The Saint of Second Chances (2023) Poster

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If You Build It-
helenahandbasket-9373421 September 2023
The media will try their hardest to destroy it, but more on that later.

I grew up just west of Chicago, and as my father's daughter, a fan of the Sox. I was 11 when Veeck came on the scene and it was, quite literally, the greatest thing since sliced bread. The exploding score board was my favorite, and despite my dad's insistence, I absolutely loved the butterfly collars and shorts. By the time Disco Demo came into existence, it was clear that our team was not good, and as the winds of change seemed to imply, a big change was on the horizon. I wasn't at that game, but I can say with absolute certainty that the only motivation people of my age had for despising disco was, it royally blew. It was something the weird 'old people' seemed to love, and we loathed. Disco had worn out its welcome and had absolutely NOTHING to do with orientations or melanin in one's skin. It seems the people screeching the loudest that there were definite undertones to DD, weren't even a twinkle in their father's eye to that point, and really need to calm down with the hyperbolic rhetoric. The White Sox were (and still are) located in Bridgeport- a predominantly black area, and drew a large crowd of fans of all shades. This injection of nonsense where none needs be needs to stop.

Back to my point at the beginning of my review, I think Mike is seeing what the rest of us have come to know far too well, even though there was no ill intent with DD, the media seized on the misjudgment and proclaimed everything wrong with the Sox to be at its core, the fault of Bill Veeck. But not because of lighting albums on fire, because he upset the natural order of the elites world. And by proxy, those who fluff those elites and write wonderful, glowing words that sing their praises. This simply wouldn't do; he had to go and this was their chance to finally gather the long knives and rid the game of him and his ridiculous antics once and for all. It's heartbreaking to see how much Mike blames himself but I hope he knows the truth behind this story, finally.

The story of his redemption was only due to his own personal hell, but one we can relate to. His redemption arc is noteworthy, and his wife, children and cast of characters that round out the menagerie of talent make this a compelling tale. It's an all-too-familiar tale of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, making not just lemonade from lemons, but a champagne cocktail. Learning from mistakes, becoming a better person for it, and passing those lessons on to our children. I've met Mr Strawberry on several occasions and he's one of the most genuine, kind and funny men I've had the privilege of meeting. He and Doc Gooden were attending a charity event together, and as they reminisced, I was the fly on the wall, soaking in every moment. I'm so pleased to see he's found his own redemption story and hope that one day, his will be told, as well.

Thank you, Mike, from Iowa. For the memories made with my own father because of you and yours. I hope your history is your greatest asset and your future is bright. Please disregard the nonsense of the press/media regarding 'that day'. Those of us cognizant enough to recall know what the intentions were, and despite the claims of the tiny screeching heretics, it was definitely time for disco to go.
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mult generation team owners
ksf-216 October 2023
Starts out as a documentary on the owner of the chicago white sox. Father bill veeck and son mike both owned teams at different times. With different levels of success. When bill owned the white sox, he and mike came up with fun gimmicks to keep the fans entertained. A barber shop, circus animals, fireworks for home runs. Luxury suites. Theme nights. Blowing up a dumpster full of disco records. Which unfortunately turned violent. And when that era ended, son mike went on to put together another baseball team. The saint paul saints. One downside is the sound level near the beginning... one minute it's sky high, the next it's so low, we can't hear the speakers. Since dad bill had died years ago, we do hear quite a bit of the story from son mike veeck himself. Along with many other baseball greats. Quite a bit of time spent on the complicated darryl strawberry story. Interesting stuff. Some ups, some downs. Get the kleenex ready! Directed by jeff malmberg, morgan neville. Interesting story of an interesting family.
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OK (but just ok) look back at Mike Veeck's colorful career
paul-allaer27 September 2023
As "The Saint of Second Chances" (2023 release; 94 min) opens, Mike reminisces about his dad Bill who in 1975 bought the White Sox. Mike eventually became the Head of Promotions, and the wackier the better, I mean there were no limits. Then comes the (in)famous Disco Demolition promo in the summer of 1979...

Couple of comments: this is co-directed by Jeff Malmburg and Morgen Neville ("Won't You Be My Neighbor?"). Here they look back at a time when a well-intending Bill Veeck buys the the White Sox and just wants people to have fun. Bill's relationship with his son Mike is a bit complicated, leading to ups and downs. I will leave the movie makers' allegation that DD was racist and homophobic for historians to figure out (to me it sounds like judging a 1979 event by 2023 standards). DD was hard on Mike Veeck, and it leads him to reassess his life (and finding second chances). Bottom line: this is an okay documentary but just ok, to be honest.

"The Saint of Second Chances" started streaming on Netflix recently. I was flabbergasted when I saw that this documentary is currently rated 100% Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, like this is the best documentary, ever? Sorry, not buying it. Of course don't take my word for it, so I'd suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.
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Touching story fan of baseball or not
waggs-ny25 September 2023
I am a former college baseball player but I can't say I actually knew the story of Mike Veeck or his family. This story is bigger than baseball in fact it has very little to do with baseball at all. This is really a story exactly emblematic of its title, we may fail spectacularly and may think we have reached the end of our road but with sheer strength of will and dedication one can do the impossible and Rise From the Ashes.

Mike is truly an impressive individual I can't say that I've been more impressed by somebody and sometime. His passion, commitment and perseverance in the face of so much adversity is astounding and he is worthy of admiration.

I highly recommend this documentary for anybody whether they like sports or not I think everyone has something to gain from it.
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More than a baseball documentary
FilmFarter21 September 2023
The Saint Of Second Chances takes you in one direction but shifts into something so much more touching than watching men try to hit a fastball.

As the title says, this is a story about second chances and how to make the most of them when they come your way. It's a movie about baseball. It's a movie about mistakes made and the associated regrets. It's a movie about creative hustling. But most of all, it's a movie about family and the legacy it leaves one generation after the next.

You don't have to love baseball to enjoy The Saint Of Second Chances. But if you do, you will understand how the Veecks have influenced so many facets of the game and how their family influenced each other.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of The Saint of Second Chances
burlesonjesse520 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There are many people who don't know Mike Veeck (myself included). Um, where's his wiki page? Yeah it's nonexistent. Mike is the son of the late Chicago White Sox owner Bill Veeck. You know, the guy who brought a little person to home plate, made his players wear shorts, and was the innovator of the explosive scoreboard. Their account is told through the swift and refreshing lens of 2023's The Saint of Second Chances.

"Second Chances", well it's more about Mike than it is Bill. It really is. I mean I was caught off guard. Hey I'm not saying that's a bad thing but it makes the whole viewing experience kind of one-sided, an uneven torch passing if you will. Could it be that Bill Veeck has been dead since 1986 and his offspring just had to get in the limelight, to right the wrong from his Disco Demolition Night miscalculation? Maybe. Mike has dabbled in the eclectic ownership of Minor League teams for over forty years, vowing to get back to the majors with Bill Murray and Daryl Strawberry support in tote. "It could not fail". Yeah you go get 'em Mikey.

Filmed with grainy archive footage and distributed by Netflix (there's a shocker), The Saint of Second Chances is disjointed in its approach, painting itself as less a documentary and more a ninety-three minute vindication, avoiding the notion of obviousness (that's not always a red flag). Mike Veeck's personal and professional life, well it's on full display here, whisking you from one set piece to the next as it gives the viewer meager time to breathe. Go with it if you're pastime junkie-d. I mean if you're a White Sox fan (I've lived in Chi-town for 21 years so yeah) then it's worth at least one watch. Split "second".
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A change up: a heartwarming baseball story of love and redemption
bk75310 October 2023
I loved this doc, I loved the story it told, happy and sad. I loved the creative way the colorful tale of Mike Veeck (and the fun he brought to baseball) was brought to life. And most of all I loved learning new backstories about baseball and seeing it as a backdrop for a great story about family, love, and redemption.

You don't have to be a baseball fan to enjoy and appreciate this. So much of the game we see now, especially in the Minor Leagues, has its roots in wildly creative things that Bill and Mike Veeck dreamed into existence. Baseball is eternal, but the fun of going to a game for fans of all levels, was greatly enhanced by the marketing these guys did. And Mike accomplished all that while dealing with his "outsiders" legacy, his brutal failure (the "Disco Demolition" debacle), and a life outside of the game that was both tragic and courageous. His story is an inspiration. Well done, all involved with this exceptional film.
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Baseball As Much More Than Winning Games
AudioFileZ24 September 2023
Baseball is a huge business like other huge businesses. Most teams have to win to put fans in the seats making the owners and the entire apparatus flush with money. Bill Veeck felt like the game should be fun regardless of pennants, etc. Taking ownership of the Chicago White Sox he believed he could add that fun He was on to something and the fans responded. Of course he would want his son to be a part of it. Mike Veeck became head of promotions and together he, and Bill, were building a solid following that was not wholly dependent of wins vs. Loses. An unfortunate promotion well known to history went wrong and the Veecks were, more or less, cancelled before it became a movement. Bill, having already achieved legendary status in his profession was gracious in bowing out. Mike, however, was young and had much to do in spite of the major blow they both lived through. This is a story that deserves to be told. High profile people just don't get second chances in a world so quick to blame. Even though Mike lived through several years of bone-crushing lows, often supplemented by his own behavior, A second chance comes from an unexpected place with a bottom rung potential. For a guy like Mike this was his second chance that he wasn't about to mess up. That, along with meeting his soul mate, elevated Mike to once more be able to do what he was made for. But, that would in itself only make half of this story.

This story is how Mike learned to give other marginalized people, players, fans, and the game of baseball a new platform for redemption. Oh, and, importantly, joy. Life interlaces joy with sorrow, Mike and family would face their own duality of it. How this plays out makes this documentary/film rise up. The filmmaker has used the device of old films, current interviews, and recreated sequences quite effectively to respectfully take us on the journey. In the end making a film that is emotionally rich and positive. There's a message in here that we can all benefit from. Oh, don't forget to have fun along the way.
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Why Baseball is the Greatest Sport
radiocity-124 September 2023
I was born in 1959 and have always maintained that baseball is by far and away, the greatest sport in the world. It has been that way since 1869. There are many reasons that need no elaboration here. This is about the movie.

This is yet another great story of family and how baseball plays its part, up front and center, within, and beyond to the next generations. Technically speaking, the game stands on it own, without additives. But the point here is that baseball is FUN. It always was, being at the ballpark, whether at the beautiful professional cathedrals or the broken down minor league parks. The Veeck's had a lot to do with that, and I will forever be grateful. This movie again reminds me of that.

It's been said -- you don't need to love the sport to enjoy being at the game. Same goes for the movie. It's a wonderful story, with all it's ups and downs, from Bill to Mike, his daughter Rebecca, Dave Stevens, Darryl Strawberry, an on. It's another great story, centered around baseball.....of course.

THIS PART ALMOST RUINED IT FOR ME but see the last sentence of this paragraph: Towards the end of the movie, I couldn't believe that Mike had to comment on the ridiculous implication about racism or orientations being behind the 'disco sucks' promotion. I was a teenager and for us rockers, disco DID suck, and it never crossed our minds that was about anything else. I wish the producers would have INSISTED to leave it out, but they were probably given an ultimatum. Leave it to the politicos to try to ruin this. I'm sure the media will take their best shot too. Thank God the story is bigger than both of them.
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A Great Baseball Story, But a Greater Story of Perseverance
eileensweeney-697844 November 2023
I loved it! It is a glorious celebration of baseball and a maverick's take on sports and building a fan base. I Lived in Chicago and am still a White Sox fan. WE had season tickets at Comiskey Park. I'll never forget Disco Demolition and watching it on TV and being so angry that they had to forfeit the second game that night. Bill Veeck was the greatest. Mike is amazing and the film shows so much about sports entertainment. I've been in Pro Sports marketing ( NFL) and seeing where so many of the ideas came from is wonderful. I think the storytelling is good and includes many unexpected cameos.
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If you are a sports fan and/or a dad, this is a must see
acefan19 January 2024
I started out watching this as I love sports documentaries. Great stories on baseball and how the entertainment in baseball came to be. Guy rises, guy messes up, guy falls....guy gets second chance. Seems normal right? Regular documentary story line...Now comes the best part of the story, the dad aspect enters. He introduces his second wife, his kids and how they tie into the storyline. No spoilers here, but there is a wicked twist and it totally makes this documentary one the best I've ever seen, and I watch a LOT of documentaries. I've already told everyone I know to watch it, you should too. You won't be disappointed.
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