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(II) (2012)

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Quite effective mid-budget chiller
roscoe6661 January 2018
Feisty daughter returns to her dead mother's house and experiences unexplained supernatural phenomena.

Quite effective mid-budget chiller, which, at least, is largely explained at the end (although the fate of the two missing persons is rather ambiguous).

Most scares are signposted (apart from two effective jump scares), which takes away the impact somewhat, but overall it is quite effective. Similar to 'Stir of Echoes' in plot.

My main criticism is that everyone seems to do everything alone. Whereas this is understandable for the loner heroine, a cop is unlikely to go into a house alone and knock a house about to get evidence (you would hope).

I suspect the writers were subconsciously influenced by 'Salem's Lot', as some of the characters' names are similar - ie. Glick/Barlow.

At one point the heroine gets a probate cheque for thousands of dollars. In the UK this process would take at least 18 months, but here seems to be completed with the stroke of a pen.

Overall, I'm being hypercritical, as it is well worth watching and is eminently watchable, if the plot devices are somewhat familiar in films of this type.

Worth checking out.
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Enjoyable thriller
TdSmth511 October 2014
A woman's mother dies. She calls the rebellious younger sister to see if she will attend the funeral. She then chats with her daughter who lives with her cousin. During the chat the daughter asks her who's behind her. She sees no one but looks around the house. Then she vanishes.

During the funeral the little sister, Annie, does show up. The daughter and the cousin are there and spend the night at the house. Next morning the cousin has vanished.

Annie goes to the police. One night some force grabs her and yanks her throughout the house. Annie does some digging. There's a picture of her mom and a woman in a park. She also has visions of this woman.

When the cop visits her house they discover a secret room with holes in the walls to observe everyone else in the house. When the cop returns to the house by himself he's stabbed to death.

Annie meanwhile has a medium come over who experiences things. As she leaves she utters the name Judas. Annie discovers there was a serial killer in the area years ago who was known as Judas. He killed the woman she sees in the visions. Annie goes to the park and is led to a church/school where her mean mom worked. She finds out a man worked also there who has their same last name. He was a brother of the mother no one knew about. The medium tells her to do a Ouija session. It provides her with more answers and Annie will confront the evil in the house.

The Pact is a well-done lower budget horror thriller. Why it's called "The Pact" is entirely unclear. It's a slower movie but it's effective. Music and effects are very good and you do want to find out just what is going on. The story combines human evil with the supernatural in a convincing way. It could easily have chosen either of those but together they make things more interesting. Direction is excellent and the cast does a solid job as well. My main complaint is the casting of Caity Lotz as the main character. They already hired better choices in the lovely Kathleen Rose Perkins and Agnes Bruckner. The story is a bit short as we learn next to nothing of our main character or the family.
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The Pact is a good movie undecided about it's genre
tecnogaming1 September 2012
Just for clarification, I started to see this movie on a Saturday night, almost asleep and exhausted so, you can pretty much see that my expectations were not so high, in fact, The Pact started slow and I was almost done for in the first minutes.

But, even when the premise was done and re-done a thousand times, the movie somewhat got my attention, enough to watch it till the end.

The pact focus on 3 sisters that got a bad deal in their childhood due to an abusive mother, so, the movie start with them and slowly develops into a one-girl deal. Almost the entire movie is focused on Annie, acted by the beautiful Caity Lotz, one of the sisters in search of the truth about their past. This could be somewhat a mistake if the movie didn't knew how to handle the situation, but, in this case, having only one primary character and almost no development of other characters makes the movie more interesting since she does a beautiful job on screen. Make no mistake, this is not a dialog movie, the majority of scenes happens in silence, which is great since the objective is to capture the look and feel of our main character and I must say that it worked, at least for me.

The storyline is incredible simple but contrary to other movies that fail miserably, in this one it works and works because the movie relies on images more than anything.

It's not a perfect movie for it had it's flaws but the result gave a positive outcome to all this, plus Caity Lotz is gorgeous on this movie, a nice and fresh look to see on screen.

The Pact is a movie undecided of it's genre, a mix of suspense/horror with paranormal and thriller... The Pact does contain a little piece of each genre and does avoid the obvious clichés which is a nice welcome.

Balanced acting, a lot of suspense, almost no horror and some paranormal into the mix makes this movie somewhat a nice touch for a Saturday night if your expectations are not high, I will still watch it once more just to see Caity Lotz :)

Is not a bad movie and definitely not the disaster the other reviewers say it is, there are a tons of movies 10 times more expensive than this one with worse outcome so I can pretty much assure you... This is better than average.
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I liked this film a lot!
ricky-17507 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
And, yes I've read many of the other reviews, and I can understand why there is some confusion, but I tend to watch films (and read books) with the thought that there is nothing the director (or author) shows or tells the audience that is without purpose.

First point: the film opens with a close up shot of Annie's eye. Nice, green eye. One of her eyes is up close again later in the film ... again, green. There are two other spots where eyes are shown to the audience ... one when the man in the cellar is shot (nice green eyes), and again at the close of the film, when another man's eye is seen through a peep hole. Decidedly not green.

So, it could be that Annie got her eye color from her mother, and the man in the cellar was her uncle (mom's crazy serial killer brother ... maybe), or it could be that the man in the cellar was actually her father, or possibly both.

As to the name "Judas" ... there were some who were confused by that. As our heroine is doing internet research, she finds that the "Judas Killer" was called that because he called himself that. He signed his notes "Judas."

We also know that the mother, her friend, and her mother's brother, were all involved in their church. Now, why might a very religious serial killer refer to himself as "Judas"? Maybe because, in the Christian religion, Judas is the betrayer of all that is held sacred.

The original Judas Killer (from the research done by Annie) had only 7 known victims ... all killed between 1968 and 1969. Jennifer Glick was born about that time. She isn't murdered until 1989. She is said to be 20 years old at the time of her death.

Second Judas Killer appears to be operating around 1989, right around the time that Annie is born and Jennifer is killed. If you look closely at the photo of the decapitated Jennifer, there is no blood pool except around her neck ... so if she was pregnant, the baby probably died with her.

Suppose for a moment that the original Judas Killer was Annie's grandfather, the father of her mother and of Charles Barlow. He is a serial killer and raises his children to be very sick puppies. He prefers to kill couples (according to the internet account), while the second Judas Killer (probably Charles Barlow) likes to kill young women, including his seventh (and possibly last) victim, Jennifer Glick.

Note that the map of Judas's known victims shows seven skulls, but skulls that do not correspond to the list and locations of the original Judas Killer's victims. These are seven rather widely spaced killings of individuals rather than couples.

So, we have two serial killers, about 20 years apart. Charles Barlow is, I think, the son of the original Judas Killer. I think the pact was a family pact, kept by the original Judas and his children, and that the children helped dad with later killings (including Jennifer), or carried them out for their father.

I also think that Charles Barlow went to ground at the time of Jennifer's killing because he (or dad) had hit a little too close to home by killing a woman who was known to the Barlows. Someone might have put things together ... so Annie and Nichole's "dad" just disappeared (under the floorboards). Mom closed the room up and put in the peep holes so that he could see his little family. She probably stuck them in the closet so she could spend time with her brother (and perhaps her father ... who I think was still alive and down in the basement with his son).

Which leaves us with the last set of eyes. A blue/gray eye of a man of an age that is difficult to determine. It is entirely possible that this is the eye of the original Judas, still down there somewhere.

Plot holes? Yes ... absolutely. I can't imagine that any portion of that house would be left standing after having a murdered cop in the basement. It would have been torn up basement and all, not just had the furniture moved out. But, it is the same house, same wallpaper, same everything.

However, I like that a lot is left to the imagination, even for someone like me who tends to go back through portions of a movie frame by frame (to read the material that only flashes on the screen for a second, including Annie's journal which adds another layer to the concoction.

In any event, I did enjoy it, and will probably watch it again to see if my opinion changes regarding the plot. Holes and all.

Pardon any typos.
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Decent Horror Film, Brilliantly Shot
gavin69421 January 2013
As a woman struggles to come to grips with her past in the wake of her mother's death, an unsettling presence emerges in her childhood home.

First, let me praise Casper VanDien, who (to put it bluntly) did not suck. I cannot say he is particularly known for his superb acting, having done a number of cheesy movies, but VanDien shows off his acting chops here. This kind of performance could get you a supporting actor Oscar if it was not in a horror film.

I heard the judges at Sundance were praising Nick McCarthy's direction, and that is absolutely fair. Above all else, the camera is the star here. Maybe we should give that credit to the cinematographer (Bridger Nielson), but it is hard to draw that line -- could one have been great without the other? Alan Bacchus said that the film was "smart, well written and genuinely scary". He is right on all three counts. I rarely find horror films scary (I am immune to their nonsense), but I actually had to peek through my fingers at one point. I am embarrassed to say it, but this is true. Well done!
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Low budget chiller is effective and entertaining.
jaguiar31310 November 2012
The Pact is an effective and very creepy, at times, supernatural mystery chiller that achieves a lot of atmosphere on it's small budget. Flick is about Annie (Caity Lotz) who arrives at her recently deceased mother's house to meet her sister Nicole (Agnes Bruckner) for the funeral. But Nicole is missing and soon strange things start happening in the house and Annie finds clues about their mother, a mysterious woman and a serial killer case from decades before. What does it all mean and what does this supernatural presence want? Pact is very effective at times and actually provides us with a nice mystery to go along with the things that go bump in the night. The atmosphere of dread is well maintained and the cast, including genre vet Casper Van Dien as a grizzled cop, all do well with the material. There are some very spooky sequences and some good scares and it all leads to a tense and suspenseful last act. The FX are refreshingly all in camera and work well, only a few dragging effects get overused a bit by the end. An enjoyable little horror/mystery from writer/director Nicholas McCarthy.
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Not Too Bad But Disappoints Slightly
dfa12037416 January 2015
Nichole arrives back at her childhood home to take care of business after the death of her mother. She calls her sister, Annie, for help but after getting no joy, she carries on without her. It's during a video call with her daughter (who's being cared for by her cousin, Liz) that something happens to her. After a couple of days, Annie decides to help after all, but she discovers that Nichole has gone missing and not before long Annie starts to hear strange noises and is actually attacked by an unseen entity. Not before long, Liz also goes missing, so Annie decides to seek help to find out what is going it a violent spirit hell bent on creating misery for Annie or is there something much deeper going on? The Pact is actually not too bad of a psychological thriller, but in all honesty it is actually pretty slow. It takes a good while for the movie to really get going, but when it does it picks up quite nicely. It's just unfortunate that it takes a while to do this with a bit too many stop/start moments in between.

The feel and atmosphere of the movie wasn't too bad either, and what made these moments better was that there was no "music getting louder" moments. I find the lack of dramatic music in movies like this much more enjoyable as it adds to a better mood. There are some nice touches throughout the movie as well and with being a low-budget film some of the visuals are done well.

I think Casper Van Dien must have had more practice at acting as well because he was actually pretty decent here unlike the hideous over-acting done in Starship Troopers. There are definitely more pluses than negatives for The Pact, but I just wish that it managed to keep a better pace for the 1st half of the film.

Overall, though, it's not too bad of a movie.
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Average Movie
claudio_carvalho29 March 2013
Nichole Barlow (Agnes Bruckner) comes to San Pedro with her daughter Eva to attend the funeral of her mother. She calls her estranged sister Annie (Caity Lotz) to help her to resolve pending businesses, but Annie is too traumatized with the bad treatment spent by their mother and does not want to return to their childhood home. Nichole convinces her sister to come and she arrives to the funeral.

However, Nichole goes missing and Eva stays with Nichole's cousin Liz (Kathleen Rose Perkins). When Liz also disappears, Annie claims that supernatural events happen in the house but she becomes the prime- suspect. The open-minded detective Bill Creek (Casper Van Dien) assumes the investigation and realizes that there is something weird in the house. Meanwhile Annie summons the medium Stevie (Haley Hudson) believing that the ghost of her mother is responsible for the vanishing of Nichole and Liz. But the woman warns Annie that there is a great danger in the house. Annie decides to go further in her investigation and discovers dark secrets from the past of her family.

"The Pact" is low-paced thriller and horror movie with a messy story that begins with a typical ghost story in a haunted house and ends with a mysterious serial-killer. The movie is not scary and uses the typical clichés, like the pistol jamming when necessary. I have just seen the forgettable "The Pact" today in a raining holiday afternoon and it is just an average movie with a gorgeous lead actress (Caity Lotz). My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Pesadelos do Passado" ("Nightmares from the Past")

Note: On 04 May 2023, I saw this film again on Blu-Ray.
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What the hell was that???!!??
markjohnevans7914 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Scariest film of the year" is proudly proclaimed over the trailers. Really? I've seen Disney films that have disturbed me more. This film is truly awful. The plot is paper thin, you don't care about the characters, there are gaping plot holes and the ending makes no logical sense. I can honestly say there was only one part that made me jump just a little. The rest of the time I found my attention wandering. People who have given this film more than one star must be REALLY easily impressed. It makes no sense for a start. Two people go missing in the house yet the police feel that a 5 minute glance around the premises (which we're told about but don't see) is enough. In real life the house would be swarming with them. The title of the film also makes little sense at first glance. There's no obvious 'Pact' and other reviewers have also be puzzled by this. I only now realise it the pact the mother had to protect her fruit loop, serial killer brother. I can totally understand how this can be missed though. Ridiculous.
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Don't expect the next Halloween
HK_Key-Si_HK16 March 2018
This low budget Horror movie can be descibed in one word: watchable. Right from the start you realize that this movie was done with a low budget, 400k to be exact, and so it had a little bit more than Halloween. Yes, the cult classic, Mr. Michael "Slashergod" Myers, the legend. The Pact will not live up to this expectation ever. But here is the thing. The Pact still can be a lot of fun if you let that guard down and just focus on the story and this slightly eerie atmoshphere that is carried throughout the entire movie. Most of the dialogues were a bit stiff, but when things get intese actress Caity Lotz pulls it off quite well. Funny that the appearance of Mark Steger alone is enough to creep you out. He was a great casting choice! Haley Hudson as the blind "medium"... unfortunately not so much. To me this movie was pretty intense as I first saw it. After rewatching it a lot of the fascination got lost. If you never saw it, definetely see it. Just don't expect the next Halloween.
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Fails to Impress
papurser7924 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
While there are a couple of jump-out-of-your-seat moments, this film was fundamentally one of the most poorly composed films I've ever seen. Lots of elements in this film went unexplained and unaddressed. Poor writing, in my estimation. Egregious use of "deus ex machina" to avoid having to explain / give back history to people / places / events in the film.

WARNING: Numerous spoilers from here down, so don't read if you're planning on watching the film.

There are a host of unexplained elements in this film: What did the mother do to the daughters in the closet? What was her role in the hidden room / her brother? Surely the mother was his accomplice in the crimes, as she gave the murdered girl's cross to her daughter; like a serial-killer's trophy... so she had to know what her brother was... so why don't we get an explanation? How did he come to occupy the room? What was his back history / story? Why didn't he kill the girls so many years ago? Why is he in his mid to late 60's but looks like he's in his late 30's with abs and pecs like an athlete? Why does he always sit on the edge of the bed and cry? Honestly, this film felt like a director loaded a bunch of unrelated horror-film elements into the barrel of a shotgun, squeezed the trigger, and shot them in scatter-fashion out onto the silver screen. I have a hard time imagining anyone could be scared of this film, as no one could understand what was actually going on in the film.

Overall, a big disappointment. The film was nothing like the teasers / trailers suggested.
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A Low Budget Horror movie, but with out the cheese!
gpailkids6 August 2015
It's a low budget horror movie, but not cheesy in the least. There is no cheesy fake blood and gore, no sex crazed teenagers, and no topples bubble headed blond's running from a psycho killer.

No cheap thrills here, just a very complex and layered plot with plenty of twist and turns. The movie never once lost my attention nor did I ever get lost in the plot. The movie moved slow enough to build likable characters and to build up suspense, but also wasn't so slow that it lost my interest.

I loved watching Annie as she went through the motions of loss and anger and then fear, and then ultimately the courage to discover clues and dig up old family secrets.
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Decent creepy horror film
Lucabrasisleeps11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In recent years, there have been a few movies which have experimented with the slow burn style. Often the secret is to create something that will last in your mind for days.

I wouldn't say the Pact reaches that level. But as a creepy slow burn movie which does make an impact for a short period of time, it does its job. The one thing I did like about the movie was the slow progression and the evolution of the plot. It quickly changes from standard supernatural fare to something else. And it takes its time to do so, the change is not abrupt or irritating.

The central character of Annie is also quite interesting and she doesn't really conform to stereotypes. There is no annoying romance subplot, it is just a creepy film throughout. One thing I didn't like was maybe the actress clothes in certain scenes which I felt were a little inappropriate and distracting for a movie of this type. Also I would have preferred a more natural looking woman for such a role. But I guess you can't blame her for being good looking, she has done a pretty good job for the character.

It was pretty much a movie which was right down my alley with many quiet an creepy moments(in Japanese horror style) and no big jump scares. And to add to that, there are not many scenes of violence. Yes there are a few gory moments but they don't have a pornographic quality and they are appropriate for the movie. The last shot is weird but I think that is common for horror films especially nowadays.

I still think even with the creepiness, it doesn't really have a long lasting effect like some other movies that come to mind(maybe Kill list). But still a decent horror film to pass the time.
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Horror? What horror? Idea?..hmmm... Premise? Mediocre... Movie? BAD
elfoyzur8 June 2012
The Pact. I went into the movie with low expectations, however with tiniest bit of hope that they would somehow, in someway be exceeded.

Boy was I wrong!

Verdict: The premise was mediocre in setting with no apparent buzz you get from at least a decent horror flick.. like... EVER.

A vague story line coupled with incoherent events and 'scare scenes' that didn't live up to the build up meant the movie lost it's clout pretty early on(within the first ten minutes I'm wondering 'What the hell have I just walked into?').

This along the whole lack of logic towards the end of the movie, left subtle questions unanswered which kept aching away at me on the way home.

On top of this, the absence of a solid connection between the audience and the main character/s throughout the film, in conjunction with the B grade acting left me feeling sorely.. no BITTERLY disappointed.

Don't waste your time with this abomination, people.


(I'm going to go and watch some classics to drown out the misery this movie has caused me... pffft!)
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Highly underrated, should be at least 6.5 rating.
s0hc4ht0422 January 2013
Okay, sure, it's not a groundbreaking horror film (what is nowadays?), but I found myself enjoying it. I usually don't watch films below a 6.0 IMDb rating (yeah, yeah, I'm a ratings wh***, shut up). But I was really in the mood for a horror movie and decided to give this a try. Yeah, it's a traditional story and somewhat predictable, but the modern "offbeat" characters kept it interesting. I agree with the user that says it starts off a bit weak/slow, but the rest of the story kept me intrigued. I've seen (modern) horror movies that are far worse than this that have higher ratings so give it a try if you enjoy modern horror.
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A solid, creepy, old-fashioned ghost flick
The_Dead_See18 January 2013
I love it when a little indie like this from a practically virgin director turns out to be a diamond in the rough.

I watched the Pact based on a few mentions it's garnered on the IMDb horror board and I was really impressed. I'd seen it available on Netflix instant for a while but had avoided it - probably because of the uninspired "Frighteners" DVD cover design rip-off (which incidentally has nothing to do with the movie). I kind of expected it to be just another sub par supernatural flick, the ilk of which Netflix instant is teeming with.

Instead it turned out to be a really good, old-fashioned, slow-burn ghost story with some neat thriller elements in the final act. There was one particularly effective scare near the beginning that actually made me curse out loud, which in turn scared the heck out of my cat. As a complete ghost film geek, that doesn't usually happen to me, so big kudos to the director for that one.

Caity Lotz makes for an intriguing troubled lead who can't forgive her dead mother for past abuses. I didn't like her character much at first, but she grows on you and the rebellious aspects she played the part with rounded out what could have otherwise been a much more two-dimensional character.

The direction is beautiful. Nicholas McCarthy has a real knack for laying out the geography of a haunted house in the viewers mind and also seems to know exactly how long, and from what angle, to hold a shot for in order to achieve optimum tension. I'm gonna keep my eye on this guy - I have a feeling we might see bigger things from him in the future if he continues to direct horror.

Yeah, so, if you're a ghost movie fan and you're antsy for a good one, you could do much, much worse than to pop open your Netflix and cue this one up.
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Worth a Watch
rockproductions8 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is not your standard ghost story, but a ghost story with a wicked twist! A daughter has came back home for her very abusive mother's funeral. She is staying in her mother's house when strange events begin to happen. Things falling off the walls. Someone touching her that is not there. Crazy vivid dreams. A mysterious blonde woman who materializes from thin air. Her sister & cousin comes up missing in the house. Yes, this all sounds like typical overused & abused haunted house clichés, but their done very convincingly, with good direction, strong acting, & a strong soundtrack, that adds a good amount of ghostly dreadful suspense.

"The Pact" is a hybrid film of two genres. I won't go into details for it would ruin the story. In some ways it reminds me of "the Entity," especially it's soundtrack. It also reminds me of "Silence of the Lambs" & "What Lies Beneath." OK, maybe to much information, but that's all I'm giving away.

You could do a lot worse than to check out this good little indie horror film, though flawed, it is a different breed of a ghost story, which is a rare ghost indeed in the huge cemetery of forgotten ghost films.
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the scariest film of the year? Perhaps not!
doorsscorpywag9 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
According to the DVD box this is the scariest film of the year. Presumably 2012 which was full of disappointing horror films but The Pact was ironically one of the least scariest. In fact it's not actually scary at all and rather dull. Relying on the usual haunted house gimmicks which were once scary but nowadays aren't, as well as a storyline that is incredibly boring and stupid with a twist ending that is one of the most cinematically idiotic ever conceived.

What is the Pact? Well there isn't one really it's just someones idea of a cool title that does not actually mean anything. Rather like 'based on a true story' which means that there is an actual country where the action takes place but other than that it's made up nonsense.

Someone disappears in mysterious circumstances and some woman relative on a motorbike appears and after a traumatic experience with what seems like a ghost she rushes to the police. Nobody believes her but a detective who was the bloke from Starship Troopers (who ironically has the name of a famous ghost) who for no sensible reason other than he vaguely knew of the woman who disappeared as she got in trouble with the police lends a hand.They go back to the house and discover a hidden room which the police hilariously never noticed after the woman who disappeared from the house was reported missing.

The biker woman then for no sensible reason calls on someone she vaguely knew from school who has super powers and can communicate with dead people by using torches as electricity attracts the spirits apparently. After a visit to the house we discover a ghostly presence for some unexplained reason is trying to tell the biker something. After another shock in a motel which ends up with the biker woman trying to flee on a bike in her underwear leaving behind the missing woman's daughter, who has nothing at all to do with the story really, she decides to investigate.

A quick look on the Internet uncovers some information about a serial killer that once murdered someone in the town. An equally quick visit to a church ties it all together with someones dead mother. I was not really sure which of the characters was the woman's daughter but the mother seemed to be a bit of a nasty type who did something involving a cupboard which is never explained.

After a phone call to the psychic woman we get the films climactic reveal which involves a Oiuja board sequence which is stupid and an even stupider shock ending.

So what can we learn from The Pact. Basically ghosts are attracted to electricity which is a worry in these modern times, people with different coloured eyes are not to be trusted and film makers have far too much money to waste on complete toss like this.
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Delightfully Confused...Yet Satisfied...
blackkaitlin20 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this title while watching the previews of a different film, and I thought it might be at the very least something to help pass the time. The last film that I saw that was actually able to make me jump to the edge of my seat with anticipation was Insidious, and since then it's been one disappointment after another.

I am very big cinema fan. I love originality in characters, plot, reactions and I don't put all my faith into films with a lot of special effects. The special effects cannot make a film, it is a contributing factor, which some filmmakers fail to remember, characters, plot and believability in what is taking place on screen, which includes the actors ability to make you believe that they are that person and not just someone looking to make a paycheck, are what I feel make a film great.

What I thought was going to be another haunted house, poltergeist, ghost movie turned out to be just that. A film about a person being haunted by the spirit of a murder victim, the fact that that person is related to the murderer is nothing new to cinema. There is even a little mystery as to what exactly the relationship is to the murderer, as well as the relationship between the two sisters, which I questioned because of the latter matter I mentioned. Yet the actresses and actors are what make this movie actually worth watching.

Caity Lotz is not a widely known actress, in fact I had never heard of her before watching this film, which is a very smart move, going with an unknown lead actress allows the film to shine, rather than the focus being on the name that's playing in the film. Indeed all of the actors and actresses are b actors at best. Casper van Dien hasn't done many big budget films, or I should say big scale films, since his supporting role in Sleepy Hollow, in which he was the hunky handsome rival with Johnny Depp's strange and science-driven character for Christina Ricci's character.

The characters are beautifully played because they are so believable. Agnes Bruckner plays a recovering addict that got clean for the sake of her daughter, who plays such a minimal part in the film that it was refreshing that it wasn't about a child communicating with the dead, a daughter from an emotionally and physically, perhaps even psychologically abusive relationship with her mother, a past she shared with her sister. We know that their mother dies, and Caity's character, hoping to maintain her estrangement to her past refuses to return to the site of her abuse, and pretend to be a grieving daughter to the mother that ruined her childhood, which is a very understandable reaction that many could relate to. Yet she returns when she hears no one can find her sister, whom she originally believes to have relapsed into her drug habit.

Once she arrives at the house, strange things begin to happen, after the police practically accuse her of being involved in the disappearance of her sister and her cousin as well as being crazy, she turns to a girl she went to school with that was rumored to have been able to communicate with the dead. Haley Hudson, is so unique in her performance as a medium, she is obviously not all there mentally, although with the appearance of her home life, as well as the menacing behavior of her brother, it is unclear whether this is caused by her gift, a mental affliction, or a possible use of drugs.

However, I was still left with many questions at the end of the movie. "The Pact" I find this title very confusing, because there is no explanation of a a pact being made, maybe the mom made the pact to protect her murdering brother? Maybe the sisters made a pact to always be there for the other, maybe Annie made a pact to herself to find out what happened to her sister, or to take care of her niece. Another question unanswered, how was the brother able to live under the house undetected for several years, even while the sisters were living there? Why weren't the sisters perceptible to the fact that there was obviously something missing from the house, like a hidden room. Was Judas aware that he had murdered his niece, did he murder his sister? Was it possible that there was an incestuous relationship between the mother and her brother that resulted in her pregnancy with the younger daughter, they all three had the same set of discolored eyes. What happened to the child that Jennifer Glick was carrying, was it possibly one of the sisters? Or was she killed while pregnant?

I was left with all these questions so that is why I gave it a 7/10. There were some plot holes, and what the? moments that I found rather foreseeable and predictable. Yet still a movie I do not recommend passing up, it still gives a few good jumps and scares.
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What Pact?
alangsco12 June 2012
Now it is possible I missed exactly what the said pact of the title was as I drifted in an out of sleep during this movie, but I don't think so.

Once again, i've been conned by the contents of a trailer. The movie trailer made 'The Pact' look edgy, interesting, and scary. For the most part it was none of these. The tension was built up quite well in the beginning without anything really happening. Initially I was thinking the director was doing a clever thing by not using any big scares early in the picture, and thus not numbing the audience to the later frights that were in store for them. It turned out there just weren't any real scares in the whole film. I will give credit for an interesting twist in the story, even if it wasn't used to good enough effect.

Acting-wise I was surprised to see Caspar Van Dien. I hadn't seen him since the original Starship Troopers movie. From the look of things he's banking on Viggo Mortensen retiring soon with him to fill in the gap. He performed the moody, unshaven, gruff, kind-hearted role adequately. Other than that the rest of the cast were pretty much horror-by-numbers. Not bad and nothing special.

Overall, 'The Pact' is just another average horror movie. If you particularly like this genre then give it a go. If you only like above- average horrors then stay clear.
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jntrla-0512920 July 2019
Im gunna say first and formost Why is it called The Pact??? i dont get it nothing to do with a Pact at all. anyways seven out of ten its a okay movie
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6.2? What's wrong with you people...
d1997823 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Again what's wrong with people on IMDb? This movie is absolutely horrible.

Throughout the whole movie I felt like I was watching random people doing random stuff.

1: We don't know who anyone are, all we get to know is that two of the girls are sisters, and their mother is dead.

2: Why is their brother living under the house in a secret room? Maybe he got some kind of fetish for basements?

3: What pact? I don't see anything about a pact in this movie.

4: There is no emotions when Annie's sister and friend disappears, it's like the movie just keeps going like nothing happened. The same with the little girl. Her mom and nanny (or whoever she is) are dead but she's like whatever.

5: The last scene right before the movie ends makes no sense at all, but then again nothing in this movie did.

I could do this for hours, but I think you get my point. This movie is rubbish.
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Very scary and well put together
dld20128 July 2012
This movie has gotten a lot of terrible reviews here, so I feel the need to add another positive one. If you love horror movies and don't confuse "gory" with "scary" - and if everything doesn't have to be spelled out for you in an unrealistic expository scene - don't miss this gem.

Most horror movies either insult the audience a little by over-explaining, or they leave many elements simply unexplained (which can be a plus too.) This one actually gives you all the clues you need to put it together and get the answers. Really, it's all there - if you are observant, you don't need the characters to spell it out for you. I found the characters and dialog very believable (for a horror film, of course.) And a HUGE plus - no fake scares. Plenty of real ones. My boyfriend screamed out loud once, and I don't think I've ever heard him do that. I give it 8/10 because while I'm not likely to put it in my top ten films of all time, it was an immensely entertaining movie.
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Better Than Blair Witch - The Pact
arthur_tafero19 October 2019
I am not a big fan of the horror genre. I hate modern vampire, zombie and other crap "horror" movies that put me to sleep in fifteen minutes. I thought Blair Witch was a bad joke. Cloverfield, the sequel wasnt bad, but this genre is definitely a bit thin compared to others. I prefer classics like Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, and The Exorcist. Those films got a rise out of me, which, quite frankly, is pretty difficult to do, as I do not scare easily. Well, Mr. McCarthy is an up and coming young talent who does a few things very well. He is a good writer, because his story keeps you interested for over an hour, even though it starts a bit slowly, he is a very good director, who has a fine sense of timing, film angles, and particularly the use of light, and lastly, he does not bang you over the head with gore, special effects, or other cheap tricks that try to shock audiences. He uses subtlety instead of schlock. This is a bona fide solid horror film.
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Solid,Scary good ride!
dadatuuexx2 June 2012
Few movie's scare me these days...sad,but true.When i hear abut a new "scary movie",i,m there,like you,throwing down a ten,and hoping for the best.these days,in a flurry of re-makes,love-me's,and things blowing up,i get a treat once in a blue moon."The Pact" is one of those shoddy gems,floating to the top of the poo,above the rest of this summers few hits,and all the miss's. The film has a good story,great actors,and some great scary moments.I,m burnt out by the "Paranormal"type ghost movies,the "Ghost-hunter" type of flicks,so this movie got extra points for NOT going there.worth a trip outdoors,go see this on the REAL big-screen.
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