Point Break (2015) Poster


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Impressive action sequences let down by almost everything else.
Troy_Campbell4 January 2016
A Gen Z update to Kathryn Bigelow's 1991 cult classic, this remake is essentially an episode of Fast and Furious in which the vehicular exploits have been replaced with an assortment of extreme sports sequences. Constructed with an alarming amount of real footage and physical stunt work, the numerous action set pieces are rather impressive; a high octane wing-suit gliding scene and the tension-building rock climbing finale topping the list. Yet the impact of these daredevil stunts is wasted on a film that fails on almost every other level. Stemming from Kurt Wimmer's truly awful screenplay, every second not spent traversing a mountainside, soaring through the air or surfing a mammoth wave is cringe worthy and/or yawn inducing. Wimmer's dialogue attempts to be philosophical and Zen-like, but with clichéd stinkers like "the only law is gravity" and "everyone dies, it's just a matter of how", it's nothing short of unintentionally hilarious. Replacing the eternally cool Patrick Swayze was always going to be tough, however Edgar Ramirez does a solid job as charismatic eco-warrior Bohdi. The same can't be said for low-budget-Chris-Hemsworth hunk Luke Bracey though, who is so wooden as Johnny Utah he makes Keanu Reeves look like Daniel Day Lewis. This modern update boasts a handful of genuinely fantastic action sequences, yet they're not enough to warrant a recommendation in what is otherwise a limp and incoherent thriller.
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Extreme Sports=Extreme Dud
torstensonjohn10 February 2019
In 1991 Katheryn Bigelow brought us the idealistic pairing of Keanu Reeves (Utah) and Patrick Swayze (Bodhi), along with Gary Busey (Papas), Lori Petty (Tyler). The audience went on an absolute ride with these stars. The characters were well developed and story was plausible.

Fast forward to 2015 and Ericson Core brings us extreme sports involved with an FBI agent which subtly brings the audience an extreme dud. Extreme snowboarding, motor cross, surfing, wind gliding, rock climbing is all here. The story differs from the bank robbing of the original film as extreme athletes look to complete the Ozaki 8, extreme death defying events that harvest the earth, wind, rain, fire, all while liquidating companies of money, gold, diamonds.

The acting was extremely poor, characters did not develop as in the original, they fell flat and stale throughout. The action was ok at best.
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GoPro and Red Bull decide to make a film
allstarrunner15 December 2015
If you like those 3 or 5 minute GoPro or Red Bull videos of people doing extreme sports then you will certainly like most of the movie as a lot of it is exactly that - and to be sure, those moments were pretty cool to watch and very well done.

Unfortunately, in between all of those moments is a pretty boring plot line with characters that you never really care about.

If you like mindless action (nothing wrong with that) then you will probably like this movie - although most of the "action" is extreme sports, not really guns.

Apparently I have to write at least ten lines of text, but honestly there isn't much more to say about the movie!
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This is an awful movie and is a disgrace to the original.
gpower4010 December 2016
This is my first review on IMDb. I felt compelled to write this in protest to what I believe is the worst movie I have ever seen. It's so bad that I will be watching out for future films by the Directors, actors and writers to avoid all their future efforts. The original is a bit cheesy but it's enjoyable. This is all cheese. I'm amazed that it was allowed to be put out to the cinema in its form. Nobody but the stunt team can get credit here. Similar stunts can be seen in a more realistic form by a simple You Tube search. Please don't watch this. The lines in this movie are so bad you would laugh if you were not so angry. I can't believe it obtained a rating of 5 on IMDb. 1 at best.
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Nonsensical plot accompanied by visual splendor of world's most extreme corners.
quincytheodore3 December 2015
Imagine the intense stunts from energy drink commercial or Youtube extreme sport montage while music from Mad Max blares on background. This is where the second coming of Point Break truly excels. When it hits just the right velocity, it's bloody breathtaking. Unfortunately, the narrative is not only poor, it nearly sabotages the movie like a broken parachute.

Story revolves around Utah (Luke Bracey), an FBI trainee as he investigates a series of heists and their connection to a group of athletes led by Bodhi (Édgar Ramírez). As one might expect, it follows the same trail that Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze has placed. The new leads do what they can, although it's better to watch this without comparing, because it certainly doesn't have the same caliber of star or chemistry.

The plot then dives head first into uncharted territory. It's littered with so much "save the planet" preachy acts as the writing struggles to place FBI agent in the hippie nirvana angle. The motivation is just a mess of random vague one-liners, even the on-screen characters are perplexed by it. There's a romance subplot, but this is mainly to show the attractive Teresa Palmer as eye candy for several short scenes.

The movie is actually better when they just show the crazy sequences instead of forcing its lackluster story. It has plethora of impressive feats, from high heaven wingsuit flying, the climb on hazardous urban streets and natural cliffs, to the surfing of gigantic waves. This is the level of stunt choreography xXx and Fast and Furious wish they had.

When camera pans into the right angle and lighting, as the sounds is muffled by throbbing tune of the fast music, Point Break reaches the zenith. It's miles beyond what typical action flick could offer, but sadly it's repeatedly interrupted by the shoddy story, which feels like an excuse to fly across the globe to do random cool tricks.

If viewed only on the grand mix of cinematography and choreography, Point Break is exquisite, this would have been a great documentary of extreme sport. However, as action movie, the story is so pretentious, it simply serves as speed bump to hamper the thrill.
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Worst remake EVER!
spinoff759 November 2019
Previous conversation between stupid producers: -Hey, let's do a remake of one of the Top 5 movies of 90'. -Yeah! That's original. We can update the extreme sports for the robbers. -Awesome! We can get new audiences. -Also we can choose a nobody in the lead role. -You're smart!

Hollywood's everyday crap! Let the good movies alone. Don't crap on them.
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Toocooltoobefooled22 October 2016
The original was a great movie with classic actors. Sure it's dated today, but still carries it's own weight. This movie while containing some visually stunning cinematography, some how manages to just drag and drag. As others have commented it comes of like a commercial. The special affects don't seem that special. It's like you are watching a commercial with snowboarding and sky diving designed to sell Redbull. While I should be in awe at what they are doing on screen, i find myself yawning and wondering when is it all just going to end. There is no real tension building, no sense of fear that Utah will be discovered, unlike the original, where his cover was about to be blown with each scene. I highly recommend passing on this one, it's a borefest.
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Impressive cinematography but weak story
ginocox-206-33696813 March 2016
"Point Break" is what "Crusty Demons" ought to be. Unfortunately, it is not what "Point Break" ought to be.

In fairness, the extreme sports scenes are pretty awesome. The cinematography is crystal-clear and the exotic locations are picturesque. As an extreme sports video, it excels.

As an action movie or caper, it is less impressive.

The greatest problem is that none of the characters are particularly likable or charismatic. Personally, I think one major problem is the horrendous tattoos that most of the central characters sport over much of their bodies. Having worked as a photographer and cinematographer, I am no fan of tattoos. To me, they suggest low-class, criminal background, lack of self-respect and many other negative character traits. There are some tattoos that are inoffensive, even impressive – but not in this movie. When I see these tattoos, my first reaction is that I have never been that drunk or that stupid or uncultured.

In the original, Bodhi's crew had goals and motives that made sense. Here, we have a group of athletes with improbable skills, all of whom share an exotic philosophy and a disdain for profit. The surf Nazi red herrings are gone, as is Utah's need to acquire skills in order to join the group. The whole Utah-Bodhi bromance seems less credible and less compelling. The antagonists are cast as eco-warriors; however, somehow it doesn't make them sympathetic. They are financed by an eccentric multi-billionaire, which seems more contrived than organic.

At one point, the FBI had very strict standards for its agents. They were expected to dress and conduct themselves in conformance with relatively conservative standards. The notion that the FBI would accept a long-haired, extensively tattooed candidate stretches credulity to the limits, as does much of the rest of the film. However, as a direct-to-video extreme sports video, it would be quite impressive.
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No dead presidents
Prismark102 December 2016
Point Break was rebooted in 2001, it was called The Fast and the Furious where the surfing was replaced by street car racing.

This remake sees extreme sports athlete Johnny Utah (Luke Bracey) who after losing a friend when a motocross stunt goes wrong goes on to become a FBI agent some years later. His boss Hall (Delroy Lindo) sends him to investigate a series of elaborate heists from a gang who behave like Robin Hood robbers.

Utah believes that the group are taking part in the Ozaki 8, eight spiritually extreme sport challenges that coincide with the daring robberies. Utah infiltrates the gang which is led by Bodhi (Édgar Ramírez.)

In its own right the film starts brightly enough with plenty of CGI enhanced action but later on the film actually comes to a stop in the non action sequences when the characters just talk. The film then becomes boring and after a while even the action scenes just get duller. The colour grading is awful making the film look cheap despite the international locations.

The original Point Break directed by Kathryn Bigelow, who would go on to become the first female Oscar winning director found a zeitgeist of Generation X sports action thriller with well staged action sequences. Although not the greatest actors around, Bigelow got charismatic turns from Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze and sturdy support from Gary Busey as Reeves FBI boss.

The remake lacks all of this even though it tried to go on a new direction. I tried to give it a break and approached it with an open mind but alas it is a poor film.
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OK remake which does not try to imitate the original.
altersaege25 December 2015
Somebody here wrote "non-sensical plot". Why should a plot be non-sensical only because you cannot understand it? The plot is VERY clear, and also quite well realized.

There is a group of more or less young people who live on the edge, always seeking the most intense feeling of "being alive" which they only find in extreme activities, following Achilles' motto of "better a short life as lions than a long life as sheeps". As one of them says, "we all will die. The question is how". They are outsiders. They would never be able to live a "life" of routine, office-home-bills. They do not like this system and they show it with a series of no-killing crimes on the "Robin Hood" style, like stealing money from a Plane and making it fall down so that people can take it (it's on the trailer, no spoiling here). "Giving it back", they say. They do indeed also make profit in order to finance their next extreme activities. But they never steal from poor people. Only from the system. So, they have a moral, THEIR moral, which is neither black nor white. But they are not "evil". That's why the FBI agent, who is sent to infiltrate them, is somehow fascinated by them and for a while cannot understand anymore on which side he is.

Anyway, they are not "good" either. You can feel that there is something dark, in their way of playing with death there on the edge, pursuing the legendary (apparently fictional) Osaki 8 deadly challenges. And when they put the life of innocent people in danger, the FBI agent finally takes part.

The rest of the film is a downward spiral of destruction and self- destruction. They know they have no way out and they just push the accelerator more and more, to die as lions.

You may not agree with their choices, and it is not aim of the film to make you agree or disagree.

The film just tells the story of this group of people, and it tells it quite well. It is not a Masterpiece but it is entertaining and if you ever felt that living is more about being alive than about surviving, this movie can make you care about the characters and their pursuit of feeling ALIVE. No matter if you agree or not with how they realize it.

I think it's pointless to compare it with the previous version, because they are different and both valid. The first had vip actors but less extreme action, here there may not be super big names but the actors are good, and the actions scenes more spectacular. At the end it may be a matter of preferences.

For me a solid 7. No doubts.
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Pointless Break
tendobear13 June 2017
Wow, can anybody say "product placement"? Absolutely terrible. Just as I thought it would be. This poor take on the classic is a complete travesty in every way possible; essentially it's a shameless extended Red Bull or GoPro commercial. In every frame there's an outdoor equipment or extreme sports brand in full view, front and center. There's really no plot to speak of, I think there's something about an FBI agent trying catch some bad guys, and that's about it. Even the main character seems to forget WTF he's supposed to be doing. For a bit in the middle I really did forget what the hell he was supposed to be doing. It's really a poor excuse to film beautiful young people doing dangerous sports. The acting is nonexistent and even when there is some acting, it's horrific to say the least. Now I know why Edgar Ramirez doesn't get much to say in whatever movies he's in because the guy is just terrible, he's as stiff as the rock that he throws over the cliff. To be honest I don't understand the hype around the guy. The lead guy - I don't even know who TF he is - playing Utah is an insult to the great Keanu Reeves. The lines are completely laughable, they're like lines ripped straight from Robin Sharma's The Monk who Sold His Ferrari - just some voodoo, mystic mumbojumbo about being one with the earth or some BS like that. Which is sort of ironic because they spend most of the movie ripping the earth apart with motor bikes, guns, bombs and whatever they can get their tattooed hands on. Completely pointless, avoid at all costs, watch the infinitely superior original and forget this tosh ever existed.
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Excellent cinematography-fun remake!
ThomDerd14 October 2020
This is a nice remake of the original film with Keanu Reeves. What to expect: great action sequences and extreme sports (moto-cross, rock-climbing, surf and many other). I very much enjoyed the novelty in the adaptation of the old story to the new one. The connection between the characters is a bit better than the one in the old movie; at least it is more clear to see. If you like action and movies with extreme sports and great stunts, then this is going to be a ride. Don't expect much more than that though...acting is average and the story, yep you know it, already. Nevertheless, this recommended for the fans! 8/10
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A Pointless Remake
captainmike-michael6 December 2015
The film presents a number of impressive extreme sport actions set pieces with glorious parachutes or rock-climbing gear that will certainly excite the audiences but sadly the plot with poor pacing has turned this remake slightly pointless. It manages to break the action point based on the Ozaki Eight's fictional sets of highly dangerous attempts of worshiping the nature but fail in achieving several other points, most obviously when it lacks of engagement in between the characters while the existence of political subtext and the crime concept seems to be meaningless. Performance from the casts are overall fine but the decision to focus on the extreme adventures have totally neglected the potential of some supporting characters and the emotional development that cause the romance and friendship seems to be superficial. Visual effects are environmental breathtaking and stunning, the scores by Junkie XL are strong and inspiring yet all of these are insufficient to provide additional thrills to make the film superior than the original cult in 1991.
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It's almost as though they made a terrible movie on purpose.
Nixon_Carmichael3 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Beware people, this is an early review. Being a member of a media group I caught an early screening at the Amc. I was not required to sign an NDA.

Point Break is a bafflingly unsolicited remake of the 1991 cult classic of the same name. It is directed by Ericson Core, a good filmmaker who directed the 2006 Invincible, a film which is criminally underrated. When I found out that Point Break was being remade I shuddered in fear, but I when I learned that Core was directing the film, I immediately changed my tune, as I hold Invincible in such high regard, as it truly is an under appreciated film for the ages.

Point Break 2015 is grotesque.

I am not inherently adverse to remakes and reboots, and I am not at all a purist, I am perfectly fine with rebooting material and straying from source material if it serves the story well. What had happened here is that the studio has produced a garden variety action movie and slapped a name on it purely for the sake of brand recognition.

The film exceeds expectations in the sense that this a slickly produced action film with a completely rad soundtrack. The camera work, framing and editing leave everything on the proverbial field. There isn't anything new going on here, but it's produced in a professional manner and the action scenes are handled with extreme care.

And along comes the story, instead of our group of guys pulling bank jobs to fund adrenaline junkie lifestyles, the action men of 2015 are self aware crusaders, too cool for school, hipsters on a self imposed mission from God. Every character in this film is ball- kickingly annoying. The problem is that not one of the main characters are in possession of a redeemable quality and their motivations are completely nonsensical, they are all essentially unknowingly pseudo intellectuals.

If this movie had been titles virtually anything else I may have given it a 4 or 5 out of 10, rather than a three, though the unnecessarily and intentionally sanitized PG13 vibe completely disrupts any potential the film may have had in the first place.

It's not good, it stinks.

No sir, I don't like it.
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Watch the original one instead
deloudelouvain27 August 2017
I already didn't have a high opinion of the movie before even starting watching it and that's because I don't really like remakes unless they are much better. But after watching it I was surprised it wasn't actually a complete copy of the 1991 Point Break. The story is different in many points but unfortunately it isn't better. The good thing about the movie are the stunts and the nature shots. But it was just not enough to make it a good movie. It's an average movie with special effects that could have been much better when you see the budget they had. The acting was just okay without being great. It's just the story that was lousy written. And that's the most important thing for any movie. If you don't have a good script you don't get a good movie. That's a fact.
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Pointless Retreads
billygoat107118 December 2015
The original Point Break was mostly known for its memorable bromance between Utah and Bodhi and some of its greatest action scenes ever put to film. Either way, this remake doesn't bring enough justice to the cult classic. Its new approach, instead of a simple undercover cop thriller, is now a globe-trotting adventure featuring daredevils who are pulling off a grand stunt show. Though the stunts are impressive at times, it still pales in comparison with the original. The characters are bland, the plot makes no sense and every moment it tries to replicate with the original is just painfully forced for the sake of what they believe it's called "fan service." Therefore, there isn't much reason for Point Break (2015) to exist.

So Point Break is now about the stunts, but just like most action movies today, it also had to strip away personality. So whenever we see the cops, and even the daredevils, interact, it's just not so entertaining. One of the charms of the original, while it had some great action sequences, even the characters are interesting to watch. Even if it's trifle, it's still worth spending your time. Now, it somehow becomes uninteresting filler, especially the love interest. Remember when Utah had to lie about his backstory to earn her trust? Well, now they just easily hook up and nothing else, until some twist happens or something like that. Utah and Bodhi aren't as engaging, either. They're mostly spewing exposition, while Bodhi is basically acting like a parody of someone from a New Age religion. Their intention of becoming Robin Hoods is kind of vague as well, but I guess no one thinks it actually matters.

What's really worth groaning is when it's really trying to replicate the original; not by heart or personality, but by scene. They did the Ex- Presidents, even though one of them is wearing an Obama mask despite of taking place in 2015, but they only did it once, probably because there isn't much room for this fan service. Also the iconic scene involving Utah shooting up the air, which apparently Hot Fuzz did it better. And the epilogue is horrendously shoehorned, like it's nothing more than a tip off the hat, because... it's not Point Break without it, I guess?

However, there are some things to at least like in this film. The action is kind of stunning; the fact that they're visually more realistic to look at than most CG-fest that blockbusters tend to feed us (except for the epilogue which is too obvious.) Maybe the best among them is the rock climbing sequence where it goes from wide shots to dirty hand shots of seeing how much they'd grip. Luke Bracey isn't quite bad as an action hero, but he seriously needs a better material than this. Edgar Ramirez is probably just stuck with a blandly written Bodhi and really stays stick-in-the-mud with whatever he says about nature. Ray Winstone, though a good actor, is just not the memorably delightful Papas that Gary Busey established. And the movie wouldn't be any different if Teresa Palmer's role was written off.

And Point Break (2015) is just another needless remake. There are ideas that could have been utilized more, but it's too burdened by both action movie clichés and the fact that it is being Point Break. It's not a good undercover cop thriller, nor a good bromantic film. And you better off watching an actual stunt show, which at least doesn't make you get through to its drab expositions and the fact that it's more real and not embellished by any special effects. Then again, the effects aren't bad, but that's not the point. You may give it credit for heightening something from the original, but it doesn't do that well either. The fact how unnatural the homages are made for this remake makes it even more frustrating to watch.
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Follow Your Course
clarkj-565-16133625 December 2015
I loved the first Point Break with Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves in 1991. As with other movie updates, I was initially apprehensive. I think the director carefully kept the original themes which weave the various characters and actions together. These are the sacred nature of our planet, the need to follow your destiny and the incredible power of the moment. Flash forward to 2015, our planet is in even more serious trouble. Life is tough, people are tougher. Bodhi is now more of a man of action than previously. He still has a devoted team around him that believe in what they are doing. Almost like a crew of Vikings about to sail off the known edge of the planet. The actions scenes are out of this world, no doubt about it. I was reminded of "Riding Giants", "Storm Surfers" and "Sunshine Superman". These scenes make the movie and you wish you could join the athletes. Samsara is the more mystical of the crew and offsets the hard edges of the film.
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What a let down
rchoate-8839029 December 2015
I was enthusiastically exuberant about returning to what I've known as a cult classic, the original "Point Break". This reboot, is full of slick stunts and visuals, but the story, or lack thereof, makes this taste like pablum. I very seriously doubt that after two hours from getting out of the theater watching this, that anybody would even remember the name's of the central characters in this film. Why, because the film maker neglected to give us a story where the characters are expounded and fleshed out beyond the 3 minutes for any resolute back-story on any of them. I appreciate the stunts and stunt people for their quality work involved, but stunts don't make a movie. A good story, with quality characters that are inter-meshed with emotions and plots that pull the viewer into the characters' world is what makes a memorable film. I'll stick with the original "Point Break".
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The Original is Better
stevendbeard25 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "Point Break", starring Edgar Ramirez-Zero Dark Thirty, The Bourne Ultimatum; Luke Bracey-The November Man, G.I.Joe:Retaliation, Teresa Palmer-Warm Bodies, The Grudge 2 and Delroy Lindo-Domino, The One.

This is a remake of the classic 1991 Point Break, which starred Keanu Reeves & Patrick Swayze. FYI: Neither one of them make a cameo in this one and it would have been extremely hard for Swayze to appear, since he has passed away. Edgar has the Swayze role of Bodhi and Luke has the Reeves role of Utah. For anyone unfamiliar with the original-Shame on you-Edgar is the leader of a group of extreme sports fanatics that have been robbing some financial market corporations and giving the loot back to the poor. They claim to be following in the footsteps of their extreme sports idol Ozaki. Ozaki had an extreme competition called the Ozaki 8, which was a list of challenges that would balance nature-don't ask me how-but even Ozaki never finished all 8 challenges-he died around number 4. Luke is a former extreme sports star-he excelled in motorcross and snowboarding-that has joined the F.B.I. and wants to earn his badge in the field. Luckily for him, a case has come up where his qualifications will come in handy, and his boss, Delroy in the Gary Busey role, puts him on the case. Luke infiltrates Edgar's gang and meets Teresa, in the Lori Petty role, and the romantic sparks start flying. The story is pretty close to the original, with extreme sports being more prominent here-sometimes, it's almost like watching a commercial for an extreme sports channel, what with all the snowboarding, wingsuit flying, free rock climbing, motorcross and surfing going on. It's not a bad movie, I just liked the original better-maybe because of Keanu, Patrick and Gary. But if you are into extreme sports, you may like it better than I did. It's rated "PG-13" for perilous activity, violence, drug use, language and sexual content-no nudity-and has a running time of 1 hour & 53 minutes. I don't know if I would buy it on DVD but it would be alright as a rental.
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Such a terrible film
evan_harvey30 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A truly s#!t film. It's so dull. The script is like it was written by a thirteen year old; it's shallow and unexciting. For a film about adrenaline junkies, no one looks like they're having any fun.

Yes, there are a bunch of extreme sports stunts in the film, but the truth is I can see much better stunts on youtube. The surfing scene was reminiscent of the original, but lacked the heart. The wingsuit scene was less impressive than dozens of youtube videos. The snowboarding scene was less impressive than dozens of youtube videos.

One of the characters dies during a snowboarding scene and it barely even registers. Why? Firstly because the characters are so poorly written that the audience literally doesn't care when one of them dies horribly. Secondly, the loss of one of the crew doesn't even affect the other characters. It literally makes no difference to the plot.

The original film was great. It had style, it had a coherent plot, and it had heart. This film is just another soulless s#!tty remake. There's no sense of camaraderie amongst the crew, there's no examination of the lifestyle or of what binds the crew together.

It sucks. It's a shame because it could have been great if they'd either made a faithful remake of the original, or just frigging written a decent script. It has glimmers of interesting ideas that pop up from time to time, but they're under-utilised.

For everything this film fails at, and for all the ways in which something good seemed like it might happen, only to be submerged in more bulls#!t, I give this 1 out of 10.
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I surprisingly didn't hate it
lukehiggs9 February 2016
​ Going into the Point Break remake I don't think I could have had any lower expectations because I am a massive fan of the original, but I came out of this movie actually quite liking it. The acting in this movie is average and the story is very predictable and cheesy at times but the stunt scenes! They are fantastic and i found I couldn't take my eyes off the screen while they were happening. Unfortunately after a stunt scene comes dialogue which with its bad timing and believability pulled me straight back out of the film, I do honestly think they should have taken the Point Break elements out of this movie and just called it something altogether fresh, then I think I would maybe hold this film a little higher. But even with all this I do think this movie was very, very enjoyable and if you just want to kick back and watch a mindless action movie this is a brilliant choice. I give Point Break (2015) a 6/10
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A disgrace of a movie
nik_it_as9 December 2015
I just saw the first projection at Chiang Mai Thailand. This is one of the most horrible movies i have ever seen. Please don't waste your money. The story makes no sense. The characters are stiff like frozen cucumbers, the purpose and motivations are completely ridiculous. This is a disgrace of a movie. It is as if the director wanted to create the horrible anti point break. Oh My God! Oh My Buddha! Wasted life! There is no logic, the characters are half-dimensional, the star is beyond ridiculous and annoying, the girl is on drugs, the pace is awful they jump from scene to scene like monkeys jump from tree to tree. The director clearly had no vision. I don't know what to say other than STAY AWAY. STAY AWAY.
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extreme-sports rebels turned deadly - an entertaining abstract action cautionary tale Warning: Spoilers
So many terrible reviews! Why such negativity? I've seen this film 9 times and counting. It's so beautiful. It's cinematic poetry! Point Break is a cautionary tale because the eco-warriors rebellion only leads to destruction of others and self. It's the paradox of humankind - good and wicked all in one. Please watch with an open mind!

Also, I find the extreme-sports-nature sequences breathtaking and beautiful and full of high energy action. There are also some inspiring ideals along the way: "the break point, the point where fear becomes master and you the slave..."

I understand Core's approach and Kurt Wimmer's screen-writing logic: a story of friendship with a crazy philosophical twist and rebellion turned into criminal. The natural wonders are fantastic! Huge surf waves, Alps, and Angel Falls.

Yes I'm biased... I'm from Venezuela, and I think Edgard Ramirez did a spectacular job with his character and Angel Falls are magnificent! Luke Bracey as Johnny Utah is heartfelt and charismatic. Roach, Chowder, Grommet, Pappas, and Samsara were great too. All straightforward and minimal dialogue.

Did you know that the climbing of Auyantepui was real? The line and bolts were digitized out, but it was and experience of a lifetime for these climbers. Chris Sharma, Peter Croft, and Dany Andrada were the stunt doubles. The behind-the-scenes video is astounding!

One big mistake? To have marketed this movie as a remake of Point Break 1991: it's inspired by it but another story. And yes, there are problems with the plot and character development, but that's because the focus is on the visual story more than dialogue. Another major problem is that the writing and the dialogue lines are too abstract and metaphoric and ambiguous. It's not clear at times what Bodhi means or what Johnny Utah wants. I think I got it and I enjoyed the film, but I can see how it can be confusing to audiences. Teresa Palmer's lines too are full of philosophical ideas that sound abstract as well.

In this version, Bodhi is a protégé of Osaki, a fictionalized eco-warrior with the idea of saving Earth by performing 8 ordeals (this is the fiction). But Osaki was killed by a whaling ship when he was "giving back"... Later, Bodhi follows Osaki's steps, but he has taken the wrong path. Bohdi wants to accomplish his 8-ordeals to become one with the Earth and give back through criminal/sabotage acts. However, there's good in Bodhi, for he saves Utah's life for some unknown compassionate reason(??). Perhaps Osaki saved Bodhi's life once just like in Utah's situation? It would've been great to see the setup story for Bodhi as well. Yet, Bodhi is determined and he doesn't care he is killing people and destroying assets when he "gives back to Earth."

Without the crime, these guys would be extreme-sports crusaders for mother Earth's wonders: which would be a whole different story - perhaps I'll write a new Point Break screenplay inspired by this version of Point Break (I'm a screen writing student).

Then we have Johnny Utah, a former extreme-sports turned FBI agent, but we don't learn why he specifically joins the FBI. The film would have benefited from additional minutes to set up the characters better and explore their deeper emotional motives. That's what's lacking. Utah goes undercover to find out why these extreme-athletes are committing crimes, only to get too involved to be able to stop them: part of Utah relishes in the chaos and he enters into a conflict with himself. Utah however, is the perfect agent to pursue the extreme-sports criminals. But his longing for the sport and his gratitude to Bodhi are stronger than his FBI mission. And worse yet for the mission: Utah has a soft-heart and Bodhi knows that. Utah owes him his life. Utah is in a great dilemma - apprehend and kill the very person that saved his life?

In the end, the power of gratitude and kindness prevails in Utah. And he gets back his passion for life. And the bad guys find their fate...

Enjoy. Best wishes.
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Entertaining movie
Entropathe_Fou5 December 2015
The overall quality of Point Break (2015) is good.

Point Break is an action movie that makes its job. No rest is accorded to the public during the whole length of the movie. An interesting point is that some of the scenes are more than just action because they take place in incredible locations of the planet.

However, Point Break suffers small mistakes that could have been avoided. Fast successions of short plans during the action scenes are perturbing and prevent to fully enjoy the show. Furthermore, changes of position of camera between plans lead to the feeling of being lost. Filming such amazing scenes in a more simplistic way would have been beneficial to the movie.

The storyline could have been more interesting. One interesting idea is the one to save the planet as the "bad guys" are green fighters. It creates an ambiguity as whether to consider the bad guys as bad people or not. However the effect is partially lost by the clumsiness of the screenplay. As such, the dialogues are full of lines without clear meaning.

This movie will clearly entertains action movie fans. It will definitely not fit to people with bad heart conditions and/or looking after the meaning of life.
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Point Broken
utgard1423 May 2016
Let's put aside the asinine logic that went into the decision to remake Point Break to begin with. Let's just focus for a moment on whether or not they produced a good movie, regardless of whether it was an original idea or not. When we do that I think most of us can agree they failed miserably. This is a boring, unengaging movie in every way. The two leads are lacking in any charisma or appeal. They are both just so dull and lifeless I cannot begin to understand how they were cast in an action movie, let alone a remake of a superior action movie with two leads that played well off each other. But these two being so boring fits the tone of the film, one of the more unexciting excuses for an action movie I've ever seen. The original Point Break was a fun movie. This thing is dire and seems to believe it has a message, which makes it even worse. It's really just a lackluster movie all around. I guess the one positive it has over the original is that Teresa Palmer is nice to look at and the original movie just had Lori Petty.
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