Suspects (TV Series 2014–2016) Poster


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Fiction made to feel like documentary
shinemercy-236-38927822 June 2014
Makes a nice change from the formulaic US-style crime dramas with their monologues and maverick cops, pieces to camera and complete absence of false starts, hesitations and incompletions.

The performances (I wanted to say 'scripts', but that doesn't really apply here in the usual sense) are well-judged to contain just enough of the jargon and officialese that marks the dialogue out as belonging to the context of police work and makes it feel believable, but not so laden with it that the actors fall into that pat delivery where emotion has to be overplayed to break through the sheen.

Having a degree of improvisation seems to free the performers up to be both emotive and small-scale; understated and authentic.

(Full disclosure: I do fancy Damien Molony)
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Different Approach To Police Drama
Phantom_Duck22 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The show being shot in and out of focus is intentional, designed to give it that gritty documentary feeling.

In fact I was about halfway through the first episode before I realized it was fiction. When the police started interviewing a minor child on camera I knew this was a drama and was pleasantly surprised! It is a fresh and different take of the ubiquitous Police Drama, I found the characters engaging and the tempo swift and enjoyable.

It is very difficult to bring a new look to Police Dramas with the endless variants of Law and Order, endless shoot'em ups, patience exhausting fist fights, car chases and drool self righteous, crusading dialogue...

I found this a refreshing and realistic police drama. Not for everyone, but worth a look!
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Strictly About Solving the Crime
aphillips-4305727 October 2018
My wife and I have watched scores of international detective series. This one is different in that there is almost no mixing in of the detectives' personal lives. It's all about solving crimes through modern police techniques and frequent interviews of suspects. For us, there were two negatives: many of the crimes were extreme ("sick") and there seemed to be excessive use of 4-letter words by everyone. Most of the episodes were self-contained although there were some two-parters and Season 5 followed certain crimes through the entire season. We thought it deserved better than a 7.0 rating.
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One of my favorite shows.
djohnson-251911 January 2020
Love the cast and the concept. This is a non-scripted show. The actors are given a story line to follow and the rest was left up to them. It is a very fresh take and was one of my favorite shows from the first episode. I would have loved to see more from this one. Great cast and Damien Molony is brilliant in this. Love it so much I have purchased every season and watched several times.
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Really like this show
mwr101921 June 2016
The first review I read of this show was not positive, and I don't agree. It seems quite authentic to me, and I like the idea that the cast is not exactly scripted. Obviously the actors have to be taught some police lingo, and have probably been coached on how to handle certain types of people. I like the actors, and any hesitations or camera movements don't bother me. I watch primarily British crime and mystery shows (as well as those from Canada, Australia and New Zealand), because those made here aren't nearly as well done or interesting. Crime shows here feature, it seems to me, only beautiful women and handsome men. That's not how life is! Women in their 30's are not likely to be police superintendents. Helen Mirren, a stunning actress, did a fantastic job in the Prime Suspect series. She was shown without a lot of makeup, a bit tired, and it felt so real, not fake. That's how I think of Suspects as well. And many other British crime shows. Keep them coming! I'll give it a 10!
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Good stories, poor casting.
john-70-69027829 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched various episodes of this crime drama series and have rather mixed feelings. The obvious attempt to make it seem realistic works, dodgy camera angles and sometimes rather fuzzy views are just as might happen in the real world, as opposed to the bright, clean world of normal TV drama. Also on the 'plus' side are the story lines which actually work very well.

However, the acting seems a bit wooden at times. To me, Fay Ripley is horribly miscast as the lead officer, DI Martha Bellamy. Although I've liked her in other appearances, I really think that her acting ability is very limited and I could never see her as a DI or as the leader of a major police investigation; the support roles are OK, but no one stands out or is particularly appealing. I start asking myself why I should watch this.

This is clearly a series designed to try to imitate 'real life' more than many other police dramas manage, and it works on this level. The stories and their development are good; sadly, I don't feel that the cast are really strong enough to carry off the idea.

How do I score that ? 8 for the ideas and stories, probably 4 for casting and acting; maybe 6 overall.
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Tense, original, and startlingly realistic TV
TheReviewPerson22 August 2014
This won't be everyone's cup of tea. But it definitely is mine. Never before has there been a more convincing TV show, in terms of its plots, dialogue and characters, and this is largely down to its unscripted format and documentary-style filming. Naturally, there's never going to be award-winning artistic cinematography or Hollywood-esque dramatic lines, but that's what makes this show different. You get utterly transported into the working lives of the three detectives, as if you're a fourth party watching over their shoulder.

With the exception of the first and second episodes of the second series, each episode has its own crime to be solved, meaning that there's no grand story arc to follow, and you can dip in and out of the series; missing an episode is no problem.

It's also a breath of fresh air that there's no personal rubbish with the main characters. Sure, sometimes a case gets a little close to home on the occasion, and DI Martha Bellamy noticeably has pictures of her kids on her desk - little touches of believability like that - but other than that, the focus is on the plot and catching the criminal. As it should be.

As someone who has grown up watching Poirot, Sherlock, and countless other crime-solving dramas, you'd think they'd have had enough making these things, but nevertheless the plots keep coming, and the plot twists in this show are actually unpredictable. You yourself are a detective, trying to thread the clues together alongside Jack, Martha and Charlie, and it's certainly a tense ride.

I feel this show will 'revolutionise crime drama', as The Guardian has said. Although the format is foreign and takes a moment to get used to, it's something I don't regret watching. Well done, Channel 5.
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Plots on fast-forward
donn-255507 May 2022
Unusual crime drama not just for the unscripted dialogue, but the meta-speed of plot developments. Puzzle pieces and connections among characters that on most crime dramas come together over several episodes fall into place in the course of each crime-to-solution hour. The pace is a bit off-putting, often defies credibility and comes at the expense of deeper character development. But the appeal of the primary detectives and the satisfaction of one-episode resolutions (in most cases) is it's own reward. I prefer the slower-burn dramas but thought this was an entertaining change of pace.
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I love this show.
EdwardHayes19872 August 2015
I absolutely love this show.

The only thing I don't like, is the fact that Channel 5 mess around with the episodes and when they are shown. They commissioned 10 episodes for season 1, so they should have shown them in the order they were made. The 7 other episodes should have made up season 2.

I did however like the change to 2-part stories. Would be better if they did them here and there in the series.

Roll on more episodes!

Any idea when season 4 is being shown?

I can't wait much longer!
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I tried...
jiballini6431 August 2023
But when you find yourself playing games on your phone with this running in the background, you know it's not exactly "gripping".

The main dude policeman is SO bad, it's utterly ridiculous. He behaves so unprofessionally, he should have been suspended pending an enquiry and then sacked! If any policeman carried on like that, I'd like to think their career would be curtailed asap.

The filming is different but not always in a good way. I get that it's supposed to be gritty and realistic but it just becomes annoying after a while as with the sound. All echo-y and tinny in the interview rooms.

And, last but not least, I must mention the solicitors, as has most of the other reviewers and their complete indifference to the clients they're supposed to be representing. I'd engage one that wasn't a deaf mute, if I was any of these suspects!
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New take on a Police Drama
RobertJScott19 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Suspects is a different interpretation of a police drama where it is all improvisation and no defined script. Well acted by all the cast with excellent cinematography.

Fay Ripley is excellent as DI Bellamy as is Damien Malony as DS Weston and Clare-Hope Ashitey as DC Steele. All the filming is done on location in London. Although some of the stories are similar such as paedophilia gang stories but they are all well acted and no two scenes in similar episodes the same and none of the dialogue is similar.

Even though some of the stories are similar I highly recommend watching this series.
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Can ANYONE.....
solitaryman-910515 September 2020
.....explain why ALL the solicitors just sit there taking notes and doing & saying NOTHING in defence of their clients. Is there a British law that says "thou shalt not defend thy client until trial and thou shall shut thy pie hole until then." Those scenes are a TOTAL embarrassment to ALL British solicitors.
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valstone5215 August 2018
I love this series, wish they could have made more seasons. As far as the swearing goes, not that much different from the programs on HBO Starz and other cable channels. Y always have a choice not to watch it. I think it's a great show and it not scripted.
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Tight story lines, no "drama", incredible interrogations
gmurphy12722 December 2018
If you like First 48, here is a wonderfully written show that throws you in with the work of being a detective. No useless drama, these are believable characters and due the profession a courtesy. Quick paced and fantastic character actors! Truly enjoyable cases.
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hate it
timpwiley1 June 2019
I just find this series dull and repetitive. Constantly in interrogation with the "suspects". I always laugh that the "solicitors" NEVER say a thing... Just sit there and act like they are taking notes. Totally predictiable. Seems like every episode is the same. Dont like the video format either. My girl on the other hand loves that. Just not my thing. Boring.
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Fantastic Acting/ Gripping Stories
patricia-haertlein30 April 2021
I fell in love with Law & Order decades ago and sought out Law & Order UK 🇬🇧 Really enjoyable with a stellar cast! This show has every bit of the fine acting and possibly a less formulaic storyline that reflects a closer version of real life. Love this show!
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No point at all
hwc-6087815 December 2021
The production team must be aiming for a raw, in-the-moment, breaking news type look. This means a constantly shaking hand held camera zooming in and out, frequently looking through windows, catching people either in close up or at great distance, and panning frantically back and forth, left, right, during conversations. (A fifteen year old can provide better photography with a cell phone.) The color is brackish and the recorded sound muddled. While the plots themselves aren't bad, they're fumbled by monotonous and repetitive dialogue. We don't really see a crime, we hear people discuss it or sometimes see brief grainy CCTV footage. Each episode begins and end quite abruptly, so if you miss a plot point, too bad. Most of the performances are undone by heavy accents being muddled in poor sound recording. I'm being generous with three stars.
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Well done
tlwhitecdn29 July 2018
This show is very good and so well done. Only thing I don't like is the constant F bombs. No need and brings the show down a few points.
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"Unscripted" means - huh?
mafdenver16 July 2020
"Did you kill your brother?" "No!" "Are you sure?" "Yes!" "Yeah - are you really sure?" Clearly, the actors don't know what to say so they just keep asking suspects if they're sure. If that's a real interrogation technique, the police must get a lot of suspects laughing in their faces. "Oh wait. Maybe I'm not really sure if I killed my brother this morning. Let me think about it." (giggle)
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Perfectly splendid - this is how you SHOULD write characters
neilwilkes-4650116 September 2023
This show's writers got everything right, and this series ought to be a masterclass in how to actually develop characters in a meaningful way without preferred agendas & ideologies getting in the way of the storylines. To summarize the main cast, Clare-Hope Ashitey as 'Charlie' is beautifully written - what matters to her is the Truth and doing her job properly (and nothing much else) and the interaction between her & her Sergeant (Damien Molony, DS Jack Weston) starts out badly but gets better & better as he gets to understand her values are different to his - he tends to leap to conclusions whilst she prefers to see where the evidence leads first. Fay Ripley (DI Martha Bellamy) holds the team together superbly as well - never overstepping the mark, but not taking too much of Jack's BS at the same time.

I can't say too much without giving things away, but suffice it to say that until the final season, each episode is usually a complete storyline - there are exceptions, but not too many - which is also a good thing as these days far too many shows have a story arc that does not resolve at the end of Season 1, and when it gets cancelled before Season 2 leaves the viewer with the feeling that he has just wasted 10 hours of his life on it (I am talking to YOU, Amazon Prime).

The final season is a shocker from the first episode, and closes the series in a superb way.

Highly recommended.
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Very unusual and addictive series!
Trilby1623 November 2022
I'm glad this series got a high rating-- it certainly deserves it. I went all in with 10 stars because I have no criticisms at all. It's amazingly realistic (I think-- I am not a cop) which is rare. At first, the episodes seem to end very abruptly. But that's it-- case solved, on to the next!

Also, a shout-out to the small-role actors-- but of course there are no small roles! This class of actors in Britain are phenomenal. Compared to the main players-- who are great, but clearly actors-- the many bit players, the perps, witnesses, etc., seem 100% real. I keep thinking, where did they find this guy???

Something that makes me chuckle in each episode are those shots of the elevated tracks outside the police station, with a train rumbling along. That's it! Just a-- i dunno-- an establishing shot? Very funny. In the third season, they toss in more exteriors of the building and less of the elevated train. Sometimes the train is seen through one window, other times through a different window of the same type. Like, WHY???But please don't stop. Perfect show for the person who, like me, craves and devours British crime shows.

One last side-note: It's fun to watch the public defenders who sit in on suspect interviews. These actors sit there, expressionless, motionless, they don't even appear to be listening. They have zero lines. It's like the casting people just pull someone in off the street and say "just sit here, say nothing, do nothing, and you'll get a check at the end of the day."

Which is not a criticism of the show! I wouldn't have it any other way.
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Plenty to watch
samthejudgeamos3 September 2022
I really liked all of these, from the first to the last, well acted and the filming where it seemingly rolled the characters rather than being very set, added to the energy. Overall, a really good set of episode with plenty going on to keep the interest.

Blah blah for 600 characters to suit IMDb's new review minimum.............................."............................................................................................"".............................................................................

........................................... ..... ............. ..............................................................................
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Revels in the CSI effect
15218-4019 April 2016
I've found the majority of British crime dramas/procedurals to be at least watchable and at least less insulting to our intelligence than their American counterparts. But Suspects, with its "Get this evidence fast-tracked to tech, please" and "Let me get these two photos sent off to facial recognition" and high-def, color CCTV footage and immediate lab results ("We have your DNA all over the base of this broken bottle!") seems like a way, way dumbed-down version of its predecessors. I can't believe that it's much better than Bones or NCIS or other American prime-time fare. I hope nothing about this show signals a shift in how Brits do the bulk of their crime TV-- i.e., without gimmicks and for a thinking audience (Prime Suspect, Trial and Retribution, Poirot). The cinema verité look they're going for in Suspects backfires. It feels contrived and dated. And the unscripted/improvised dialogue gives the impression that the actors are trying--really, really trying--to look and sound unscripted. Avoid.
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Best crime serie ever
sebbe-919 November 2023
Absolutely everything about this serie is amazing. Out of the usual box crimes, suspects and storylines but super realistic. Amazing acting and directing. A must see for fans of realistic police shows without personal/romance stories about the detectives to keep you watching. High paced, no cliffhangers. Dogma 95 style which adds to the credibility. All characters are of equal importance and obsolete of your typical quirks. Dialogues, portrayed emotions and behaviors are amazingly realistic by each and every actor without exception. It's never over the top. Absolutely one of a kind series that everyone must see.
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It's okay - but----
blake-363981 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Almost finished with the series and it is a bit disappointing. Find that we cannot like or dislike the main characters. They really are nothing. They are so smart that they do not seem to have to stop and think about the situation. They rush around like their tails are on fire. It is amazing that they get so much done in such a short time. I thought that DNA and blood analysis takes a bit longer then what they portray on this show. On this series it is almost instantaneous - that is a bit unreal. They must have CCTV on every street corner. They talk too fast and even with sub-titles it is very hard to follow the dialogue. And please - producers, the background music should be just that - in the background. Again sometimes it is so loud, you cannot hear the dialogue. Very annoying! Saw one scene where they were chasing someone and the camera was following and it was bouncing all over the place - it was a joke. And less we forget, was it necessary for them to use the "F" word in almost every sentence? Sometimes it seemed like it was just dropped in the conversation. What - did the actors receive extra pay for saying it? These were supposed to be professional people. The language was guttural. We will be passing on the 2016 series when it becomes available. Really not worth watching.
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