NOS4A2 (TV Series 2019–2020) Poster


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Even out the 1 episode reviews
drunkalready4 June 2019
I'll be glad to update this after I get through the season but all these cheapskates that watched one episode and crapped on this show need to be put in their can watch the whole season for 5 bucks and let me say it has been well worth the ride halfway through. The acting and writing picks itself up insanely well after laying a foundation in episode 1. Wait it out if you want and watch it over the next 10 weeks. 5 dollars more (the price of the cheapest movie ticket in my area) let's you binge this and to me its 100% worth it. Creepy and well written.
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Has potential
ngerrard-2244012 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The realisation of the potential has not been fulfilled yet. The plot is intriguing and there are some good acting performances. However there is a lot of silly scenes like the wraith running down Margaret and she purposely run towards open spaces and avoids hiding behind the dozen or so cars she walks past. There a few scenes like that just seem to be poorly thought out. The main protagonist Vik Mcqueen is also incredibly annoying as she just looks pouty and miserable at all times and her stupidity causes her further problems. That said the rest of the series is very good I just wish some scenes were thought out slightly better
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SpeblNygex3 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this by accident and the premise sounded interesting. I'd never heard of the books I guess it's based on so all new for me.

The first few episodes drew me in but the next few just went downhill. I gave the lead character the benefit of the doubt the first few episodes but now it's to the point it's grating on me - take a bath and wash your hair or get a proper haircut. Maybe even change your clothes. We get it, you're supposed to be a rebel. She also looks to be in her early to mid 30s playing an eighteen year old so maybe the look is to try to compensate for that?

The show starts off with a bang with two people having sex so I'm guessing that was done intentionally to let us know this wasn't CW. However, you still have to wade through some of the teen drama midway through.

The scrabble girl, who seems pretty street smart to me runs on to open pavement to try to outrun a vehicle when she could have easily dodged behind any parked car next to her. That's just lazy writing.

Anyway, not trying to knock the lead actress but I just think she was really miscast for this role.
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Season 1 - 8/10 Season 2- 3/10 🙄
duckboy-9417125 August 2020
Season 2 was BADDDDDD ! When I reach into my bag of tiles I see cancelation in it's future ☠
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I want to like this show...
Flarpington8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I desperately want to like this show, but it's a struggle to do so. The concept is fantastic, you have all the right elements that should come together well. The special effects while sparse are passable at least, and the soundtrack does a good job of helping to set the tone.

Unfortunately the things letting the show down aren't so easy to fix. The writing and the cast are a mixed bag, the worst parts of both culminating in the chief protagonist of the show played by Ashleigh Cummings. She simply isn't believable as an 18 year old teenager, she isn't particularly great as a 26 year old mother in the second season either. It isn't simple a case of the character being unlikable, or being played poorly, she's flat out terribly written -- although I'm really not sure how much can be blamed on the actress given what she has to work with.

Vic makes a string of incredibly poor decisions throughout the show, she never actually seems to grow as a character unless you count a growing single minded obsession that ultimately puts a lot of other people at risk in multiple ways. From risking her father going to prison by forging his tax returns as an acceptable alternative to telling the truth and having herself declared independent, to handing a stranger a gun rather than using against her nemesis only to instead set a car on fire with two hostages inside of it. The teen angst gets old fast, even with incredibly poor parents it's impossible to like her let alone excuse her actions. She actually brings said actions up in the premier for season two, referencing how everyone with powers had a price they had to pay. Is her price one which causes her to act irrationally? Should that be true it comes across as a poor excuse for a terribly realised character.

Watching the second episode of season two cemented much of the above for me. It focuses on Manx and Bing while Vic isn't in it at all, and it's by far the most enjoyable episode I've seen of the show by a large margin. I find both characters compelling, they're interesting, I want to know more about them. When Vic is around I just want the scene to shift away from her.
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Absolutely worth the watch.
Sage-Hyuuga4 June 2019
It starts out slow and weird but comes together in the end. The major pull for this show is the superb acting from the cast. The story is not as predictable as you would expect. The characters' personality and actions are not as typical as they first appear to be. N0S4A2 is a fun and entertaining horror series to watch and without a doubt one the best things to come out of 2019.
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The first episode is all far so good.
slg-560113 June 2019
All questions, but my biggest one is why does the mom and daughter look like the same age. In real life there is an 11 year difference in their age. They didn't do a good job with that particular casting, but other than that it's ok so far.
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sublimeintentions5 June 2019
I did not read the book so did not go in with any expectations. I can see why someone would feel disappointed if they had read it as there's so much depth to the story and we only scratch the surface of the intimate details of the story. Which to me just means so much moreScope for further seasons. Personally if something can grab my attention it's good. and it definitely had my attention.
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give it a chance
suedorne5 June 2019
Wow. So many negative reviews here after only one episode. Yes - there were many changes from the book - but there always are with TV or movie adaptations. The SPIRIT of the story is still there. I like the character of Vic, and the murderous opening sequence with Danny and his mother and her boyfriend was truly horrifying. Quinto is intriguing as Mr. Manx. I read the book 6 years ago when it was first released and knew then that Joe Hill was a worthy successor to the King name. I will be an avid watcher. Give it a chance, all you nay-sayers.
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Mixed bag
Clive_W17 June 2019
I honestly tried, gave it a more than half the episodes but sadly just weren't my thing, I saw the trailer a while back and was interested but something about the show really didn't capture me. Honestly glad to see there are people that enjoy it, and hope it lives up to your expectations. Looking over the reviews it seems one those shows you'll either really get into or just wont. Hope that helps, But on a more technically side I did like the way it was filmed, maybe I might come back maybe not, wait and see.
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Fun to watch
sherrigee-4491118 June 2019
I read the book, but like any other book-to-big screen adaptation, I didn't expect it to be just like the book. NOS4A2 is my favorite horror story and Joe Hill is one of my all time favorite authors. The show is definitely different, but still extremely interesting. I highly recommend giving the show and the book a try.
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Binge watching on AMC premiere!
poster-458163 June 2019
On episode 4 so far and I'm hooked. Love how it's building up the characters stories.
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watching to see what happens to Millie..... Vic too unlikable
RobLuvsTheMountains22 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show has an interesting concept and the actors are very good. Quinto being the absolute standout of the show. He is exceptional as Manx. Bachrach, who plays Vic's dad, is so interesting to watch. Every time he's in a scene I want to watch more of him. Conforti, who plays Manx's daughter Millie, completely steals the show. One of the main reasons I'm still watching the show is to see more of Millie's background and what will happen to her. Her newfound interest in her childhood home and the world beyond Christmas land is a plot line I'm invested in. The problems with the show have to do with unlikability of the protagonist (Vic) and the unbelievably in plot development. For instance: 8 years have passed between season 1 and season 2. When season 2 begins we see Vic as a loving mother. Flawed (active alcoholism) and emotionally damaged (b/c of her experiences with Manx 8 years prior) but still, it's obvious that she is a loving mother. We are also shown that she has a loving relationship with the man she met in season 1 and they have been raising her child together. In the next episode we see her leaving her man , whom she just made promises of marriage to, and leaving her child who she clearly loves a great deal. It doesn't click at all. It's portrayed as if she left because she's an alcoholic and because of her obsession with Manx. However, that doesn't work at all. I was not convinced. The other plot point that is unconvincing is the relationship between FBI agent Romans (played by Tabitha Hutter, a stunning beauty) and Maggie (played by Jahkara Smith). In season 1 Maggie is an emotional wreck and drug addict who is so strung out Vic finds her sleeping near a dumpster. A plot point is bluntly inserted about Maggie's parents not accepting her homosexuality. It's not very well done at all. It comes across as virtue signaling to the audience rather than something we can empathize with Maggie about. Then in season 2 Maggie is seemingly completely off drugs, emotionally mature and in a committed relationship with FBI agent Romans. Even if the audience believes that Maggie has grown up and cleaned up in the 8 years that have passed it's not believable that an FBI agent would be interested in someone like Maggie. I'm sure that mature upstanding people fall in love with immature people all the time, but it's just not convincing here. I'm still watching the show though, even though Vic has become quite unlikable (it's very hard to root for her) and the audience is being asked to believe in some not very well done plot points. As mentioned above I'm very interested in what happens to Mille and Manx.
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Incredibly badly written
dmarushechka3 August 2020
While the first season had some interesting direction, the second season has completely lost its way.

Incoherent plot line that feels shot out of order with character direction that makes no sense, only serving to drive out the episode count. Complete CRAP. Save yourself some frustration and watch literally anything else.
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Good show
jkb20126 September 2022
As someone who read the book and loved it I can tell you that this show is awesome and The acting is good the cast is perfect for their characters And it definitely reminds you of Stephen King Because This book was written by his son And I was happy to see that he had a hand in the TV series Which is great It's scary and very fun And the special effects I was blown away by them If you like this kind of genera then you will definitely like this TV series They found the perfect cast of a Actors To play their characters I highly recommend this show it still holds up today you know I read the book a few years ago. If you are a fan a Of the author or Stephen King o you will definitely like the TV series.
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too many plot holes and drama
ddrddr12 June 2019
First off as this is a review I would say that this show is worth watching but only if you have nothing else to watch. It is a shame that they made such a terrible job of adapting Joe Hill's brilliant story.

At times if you can get by the numerous inaccuracies the plot holes, the poor acting and copious amounts of drama then it is watchable but as I said only if there is nothing else on TV.

I also found the lesbian scenes shocking not because of anything graphic but because they were out of place and off kilter from the story line, indeed I can see no reason to have included these scenes. Only the producers know why they included these scenes.

The plot holes are hard to live with too and prevent the viewer from buying into the story.

But the worst thing about this show IMO is that the cast are unlikeable, indeed, i really could not care less about any of them.

The lead actress who is in her mid 20's plays a angsty teenager and it really does not fit or work. It looks ridiculous when she shares a scene with her screen mother, who is in reality around the same age as her.

Yeah the whole cast with the exception of Zachary Quinto are unlikeable - and he is supposed to be unlikable.

Another disappointing show that could have been fantastic
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Too slow an intro
sislerkevin11 February 2021
I got hooked on season 2. Though it basically followed the latter half of the book, it opened up a possible season 3. Unfortunately, I blame the slow opening to the series to hook the audiences. I understand it was the way they could spread it into a series. If they understood this concept rarely works well in Stephen King movies. Good series, but catches on too late.
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josm1413 June 2019
I came into the show reading Stephen King said the show is the scariest stuff he has seen on TV. I'm 3 episodes down but I'm disappointed. It hasn't scared me one bit yet. N to be honest it's just a bit of a drag. One of the main reason being, I don't really care about the main character Vic or her teenage family problems. I just hope the rest of the episodes will step up and make up for the disappointment. The show has potential, but I don't see it yet. I will update later, once I finish all the episodes
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original and entertaining
hacks-566356 June 2019
Lots of negative reviews here. That's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinions!

I kinda feel like a lot of people are upset it doesn't meet their expectations, but myself, having none, I found it to be an enjoyable series right to the end. I liked the actors, the story, and the overall feel of it.

It's different, and it's got power. Definitely worth a watch in a world filled with derivative cop shows...

Before knowing that it was written by SK's son, I was thinking it had a bit of his vibe, the touch of good and evil that lies somewhere in between, activated by love and fear. I actually felt like it was closer to the King's books than his own series/movie adaptations tend to be.

If this wasn't based on Joe Hill's book, I feel like it would have a much higher rating. His rising popularity is a double edged blade here for the producers, bringing in lots of viewers, and with it, a lot of expectations!

But for my part, I appreciated. Good job guys!
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Season 1: Oddball elderly 'vampire' tale with interesting and original supernatural elements
MBsMidnightGeeks26 November 2022
Oddball elderly 'vampire' Charlie Manx kidnaps and feeds on children, only to be bothered by young woman Vic McQueen and her strange supernatural gift for finding lost things.

The first episode is intriguing and good at setting the story with a creepy Christmas Land opening. It has interesting supernatural lore and cool terminology, Strong Creatives, Inscapes, etc, and I love the use of the Rolls Royce Wraith and Vic's bike as more than just 'vehicles' in the normal sense.

It reminded me a lot of Stephen King, I found out afterwards it was based on the 2013 novel of the same name by his son Joe Hill.

Season 1 didn't end on a cliff-hanger as such, but I feel there is more story to tell.
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I made it thru Season 2, episode 3
whatithinkis4 July 2020
This is ALMOST good . . . almost there - but I'm finding it's just not good enough to offset the limited pouty skills of Ashleigh Cummings. I'm finally just SO annoyed by having to watch her go through the same very limited set of facial expressions and body slouches, hair things. Eye squinties . . . aaarghghgh . . . I want to strangle her and throw her out of view.

Nope. Not gonna do it.

I'm out.
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Well balanced, different perceptions... Worth the time
ahmedsimhan7 June 2019
Think this series deserves much better. It shows different perceptions of people lives & how it is effected while supernatural things occurs. Story line is nice. You can't compare these things to marvel comics which had 40yrs backed stories. If you watch just as a series it will make much sense. Of coz sometimes it gets slower but every character in this series is very nicely shown. Very much recommended
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Decent show
astridm199030 May 2022
I really don't get all the hate. Sure, I haven't read the book, so I don't know what might be missing or not, but from what I've seen it's good. I also liked the second season just fine. Some say it was boring, but it had me on the edge of my seat, almost biting my nails. I agree that some of the characters could've been written better, but it's not that bad. What's with the Wayne hate anyway? He's an eight year old child, they are stupid.

I have to admit, the main reason I wanted to watch the series was Zachary Quinto as I've been a fan of his for around two decades and he certainly delivers as Charlie Manx as one is used to. The other actors and actresses I didn't really know, so I don't care about them too much. They probably could've cast a different actress for the lead role though.
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Slow burn to nothing..
scrappy2146 July 2020
Not read the books but guessing it's better than this rubbish...
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Mixed feelings
uaqeh24 August 2020
I enjoy the storyline but not the actress cast as Vic. She seems uncomfortable in many of the scenes and it pulls me out of the show. Ultimately the rest of the show keeps me watching.
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