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A fantastic film contribution from Saudi Arabia.
finalfantasy_gc16 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film gives us a unique glimpse into a society we know very little about. The story might seem simple at first but as we are witnessing the events unfolding we notice that the story is a lot deeper than that. Underneath the surface of a standard modern society we see how women have to cope in this patriarchal restrictive society. Despite the absurdities that women face every day we can still relate to the characters and the themes in this film. What makes this film so good is how it tells us a story of how people live their lives through the experiences of a little girl. Where dreams can still be realized despite how oppressive things can be. While a sense of optimism always lingering in the background with a healthy dose of humour. A rare but curious journey into a society that seems so different than ours. The director did a great job at telling the everyday story about the Saudi Arabian people without any bias or obvious political agenda. All through the perspective of a charismatic young little girl who just wants a green bicycle.

It is good to see films use similar themes but from a different perspective. The film industry is too clouded with uncreativity. I hope this film experience is not the last great adventure from Saudi Arabia.
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A complex story told simply and well
PoppyTransfusion13 October 2012
The director Haifaa Al-Mansour tells the tale of a child called Wadjda whose wish is to have her own bicycle so that she might race against her friend and neighbour Abeer. The only problem is that Wadjda is a girl and girls in Saudi society do not ride bikes, which are considered "boys' toys" ... As we follow Wadjda in her quest to find the money to purchase the bicycle she sees being delivered on the roof of a van, we are introduced to her society and its culture and, in particular, its treatment of girls and women. Al-Mansour's portrayal of her country is shown without heavy judgement, although the bitter sweetness of being female is not concealed.

Filmed on location in Saudi Arabia, a feat in itself in a country that does not have a film industry as films are considered sinful, Wadjda's desire represents the wish for female freedom; her lack of a bicycle is mirrored in the adult women's inability to drive, prohibited for women in Saudi Arabia, and the problems this creates for them. So the child's desire to ride a bike becomes a metaphor for freedom, which is the central theme in the film.

This is a subtle tale full of character, charm and complexities and not at all as one might expect. The young girl who carries the film, Waad Mohammed, is terrific and it is hard to believe that she was not an actress before appearing in this feature.

Does Wadjda achieve her desire and get her bike? Is she able to race it along the dusty roads as free as her friend Abeer and the other boys? Well, you will have to watch the film for the answers and in watching the film will support the director and the nascent film industry emerging from within Saudi Arabia.
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How to survive
stensson10 March 2013
10-year-old Wadjda lives in Saudi Arabia. She's a bit rebellious, which means she wears basket shoes in school, listens to Western rock at home and has befriended a boy her own age. But she mustn't sing too loud, because the men can hear her and get offended.

Wadjda wants to go further and have her own bicycle, which invites trouble in her country. The story is told in a very warm way and you learn one thing. People in cultures totally different from yours are very much like you.

Realism here. Everyday people having everyday problems, but not the problems you have. A humanistic film, which makes it concerning everybody.
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My hero
cinematic_aficionado25 July 2013
One thing that makes this movie stands out is the fact that it is entirely based in Saudi Arabia.

Regardless what one thinks of that country, be that knowledge or just stereotyping, it has a culture that is very different than that of what the western audience is accustomed to.

So he have a heroine who is your typical rebel teenage girl, who has realised that being a woman can be challenging and she therefore must give her fight to survive. The story revolves around an utterly sinful desire this young revolver has: to buy and ride a bicycle. To go about that, she must overcome her mum's objections, the shopkeeper's and pretty much everyone she is acquainted with.

Unprepared to simply accept fate, she is prepared to do whatever it takes to ride that bicycle. Quirky and witty, this is a delight and one should not allow any preconceived notions of Arabic culture to stand in the way of enjoying this pleasurable debut.

Wadjda is a hero in any culture.
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An Optimistic Tale of Triumph Over Adversity
l_rawjalaurence11 December 2013
WADJDA is a straightforward tale of a young girl Wadjda (Waad Mohammed) growing up in a suburb of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, who wants to buy a bicycle. Unable to find the money to do so, she enters a competition to speak the Koran in public with a substantial cash prize. After considerable time spent studying the text, she wins the competition, but sadly doesn't receive the money. In the end, however, she achieves her dreams - but not in the way she expects. Haifaa Al-Mansour's film is noteworthy for being a woman's film directed by a woman; it shows in careful detail the ways in which women's lives are constructed in Saudi Arabia, as well as showing how influential the Koran is in determining people's behavior. Some viewers might think that the women's lives are unfairly restricted; the film suggests that this is what many women believe is the right thing to do. By doing so, WADJDA shows how different people embraces different concepts of Islam. On the other hand, the film also suggests that individuals - especially children - should have at least some means to express themselves, particularly when they have worked to hard to achieve their aims. To restrict them is also to repress them; and this ultimately leads them to accept subordination as a way of life. WADJDA proves that the opposite should be true; not only for Wadjda herself but also for her mother (Reem Abdullah).
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Saudi Movie= I'm instantly curious
motezart21 September 2013
The total lack of films that come out of Saudi Arabia made Wadjda, a Saudi film by Haiffa Al- Mansour, instantly alluring. Haiffa Al-Mansour is already accredited as being the first successful woman filmmaker in Saudi Arabia's history.

This is very much Al- Mansour's film. She charms the viewer with the common everyday struggles of the Saudi woman, and rather than address the issues in a combative way, her approach is warm, even cute. This draws us in to her characters and provides us with some heartfelt laughs along the way.

The precocious 10-year Wadjda is growing up in Riyadh where she wants nothing more than a shiny new bicycle, but not only is she a little short on riyals, in Saudi Arabia women do not to ride bicycles. Saudi moral code bans woman from driving, going out in public unveiled, living unaccompanied, leaving the country alone, and opposing their husbands' orders in any way.

Small details make grand impressions: In an all girls school teenage students paint their toenails, a sin, and are publicly vilified for it. The mere possibly that workmen half a mile away might see school girls playing in their courtyard forces all the girls to rush inside, lest they be judged impure. Pubescent girls are considered impure and must use a tissue just flip the pages of Koran.

Wadjad's truly beautiful mother spends much of her time perfecting her appearance only then to have to then cover herself with a full hijab. She is never openly defiant; defiance is impossible, but even thought she is obeying age old traditions that we'd assume would have dulled any emotional protest, through the mother's submission we get a brief glimpse of her distress, the natural human emotional distress that no amount of "aged tradition" or religious subjugation has the right to inflict on any human being.

In a country where cinemas are banned, Riyadh is not exactly a city where women can just go around shooting films. Females mixing with male co-workers would bring dire consequences. Al-Mansour shot the film anyway, directing much of it from the back of a van, and the result is a film representing the triumph of the defiant feminine spirit, in all forms.

For more film reviews visit getthebonesaw.blogspot.com
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Wadjda is an opportunity for a female Saudi director to get her voice heard
estebangonzalez1026 November 2013
¨You won't be able to have children if you ride a bike.¨

Wadjda is a beautiful yet simple film about a young girl who is willing to break society's boundaries and traditions in order to achieve her goal. In a sense it plays out as a metaphor considering Wadjda is the first feature film from Saudi Arabia which happens to be directed by a female. In a culture where women aren't allowed to speak up to men or even to drive a vehicle, Haifaa Al-Mansour has found a way to share her voice with the world through cinema. That is groundbreaking on its own considering that Saudi Arabia doesn't even have a film industry and that women are very much tied up to the limitations that their society puts on them. Al- Mansour, who also wrote the screenplay, gets her message across in a simple manner without trying to be judgmental or harsh on her culture. It is through the eyes of this 10 year old girl that we see how difficult the culture is on women. Not being allowed to ride a bike for fear that she could lose her virtue and purity plays out as a metaphor as to the limitations females face in these countries. I'm pretty sure that we all agree with Al-Mansour's viewpoints here in the west, but it is a shame that this film won't be seen by the people who really should see this film, the Saudis. It may be a familiar tale to us (it has all the known elements of a classic underdog story), but it works thanks to a wonderful performance from the young Waad Mohammed who plays a character we all can identify and relate to. Wadjda is worth seeing for the historical significance it has for females in Islamic countries who are trying to get their voice heard.

Wadjda (Waad Mohammed) is a ten year old girl from Saudi Arabia who lives with her mother (Reem Abdullah) in Riyadh. She's from a very conservative society where women have to cover their hair around men, but she is a very lovable girl who's always pushing the boundaries to her limitations. When one of the boys (Abdullrahman Al Gohani) begins teasing her and outruns her on his bike, she promises that she will buy one to race him and beat him. She sees a beautiful green bike on sale and since her mother doesn't give her the money because she considers girls shouldn't ride bikes, Wadjda decides to raise the money herself. The perfect opportunity presents itself when director Ms. Hussa (Ahd) offers prize money for the winner of a Koran recitation competition at her school. Wadjda begins to dedicate her time and efforts to this competition, while her mother is worried about trying to convince her husband (Sultan Al Assaf) to stay with her and not get remarried. Wadjda is dedicated to achieving her goal despite the limitations presented by the people around her.

The young and talented Waad Mohammed stands out in this film with a heartfelt and lovable performance. It is a simple tale and one we've seen many times in the past with the exception that this film is told by someone who has been facing those very same limitations. Some universal themes about the human spirit and the power of the will are portrayed nicely in this film through the eyes and smile of Waad Mohammaed. Director, Al-Mansour, also gives us glimpses of the limitations women have to face through very small scenes and moments. There is a scene where Wadjda's mother is shopping for a dress and she tries on a beautiful red one and you can't help but wonder what a waste it is considering she can only wear it at home for her husband. She covers herself completely when there is a man around. She also spends so much time fixing her hair, only to cover it until her husband who sometimes doesn't show up in days can appreciate it. Al-Mansour presents these scenes without being judgmental, but they come through very well. Wadjda, like us, doesn't seem to understand all this and won't conform to those boundaries, which is the director's way of sharing her hope for a brighter future for these women. Maybe if there were more determined girls like Wadjda they could break through some of those boundaries and limitations and have some more freedom. The film is full of hope like the main character and it is one worth seeing.
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Wadjda will win you over too
Horst_In_Translation14 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In a year where Quvenzhané Wallis became one of youngest Oscar nominees of all time, there's still at least 2 other lead performances by very young girls that deserve an equal amount of recognition. One is Onata Aprile in "What Maisie Knew". The other is Waad Mohammed in "Wadjda". The existence and quality of the latter film is quite a miracle. It premiered in Venice last year, where the director and lead actress had a bike with them on the red carpet, and, since then won quite an impressive collection of honors from festivals all over the planet. The movie industry in Saudi-Arabia is practically non-existent to this day, so the creation and shooting of the film ran permanently into obstacles, especially as it's the first Saudi-Arabian movie ever filmed by a woman, but the final result is definitely worth all the hassle. I'm happy to see that just a day ago or two, this film got the honor of being the very first film from Saudi-Arabia that got submitted to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and will compete for the foreign language Oscar in about 6 months from now.

In the center of it, we have Waad Mohammed playing a headstrong little girl named Wadjda. We see her everyday-life at an all-girls school and at home with her mother, whose approach to life clearly seems to have rubbed off on her. Haifaa Al-Mansour depicts the life of females in Saudi-Arabia in a very compelling manner. The best thing about the film is that all the examples of discrimination and misogyny are either very subtle or in a manner that isn't remotely instigative or in the viewer's face at all, for example in the scene where those girls that are on their period have to cover their hands before touching their Korans. But they are not shocked as a reaction, they're giggling just like kids would in this scenario. The director went for realism and quiet convincibility throughout the whole film, such as when Wadjda has her dream crushed towards the end we don't get to see a huge breakdown or tears, but instead she stands there suffering quietly, which is as least as sad to watch.

In addition to those parts relevant to current society issues in Saudi-Arabia, the film is also genuinely funny on lots of parts. The ways in which Wadjda tries to get together the money in order to realize her dream of getting that beautiful green bike are a riot and so are her conversations with her mother and her friend Abdullah. It's simply impossible to resist her and her highly-infectious smile and that goes for everybody in the cinema audience as well as everybody she interacts with in the film. I recommend this film very much. It's an impressive result looking at the struggles during its shooting and the fact that literally none of the actors had any previous experience in the profession at all. Beyond Mohammed in the lead, we also get convincing portrayals of grown women by those actresses who play the mother and the headmistress.
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Big Start for Saudi Arabia
nikashvili22 October 2013
Wadjda is a school girl who has a dream of driving a bike, which is mostly considered to be a "boys' thing" in her community. That's why she is the only one standing for her dream, without even a little support of family. To collect 800 riyals (price of bike), she decides to compete in Quran competition to win 1000 riyals. Starting from zero and despite all complications, she beats every school girl.

This movie is about many many things. But mostly how big a dream can come and how those inhuman traditions shape persons, narrow their minds and how some of them still are sparkle of light in "darkness". Plot mostly concentrates on Wadjda, but it still exposes bad habits and traditions of Arabian society - problems in family, outside family and at schools. But those supporting stories are quietly playing behind this little girl's strive for dreams.

Wadjda is a quiet type movie. It does not have big emotional culminations or some plot twists. It goes very slowly from the beginning to the end as pale as landscapes of Saudi Arabia. However it's still good movie to watch - its simplicity, clarity and sincerity makes quite enjoyable film experience. Unlike most movies produced in Islam countries, Wadjda does not bring any criticism of religion or traditions or anything else. It just tells a story leaving everything open to judgement.

For the record, director Haifaa Al-Mansour is a first female director in Saudi Arabian and is considered one of the most prolific movie makers in the Kingdom. She truly did a great job illustrating Arabic reality in a very small and personal story of young girl. Haifaa also wrote story herself. Screenplay is quite good, without any major plot holes or fails.

Oscar chances? Pretty good for many reasons. First of all, it's a good cinematic piece. Secondly, it's directed by a woman from Islamic country. Third, it's is first submission by Saudi Arabia. Fourth, it is quite charming and easy to understand story, which can reach to very bottom of every hart. And finally, it gets quite successful PR company by producers and director herself. So, shortlisting is a guarantee, nomination - highest probability, win - I'd not consider this seriously.
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A much needed perspective on roles of women in Islamic countries
Khabibul35-119 October 2013
The Middle East is such a hot topic, but so little of the conversation is generated by natives that it's almost impossible to have any sort of dialog. On the one hand, we get the western phobia of Islam which includes hateful stories on the people/governments of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Afghanistan. On the other hand, we get the defensive responses of the governments/peoples of those countries who hate to have their countries painted in such broad strokes. This is exactly why a movie like this is so important! For once, we're presented with a perspective that looks at the issues with introspection. It might not the perfect description of life in Saudi for a woman, but it's a start and it brings up important points.

I'll start with the fact that the cinematography and acting are excellent. Those who might expect a B-movie production from a Saudi filmmaker making her first movie will be more than pleasantly surprised. The script is well written, the actors play their roles fantastically and the movie is well edited.

As far as plot, the movie is seemingly about a girl whose goal is to acquire a bike and the obstacles she needs to overcome to do so. On the surface, this might seem like a really simplistic plot but the way the story is told makes in much different than the normal protagonist overcomes difficulty story. And in fact, as it soon becomes apparent, the story isn't even really about the bike at all, but a chance to give context to the lives of women.

And thought I might have already raved about the technical aspects and how the story is told, in reality the #1 reason you should see this movies is because of the questions it raises. In the movie, we are confronted with important issues about the role of women is Saudi society and the different nuances of life. There is just the right balance of things that are told to us directly and what we must infer. To westerners, it might be one the first times we get this perspective. To Saudis and proponents of Islamic law, it's a chance to begin a discussion about the role of women in Saudi society. Regardless of where you stand, this movie is an opportunity to start the education process and the discussion on the topics at hand.
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A colorful dose of rebellion and the sweetness of a child's dream.
theordinaryreview15 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was eager to see Wadjda, often publicized as the first Saudi Arabian film, which is not exactly the case but it is the first that got such recognition and is the first by a female director. I thought it would be an interesting experience to witness. The fact that it was a female director made me even more curious as women rights in Saudi Arabia are known to be a controversial issue and is mostly what the outside world is exposed to about Saudi Arabia.

Wadjda is a young girl who doesn't like school that much and is often reprimanded by the teachers for her rebellious behavior. Things aren't much better at home as her mom struggles with driver issues and her father is seeking a second wife. Wadjda doesn't seem to have many friends at school, but she has a friend who lives in the neighborhood, young boy named Abdullah. He has a bicycle which becomes Wadjda's obsession and decides to get one for herself, despite this not being tolerated in the Kingdom. Nevertheless, Wadjda starts saving up her money to buy one. The nearest shop owner has one and after some discussion she manages to have him keep it for her until she gathers the money. In the meantime, she allows Abdullah to put up lamps from their house, for his uncle's political party's gathering. In exchange, he lets her ride his bicycle. When her school launches a Quran reciting contest, Wadjda works hard to win the prize money which would allow her to finally buy the bicycle.

I really enjoyed Wadjda. It was fresh, with a colorful dose of rebellion and the sweetness of a child's dream. In many aspects, it reminded me of the Iranian film Children of Heaven (1997). It seems to portray a good look at life in Saudi Arabia. The acting was really good and it made me enjoy the film more because I ended up rooting for Wadjda. Some moments will feel tender, some will be really cringe-worthy and some will feel real. It is probably the strength of the movie that the viewer will go through such a range of emotions. It also shows things that will feel strange to foreign eyes without ever seeming judgmental or preachy.

The film is not flawless by any means, and I found it to have some down times and some scenes that did not quite fit in as fluidly in the movie as others. But it didn't prevent me from enjoying it as a whole. I found it clever, thoughtful and most of all, it made me think and feel. On top of that, it always feels good to see what could be a pioneering movie.

I liked: Playful, clever. A story line that pulls you in. Good children actors.

I disliked: Some scenes do not fit in as well, I felt they were put to highlight the local colors.

79/100 I'd recommend it to anyone into foreign film. Hopefully, Wadjda is only the first of many.

Read more reviews at: www.theordinaryreview.blogspot.com
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Powerful movie
Karina201312 September 2013
Its not often i find foreign movies that touch me deeply. I loved this movie and was surprised how well this movie was made. Waad Mohammed played her part extraordinary where she took us viewers on her journey. I both laughed, cried, got angry and got happy when i saw this movie. I am so happy the movie ended the way it did, i don't want to give away any spoilers here but during the whole movie i was scared something would happen hehehe. Thankfully it ended as it ended. This movie also show a sense of determination. Doesn't matter what country you are from or the age, we all have a dream. And how far a determination, patience and hope can take you. I love the fact we saw a raw view of Saudi and i truly enjoyed watching this movie. Well done for the incredible director for by Haifaa Al-Mansour! Such a joy to have seen this movie
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Like the movie dislike the culture, tradition and religious BS
thenekassyni3 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy watching this movie every now and then for both the negative and positive aspects of it. I think the movie is very well done and the acting is superb. The plot is simple and delightful. The journey to get there, however, is filled with...religious BS, which is part of their culture.

If you didn't understand the culture and religious zealots of middle easterners then this should be an eye opener. You get everything,

1. Women treated below men 2. Women's right non-existent 3. Division of the various region/tribe or what have you 4. The constant barrage of the Koran and its teaching everywhere, especially in the school. 5. The many ridiculous behaviors people have towards and in regards to the Koran (don't leave the Koran open or the devil will spit in it). 6. The brainwash of the people and kids with this religious stuff.

Don't get me wrong, this is their culture. This is how they are. Whether I like it or not bears little to change. I'll leave that up to more distinguish people to tackle.

The above is what makes this movie more "real" and in a sense enjoyable for me. It doesn't try to hide any of it but rather subtly injects them every now and then with the exception of religion. The religion prevalent throughout the movie.

There's also the part of the old culture mixed in with the modern world era. Things like giant flat screens, games, cell phones and all that is part of their lives. It is very interesting to see the adoption of some modern advances alongside the strict and unyielding religious dogma that Islam is.
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An all-in-one desperate attempt to appease a Western audience
MagpieGarden5 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In short, this is your typical, stereotypical movie designed to appease a Western audience. Nothing more than mainstream media propaganda.

If you are a Westerner looking for a movie that fits your preconceptions about the 'Other' (here being the orient, the Arab/Muslim world or more specifically Saudi Arabia) then this is your movie! You are guaranteed to return home feeling good about yourself and what you have long thought about that part of the world through your mainstream media.

In Wadjda you've got it all: oppression, polygamy, dictatorship, child abuse, labour abuse, early marriage, hypocrisy, gender discrimination and even terrorism (that part about the young man who blew himself up to win 70 virgins in heaven was so artificially and forcefully pushed into the script)! All your stereotypes packed in 98 minutes.

Wadjda offers absolutely nothing new. I may have seen it tens of times before. Sadly, it is a cheap, pathetic start for a director.

It lacks a great deal of authenticity and does not give an honest picture of that part of the world. It undermines both the intellect and intent of genuine viewers.

I give it two scores for the performance of children, in particular that of Abdullah, the little boy who played the role of Wadjda's friend.
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Brave and Brilliant Effort from Saudi's First Female Director - A Simple Yet Delightful Story About Freedom!
akash_sebastian14 February 2014
In a land where where cinemas are illegal, the first feature film shot entirely in Saudi Arabia by its first female director, 'Wadjda' is simple yet alluring neorealist film about a child and a bicycle. Haifaa Al-Mansour's brave effort gives us an interesting glimpse into the lives of women in a strict religious country like Saudi Arabia.

Being scolded for not wearing a head-scarf to school and for singing when her father's friends are in the other room (women unable to show themselves or their talents in presence of men), being sexually harassed by a building site worker, seeing her mother sad and angry because her dad is about to marry another woman (desperation for a male heir and the existence of polygamy), her mother almost losing her job because of her dependence on a rude driver (women are not allowed to drive any kind of transport), seeing one of her classmates getting married (rare but existent child marriages), seeing two elder schoolmates get wrongfully accused of immoral intimate conduct, and feeling disappointed after not seeing her name in the family tree (only male children are given importance); these are just few of the female struggles we see through the eyes of our young tomboy heroine, Wadjda. From the very first scene where she stands out in a group of singing school girls with her converse shoes, we see Wadjda as someone rebellious and strong. In a repressive land where women are oppressed, based on strict religious laws, not only by men but by other women as well, Wadjda dreams of having a green bicycle, so that she could overtake her annoying yet caring friend Abdullah. Though girls are not allowed to ride bikes, she starts collecting money by selling love-song mixed tapes and football club bracelets to her schoolmates. And thus begins her journey. Just like 'The Bicycle Thief', the bicycle here signifies freedom.

The young yet incredibly talented Waad Mohammed gives a charming performance, and carries the movie on her shoulders with terrific ease. Waad along with Haifaa (Director) are the two brave talents that emerge from this feature. All the supporting actors act commendably as well. International composer Max Richter's background score is subtle yet as captivating as the movie itself. Shot with such authentic beauty, there are many scenes which stay in your mind long after the movie is over, one of which is where the young friend Abdullah asks Wadjda, in an adorably sweet way, if she knows that he wants to marry her when they grow up; the scene has a lot of meaning and hope attached to it.

It's not just a critique on Saudi society, but it's a universal story which talks about a society's limitations and possibilities.
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A Review of Wadjda
ebbysadiq29 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Wadjda is a beautiful movie that speaks of female victimization in a culture that uses false notions of truth and propriety to achieve its purpose of subverting and controlling women. The question that follows is by whom and for whose benefit? Interestingly, the suggested answer is that subversion is performed by women for men's benefit.

The movie reveals the intricacies of the process of subversion where no male figure in particular is brought to the forefront to do the job but a culture of women who internalized masculine values take over and start subverting the younger generation of women in their world, the world that the movie takes interest in and represents.

The biggest advocate of such subversion is the school headmistress, who mercilessly condemns and labels young innocent girls with indecency and sin. If they play in the schoolyard while men workers are structuring a building at a distance, then the girls are described as indecent. If girls are painting stars and figures on their legs and are afraid of the soiling practice, they are suspected and wrongly accused of committing a larger sin, lesbianism. The stiff headmistress does not hesitate in announcing their names to the school community without verifying the accusation. The mild defense of the falsely accused students is swept aside by the mistress adamant condemnation. Her ultimatum is that holding hands is forbidden between girls in the school.

The headmistress' distorted notion of right and wrong is also evident her retrieval of the monetary prize she gave Wadjda, the protagonist of the movie. Wadjda worked hard to win this prize but lost it to charity upon innocently declaring she wanted to use it to get a bike. The headmistress accused Wadjda of violating decency for harboring such an intention and denied her the prize. Under the claim that any girl who fears for her honor should never ride a bike, the headmistress sends the money to charity without waiting for the consent of the prize winner.

The culture of women that internalize masculine teachings and parrot false notions of what a woman can and cannot do includes Wadjda's mother who allows herself to be victimized by such culture and constantly attempts to impose its values on her daughter. The mother's victimization is evident in her acceptance of a harsh life with a husband who is absent most of the time. She takes care of herself, her daughter and the house. She pays for expenses while he grudges small things for his daughter. He entertains guests and she cooks for them. In addition to all responsibilities, Wadjda's mother has a job to which she makes a daily trip of an hour and a half drive with a bad-tempered driver in an unconditioned car in hot weather. A more convenient job in a nearby hospital offers itself but she cannot take it because men mix with women in such work sites. She interprets her husband's jealous possessiveness as love and accepts her lot because she loves him. He is the first and last man in her life.

Wadjda is the only promise in a culture of victimized women that are constantly on the go to victimize the next generation of younger women for masculine benefit. Her attitude is marked by her insistence to achieve her dream of getting a bike in order to compete with a neighboring boy who is brought up into man's superiority over women but gradually converts into admiring his female friend by deciding to marry her when he grows up.

A more significant support comes from Wadjda's mother who buys her the bike she dreams of at the end. But under what conditions does this occur, for the mother has always echoed the culture by telling Wadjda that she can't get one; girls are not supposed to ride bikes or else they will never conceive? The mother actually receives a blow that becomes an eye opener. Her husband, Wadjda's father, marries another woman to bear him a male son that Wadjda's mother could not get him following complications in her first pregnancy and baby delivery. The mother finally realizes her own victimization and her wrong parroting of false cultural values. There and then she decides to give her daughter the longed for bike, the key to freedom.

A beautiful movie that objectively and subtly exposes and condemns cultural victimization of women and rewards a young girl's quest for freedom. The bike becomes a symbol of such freedom as Wadjda rides it fearlessly and boldly to the main road.
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Saudi girl desires freedom and independence of having her own bike
maurice_yacowar8 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In Wadjda writer/director Haifaa Al Mansour parallels the stories of 10-year-old Wadjda and her mother.

Both play the system by the rules and are betrayed. The mother serves her husband perfectly except in denying him a son. That's because she almost died giving birth to Wadjda so won't bear again. He's proud of the food she prepares for his friends. He loves her still. Nonetheless he still "burns her heart" by taking a second wife. Wadjda works hard enough on the Koran competition to win the money for the bike she wants but the school principal denies her the prize.

Both are courageous enough to go their own way, in the face of convention or decorum. When her husband takes a second wife the first one goes her own way and cuts her hair, which he'd preferred long and smooth. She will live for herself now not for him. When she tells Wadjda that from now on "It's just the two of us," she seems primed to join her cousin working in the hospital, with men, without the burka. By buying the bike she's enabling Wadjda to be her own self too, instead of submitting to the prejudice against girls riding bikes.

Our last view of Wadjda is on her bike, at an intersection, open roads before her, as she warily looks for what's coming. That describes her mother's new position as well. That could be the situation for women throughout the Arab world — or not, if the traditionalists have their regressive way. Of the two men who watch Wadjda cycle by, one smiles at her appreciatively but the older one shakes his head rueful.

Though the film seems critical of the society's hidebound sexism it is not critical of Islam. The recited sections of the Koran express values of justice, citizenship and humanity that we all should find amenable. If there are faults they are in the officials' abuses of that faith and in the citizens' unexamined prejudices. For more see www.yacowar.blogspot.com.
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A moving story of a sad green bi-cycle ....
theboy-ir4 February 2014
I am so very late to interact with such a good story from a place under the veil.To me that little bi-cycle is the main protagonist ... It silently removed the sarcastic veil from the society of Saudi-Arabia .. I can tell it would create a great impact and be a milestone to change not only the language of Saudi Arabian film industry but also for the Saudi women .

Wadjda's cute little play-mate Abdullah represents the perspective of the changing views towards woman in the society. although they are little in number but they are growing ....

From a film student point of view it is a story illustrated very harmonically..and endeavors as the first woman film maker are great. I invite everyone to watch it
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A powerful indictment of gender inequality
howard.schumann26 October 2013
Despite Saudi Arabian officials refusal to budge on the rules concerning male-only driving and threatening the arrest of women activists who are planning a protest, repressive laws and customs directed at Saudi women are changing slowly. Women may now ride bicycles, can sit on the national advisory council, and a decision has been made by King Abdullah permitting women to vote and run in municipal elections in 2015. Regardless, it still takes a great deal of courage in Saudi Arabia to stand up to centuries of repressive traditions and assert your full rights as a human being.

Wadjda, funded by European companies and backed by the Sundance Institute, is the first film to be directed by a Saudi woman, Haifaa Al-Mansour, and the first to be shot inside Saudi Arabia. In addition to being genuine and heartwarming, the film is a powerful indictment of the gender inequality that Saudi women face in their lives. For a ten-year-old child with intelligence and an independent streak to be compelled to follow strict religious laws while attending school is quite a challenge. In a sparkling performance by Waad Mohammed, Wadjda is a rebel from the outset. She wears sneakers and shoelace bracelets to school, sells friendship bracelets to her classmates, listens to Western pop music on the radio, and wears baseball boots, much to the chagrin of Ms. Hussa (Ahd), the school's overbearing principal.

She constantly admonishes Wadjda for not complying with restrictions such as completely covering your face and not being seen in the company of men unless they are a part of your family. Fortunately, Wadjda has a great relationship with her mother (Reem Abdullah) and they treat each other with humor and mutual respect, yet there is tension, mainly created by her father (Sultan Al Assaf) who is in and out of the home, looking for a second wife who can bear him a son. The girl has become friends with Abdullah (Abdullrahman Al Gohani), the next door neighbor of about the same age, who rides a bike and playfully challenges her to beat him in a race.

Their relationship is very sweet and very natural without straining for cuteness and their smiles are enough to put even the grimmest viewer in a good mood. Wadjda is also full of surprises. When she expresses a wish to compete in the annual Koran contest, her authoritarian teacher who is ready to expel students for all kinds of harmless interactions is taken aback. Of course, Wadjda's reason for entering the contest is to win enough money to purchase the green bike she has her eyes on and which the local store owner is holding for her.

Though girls riding bikes are frowned upon because of the absurd claim that it will keep them from having children, to Wadjda, it is a symbol of her independence from social and religious strictures. Her quest to save money to buy the bike using every street smart she can think of shows the strength and quiet determination of her character. Though there are many outstanding performances including Reem Abdullah as Wadjda's reassuring and sympathetic mother, Waad Mohammed's dramatization of the plucky ten-year-old with the broad smile helps make Wadjda one of the best films of the year. Unfortunately, since there are no cinemas in Saudi Arabia, it is doubtful whether Saudi's will ever be able to see it.
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The ending was a total disappointment
Baraaalem22 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
i am a Saudi filmmaker and i saw the film was fairly produced and proud of the saudi cast and there performing , i hoped we had more Saudis in the production process but its fine with me ,

\my note is i guess haifaa al-mansoor has exaggerated somehow to create a dramatic issues , and with this i mean the ending

you will never ever find any school that will donate a student prize to whomever its totally not connected to Saudi reality , i do agree with some of the problems that Haifa put through the scenes but i totally disagree with some also

overall , thanks guys its kinda good start ..
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Deeply moving
zetes6 March 2014
A fantastic little film directed by a woman in Saudi Arabia. That's astounding considering that women are pretty much not allowed to do anything there. Al-Mansour had to direct her cast from inside a van, because she couldn't direct the male crew out in the open. It's also astounding because Saudi Arabia has almost zero history in the art of cinema. It's shocking how well made this film is. Of course, the subject is the existence of women in the country. Waad Mohammed stars as 12 year old Wadjda, a wily young girl who does not like her lot in life. In particular, she wants to ride a bicycle, which is a huge taboo in Saudi Arabia (they're afraid it might break her hymen). Her mother (Reem Abdullah) is going through her own problems. After she had Wadjda, she can no longer have children, and her husband is trying to land a second wife so he can produce a male heir. Wadjda's attitude gets her in plenty of trouble at school, with headmistress Ahd (that's the actress' name, just Ahd) disapproving of every little thing she does. It sounds like the film is as oppressive as Saudi Arabian society, but it's actually quite joyous. Mohammed is so insanely lovable. I was hugely touched by the film.
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A fine film - it's miraculous it was even made
proud_luddite20 October 2019
The title character is an 11-year old girl living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Her adventurous spirit causes trouble living in such a repressive environment, particularly for girls.

I compared this film to "The Circle", an Iranian film in 2000 which also chronicled the difficult lives for females in another repressive regime. "The Circle" was dramatic and tragic. "Wadjda" has a good share of drama but it also has a special lightness. Its characters seem to be able to find ways of having fun within their restrictions.

Occasionally, a side story about Wadjda's mother is confusing. The film also misses a few opportunities for other expanded side stories. One involves a religiously fanatical school official who does not seem to practice what she preaches. (Isn't that always the case?). Another involves a very amiable relative who seems to break barriers by working in an environment along with men despite the controversy this causes.

But the main draw in this film is the very charming performance of young actress Waad Mohammed. Also, the fact that this film was made in Saudi Arabia is a special victory in itself.
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Excellent--I hope to see more from Haifaa Al-Mansour.
planktonrules29 May 2014
Wadjda is a film written and directed by Haifaa Al-Mansour. What makes this very unusual is that this is the first full-length movie made in Saudi Arabia AND Haifaa is a woman. Apparently, she got approval from the powers that be and my daughter read that she went to extraordinary lengths to get the film made. For example, she was not able to talk directly to some of the crew since they were men and she reportedly needed to communicate with them by phone. My assumption is that Wajdja is a film that illustrates, in a gentle way, the difficulties Haifaa has experienced in her native land. The film manages to address difficulties and sexism that women face due to the culture—but in a gentle manner that was still allowable within their society.

Wadjda is a young girl (about 10) and she isn't quite like other girls. By Saudi standards, she is a bit of a tom-boy and her greatest desire in life is to get a bicycle—although she is repeatedly told that girls do NOT ride bicycles! So, she devises a plan to buy her own bike. But, being a kid, she obviously cannot afford it and takes to making money through odd jobs. However, when she learns about a Koran scholarship competition, Wadjda sees this as a chance to earn a lot of money. And, this spunky kid works very, very hard. What's going to happen? See the film.

I enjoyed this film on two entirely different levels. On one hand, she's a cute kid and you really are pulling for her. Her story captures your heart. On the other, it's a fascinating look into Arabian society— something you rarely ever get to see. Very well done and very engaging— I sure hope we see more from these folks.
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hard to understand, hard to stomach
deschreiber30 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First, let it be said that Wadjda is well worth watching because you never see feature films coming out of Saudi Arabia. But let it be admitted, too, that it is pretty short on dramatic effect. Not much holds you from one scene to the next, and there are stretches that might leave you nodding off to sleep.

But what stood out for me especially was the social context, which baffled me at a number of places. The girl's father returns home from ... I didn't understand quite where. Why had he left? Why was he returning? Was he returning as a normal father, to the home where he lives with his wife and daughter, or was it going to be a just a flying visit? Saudis may have an instinctive understanding of what was going on, but I didn't. Later there is a man playing a video game in the living room. I couldn't make out who he was. Nothing in the dialogue seemed to help. He didn't look like the father. Why he was there and why he left was a mystery. The father apparently was thinking of taking a second wife, but his plan didn't seem to be to keep both wives in one house. I then thought he would be planning to split his time between two households. But at the end of the story he announces (not even to his wife's face, the dirty coward) that he is getting married, and this turns out to mean he's completely abandoning Wadjda and her mother. Is that acceptable in Saudi Arabia? He tells the girl to tell her mother that he loves her. What? He loves her, but he throws her away because the first child she bore for him was only a girl, and now she is unable to have another. What good is a woman who can't bear boy children? Love her or not, she is worthless, a well that has run dry. Another puzzle for me had to do with two girls in trouble at school for "committing a sin." All I could see was that one of them was drawing with a black marker on her ankle, like a tattoo, which the school principal didn't even see. Their "sin" was a mystery to me, as was why that episode was included in the story. It's all very bizarre.

I'm all for trying to understand each other's culture, but I have to say that I've never seen a more disgusting culture than the one portrayed in this movie. There are just no words for the treatment of women. "Keep your voices down, girls. You don't want the men in the other room to hear you." "Girls, why are you here? The men working on the building next door can see you. Get inside!" And on and on. The system seems to set women and girls up as breeding cattle, penned in and at the service of their men. Wadjda's mother's only interest in her future seems to be to "marry her off" to somebody. I have to say that the overall obsession with sex in society is horrible, worse than Western pornography, not because it is too open about sex, but because most of life seems to revolve around sex, and in particular keeping it in chains -- for the female half of the population. Another repulsive feature of Saudi life is how religion of the very worst kind dominates, the mere memorizing of passages from scripture, passages that have no inherent appeal, not a shred of enlightenment, humanity or poetry, only straightforward instructions about obedience and punishment. And on the edges of official religion we get glimpses of superstition, such as "Don't leave your Koran open, or the devil will spit in it." Ycchh!

Be prepared to like the little girl, who is very appealing. Don't expect, though, to see a girl of great courage calling into question important issues in the Saudi way of life. Her rebellion (too strong a word) is pathetically modest. She doesn't really understand what she is doing. You'll enjoy seeing her male friend, too, who is generous and truly likes her, although I did find it a little weird when he asked, "Wadjda, you know I want to marry you when we get older." There was nothing timid or tentative about it. He wasn't making a request, not asking for her consent; it seemed like simply making a claim, and that she would have very little to say about it when the time comes for him to get what he wants. So even though the boy is likable, the seeds of an ugly dominance are there and, as someone else has commented here, in a few years he will be a typical Saudi man with his foot on the neck of all the women in his circle. So enjoy her, enjoy him, enjoy their friendship, but be prepared to loathe pretty much all of what you see of Saudi society.
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Lots of things went wrong!
Ammn6 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was kind boring. the production design, cinematography, and acting was bad comparing to some Saudi Short Films

Spoilers Ahed... There is lots of things aren't true and presented in a wrong way.

First of all,Riding a bike isn't a boy thing, it a girl thing too in fact I have five sisters and they all had bikes when they were young, which makes the movie fantasy story.

2- Wjda's mom understand why her husband is getting married so her smoking doesn't make sense. if this is why she smoking

3- Shown a 13 year old getting married at this time is wrong, If this movie set 40 years ago I would be OK with it, but its not happening any more

4-, the school taking off the prize because she chooses to buy a bike and not donating is the biggest WTF moment for all the people who were watching with me. THAT never happened anywhere in KSA! Donation is an option it always has been and it always will be.

Please Ignore any mistakes. English is my second language
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