"Arrow" Collision Course (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Can't everyone just get along
yougotjoshg15 April 2018
This episode had some amazing fight scenes and choreography but the new team is really frustrating. I used to love these characters but now they are annoying and just total hypocrites. +Great fight scenes +Great Choreography -New team need to sort their problems out fast
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Solid episode overall
reptor193 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This season had it ups and downs but I don't believe this one is bad, I think it is pretty great.

The way that the tensions is building this season between the teams is very much to my liking. People often call the new team Losers/Cry babies but I can't agree on that. Ever since they found out that team Arrow were spying on them, they had every right to hate the OG team. What is more the Rene betrayed Oliver's trust is way,way worse than spying on the new members (ever since they already had one bad apple in the team). So maybe they are a bit of a cry babies but spying on you can do that to you.

Dinah is pissed at Laurel, which is arguably very understandable. Seeing you loved one taken away from you, for the second time, but a criminal that has already done horrific things - will push anyone to a rage bender. And also don't forget she had already went down that bad road before Oliver pulled her back.

It is very hard to execute a narrative where 2 former teams and fighting each other, not everything is executed perfectly but as a whole the plot is convincing enough. Many viewers like hating on the new guys "since they don't understand how the world really works" but this is the whole point to it! They are new, they are still learning how to do what needs to be done. Something that Oliver even today doesn't fully understand. So yes sometimes emotions will get the better of you, even if you are a pro. And it is not that team Newbie just want Laurel dead, Terrific and Wild Dog don't like the way that Dinah is going this is why they are with her, to restrain her. Plus the anger they feel for team Arrow blinds their decisions. It is not all black and white for them either, and pulling the trick on Dig's hand was a hard choice to make but it was an understandable one.

A little on the Laurel and Quintin story - It's pretty good as well. I think that if we did get to see Black Canary turning into this good hero, some of us hoping she would, is bland and not surprising at all. It is way too comic-bookie to do it that way. Even if she does become good, it will not be after a few episode. It will take some time and more character development. Quinitin is ushering the way for her to do just that.

About Diaz - He kinda was the mastermind of this whole season even if he doesn't appear that often. That was the whole idea of the first half. After the Civil War dies off a bit we will see him back at it. We don't need to see Diaz on screen to understand he is the big evil, we see his Henchmen at work all the time each episode. The captain, the attorney and who ever else he got in his pocket.

I do hope to see more episode following in the footsteps of this one to see where the bickery between the team leads them, what Diaz is planning and what will become of Laurel. Hey Roy Harper is coming back so can't wait to see what he does!
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COMPLETELY ILLOGICAL. Just get rid of the new team. Or audiences will get rid of you
vsmvignesh3 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First things first. The new team just irritates me to the core. 1) They decide to physically hurt john intentionally. 2) They decided not to hold back their punches(literally). 3) They are the ones childishly fighting without proper context. And what they do??? Foolishly whine that the original Team Arrow crossed the line. Is there any sense in this?

Second thing that bugged me was that the team arrow is not giving the proper reply to those team losers. When they accuse felicity and diggle of crossing the line, what they forgot to realize was that they were the prime reason to do so.

i wonder how long the writers would punish us with this losers team.
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I hope that the new team is leaving the show.
tiriake18 October 2018
This entire plotline with the old team vs.the new team is annoying. after this episode I would be very excited to see Curtis, Rene and especially Dinah never appear on the show again They are not necessary.
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Original Team Arrow vs. Original Team Loser
betterbuddy2 March 2018
The subplot this mid-season of a once great superhero team fighting itself internally might have been an interesting storyline, if there was a real main plotline this season to begin with. There is just no plot direction going on here at all.

Original Team Arrow vs. Original Team Loser When the two teams are compared, first you have Oliver who is so strong not only in the fighting skills but in strategy and archery skills with the long history of being the Green Arrow. Diggle and Felicity are also masters in their areas as well as having a long history of working with Oliver. But, why does Original Team Loser have such thick heads?

***Rene is a loser who cannot keep Oliver's secret to save his life - on top of being the true definition of a "Wilddog", he is a lose cannon in every way (emotionally/intellectually). ***Mr. Terrific/Curtis - it is amazing the salmon ladder did not kill him, let alone last season. There are no skills that OTA does not already have themselves. ***Dinah -- well if there is any hope that Laurel could return as the only true Black Canary --then Dinah falls in the loser category too. She is so emotionally unstable and just generally unlikable this season anyway. Time to give up completely on Original Team Loser -- give them their own show on CW the Moe, Larry, Curly of the DC Comic World. Then maybe there can be focus on a true season 6 storyline. The season had strong promise at the very beginning after the Lian Yu battle, but it was derailed by focusing on the Losers. Time to get back on the track for season 6 here.
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evangrif26 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
DINAH is actually the worst character in the entire show she is pointless and an absolute boredom inducer. The fact that she wants to kill someone that killed her boyfriend that she JUST reunited with is ridiculous!! She's meant to be a hero and she caved like the weakest character you've ever seen. The fact that Rene and Curtis don't realise she is in the wrong is ridiculous. The fact that this episode was released is ridiculous. KILL DINAH TO SAVE OUR SANITIES PLEASE!!!
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Frustrating and unlikable
dodobassoon2 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So...we are suppose to dislike Oliver & Co, we are suppose to dislike team (very hypocritical) Wild Dog & Co. Even sweetheart Curtis and BEST actor Paul Blackthorne....is anyone likeable anymore? Add boring Law and Order courtroom blah and horrible unoriginal mobster (mealy-mouthed Kirk Acevedo...who is usually quite good so I blame writers...made me roll my eyes to the point of vertigo).

Just frustrating to feel so much dislike for so many characters I used to love. It's like the writers couldn't decide on a bad guy (they had one they killed too early...brilliant Michael Emerson) so they just made everyone awful.

They even made the only likeable Russian Guy unlikable. "You are my favourite American....now let me change my character up and be awful."

So why am I watching this again? I'm almost at the end of my rope. The biggest burn was Lovable Echo Kellum making me angry. Maybe they needs some one-off bad guy episodes, the loooooooong burn of a whole season seems too much.

I want to like it. Give me back likeable characters...any....any at all. Start with the title character.
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6x14 - Old Awesome Team Arrow VS The New Doucebags
Sam_Ash_762 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
(INCLUDES SPOILERS) About as average as an episode can get, good scene then bad scene, good scene then bad scene. Really hard to watch if I'm honest. To see these three characters become so horrible across 5 episodes has been the worst part of the season. It wasn't bad, it had a lot of good moments but those moments are overshadowed by: i - "We're done with the three of you, forever. You tried to kill our friend" Twenty minutes before "This could hurt John" "Do it" BIGGEST HYPOCRITES IN THE WORLD! ii - "If ThIS HaPPenD to OliVER hE'd Go On A kiLLiNG RamPAGe" S02 > Moira killed, Oliver locks Slade up in a prison on Lian Yu On the plus side: i - The cliffhanger was very intriguing. ii - Oliver continues to be the best part of the show. iii - Good fight

Hopefully Roy's return can redeem this season that has felt like it is in a bit of a rut lately, aside from 6x13, this season (for the most part) has been watching the same episode over and over again. This episode had so much potential but it failed this city.

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So stupid
ericscherrer7 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At this point in the show they have no idea what they want to do. It feels like they go on set and come up with some stuff.

I am not native english but even I think the dialogs are so terrible an there is no character motivation who would make sense. Diana is like: I got to kill Laurel cause she killed Vince.

Everyone: No don't do that, don't cross the line!

Right before she kills Laurel, Courtis: Don't do that don't kill her!

Diana: Okey your right. Killing isn't justice

This is so stupid!! This is the CW formula: Drama over story.

Bonus hate: none of the characters are likeable anymore...everyone is like a child: you did that! But you did that....

It's like with the Felicity hates Oliver "story" arc just with the team loosers...
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Honestly if it weren't for the DC Crossovers I would be done with this show.
jscarpa6 January 2019
I only bother with Arrow anymore because it crosses over with the Flash and other DC series. Oliver, Felicity and Quentin are still great characters but the rest of the show has just completely gone off the rails, continuously downhill from season 4 past.

A civil war plot only works if you care about characters on both sides. The mini arrow wannabes introduced last season aren't characters I give a damn about. Dinah is practically off the rails crazy, her holier than thou attitude is grating when all she is is a meta human killer that belongs in Iron Heights. Or did we forget what she was spending her time doing when Oliver found her? Rene is a glorified thug, his character is two faced and unlikable. Curtis is annoying and naive and none of the three are capable of being accountable for their own actions. Not only do I so not care that they left the team, I think the show would greatly improve if their characters weren't a part of it.

Laurel makes a horrible villain and the actor playing Ricardo Diaz worked much better as a cop on Fringe than he does as any sort of super villain. It's hard to care about the show anymore when I barely care about any of the characters. I know I'm way behind, I've caught up on every DC show but this one but honestly while I loved this show in its first three seasons, the only reason I'm suffering through this now is to get to the next crossover.
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"We're done with you, period"
ThomasDrufke6 March 2018
I'm just so tired of this season. It's gotten to the point of me contemplating even watching the episodes on a week to week basis. Arrow is one of my favorite shows of all time, but there's little reason to tune in.

This past episode dealt with Team Arrow and New Team Arrow putting their differences aside and teaming up for the greater.... oh wait nope that didn't happen. My mistake, that conflict (or lack thereof) has been ongoing for just about 8 episodes it feels like, and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. What this show has done to get me to hate Rene, Curtis, and Dinah is absolutely unprecedented. It blows my mind that the same writers who worked so hard to get me to like those 3 newbies the last 2 years is writing this same crap over and over again. The only good part of them on screen in this episode is watching Oliver beat the crap out of Rene. The fact that this episode was positioned as Civil War type conflict is laughable.

Oh and not to mention the fact that they were fighting over the rights of Black Siren. This entire 'Laurel' arc is diminishing any importance they ever built up for the real Laurel Lance. They made it incredibly easy to hate Laurel in season 2, and they're making a renewed plea for us fans to despise Katie Cassidy's portrayal of Earth-2 Laurel now. Oh my gosh the writing is so lazy. It's almost as bad as these last few paragraphs I've put together.

The one thing I loved in this episode was Thea's line about this conflict being "insane", because it is. What is it honestly trying to prove? What is going to come out of this? Will someone die from it? Or will it all be wiped away by the end of the season and we'll be a happy family in season 7? Either way, I just don't care.

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New team sucks
brianstoll17 June 2018
Seriously, they're the worst. Acting like 5 year olds.
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Just kill them off
skatterboy27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Team Loser has made Arrow almost unwatchable this season, all three characters are unlikable and really just degrade what used to be a good show. The division between them and the original team feels ridiculously forced, Rene is clearly in the wrong by snitching on Oliver, Dinah looks like she should be on anti-depressants for the majority of the season and Curtis is a just a joke of a character. Then later in the season Diggle has some sort of epiphany and decides that Oliver has been making the wrong decisions throughout the season, even though at the time he agreed with almost all of them, so he seems to turn into a big baby and leaves team Arrow mainly because Oliver doesn't give him the hood back. Diggle and team loser seem to have the emotional stability of pubescent teenagers.

This combined with all the feminist and PC crap in the Flash has had me seriously consider whether or not I will watch the next seasons of these two shows. (At the moment I am leaning towards no)

(side-note, I am writing this after episode 20 in Arrow and 19 in the Flash which is why this probably sounds like a rant, I have let my anger build up throughout the season and needed to get my feelings across somewhere. Since this episode has the lowest rating I felt it right to leave this review here so that hopefully someone involved in either show might actually read it.)
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Annoying as hell
Abdulxoxo15 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When the New team announced they'd form their own team few episodes back, I got mixed feeling about it but at least I thought it'd take a cool and interesting direction and that it was temporary, never have I thought that it'd be dragged on like this.

The new team is annoying, I just can't seem to fathom what their problem is, they said OTA didn't trust them and so and so forth but they bugged Oliver and Hurt Diggle and they still insist they want to be better than them. how is that doing better? I liked Dinah in the early episodes, especially her and Diggle's little subplot, but now she's turn into an unlikable one-dimensional revenge freak. Rene is and has always been obnoxious and he's the sole reason the whole thing started when he almost snitched on Oliver, he never fully acknowledged what he did but when it comes to blaming OTA he's at front. And Curtis is a joke, at this point I feel like the newbies just need to be gone or at least be turn to the likable characters they once were.
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mvklitgaard14 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok. I might just be me. But I'm really fed up with this season. It seems that we have returned to a kindergarten state of communication for this entire season. Everybody says "Dinah, don't kill her" and she's saying stuff like "but I have to because something". Then when she has her Curtis tells her "Dinah, don't kill her" and she agrees. Also, Felicity gets shot by Wild Dog... and she doesn't bleed or get checked out. And there isn't a hole in her clothes, like there would be. Sometimes I wonder why I see this show. Hopefully it gets (way) better.
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Arrow Keeps going on with the screwed up nonsense
sonerayanlar6 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, the show has lost the track and I am not sure if the writers of last episodes try to fix the show to bring back to its track.. I have no hope Do you?? 2 teams, one Oliver who has become nothing more than an a-hole.. Second team's poor resistance against the green arrow does not make any sense at all.. Laurel is gonna be a good girl again??? screw this.. what on the earth do you really think you can change your emotions from one second to another like that??
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Arrow - S06E14 Collision Course
j_forbesy2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Arrow is back after having a short break off the air. Before going on break, I thought that the last episode was quite solid, however there were a couple of negatives I had about it that I wished would be adjusted this episode. Unfortunately those two negatives were the core of this episode, and it made for one hell of a stinker of an episode.

The first negative that carried through into this episode was the story arc with the Lance's. I though that the Quentin and Laurel stuff last episode entered a new area of creepy. They didn't slow down with that this episode. Their whole relationship is odd at this point and to see that Quentin would lie about her to protect her makes no sense at all.

The second negative, and perhaps the biggest, is the civil war we have between the two teams.Much of this blame I put on the writers of how they have written the new team. It is simply childish. Their arguments are illogical and they constantly flip flop their opinion and at times have to grasp at straws to find something else to be made at each other about.

What makes me really disappointed in these negatives was that both these story arcs were ones that I saw great potential in. I thought that the Lance's relationship could grow and we could see a nice redemption of some sort for Laurel. The splitting of the teams had an interesting dynamic that I though the writers would use to teach each team a lesson. But instead they did what many of these CW shows do. They caused unnecessary drama, which then fuelled more unnecessary drama. At the moment we are stuck in an unnecessary drama loop that I am struggling to see some resolution to.

Overall, I have had my ups and downs with this show, however every now and then an episode comes along and forces those downs even lower. There only saving graces I had with this episode was the performances of Blackthorne and Cassidy, the action done well on a technical level, and the reveal that Black Siren is going to take over Earth 1 Laurel's identity.

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Sad for the actors playing this nonsense
gwmadrigal10 October 2021
It is so sad how all characters have changed So much just to play this unnecessary drama. What bothers me most is having to skip over scenes on netflix. Wasted time for actors playing, editors choosing etc... All of their work drained through a toilet just for this lazy ridiculous unnecessary drama. Who wrote this story anyways?
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Spinning their wheels
jwwalrath-227-854874 March 2018
This episode tries to increase the division between the teams, but it still all feels forced and unnatural. Dissapointing.

It doesn't help that the they're still dragging out the Lance/Laurel relationship while using the same old plot points without adding anything new to the table.
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Loser Squad...icing on the ridiculous cake
kodiakbear-4409813 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I find it completely hilarious that team Arrow feels they owe some kind of apology for the losers invited to join THEM.....for team Arrow started it all, they have the tech/ money/ contacts, they have EVERYTHING necessary...whilst the loser squad has nothing but a chip on its shoulder because team Arrow rightly lost trust in them because one of them was about to out Oliver as the Arrow!!

Loser Squad left team Arrow of their own volition and are very lucky they were allowed to keep the suits/ tech made for them....without her's, what exactly would Black Canary be!? A cop......no scream tech.

Loser squad harms Diggle so they can track team Arrow...they use no hold barred force against them and say they want to find Black Siren to find the money and kill her.....but team Arrow have already found her and were in process of obtaining the money.....only for loser squad to arrive under Dinah's pretence of obtaining the cities money.....the two fools following her, believe that garbage.....over Oliver looking for a mole within HIS organisation....no they just want to moan how they weren't equals and not trusted....but it turned out to be for good reason....whilst Black Canary has ulterior motives.

The Arrow started so so strong but over time it had started to scrap the bottom of the barrel for new ideas.

The Loser Squad NEEDS to be killed off, as the childish holier than thou attitude they have is making the ridiculous, unbelievably more so.

I for one will stop watching if Loser Squad isn't removed from this debacle.

Stories are already far fetched and suspension of disbelief necessary (mayor dealing with all this terrorism and no mention of armed forces/ Argus troops naive, poorly trained/ Argus facility not security concious...all team Arrow infiltrate with Felicity in a wheelie bin/ fight scenes ridiculous, loads of jumping etc....one min they can't beat a local hood, next they're taking out highly trained operatives. The list goes on....) but these loser squad hypocrites are icing on the cake.
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deathsoulblade4 June 2018
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Not quite Captain America standards, but it will do...
highmarksreviews2 March 2018
With the last three episodes of Arrow building considerable momentum over the past month or so, there was an ever lingering fear of that momentum dying down. While "Collision Course" is not a particularly bad episode of Season 6, it is a minor speed bump. The exciting Diaz storyline was neglected entirely in favour of a talky narrative, which to the cast's credit was charismatically performed. The Black Siren story arc is beginning to be a stale, but necessary element of the season and should be resolved soon. The political aspect of the city was brought to life effectively as well. Now the big selling point of this episode would have been the actual fight between the two teams. I'm divided over this one, as I personally was expecting a bit more of a beatdown to ensue, given all the rage conveyed early on. The fighting was satisfying, but a little to tame and downplayed. The fact that the show sent a character on break for a good while is also a suitable way to cleanse the pallet of an overcrowded roster.
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Arrow is pretty much dead.
metalgear5208 March 2018
Oliver has become a narcissistic, borderline evil, lunatic, who constantly betrays his allies and seems to be completely lacking any sort of moral compass. Him and Diggle both need to be either killed off or jailed.
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