Boo 2! A Madea Halloween (2017) Poster

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A very typical sequel, but enjoyable laughs.
subxerogravity24 October 2017
So as far as sequels go, this is a very typical one. I went to see Boo 2 because though Tyler Perry movies are not really my thing, I actually enjoined the first Boo, so I took the chance that I would enjoy the second one.

I totally did, too. It's not as good as the original. As much as I found the original funny, it also had an attempt to show family values in it that was not lost on me. This time around their attempt (If there was one cause I did not see it) was literally taken out to make more room for laughs. In a lot of ways it made the film like the second episode of one of Perry's shows (Which I like more than his movies), as it seems nobody learned the lesson from the first Madea Halloween.

Case in point, like the original, Boo 2 is about Joe trying to discipline his entitled daughter, Tiffany. Once again she defies her overbearing father's wishes in order to go to a party at midnight in the woods at a camp where a bunch of people got murdered. Now I understand the natural urge for a teenager not to want to listen to her dad, but when your aunt is someone like Madea, you would think you would think twice about this woman coming to track you down, especially after what happen in the last movie.

Like the last film, Boo 2 focuses on Madea and her friends running into terror and danger while trying to get to Tiffany. The film likes to Parody current themes in horror like with influences of Korean horror and it also pokes a nod to old school Horror with the film taking place at a camp and the underage teens being hunted by a man with a mask and a chainsaw.

Overall, I much prefer the more light hearted Tyler Perry movies. Sometimes his stuff can be too over dramatic for me, but I seem to like it when he goes for straight up Sitcom style on us and that's Boo 2!

It's crazy and filled with laughs and no matter where it fails compare to the first one, we are there to laugh and that's what makes this sequel enjoyable.
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thebenstrong14 February 2019
It's alright if you're looking for something mindless to watch. If Madea and Bam could be a bigger focus, that's be great. If Tyler Perry didn't appear as himself, that'd be great. If they could get some decent actors, that'd be great.
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The Least Funny Madea Comedy
zardoz-135 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Compared to the nine other movies about Mabel Simmons, "Tyler Perry's Boo 2! A Madea Halloween!" qualifies as surprisingly lame and lightweight. I've laughed myself silly at all of Madea's madcap misadventures, but this sequel to last year's box office sensation "Boo! A Madea Halloween" is the least maniacal Madea movie in the franchise. Naturally, not only does the multi-talented Tyler Perry play Madea, but he also chews the scenery as Joe as well as the straight-laced Brian. The problem with "Boo 2" is Madea winds up blending into the background. Indeed, dope-smoking, promiscuous Joe with his profane lips lands all the best lines. Meanwhile, Madea ends up doing little if anything until this parody of "Friday the 13th" slasher movies enters its second half-hour. The best Madea movies are those where Madea looms front and center as well as loud and proud. She dominates everything and divides her enemies and relatives like Moses did the Red Sea. Unfortunately, writer & director Tyler Perry has hobbled the world's looniest lady. She doesn't engineer the outcome of his middling comedy of errors about a dysfunctional African-American clan. Furthermore, Aunt Bam (Cassi Davis) and Hattie (Patrice Lovely) get more laughs than Madea.

If you skipped "Boo" last year, you probably won't understand why the situation has changed. Bryant's oldest daughter has finally turned 18, and she believes that this solidifies her status as an adult, particularly the things she sought to do before she was 18. Brian and she initiate everything in "Boo 2" with their contentious father & daughter relationship, while Madea appears on the fringe like a guest star and exerts little, direct impact on these events in general. In other words, she doesn't save the day. Nevertheless, Madea fans will find enough to laugh and smile at even when they aren't laughing and smiling at Madea. Produced at a cost of $21 million, "Boo 2" has lots of polish, atmospheric locations, and set-design, and the acting is tolerable. Those goofy fraternity brothers—Vin Diesel lookalike Yousef Erakat and his pal Mike Tornabene—return for more mischief. However, Joe, Bam, and Hattie steal "Tyler Perry's Boo 2! A Madea Halloween" from the monstrous matron.

"Tyler Perry's Boo 2! A Madea Halloween" opens as Brian (Tyler Perry) waits at his teenage daughter's prep school, wearing a cone-shaped party cap, and with a gift in a decorative sack. Tiffany (Diamond White of "The Lion Guard") isn't pleased to see her father. Usually, Brian takes her home where the family assembles to eat cake and celebrate the occasion. Tiffany thinks the tradition stinks and wants nothing to do with it. Brian presents Tiffany with a pair of headphones as her birthday gift, so he won't have to contend with her music when she is in his car. Tiffany labored under the delusion that Brian was going to give her a shiny, new car for her birthday, since she is an adult with plans to attend college. Brian tells Tiffany that she is too irresponsible to have a vehicle. No sooner has he asserted himself on the subject than his ex-wife, Debra (Taja V. Simpson of "The Preacher's Son"), parks at the school and hands Tiffany the keys to a new red Mini-Cooper.

Naturally, Brian is disturbed because Debra has given Tiffany something that his daughter hasn't earned. Brian reminds Debra that Tiffany is hopelessly irresponsible and will probably get a ticket for reckless driving. As soon as she gets behind the wheel, Tiffany careens off to the Upsilon Theta Fraternity house where she crashed their Halloween party last year with her friend Gabriella (Inanna Sarkis of "A Killer Walks Amongst Us") in the first "Boo." Initially, Tiffany learns that the Upsilon Thetas are throwing another party, but her interference in last year's party has forced them to hold it somewhere else than their frat house. The fraternity leader, Jonathan (Yousef Erakat of "Natural Born Pranksters"), is relieved to hear that Tiffany is now old enough to drink. As it turns out, they are holding the party at the dilapidated, off-limits Derrick Lake campground where two savage killers attacked amorous couples necking in cars years ago. Worse, the authorities never caught those homicidal maniacs!

Back at Brian's house, the unfortunate father must endure no end of ridicule from his relatives, including Madea (Tyler Perry), Joe (Tyler Perry), Aunt Bam (Cassi Davis of "Daddy's Little Girls") and Hattie (newcomer Patrice Lovely), for letting his ex-wife one-up him with her birthday gift. So certain is Tiffany that Brian will not let her attend the Upsilon Theta party that she persuades Debra to let her sleep over at her mother's house. Furthermore, she convinces her mom to let her attend the Upsilon party. As luck would have it, Madea eavesdrops on their conversation and warns Brian about Tiffany's scheme. None of this prevents Tiffany from attending the party, and the party goes into full swing with lots of drinking and drugs, until two boogeymen in gas masks wielding chainsaws attack an Upsilon Theta pledge. A creepy girl who resembles the demons in those Japanese "Ring" horror movies watches them. At this point, Madea cruises into the haunted campground with Joe, Aunt Bam, and Hattie, collides with another demonic girl, and then confronts the Grim Reaper. Meantime, Jonathan, Tiffany, Dino, and Gabriella flee from Derrick Lake and take refuge in an abandoned house. Eventually, Brian and Gabriella's father, Victor (UFC fighter Tito Ortiz of "Cradle 2 the Grave"), ride to the rescue.

"Tyler Perry's Boo 2! A Madea Halloween" is harmless, half-baked hokum bristling with low-brow slapstick comedy. Basically, the tenth Madea movie works on the level of an animated "Scooby-Doo" movie. Of course, everything works out well for everybody, but Madea doesn't dominate the shenanigans. Instead, Brian has a large hand in what happens at Derrick Lake. Far from qualifying as a treat, "Tyler Perry's Boo 2! A Madea Halloween" amounts to little more than a trick.
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A Huge Disappointment for Madea Fans.
kevinpleasant31 January 2018
First let me say that I love the Madea of old. The last few films have really started to become obscene and have lost any sense of morality they once had. Not only is this film not funny it's torturous to sit through. Tyler Perry has traded quality and morals for a quick buck and cheap obscene attempts at laughter. Don't waste your time on this crap. Re-watch one of the earlier films when Madea was still funny and endering.
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Tyler Perry needs to just stop...
johnplocar3 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Totally love when I followup one of the best movies of the year with easily ONE OF THE WORST of 2017. This somehow managed to learn nothing from the god awful mistakes of its predecessor and made an almost exact identical movie, but even do you do that??!! How can Tyler Perry figure out a way to make the exact same movie twice, yet worse the second go around???

I hated the first movie and I seriously loathe this one. Everything about this movie sucks. The writing is lazy since they just rehash the first movie all over again. The story is basically the same from the first movie. Tyler Perry's daughter is a terror that does whatever she wants and has no respect for her father. She sneaks away to go to a frat party for Halloween. Madea and her gang of morons get together to try and get her back home. "Spooky" things start to happen about halfway through the movie to where the characters believe that there are ghosts and people dying. Turns out it's all just a prank to teach the daughter a lesson to not be an ungrateful brat. Roll credits.

The characters are all annoying and unlikable. Madea, along with her two lady friends, are just loud and obnoxious from beginning to end. They have two modes; either they are talking about literally nothing with their terrible adlibbing skills or they're screaming at the top of their lungs like idiots and that's it. The other Tyler Perry character, Joe, has three jokes throughout the whole movie that he repeats over and over again; Madea is a dude, he likes drugs, he's a pimp. And that is all the depth we get with his character. There is nothing else he has to say other than "Madea's got a dick", "Come on now, I need to get me some drugs", "I run bitches and hoes like nobody else 'cause I'm a pimp. I pimp all you hoes, bitch." ...THAT'S IT! Tyler Perry playing...Tyler probably the least annoying character in the whole flick, but he's still not funny. The daughter is a total nightmare, like she was exactly in the first one as if the events of the first movie never happened and she didn't learn a single lesson about how much an entitled little monster she is. The movie adds in a few new characters to the mix; Tyler Perry's ex-wife who is obviously the reason why their daughter is such a colossal monster of a human being. The daughter's new step-father...who has almost no lines and adds nothing to what's happening. And lastly, Tyler Perry's new friend, played by Tito Ortiz...who is easily the worst actor in the whole film. He has very few lines yet somehow that was too difficult for this guy to perform with. He was legitimately a terrible actor. I may have hated the other characters more than him, but at least I could say they were acting. Tito Ortiz is not an actor and I have no clue as to why he was included in here, other than to make everyone else look "good" by comparison.

I didn't laugh once in this...SOMEHOW 90 MINUTE TORTURE DEVICE THEY CALL A MOVIE!!! The comedy in this movie is the same tired material that they used in the last movie and repeated for 90 minutes. An hour and a half of everyone trying so hard to improv and not landing a single funny joke in the process. Aside from the comedy being absent, the production value of this movie somehow is also bad and even worse than before. The makeup they put on Tyler Perry and Patrice Lovely to make them look like their older people is so awful this time around that I'm pretty sure they just went to a Spirit Halloween to get this done. It always looked bad to me before, but this time it's as if they're cosplayers of the characters they're supposed to be. Yet somehow this movie cost 25 million dollars to make. Not a joke or an exaggeration, this movie supposedly cost 25 million dollars to produce...I call bull. Tyler Perry pocketed every cent of that. I'm calling it right now. There is no way that this "made for television in someone's backyard" piece of crap cost more than what I have in my wallet right now. No freaking way.

Oddly enough, with as cheap as this movie looks and feels, there are just such glaringly cheap moments that don't even make sense to me. Like the fact that they build these small sets and break the fourth wall by literally running through it. For instance, there's a scene where two characters are sitting in a tent where it is obvious that the production crew cut out a giant hole in order to film the two as they sit completely still at their marks. And then when someone comes up to the entrance of the tent attacking them and the characters literally run through the hole specifically made to be filmed through and not actually supposed to be there. There are also times where, instead of having an editor chop down this needlessly long and repetitive dialog containing curse words, they blatantly censor and dub over random cursing. For some reason, half the run time they're allowed to say sh*t, piss, hell, and damn but other times they aren't. And when they're not allowed to say those words they'll literally just blank out that dialog or clearly dub over it with another word like 'darn'. I don't know why, it is bizarre and jarring every time it happens. Especially since there's a scene where a character says the 'N' word and 'f*ck' in the same sentence, but in the next sentence they dub the word 'damn' with 'darn' three or four times in a row. It makes no sense.

I hate this movie so much. I really do. I couldn't stand every second of this thing. Listening to all these extremely annoying characters constantly talk about random nonsense that adds nothing to the plot and isn't funny. And repeat those unfunny things again and again. Hearing them scream and yell in between those unfunny bits of dialog. Seeing zero effort being put into this thing at least on a production level. It was a truly miserable time I had watching this. It nearly broke me, I couldn't take another second and I hope to God that there isn't a third movie. Please...I can't do it...don't do this to me again. I'll do anything. I'll become a priest, just make it stop. No more.
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Boo 2? Boooooooo....
motleyqueue21 October 2018
This was a terrible movie. I tried to hang in till the end because I am a Tyler Perry fan, but I abandon ship less than 1/2 mark. Just plain bad acting, boring, distasteful jokes, not the slightest bit funny. So disappointing.
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willcline-9104311 February 2019
I don't see how he can keep making so many boring films! I can't sit through an entire tyler Perry movie he has enough money to make a really good film but he keeps putting forgettable actors in them...
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Pointless for me to even watch
ericstevenson30 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I watched this movie was because I thought it set the record for longest Midnight Screenings by Brad Jones. Turns out I was wrong and it was actually the original that set the record. This Midnight Screenings was still over an hour long. To pour salt on my wound, I ate out there at the theater even though I already had! Dang, that food's expensive. I'm digressing, so let's get back to this movie.

I had hard horror stories about the Tyler Perry movies. There just seemed to be an endless amount of them and I guess I'm glad I saw at least one of these dumb things. My first impression of Tyler Perry in a film was actually "Gone Baby Gone". What do you know, he was a good actor in that movie! This movie features him taking on the roles of various family members in drag reminded me of Eddie Murphy only not funny. You know, like Eddie Murphy now.

Anyway, the film centers around his daughter going to a midnight Halloween party and seemingly confronted by supernatural creatures. The end reveals it was just a prank by her father. There's one scene where Madea puts her hand through the Grim Reaper's face and touches its real scythe. If this was all a prank, how did that happen? It was nothing but these same people making these dumb jokes over and over. It just seemed to go on forever with how pointless and unfunny everything was. *
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Boo 2 or Boo Who? Familiar Tactics Will Please Fans With Laughs, But Plot Fails Like Being Sick On Halloween
rgkarim19 October 2017
Hellur! Tyler Perry's signature character has made her mark for so many years, teaching lessons in her own unique manner. These movies have come in all sorts of scenarios, many being close carbon copies of the predecessors that laid the foundation. This series continues to rope loyal fans into the theater though, never tiring of the gimmicks cooked up at Perry Studios. Tonight, the sequel to Madea's Halloween tale emerges, in hopes of mimicking the success it brought not long ago. What's the verdict? Robbie K, here asking you to read on to find out his opinions.


Familiarity: When it comes to Madea, you don't expect much deviation from the formula, a comforting factor indeed. Perry's writing doesn't try to be anything it's not, and that nets some respect in bringing the laughs that make so many laugh. And if you're a fan of this series, you'll have nothing to fear in regards to the comedy at hand (as evidenced by many people howling with laughter in my showing.)

Plenty of Madea: Some Madea movies don't do give the mad lady her adequate screen time, choosing instead to go for a more drama (soap opera like) plot. Boo 2 is more than happy to give you a Madea fix, with much of the 100-minute run time staying on our "protagonist." She leads much of the banter, and her insults are more than enough to keep things engaging alongside her older colleagues. So, for a movie promising Madea, this film delivers on this aspect as well.

Fast Pace: Another positive for Boo 2 is that the movie doesn't dawdle when it comes to getting to the laughs. A small, simplistic opening makes way to the comedy at hand, taking less than 20 minutes to get to the first bout of Madea running her mouth. Once that first joke flies, the movie continues at a steady pace and creating the effect of time flying (seriously had no idea an hour had passed). This leads to an entertaining environment that is simply fun on many levels, that's right no complicated thinking in this film.

Joe: By far the best part of the movie for me is Madea's brother Joe. While his sexually harsh jokes, lack of respect for others, and intense focus on drugs are not my main source of humor, this character has some of the best comedic moments of the movie. His timing is well- executed, and his lines are just harsh enough to offset the bickering this movie holds within. The piece de resistance though, is how well Perry delivers that gruff edge in his humor to maximize the punch of the line and keep the laughs fresh. I found myself laughing the most with his scenes and was glad to see more Joe in this film.


Unoriginal: Familiarity is fun and entertaining, but it is also lacking the original twist I like to see in the films. Every Madea film has a slight twist to it, but this film is too much a copy of the first Halloween movie that the tactics are fairly stale. Had it not been for the comedic timing at some parts of the movie, the bantering would have gotten much staler as the old folks complained about the same things consistently. This dislike also goes to the fact that Madea's jokes are losing favor with me, especially when they drop the morals for incoherent babbling and arguing.

The College Kids: If you read my last Madea review, you know the college kids didn't impress me. Sadly, this movie managed to make me loathe these characters even more. Rather than giving the younger characters some admirable qualities, outside of superficial looks, Perry crafted them to be the same, shallow, annoying selves they were in the past, only much worse. The fraternity brother are even hornier, stupid meatheads with little contribution to the movie. Leah (Lexy Panterra) is reduced to a squabbling airhead, who does little, but flash off her own body with overacted gestures and a skin-tight leopard shirt. Yet, the worst character goes to Tiffany (Diamond White) the arrogant brat who supposedly learned her lesson last time. After all the punishing blows, the hotheaded teen hasn't learned a thing and has fallen back into the same annoying qualities I despised in the first film. What's even more pathetic, is that they don't use her selfishness very well to drive a moral filled plot, but just as a tool for more jokes. Sadly, this movie doesn't give the satisfying punch that its predecessor accomplished.

No story: Boo 2's other major dislike for me is that lack of a story. It's true, the movie runs at a quick pace and is entertaining, but the trailers have tricked you into thinking there is a story. This particular Madea story is the lamest story of the bunch, with only a hair thin plot to ground the comedy too. Past this skeletal frame, the movie is only about cramming the most jokes into the run time, which also took away from the Madea formula.


Boo 2 is a sequel that accomplishes the goal of making you laugh with the same familiar tactics Perry has capitalized on for the last decade. It's simple fun, fast paced humor will keep fans howling in delight, while also welcoming a new age in with its simplicity. Yet, I found this movie to be the weakest of the installments, particularly due to the unbalanced characters and lack of story to guide the mischief better. Safe to say this movie is meant for home viewing pleasure where you can enjoy the banter and insults with better snacks and bathroom privileges.

My scores:

Comedy/Horror: 7.0 Movie Overall: 5.0
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Too many YouTubers that can't act
dahotnessk16 January 2022
Unlike the first one at least there are less "social media celebrities" in this one. But lord! They still can't act! I noticed one that was atrocious in the first one was in this one but had no speaking lines (smart!)

If this man would just come out the closet already, then it would all make sense! He clearly Hires these types of guys for his shows and movies cuz he secretly desires them. Forget about the fact that they have absolutely ZERO acting talent! Here's a word of advise mr. Perry, I'm not a ditzy teenager, I'm not watching your movies to see hot men! I'm watching to see quality acting and a story that makes some sort it sense!
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Best Movie Since Halloween
boatsfra21 October 2017
(sent from my Iphone3) Good day Madea fans! I am writing this review from my seat in the theater, having just watched BOO2 3 times. Let me say this, this movie is a keeper! Don't let those snoozy reviews throw you off! You have to see this movie! From the opening credits to the last sound, this movie will keep you on edge. That Madea cat is something else and I have to say, my BOO2 Tshirt, just ordered from, is inbound as of yesterday! OK, back to the movie. BOO2 will keep you "howling" throughout, and if you are looking to be tricked? Have no "fear" as this movie is a treat! Get your popcorn, treat it with some hot saux, and sit back and relax. You will not be disappointed. BOO2 is not a "Boo Hoo."
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Neither The Best Nor The Worst
cschultz-222 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Tyler Perry is something of an American phenomenon—a one-man motion picture industry. As a director, writer, or producer—and frequently all three—Perry since 2005 has been responsible for some twenty remarkably successful motion pictures. And that's in addition to the pictures of other filmmakers in which Perry has appeared only as an actor—popular films such as "Star Trek," "Alex Cross," and "Gone Girl."

To date, nine of Tyler Perry's twenty pictures as a producer, writer, or director have featured the character Madea, a plain-spoken and tough- loving elderly woman with a nurturing heart, a highly-acute antenna for the difference between right and wrong, and a penchant for involving herself in the troubles of other people.

Madea, who's played in elaborate makeup and costuming by Perry himself, is based in equal measures upon the filmmaker's mother and aunt, and is partially inspired by the characterizations and performances by comic Eddie Murphy in the 2000 comedy "The Nutty Professor II."

Tyler Perry's comedies are remarkably accessible to filmgoing audiences. While the motion pictures of other filmmaking multi-taskers often appeal to an especially exclusive and rarefied demographic—Woody Allen springs to mind—Perry's movies are popular entertainment for anyone who loves to laugh.

Unfortunately, "Boo 2!" is not among Perry's best pictures…or even among his best Madea pictures. While the laughs are there, especially for Perry's legions of fans and Madea aficionados, they're more sparse than usual, and less frequent. Both the filmmaker and the character he created seem to be going through the motions by rote, and without heart.

"Boo 2!" is enjoyable enough. But audiences unfamiliar with Tyler Perry or Madea might find themselves wondering what all the fuss is about.
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ashfordofficial31 January 2022
This "film" grossed $48.3 million and that says a lot about society.

I don't understand how someone in their right mind can enjoy this "film" and rate more than 1 star.
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This was.....
theenigma12928 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok truthfully, honestly. I did not like this much. Seriously, tiffany did not learn anything from the first movie and got into more trouble then before. Also I knew her dad was up to something the minute he acted way too calm about tiffany doing something stupid (again). And I did not like how it ended much. It didn't fit or flow right to me. But I do love that how everybody (including madea) was freaking out when the ghosts and monsters were terrorizing the whole camp. No offense to Tyler perry, I love his movies I've seen so far. But I felt he could've done more better with this one.
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One of the worst movies Ive ever watched.
staypuff-589-8839373 September 2018
Some of the worst jokes, most boring scenes and just plain bad movie structure ive seen. Ive watched thousands and thousands of tv shows and movies and ive never been this shocked by how bad something was.

I gave it a shot because it was on netflix and made it about half before I realized that not only had I not laughed yet, but that i had no idea what was going on. Mostly because I didnt care enough to be attempting to follow whatever mess Tyler Perry had made this time. This is a hard pass unless your a big fan of his movies, and maybe even then it still isnt very good.
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No, Pedophilia Isn't Funny
thirtyfivestories13 November 2017
Welcome to the most lazy and offensive $25 million production in recent memory. Where else can you find a rejoiced elderly pedophile with a sewer drain for a mouth, and a monolithic 10 plus minute static blocked shot-reserve-shot improv session in every scene.

This film is truly at odds with its audience. Flaunting its privilege with needlessly racy innuendos and genuinely vomit-worthy rape praise. The central conflict revolves around a recently of-age daughter trying to attend a frat party on a secluded lake.

Tiffany has just turned 18, and she's hungry for wasted college guys. Her plans last year were foiled by her pesky little ID, but today she scuttles to a stop in front of the frat house in her brand new Mini. Flaunting her driver's license and school uniform, she immediately has caricature males contorting their horny faces.

With separated parents, Tiffany has diverse avenues to get what she wants. Her father still thinks petting zoos are applicable birthday fanfare, whereas her mother does not even bat an eye at twilight tent hookups. Both are irresponsibly dense, and impossibly unbelievable. The comedy sketch mentality never stops, but it is also never funny.

The narrative only exists to shovel cheap twists into your expressionless face. Every decision has been made contrary to logic, and the result is a film that is brutally contrived and anti- humorous. Any surviving laughs are instantaneously slaughtered by some form of crude and medieval sexual deviance. A truly poisonous direction for the family-centric series, a deceptive turn that deserves no forgiveness.
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Really poor, slapped together sequel
davispittman11 July 2018
Ok, so i enjoyed the first Boo! Madea movie, but this sequel is just flat out bad. It has the worst problems that a comedy can have. This movie suffers from being criminally unfunny. I had lots of fun with the first one because it was actually funny, this one is NOT. I think I laughed like twice, and it wasn't hard laughs, just mild chuckles. I couldn't laugh hard because the material here is just bland. I really hate that this sequel is like this, because it could've been on par with the first or maybe even funnier. I think they just wanted to churn out a sequel really quickly since the first Boo movie did well. Ok so not only is this movie unfunny, but it's also badly put together. Some of the camera angles are kinda sketchy sometimes, and that's confusing since Perry has done so many films by now. Also, what I found extremely strange was some dubbing. It's like they thought they couldn't say damn or s**t sometimes, because they would (badly) dub the characters. Their mouths would obviously be saying the real word, but it would come out darn or crap, they do know those words are allowed in a PG-13 movie right?? And it's only sometimes, i don't know it's really weird. Kind of reminded me of when you see a movie edited for TV. Overall, this movie is just a dull unfunny sequel that could've been funny if they would've tried. 2/10.
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Not worth watching
matheny-7563827 February 2019
Was the worst Tyler Perry movie ever. I really don't recomend using money to view this film. Tyler Perry is a great actor, and producer. But Boo 2 is not his greatest work.
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eriksheedlo31 October 2017
OK, when are people who think Madea is funny going to wake up and see this is just a bad story, writing, directing and acting all in one movie. I would have preferred to watch 10 hours straight of PBS, just so I can get back whatever brain cells were sucked out while having to sit through this debacle. It was not funny!! The actors were one dimensional. The jokes were either sexist or racist. The plot was stupid. Take my advice, stay away from Perry's movies. He has become one of the bloated, bad directors that Hollywood should be ashamed of and they should be ashamed for ever making these types of movies. With so many good choices in steaming, cable and other movies it is hard to believe people would go to this heap of a movie. By the way, the only reason we went is we got free passes and it was still a rip off!!
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More or the same
monstermayhem3226 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While the first. Madea boo offered a decent amount of laughs but I found the sequel to be somewhat lacking, while the movie features the return of fan favorites Madea, Joe, bam and Hattie Mae but it Felton like the similar tone of th first despite being the tenth Madea film. Brian's ex wife Deborah makes a return appearance since diary of a mad black woman, but played by a different actress.
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Funniest movie of DA year y'all
ohnoyoudidinmmmhhhmmm28 October 2017
Firstest of all DA haters can just get shook off. #shakeemoff

Tyler Perry is both DA funniest man and woman simultaneously in dis film y'all.

I was luffing so hard i almost choked on mu popcorn yo but also dis movie is also Hakka scurry yo, Dem jump scares had me like "oh snap" but Madea handled DAT stuff, yo go girl and den also you give it up to DA jay man in the sky #blessesed

i hope they make 8 mo sequels because dis was tight. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mr.Perry this is the fan base you appeal to, At very least this is what you imagine the mindset of your audience to be.

Your films are modern day minstrel shows and as Madea you personify every negative stereotype that exists in black culture. Nothing about what you do or say is even remotely funny.

I wonder on occasion if through the piles of cash and the turbid veil of Hollywood, If you take the time to look at yourself in the mirror before you inevitably shuck and jive your way through another film.
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10/10 best movie
cuevaric6 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly this film made me rethink life I've found god and it's media that lady will cure any disease and kill those who conspire against her. She will be worshipped like a god because she is god. I've had an apiffany I've found the secret to life and the secret is Madia and her godly form.
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The worst movie
kenyae-cagle23 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Tyler perry sucks! All of his movies suck! He survives of the ignorance of black people. It is absolutely repulsive and embarrassing to see that this guy still exist in the industry
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Tyler Perry Does Not Respect His Audience
bkrauser-81-3110644 November 2017
Ten films in, it's pretty much assumed by now that the Madea series has shaken off any audiences who don't already want to be on its coattails. Those in the theater with me wanted to be there and damn all those who, like myself, would snap-judge Madea and her posse of octogenarian clowns. Screw those who poo-poo the series for being painfully unfunny, offensively trashy, unendingly annoying, obnoxiously time consuming, woefully amateurish and elementally lacking in the basic necessities of competent storytelling. For even if you think all these things, you still must admit, if nothing else, Tyler Perry's wildly successful, cheaply made, broadly drawn comedy series has legs that just won't quit.

So for a change, I'll dispense with the usual five minute set. I won't complain about how unfunny this particular film is as claiming so can be waived off by someone else managing a slight chuckle. I won't complain about the disjointed, obvious and boooooring narrative which chugs along like Madea's Cadillac on a flat tire. Heck, I won't even talk about how every time a Madea flick comes out, seeing the crowd makes me question human behavior to the extent that I feel like the proverbial next door neighbor saying, "He was so very nice – no idea what could have gone wrong." Instead I'd like to focus all my attention (and vitriol) on Tyler Perry's apparent lack of respect for his audience; a lack of respect that, more than ever feels gross and mean-spirited. Before watching Boo 2, I ascribed to the same school of thought as Demetria Lucas D'Oyley when she wrote for The Root, "He has a lane. He drives in it." The appeal of his characters and his outsized media persona is one of broad stroke buffoonery and simple-world proselytizing but at least he's found his fans and they've found him. Marriage made in heaven with the same level of intensity as Insane Clown Posse and their Juggolos.

Yet by the time the film drops its first plot point, it becomes clear the love is all one-sided. Nearly everything of substance from the first film has been erased; the lessons, the character dynamics, the film's very continuity all heavily favoring a hard reboot where nothing about Boo 1! (2016) actually mattered. The movie then strips out all of the forced religiosity save for a few God d**ns which, for better or worse, made Madea part of a certain audiences' normal media diet.

Lacking a plot at all capable of filling in the one and a half hour run time and all that's left to pad this largely melted s**t sundae is Perry mugging for the camera as one of three insufferable characters. This wouldn't be such a problem for fans accustomed to the constant barrage of b***hing and nagging. But most of what is said are quite literally rewrites of the same tired jokes we've heard in Witness Protection (2012), Big Happy Family (2011) and for that matter, the first Boo! There's even the reoccurring "she's really a dude" gag that's repeated not once, not twice but three bloody times! I'd say it's lazy but given how absurdly repetitive this all is, I was half expecting Sacha Baron Cohen to come popping out of that dress saying, "gotcha!" All this and add to it Perry's obviously censored d**ns, f**ks and s**ts and you got yourself a movie that is daring longtime fans to abandon Perry's media empire built on lazy, terrible stereotypes. And what's left when all that bilious smoke has cleared? A quickie cash grab haphazardly assembled with no interest in delivering the minimum, let alone a worthwhile product. Comparatively this thing is somewhere between Madea Goes to Jail (2009) and one of Tyler Perry's bowel movements after one too many Arby's Beef 'N Cheddars. And that my friends, is about as objectively critical as one can be without screaming at the box office numbers and questioning whether there is a God.
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Waist of time and waist of money
hoomanfarahpour18 January 2018
Do Not watch this at least you want get so pissed off how horrible this movie is. I mean there are so many talented people out there so many funny actors and actresses so many interesting characters,so many good funny fun scrips out there that never get the opportunity to make the movie Then these people makeing horrible boring poorly made movie like this. Come on call your self artist . they make better movie in Bollywood.
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