this show. I can't praise this series enough. This episode gets 10 of 10 from me.
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"Nothing ever really ends, does it?"
dannyholy25 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I know I am late to the party, but I just started Supernatural several months ago. I just got an IMDb account, so I decided to come back to my favorite episode so far and give it a review. It's been around a month and a half since I've seen it, so I will do my best to recount the events that unfold.

Since the first episode, Supernatural has remained one of my favorite shows that I have seen. This episode showcases everything amazing about the show. In the finale for season five, the fight against Lucifer comes to a head. Sam gives consent to Lucifer, allowing the fallen angel to take control of his body. From there, events unfold that lead to the final confrontation between Lucifer (Sam) and Michael (Adam). The final scenes were chalk full of emotion, ranging between accounts of the Impala, the deaths of Castiel and Bobby, and Sam finally regaining control of his body, using the moment to throw both himself and Adam into Lucifer's Cage. Castiel is resurrected by God, healing Dean and Bobby. The forlorn ending in which Dean goes to Lisa as per Sam's request was fitting for the show. However, the final shot launches new motivation for the next season, as Sam stands outside Lisa's house and watches Dean.

In conclusion, Swan Song is an emotional ride and a practically flawless conclusion to what is, in my opinion, Supernatural's best season so far.
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By Far The Best Season Finale Tet!
shattered_dreams8813 May 2010
Those who have kept up, and are hard core Supernatural fans will be please with the season finale of Supernatural Season 5 Swan Song. The episode from the beginning to end will not only keep you off your seats but will tear away at your every bitter emotion, as well leaving you shocked with twists that you never saw coming. The leading actors of Jared, And Jenson was nothing more then brilliant!. Supporting actors Misha, and JimB were fantastic hats of to you.

Review: I don't want to spoil anything for you guys, therefore i will make this spoiler free. When season finale 3 ended I thought it was the most heart wrenching finale i had ever seen, the fact that dean went to hell, for making a deal to bring his brother back was just heart wrenching. However i don't think i have ever seen a better season finally until this episode. I could not stop standing, for an hour! i stood waiting for the damn commericals to end. The acting was just amazing as i said before! Everything was superb, music, visuals, everything!. However! Nothing! AND I MEAN NOTHING! Compares to the last 15-20 minutes of the finale. Especially the last 10 minutes. Last 10 minutes was not only brilliant, but i believe in my heart that this season final was the best season finale i have ever seen!.

Finally: This episode had no faults. I could not pick anything wrong with it. I give it a perfect 10. And its rare, to find a series that averages a 9+ rating in almost every episode! I just hope that they do not milk the series, like they have in smallville, and buffy the vampire slayer, i think 1 or 2 more seasons should be good. I thought this would be a perfect series finale the way it ended. However that wont be the case and im happy because i want more supernatural!
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The power of love
zombiehigh1816 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Damn you Kripke!, No matter how many times I watch this, I always catch myself reaching out for my soft tissues. What can I say about this finale? the one that turned out to be the best finale not only on the entire show but in the history of all finales on TV and I'm not exaggerating. This is the best reward for a five year long journey of two brothers fighting evil and relying on each other,Yet as Rufus once said to Dean there is no happy endings for people like them. But Hey, nothing really ends!

It's ironic when Dean told Adam on "Point of no return" that they are working on the power of love sarcastically, which turned to be the answer in the end. The strong unbreakable bond is what saved the day, The love they have for each other is what drove Dean to not let his brother die alone even if all odds were against him and assure him he will never leave him no matter what, this love was the reason they had faith in each other and it is exactly what gave Sam the strength to fight the Devil and put him back in the fiery bit. That unbreakable bond is what all other powerful entities underestimated and kept ignoring all the way. The love the two angel brothers failed to understand and hold on to, hurling them both to damnation. The unbreakable bond which made us fall in love with the show over and over again.

All through the five seasons, I cried with the boys, smiled when they smiled, was happy when they were happy and scared when they were scared, as I like to view myself as a very loyal fan when I say this would have been an amazing story ending if the show was not renewed and it is a tough job for the creators to come up with a finale to match this one's greatness.

I liked the back story on the Impala and loved seeing the boys' brief happy moments in it. The Impala was always a main member in the Winchester family and their only true home and ended up being the most important object that saved them. The Metallicar sure deserved it's moment of glory.

Jared Padalecki gave his best performance switching roles from Sam to Lucifer (My heart went for Sam as he asked his brother not to try to bring him back and go have the apple pie life that he once wished for himself)and needless to say, Jensen Ackles was at his best also as the man who gambled everything and ended up losing everything. How long will his apple pie life last and will he ever be happy?

Finally Kripke, your absence will be without a doubt missed. And I really hope you would change your mind in the future and step back in to save the show.
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And it all started with a car...
hotcountry_chick1 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Who would have guessed that the Apocalypse would have been averted by a '67 Chevy Impala? In "Swan Song", the classic car known affectionately by fans as the Metallicar played the key role in Supernatural it so deserves. I have always thought of the Impala as a character herself, just as beloved as Sam and Dean, and I was thrilled to see it finally shine in the spotlight.

To be brief, "Swan Song" describes how Dean finally agreed (albeit reluctantly) to let Sam become Lucifer's vessel. This takes every ounce of Dean's strength: he has been protecting Sammy since their mother died, and now he must finally let his little brother make his own decisions. After all, if anyone could trap Lucifer, it would be Sam Winchester. The boys, Cass, and Bobby head to Detroit, where the Devil is waiting. Sam is possessed, and Dean, Bobby and Cass try to figure out their next move as the Winchesters' "heavenly" counterparts prepare to fight to the finish. Fittingly, the final battle is to be held in Lawrence, Kansas: the birthplace of Sam and Dean, which brings everything full circle.

In my opinion, "Swan Song" is one of the, if not the, best season finales I have ever seen, and by far one of Supernatural's best. I loved how Chuck narrated the story, sharing the origins of the Impala, the memories shared by the brothers, and how one simple car could end up saving the world. Though the acting was brilliant on all parts (those who have read my previous reviews know that I am a huge Jensen Ackles fan), I particularly adored Jared Padalecki's Gollum/Smeagol performance shortly after Lucifer took over Sam. Though the entire episode was amazing, the final 20 minutes were breathtaking. I shuddered,laughed (Misha Collins' "Hey Assbut!" was a hilarious ice breaker), and cried. I was particularly touched by Jensen's performance. As Lucifer/Sam is beating Dean to a bloody pulp, Dean, full of emotion and love for his brother, manages to say, "It's OK Sammy, I'm not going to leave you." There is no way that he is going to let his brother die alone. Heartbreaking! Just at that moment, images of the Impala, and the brothers' memories they shared from the car, flash before Sam's eyes: he manages to take control long enough to open the gate and plummet to his death, taking Lucifer and Michael/Adam with him. The final ten minutes are also emotional and beautiful. As Chuck narrates, Dean returns to Lisa and Ben. Earlier Sam had made him promise not to come after him, and a grief-stricken and emotionally exhausted Dean returns to his surrogate family, reluctantly fulfilling his promise.

This episode is absolutely beautiful. As much as I love Supernatural, the episodes which followed have not had that same emotional connection (other than season 7's "Death's Door"). "Swan Song" is an epic piece of writing, a wonderful sign off to Eric Kripke (whom I wish would return to the show, he is greatly missed). I miss the "classic" Supernatural, and wish all were as amazing as "Swan Song."
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Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done, lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more...
Chalice_Of_Evil13 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm glad the Impala finally got her moment. Chuck's right, she *is* important and deserves to have her back-story explained/how she came to be.

Sam and Dean's talk, with Dean stating that it's not on him to "let" Sam do anything, was a good scene. Sam is indeed an over-grown man, and is free to make his own decisions. If only they hadn't already had this type of conversation numerous times before, it would have been even better. I've lost count of how many times Dean has said he needs to let Sam grow up/decide for himself what to do. Nevertheless, it was still a good scene.

Funny seeing Castiel snoring in the back seat of the Impala, and good on Sam for asking Dean not to try to bring him back from Hell (otherwise we'd be on that whole merry-go-round again - which I'm sure nobody wants). It was also nice of Sam to tell Dean to go live a normal life with Lisa, especially considering that's what Sam always wanted with Jess.

Castiel "humouring" Sam, pretending to lie to him (with "Sure, it'll be fine.") and Sam telling him to stop talking was a funny moment, then things getting serious with Sam asking Dean not to watch him ingest copious amounts of demon blood. Sam yelling out, arms in the air, "Alright! We're here, you sons of bitches! Come and get it!" was cool, as was getting more info from Chuck on the Impala, Lucifer breathing on the window/freezing it, then drawing a pitchfork. Even in that makeup, Mark Pellegrino was awesome as ever playing Lucifer. I liked Sam killing the demon henchmen so easily and Lucifer knowing about the rings (really, Sam? Lying to the Devil? Doesn't really work). I enjoyed Mark's delivery of "Fiddle of gold against your soul says I'm better than yoooooooou.". Jared was great with his transitioning from being "Sam" to being Lucifer - that subtle change in facial expression was enough. Jensen also rocked, with his reaction to Lu-Sam-fer disappearing.

Nice bone-crunching sounds as Lu-Sam-fer flexed his hand. Also nice was the use of the mirror to have a Gollum/Sméagol type moment between Sam and Lucifer. And Lucifer quoting Star Wars was classic (between this and Dean calling Bobby "Yoda"/Dean's "I got a bad feeling about this.", there was quite the number of Star Wars quotes in the episode). This was a really well-done scene, very compelling. Jared did a wonderful job.

Castiel telling Dean that he didn't have to be mean (when Dean was sarcastic to him) amused me, as did Castiel suggesting they imbibe copious quantities of alcohol. Dean calling Castiel a "junkless sissy" was mildly amusing, as well as Chuck answering his phone "Mistress Magda?" (too bad for Samfan...ex-Samfan, Becky, that Chuck had moved on from her). Nice moment from Dean, saying he wasn't going to let Sam die alone.

Awesome establishing shot of the cemetery. Very moody/atmospheric. Lucifer/Michael's conversation was rather blah. Dean putting in the cassette and blasting Def Leppard, whilst driving up in the Impala, was a highlight. Castiel ROCKED with his "Hey, ass-butt!" to Michael, then burning him up. LOVED that! Same goes for Lucifer saying "No one dicks with Michael but me." and Castiel being on the verge of crapping himself (after having just ticked off Lucifer). WHOA. Unlike the premiere, this time we actually got to SEE Castiel explode! I was *not* expecting that (though I'd been awaiting such a death on this show for some time now). All this time I've been wanting Lucifer to unleash his true bad-ass self - and finally we got that. Great moment. Can't say Bobby getting offed was unexpected.

Lucifer beating the snot out of Dean was pretty damn brutal. He certainly messed him up. The shot of the Impala shining in Lu-Sam-fer's eye? Neat. Sam's memory of the toy soldier, the quick cutting of key brotherly moments/moments with the Impala? So very cool. Whoo! The Impala saved the day! Sam not only hopping into the pit, but dragging Michael/Adam with him, was a great moment (made all the more by the music playing). Guess it's just as well Dean ended up not being THE vessel after all (that'll teach Adam not to show up on the show again after he's dead). Kudos to Jensen for being able to act through that makeup.

If only the show had had the balls to permanently kill off Castiel or Bobby...but I'll let that slide, since I loved the ending. I know the Lisa haters will make with the "Haaaaaaate!" (whereas Lisa fans will be all like "Whoo!"), but I thought it worked perfectly. And you just *know* Dean's new cosy little family isn't going to last. What I really appreciated was that this felt almost like a series final. We know there'll be more, and next season should prove interesting, but I could have totally seen the show ending here. Sam standing, watching Dean with his new family, totally reminded me of the Season 4 final of Angel.

Well done, show. This was a season final that was good throughout (rather than just being good towards the end, like last season's final). Major props to Jared, Jensen. Also to Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer (who, along with Crowley, was the best thing to come out of this season). They were all excellent throughout. While Season 5 got off to a promising start, it did become very hit and miss (my favourite episodes this season were 'Changing Channels' and 'The Song Remains the Same'. The rest of the episodes which I reviewed I liked well enough, while the episodes I didn't review were the ones I either disliked or hated). My interest in the show had been waning this season, but this final managed to re-grab my attention/make me excited for the show again.
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what is always should have been!
drnarimantavakoli22 November 2020
This is the true ending of our show, this is the real supernatural, emotional, epic and magnificent.
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A perfect Supernatural episode, it deserves an 11
saphira-2845413 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There isn't a single scene in this episode that is wasted and, while I hate Chuck after the later seasons, his framing focused on the Impala worked really well. So many great scenes, stunning acting and perfect balance of drama and comedy, culminating in Sam's sacrifice for his redemption and Dean having to let go of his little brother. I'm always impressed by the quality of this episode on rewatching it and I wish the finale 10 seasons later would have had the same effort put into it and such good writing.

To be fair, I can point out two 3 details I wasn't truly on board with, but that I can't call "flaws". Dragging Adam in the cage too felt poetic, but also very cold and unfair for him. The fakeout deaths in here were simply irrelevant, both in the episode alone and in the long run. Sam being shown out of the cage was a huge cliffhanger that showcases the impossible task the ending had - to not ruin the impact of Sam's sacrifice and not leave viewers completely hopeless about Sam's eternal fate, at the same time. I like the way they chose to reconciliate that in seasons 6 and 7, but if this was truly the end for the show, that final scene would have bugged me out a lot.

That being said, this is one of the best Supernatural episodes, if not the best, and that's not a hot take.
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At its best
owensimon-111 June 2010
Well, what can I say. Very little compared to what has been said before. This was a very best series finale. It went from making me laugh out loud to making me want to cry.

The thing I love about the Supernatural series is the fact that they don't feel the need for bigger and better special effects as they build up to their finales. Don't get me wrong, the special effects are top-notch. But it seems that Kripke and co. depend more on plot and story to sell their series.

This is, of course, absolutely fine. In fact, it's better then fine. It's the way it's supposed to be. Please Kripke and co. talk to Micheal Bay, you could probably point out to him what's wrong with Transformers 2. Always before, Hollywood has relied on increasing special effects to sell their ongoing story lines. Supernatural does not do that, but increases it's storyline instead, and this finale proves it.

Right now, I think Kipke and co. could teach Hollywood a very big lesson (take a look between MIB and MIB2). All I can say, is thank you Kripke and co. you've done us all proud. You've taken us out of the range of idiots to the intelligent audience again. And I know, I'm reviewing the finale of the fifth series before it even comes out here in the UK, but I'm not sharing it, and I will damn well buy the box set when it comes out, so that negates any indiscretion. I know your doing a sixth series, I hope to heaven and hell that your keep the same philosophy in story telling, though I'm sure you will.
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The End of the Weakest Season
claudio_carvalho3 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sam goes with Dean to Lucifer's place and accepts to be his vessel, expecting to lure the cunning being and trap him with the four Horsemen's ring. However Lucifer is smarter and uses son's vessel instead to fight against Michael that is using Adam's vessel. Dean discovers the place of the final battle with Chuck in an old cemetery in Lawrence and he heads to the place in his Impala with Bobby and Castiel. Will Dean be able to avoid the inevitable?

This weak and silly Fifth Season ends with a terrible episode. The Fourth Season ended in the climax with the break of the 66th seal releasing Lucifer, but unfortunately the Fifth Season begins with a disappointing episode with Dean and Sam awaking on board of a plane without any explanations in "Sympathy for the Devil". This conclusion with the silly connection of Sam to the Impala shows that everything that begins bad, ends badly. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "A Canção do Cisne" ("The Swan Song")
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i don't get the hype
oreosandicedcoffee9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When i first watch spn back in 2014, lots of ppl had claimed this episode was the best and that it will make you cry. As well as how this episode was the best season finale but also what ppl think where the show should've ended. I disagree completely. I will say that the episode was beautifully done and written well, especially how it started with chuck talking about baby but as an series ending i don't like it. Because it has one brother in hell and one above and just like the actual series finale, that i also didn't like, it's not how i would want it to end. I know that not all shows can have bow tie wrapped up endings but spn is one of those shows that deserve a bow tie wrapped up ending with an epilogue. So although it is a good episode, i wouldn't say it's the best episode which why i also don't understand why it's high rated out of all the others.
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Best show for five years, best 5th final for five years
Leahrt14 May 2010
For every hardcore Supernatural fan. For every lover of Sam and Dean. For every pleasured soul who has enjoyed watching this show since 2005, when all hell broke loose, then you'll love season 5's finale episode.

Eric Kripke, you should be proud of yourself. Cause your writing is the best damn thing, and it works. Robert Singer, your directing in this episode was brilliant. And Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Mischa Collins, Mark Pellegrino, Jake Abel and Rob Benedict your acting made us all cry, or made me cry. I feel like thanking, cause this episode was epic.

I'll not spoil anything for those who are reading this, cause you need to watch it with all of your heart. Everything was amazing in this final episode. It was tragic, emotional, exciting, brutal and heart-breaking. That's all I'm going to reveal. I could praise the actors/actress to the skies, and the writers, directors of this show and in this season. This season finale showed how accomplished this show is. The last five years Supernatural have been the most successful show, according to me. But this final episode also showed that it the most original show.

I cried my way through the last 15 minutes; I even had to put on a new layer of makeup.

Somehow it was almost like watching the series final episode. But I'm definitely looking forward to the 6th season.

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Best episode of Supernatural.
annasjoeberg7 May 2021
Swan Song is the best episode of Supernatural.

I like season 3 to 6 best.
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drgnfan4 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Swan Song... It's hard to find anything wrong with this episode. Every moment... Every scene... Every piece of dialogue... It's just worked so well. I remember when I watched this episode for the first time: I locked the door, turned off everything, started to watch this episode, and it was perfect. This episode is one of the examples when you feel like it can't be better.

I love how they concluded Dean's and Sam's arcs, one sacrifices himself because of what he did last season, but on the other hand, the other starts living a normal "apple-pie" life (it's pretty much like Iron Man and Captain America).

Sam: I let Lucifer out - I'm gonna put him back in.

I like how Castiel's arc concluded. Also, I love the first scene that sets the whole point of the show - there is no destiny. The "assbutt" moment is also great. The moment where Dean comes to the cemetery has one of the best songs in the show.

Not only that, but I believe that if it were a series finale, people would still talk about Chuck's character and wonder if he is a god. And also, I freaking love Chuck's monologue in the end.

Chuck: So what's it all add up to? Hard to say. But for me, I'd say It was a test. For Sam and Dean. And I think they did alright. Up against Good, Evil, Destiny, and God Himself... They made their own choice. They choose "family". And, well, isn't that kinda the whole point?

The episode climax when Lucifer beats the shit out of Dean makes me cry every time.

Dean: It's okay, Sammy... I'm not gonna leave you... I'm not gonna leave you!

In the end, I want to say that if the show concluded here, it would be even better than the "Breaking Bad" finale for me. But still, I like that the show continued because we saw some other amazing episodes.

I watched this episode 10 times and still have the same emotions.

10/10, 100/100, 7/7, 5/5, etc.
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A song of five seasons
laithlaith9 June 2019
I'm a series lover, i have watched over 70 tv shows including this one. I've seen all kinds of episodes, this one was one of the best ever made. This was actually intended to be the series finally. Imagine if they had ended it here. This could've been the best ending ever made to the greatest show ever made. But nooo they had to go for another 9 seasons and ruin the show. I mean have you even seen the crap that happened in S12 and S13 this would've been the perfect show with the perfect ending if it had ended here.
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The Best TV show ever!
scorpjd15 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
WHAT A FUDGING GREAT SHOW AND SEASON FINALE!!! It was tragic and heart-wrenching, exciting, engaging and intense.

I knew Sammy was going to eventually end up with Lucifer inside him, but I had NO idea how it would make me feel until it actually happened! When Sammy turned around from the hole in the wall, and was no longer Sam, I lost it. While Dean was overwhelmed and crying, so was I. I sobbed, and sobbed, and had to stop watching. Then I continued watching and lost it several more times, especially when Sam fell into the pit...I bawled, again. (I've lost track of how many times I've watched this episode.) On the way to Detroit, Sammy tells Dean to go back to Lisa, if she's dumb enough to take him in, and lead an "apple pie" life. I think he says this because he wants Dean to be relieved of duty. Of big brother duty. When Dean showed up at the "boneyard", in classic fashion with Def Leppard blaring, I questioned the fact that Adam housed Michael instead of Dean. It seemed a little trite and weak. But, soon, it all made sense. Dean needed to be free of possession so he could save his brother. The look they shared before Sam resigned himself to falling into the hole was heart wrenching. And it was so clear that Sammy was able to make this monumental decision only because he had Dean's love to support him. When these two guys look at each other, it's with such deep intensity... I found it bizarre that Lucifer was the one trying to prevent the apocalyptic fight and call a truce, not Michael. He seemed to almost have love for Michael, especially when he killed Bobby. "No body dicks with Micheal but me!" What a line. It also seemed bizarre that the "good" angel was itchin' for a fight. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Makes one think... Some people think the conversation between Michael and Lucifer is anti-climatic and weak. I disagree. I think it was crucial. It's what the show is all about! How ironic that the Angels and the humans they possess are both brothers. This struggle is classic and perennial. It will never stop as long as there are sons and fathers. Chuck's line stating that they chose family in the end is open to interpretation. I think "family" just means people who love you for who you are and support you with no strings. Chuck's final comment that nothing ever really ends is HUGE. It can be applied to the series, the love between the brothers, life, afterlife, etc. Nothing is ever going to come between Sam and Dean, not even death. As for Chuck being God, it never occurred to me. I also feel that the amulet would have glowed, burned, or something when they first met Chuck. I do believe he has a direct connection (line) to God and that's why he knew what he did before the angels did, and how he was able to disappear. By the way, I was also looking for the amulet on Dean. I think he left it off intentionally because he is furious with God and feels abandoned by Him, especially in their hour of need. It will be interesting to see if Dean lives up to his threat in the car to Castiel and goes after God next. I think Ben really is Dean's son. Blood test? Really? Come on, Lisa. Today they use DNA. Ben may be the next generation of hunter. And he would be great. I think that would be the perfect ending to the series. Passing the torch. When Dean showed up at Lisa's door, I was shouting, "No! No! No!" and of course, I was crying. I can't handle the Winchester boys in a "normal" environment. They had episodes in the past (Season 2, episode 20, "What is and What should never be," and Season 4, episode 17, "It's a Terrible Life") which showed that, in their hearts, they don't want a regular life, either. Dean will soon get bored and want to move on and kill something evil. It's what he was born to do. This season finale ripped my heart out, stomped on it and put it back in my chest. I feel so connected to Sam and Dean. As for Season 6, I think their parents, John and Mary, are going to make another appearance. They have all made extraordinary sacrifices. Mom sacrificed for Sammy, Dad sacrificed for Dean, Dean sacrificed for Sam, Sam sacrificed for the world. I think they deserve a break. Sam's appearance at the end was an act of God, in some way, not demonic. We didn't see Sam's next move because it would give away too much of how next season will begin. I think it is brilliant of the writer's to leave that so open to speculation. Due to Sammy's new elevated status, I am going to miss watching two normal (albeit exceptional) guys saving people and having human reactions to it. I think the expression on his face in the last seconds were of a wiser and much more experienced Sam than we've ever seen. What he's been through and how that is going to translate in Season 6 is going to be interesting... especially without Eric Kripke.
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rocko20530 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched like 15 season finales this year and so far Supernatural 5th season finale was the very best. The most wonderful thing about supernatural is that the writers managed to use only one big plot for over 5 SEASONS!!! That may be the greatest thing about this series.

The last season felt somehow sleepy but on this one, since the beginning we all knew it was going to kick some assess. Lucifer lines are just great, as good as expected, not to mention humorist dialogs between Bobby, Dean and Castiel.

In my opinion, this should have been the series finale, but what the hell, i trust Eric and the other guys to do another wonderful plot line for another 5 more seasons... if small ville manged to survive to the end of that awful 9th season... i believe supernatural will do it for at least another 4. Of course, that's only my opinion.
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Dean's Music....
angpaisley30 January 2019
The best part of this episode is when Dean decides Sam can't go alone. He goes to the cemetery and blasts his music. I love the song choice. It is great to see Sam/Lucifer and Adam/Michael's faces. They are just so shocked that Dean would show up. It is just another reason I love this show. Dean and Sam are the best brothers. They support each other no matter what. I have watched since day one. I hope they will still give us a couple of more years. I love seeing what the writers come up with next. Best show on Television!!!!!!
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What to think of this?
beleted23 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Alright so i got into this series about halfway through so i only thought it right to go back and watch the rest. I love this series with a passion not only does it give a modern outlook to century old demons and monsters, but it does it with humor that kept me coming back for more. One thing that had me kind of miffed was that the story in the beginning became somewhat drab. Find a monster, kill it and that was about it. But later on when the demons and angels came into the show it gave me a whole new outlook on the story. Cass has probably got to be my favorite character because he can be serious and completely hilarious at the same time. This show had me laughing and sometimes actually about to cry which is rare for a TV show to do. I was ready to count this last episode in season 5 as the finale to a great show. Really the ending was fantastic. I'm not sure what else to say about it except that contrary to what Chuck was saying this left so many strings left untied for me. The last few seconds of the show made me irritated because i thought it was the end of the series and here comes Sam. Is he still possessed? It made me want to pound my head in frustration, but then i see that season 6 is on it's way. Part of me hopes this series will never end, it's a great story and could go on for so many more seasons.
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The Beginning of a new Era
Red_Identity9 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Swan Song is the best season finale yet, but one can hardly consider it a regular season finale. It is the end of a chapter in Sam and Deans' lives.

The episode of course, ties up the storyline involving Lucifer and Michael and in that respect it is done very well. Sam finally gives in to his destiny, after all these years. However, what is most amazing about this episode is how the narration done by another character shows us how much these brothers went through in these past five years. It gives us consolidation and closure to what may or may not happen. I was thinking that this was the series finale, it all seemed to tie up. Dean finally lives a normal life, while Sam is the one who fought and left. This is interesting because when the series started, Sam was the one that wanted a normal life while Dean didn't. It shows show much the brothers have changed. We were lead to believe that this was the end for good, and in a way, this would have been perfect for a series finale.

However, then that last shot came in, and we knew although it had the feeling and the writing of a series finale, it was merely seen as the end of a chapter in the series and the beginning of a new one. I don't know how the story lines will be handled from here on out, but I have faith in the writers and the creator Eric Kripke. Supernatural shall continue!
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mm-3922 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Anti-climatic! The show is starting to run out of ideas. The ending is some what predictable with Sam becoming the Devil, the inevitable fight between Michael and the Devil, the talk about the sad lives of Sam and Dean, and the horrid future is a summary for the narrator of what the viewer has been watching for the last 4 or 5 years of Supernatural. The end of the show had a surprise that Sam/the Devil is not trapped in the pit. I thought to myself I knew this would happen! Supernatural signed for another season so there has to be conflict for the next season. Somehow, I have a feeling that next season will be Dean chasing Sam around the country. I hope they make the show more international for I doubt the Devil would spend all his time in the USA. In the final season, I would bet the farm that Dean kills Sam. The series have been full of omens about such an event. I give Supernatural Swan Song a 7 out of 10. The series is running out of steam.
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best episode of the show
adlerkitsune12 February 2023
Genuinely one of, if not THE best episodes of the show. I've been rewatching the show again and i just can't help but wish they truly had ended the show after season 5- of course i still like plenty of the stuff after, but this really felt like the highest of high stakes. Later seasons try to capture the same essence but not a single later episode even comes CLOSE to being as good as this one.

The narration through the episode, the emotion you can feel from the characters, the way everything is wrapped up? It's what 15x20 WISHED it was. 10 seasons after this fantastic episode was the worst thing anyones ever done LMAOOOO.
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