The Rhythm Section (2020) Poster

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Can't Find the Beat
Yamello31 January 2020
In "The Rhythm Section", Blake Lively stars as Stephanie, a grief-stricken drug addict who discovers her family's tragic deaths were not what they seemed. She sets out to find answers and justice. It's an intriguing if familiar premise, but is it worth watching?

The Good

The film has a small cast but it's leading lady carries the load easily. Blake Lively continues her upward trajectory after strong turns in "The Shallows" (2016) and "A Simple Favor" (2018). She gives a wounded performance as Stephanie, a woman whose spirit died along with her family; a still-living victim of a tragedy. Everything from her gaze to how she carries herself screams brokenness. I also liked Jude Law as Boyd, an ex MI6 recluse. He's a hard-ass mentor figure for Stephanie as he attempts to give her skills to survive on her quest for revenge. He's like Obi-Wan Kenobi if Old Ben was a jerk. He provides a more harsh, stark view of the situation, reality-checking Stephanie again and again.

Another aspect of Stephanie I enjoyed was how inefficient she is as an assassin. After she completes her training and heads into the world to seek vengeance she proves to be rather ineffective. I thought she would finish training and immediately turn into a ruthless expert killer, but she proves to not be cut out for it. She lacks the moral numbness and skill to pull it off, which makes her more relatable. There's also a cool chase scene that's a continuous shot from within the vehicle. It's shot well and accompanied by a good score at times. I also appreciated the color pallet of the film, lots of muted, cold colors to reflect the bleak outlook of our protagonist.

The Bad

The movie has a good first act, setting up an intriguing revenge tale that fizzles out in the second. We never get to know Stephanie, she isn't given character development. She has a goal that she desperately wants to fulfill but she doesn't change as a result of achieving that goal. She's the same character by the end as she was in the beginning, only she's sober now. When a revenge film like this lacks action and style it must make up for that with character and story, and it fails on both counts. Altogether, it feels like connecting dots that never create a cohesive image.

The talented Sterling K Brown is dragged into this to give information and wear glasses. He never feels like a character, he's more of a plot device. The score is good in a few scenes, but the soundtrack is off. Thirty seconds of a Velvet Underground song here and a Brenda Lee song there for fifteen seconds. It's like hitting shuffle on a varied playlist at random times. I also wish the filmmaker leaned less on flashbacks. They could have relied on the leading lady to convey the loss she feels rather than reusing the same flashback scene over and over. The script lacks emotional depth and consists mostly of exposition being traded between characters.

The Verdict

I don't recommend seeing "The Rhythm Section". While it has a strong lead performance, the character and her story are never fleshed out, creating a rather empty experience. The film does offer a unique take on the femme fatale genre, but that's not enough to hold it up. The film is overlong and rather dull. Despite an intriguing start it never goes anywhere, and there's not much fun along the way to make up for it's lacking. It unravels into near-incoherence by the end, at which point you won't really care. You'll just wish you saw "1917" again. I wouldn't worry about seeing this one, even on Netflix.
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A wasted opportunity.
shawthingproductions31 January 2020
Blake Lively and Jude Law did a good job with their acting but there is nothing redeeming about this dull franchise-wannabe. The only thing I learned from this mess is never to watch a film directed by Reed again because, honestly, she has no eye for it. The camera shakes so much that I wanted to throw up within ten minutes. By twenty minutes in, I had a horrendous headache.

You want to make an action film? You don't have to have shaky-shaky handheld shots. You want to create tension? You don't have to do it with pathetically lit scenes where, even in daylight sequences, you can't see the expressions of the actors and are squinting to see what is what.

Honestly, an hour in, I'd had enough. The story, whilst "okay" didn't bring anything new to the genre and certainly wasn't fresh enough to hold my attention. Had the directing been better, and the shots lit better then, I probably would have given this a 6 out of 10. But, as it stands, this is a mess.
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Boring and underwhelming
skinandbones-7304631 January 2020
A very forgettable movie that had no special moments. I was expecting a lot from this film but was sadly disappointed. Story is average at best, weird character development. Extremely disappointed in this film.
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Needs more Cowbell
LeAvantGuardian2 February 2020
The Rhythm Section, for all intents and purposes is and functions (however poorly) as a revenge genre film. The problem with the movie lies in the fact that in spite of a meager attempt at training our would-be assassin for 8 months, she has the skills of you, the movie goer. Now imagine yourself as an international assassin. That's about how good she is. So If you think you'd enjoy seeing the beautiful Blake Lively get her ask kicked by 10 people, this is the movie for you. It's almost like reverse action. I've never quite seen anything so one-sided before, and it seriously makes me wonder why it was even made.

This is not Peppermint.
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A solid revenge thriller
Tweekums31 December 2021
As this thriller opens we see a woman enter a building and point a pistol at an unsuspecting man... the action then jumps back eight months. The woman, Stephanie Patrick, is working as a prostitute in London. She is approached by a reporter who tells her that the death of her parents in a plane crash three years previously was no accident. It was brought down by a bomb and he knows who made it; that person is in London. She buys a gun, intending to kill the bomber but can't go through with it. When she returns to the report's flat she finds him dead. Her only lead is the reporter's ex-MI-6 contact. She tracks him down in the Highlands and he eventually agrees to train her... taking the identity of a dead assassin she starts to hunt those behind the bombing. It won't be easy though; unlike her targets she isn't a natural killer.

I thought this was a decent addition to the revenge thriller genre. The early scenes quickly introduce us to the character of Stephanie and her motives. The scenes of her training in Scotland are solid enough but do go on a bit longer than really necessary, slowing the film down somewhat. Once she has started going after her targets things improve markedly. There is plenty of tension and a feeling that she is in real danger. It helps that, far from being an unstoppable professional, she is a barely competent amateur who is merely good enough and gets lucky. Blake Lively does a really solid job as Stephanie and Jude Law is good as the man she goes to for help; the rest of the cast are fairly impressive too. The film looks great with plenty of interesting locations. Overall I'd not say this was a must see but I did enjoy it so would recommend it to fans of the genre.
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Nothing to write home about
j_cliett1 February 2020
If you want a good nap, go and see this movie. It was unbelievably boring. I can't believe I wasted my money seeing this movie. Not even Jude Law could save it. The plot was so choppy and the scenery was nothing to write home about. Don't waste your money on this one.
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Dark thriller, don't understand the low rating!
jkt200617 March 2021
Brilliant thriller, is dark, grim at times to begin with but the second half is a very well done thriller that travels many countries. Blake lovely shines in this one. Did the people with low ratings here even watch it till the end? Or just left it in the middle when it kind of gets slower though does not lose it's grip over the viewer. I thought it was a different thriller going by the lack of unrealistic action and stuff there is. The action amd thrills feel very realistic in this movie. Watch it till the end also for the suspense.
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Not very believable
kas02622 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a little potential, though I feel the plot has been done so many times in much better films. One of my many issues with the plausibility of this plot, is how on earth is it so easy for Lively's character to "sneak" into all these supposedly high-profile people's homes? Seriously! Most of them had open doors and windows, and even though they supposedly had security detail, she ducks around a couple of corners and in through an open door or window??? This point was so distracting for me I couldn't pay attention to the other things happening?

Also, it seemed way too easy for her to find "B" (Jude Law) for someone who went to great lengths to live off the grid, especially given that he was former MI -6 and would have been very good at hiding.
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Not as bad as critics are saying
valleyjohn23 July 2021
The last time I watched Blake Lively in a movie she was fighting off Sharks is The Shallows .

In this she looks very different as she plays a young woman who turns to drugs and prostitution after her parents and siblings are killed when their plane is destroyed by a terrorist bomb. Seeking revenge, she tracks down a former MI6 agent who helps her train for her mission and set out in her quest of vengeance.

The reviews and ratings are bad for this film .

It's probably because of the cliched beginning with the drugs and prostitution but I actually enjoyed this film .

Blake Lively is good and who doesn't like Jude Law . The whole story has the feel of a TV episode of something like Spooks but it's was definitely entertaining none the less.

You could pick holes it the plot all day long but why bother ?

It's meant as a bit of fun and it's worked for me.

The last third does fizzle out when when Sterling K Brown is on screen but that's more down to the writing than his acting .

100 minutes of good action .
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Wow, that's bad
marksdesign-12-7153511 February 2020
I don't even know what I just watched. 60% of the movie is closeups of Blake Lively's face. It's like the story of the worst assassin ever trying to get to the bottom of a tragedy in the most confusing way possible.
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This movie proves that reading reviews is a waste of time.
tedkarbowski19 January 2021
There is no movie of its kind that better proves that the the critical reviews of such films like this are rubbish.

This film has everything most films of its genre lack - no excessive cliches, dialogue or overuse of flashbacks in other words it's missing everything that our zombie cinema watchers crave.

What is left is a film that is as honest and entertaining as one could hope for.
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Very nicely done!
freddydcain1 May 2020
This movie is not getting the reviews it deserves no way is this a rating of a 5 more like a 6 or 7. Very well done. Someone don't become a bad ass over night like in Peppermint movie. I found it to be more realistic then most. I hope to see a part 2 now that she hone her skill in part 1. But if they don't make a part 2 it was still a very good movie. Give it a try you won't be sorry if you know good movies.
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Predictable and Confusing?
claytoncomedy31 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You knew the ending probably when you saw the trailer but definitely halfway through the film. All the while wondering how you got there. I like the idea of making Livley's character a reluctant assassin. She played the heartbreak and the torment very well. I feel the film just cut out too much of the story in favor of longer action sequences. (I understand this is why you go see a film like this) The switch from reluctant assassin to remorseless killer happens off screen??? Why??? We watched her bumble and stumble for two hours so that she could finally put it all together in a 3 minute seen at the end. I am lame and watch movies for the "Triumphant payoff", at the end I didn't really feel that with Lively's character. The story telling wasted an incredible acting job by Lively. She put her soul into this film only for the actual film to have none.
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Out Of Tune
dududunne31 January 2020
Better than profanol for quick easy sleep. Terrible acting,continuity,drab dialog. James Bond has nothingto worry about
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Build and builds without particularly exploding
muamba_eats_toast6 February 2020
The film builds really well and had me hooked in but it appeared to just continue to do that. I was left feeling like I was still waiting for it to truly kick into action nothing specifically was wrong with it and as a whole I still enjoyed the majority of it. I can't help feeling however that it was a little anti-climatic in the end.
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Ridiculous, ridiculous & ridiculous
brenden3310 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Scene after scene finish as ridiculous. Ie Let a drug addict prostitute live with you and have free access to all the private details you have knowing the information can get you killed. learn to swim by not drowning in a freezing lake. 3 men befriend a women who has a vile character for what? The final Bad Girl tune playing at the end while Blake Lively swaggers was so childish what was the director thinking? Answer nothing.
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Shades of La Femme Nikita
Tak00512 November 2020
If you have seen the 1990 French film La Femme Nikita, where a drug addict is trained to be an accomplished assassin, this movie will remind you of it. But it changes the motivation from prison to revenge. I can't understand the poor reviews. Acting, script, cinematography etc are all good and it's worth a watch.
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Pretty dull
Gordon-1110 April 2020
For an action film about a female killer, this film is pretty dull. It tries to tell a story of an average girl becoming a fully fledged killer, but it is not convincing at all. There is little suspense, forgettable characters and the acting is not very good either.
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A Wasted Opportunity
mzand-751-5395727 April 2020
This could have been such a good film. Blake lively is fine in it but the problem is the slow, turgid and self indulgent script. 26 minutes in in the film hadn't started yet. Instead, we had all these long lingering shots of poor Blake lively being a hooker addict wallowing in the loss of her parents instead of becoming proactive and taking action. Both the director and screenwriter should've gotten a swift kick in the ass from the studio to tighten up their $hit.
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'He believes in profit...not "the Prophet"
gradyharp13 June 2021
Mark Burnell transformed his novel into a screenplay: one would hope the novel was more sensitive and expletive than the rambling and somewhat disjointed screenplay. Reed Murano directs and the producers are the James Bond crew, so the foundation is solid and the film tries very hard to warrant viewership.

The cast is excellent and works diligently to make each character memorable - if even just through the perplexing timeframe of the film's story! Quite simply distilled, the plot concerns a woman Stephanie Patrick (Blake Lively), addicted to drugs and working as a prostitute in a state of fragile reality as a result of the death of her family in a plane crash - a trip on which she was supposed to join with them, who discovers the plane crash was planned as she encounters the kind 'client' Keith Proctor (Raza Jeffrey). She gathers her senses and with the training of the odd ex-MI6 agent Iain Boyd (Jude Law) she becomes an assassin, committed to kill the man who planned and executed the tragic plane crash, Another 'aid' in her plan is Marc Serra (Sterling K. Brown), and despite futile attempts to assassinate the true propagator of the aerial crime, the identity of the that person is confusing to both Stephanie and the audience!

Despite the incongruities of the story, the film is entertaining, allow the viewer to appreciate the performances is not the plot. Grady Harp, June 21.
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a franchise hopeful
ferguson-630 January 2020
Greetings again from the darkness. Kicking off a successful franchise that can sustain multiple sequels is the dream of most actors, writers, directors, and producers. When it clicks, a movie franchise can be a cash cow for many years. Unfortunately, it's just not that easy to create characters that viewers will invest in, or story lines that will keep those viewers interested. Author Mark Burnell has already published four books in his Stephanie Patrick series, and director Reed Morano brings the first one to the big screen. By the time the end credits roll, we have little doubt that "franchise" was the goal.

An opening scene finds Stephanie Patrick (Blake Lively) pointing a gun at the head of a man who is unaware of her presence. A freeze frame shifts us to "8 months earlier." Stephanie is a mess. She is supporting her heroin addiction through prostitution, all with the objective of numbing her pain. Three years earlier, her family was killed in a plane crash. It's the kind of tragedy followed by a grief so devastating that Stephanie has basically given up on life.

Stephanie is jolted back to life when a journalist informs her that it was a bomb planted by a terrorist that brought down the plane her family was on. Now, Stephanie has a reason to exist ... revenge. Clearly some suspension of disbelief is in order here. Actually everything about this story is a stretch from reality or even believability. Quick, name all of the heroin addicts who become world class assassins in 8 months. OK, that's probably not a fair question since you likely don't know many heroin addicts, and you hopefully don't know many assassins. But you get the point.

The film plays like a brochure for a travel agent, as the story and Stephanie have stops in Tangier, England, Ireland, Madrid, New York, and Marseilles. Each stop is pretty brief - merely long enough for some killing. Of course most of the stops occur after former MI6 agent Ian Boyd (Jude Law) trains her on the finer points of being a contract killer. The training includes jogging uphill, a frigid lake swim, how to fight in the kitchen, how to get run off the road while driving, and the invaluable advice to shoot your victim twice (but your teacher only once). Oh yes, and she has to impersonate a presumed-dead assassin. Fortunately, Stephanie was top of her class at Oxford, so she is smart enough to make sense of all these things that make no sense to us.

And another thing ... why do all these people have such perfect and complete files on their targets? Photographs by Glamour Shots, map coordinates to hideouts, and an alphabetical list of known accomplices are all quite helpful when former MI6 and former CIA agents (Sterling K Brown) are trying to get a heroin addict to do their dirty work. Brown's CIA agent turned 'information broker' is the oddest of many odd characters here. He lives in a stunning ultra-modern home and has no qualms about hitting on hot assassins that he knows only by reputation. Thanks to all those marvelously complete files, the only unknown here is the mysterious U17. Well, U17 seems to be mysterious to everyone except those watching the movie.

Blake Lively is a talented actress as evidenced by her work in THE TOWN, THE SHALLOWS, and A SIMPLE FAVOR. She is simply miscast here. Despite the "training" her Stephanie received from Ian, we never once believe she is ready to kill all the bad guys. This contributes heavily to the lack of believability presented by the film. It's a serious story that is ultimately impossible to take seriously as a viewer.

There is a difference in believable and stylish, and director Reed Morano certainly serves up style. She is known mostly for her work as a cinematographer, though she did direct the first 3 episodes of "The Handmaid's Tale." Ms. Morano and cinematographer Sean Bobbitt hit us with some jarring camera work, and the musical inserts are just a tad too cutesy and obvious at their given time: "I'm Sorry", "It's Now or Never", and "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" (a cover by Sleigh Bells).

Having author Mark Burnell adapt his own novel may have been a mistake, as there are far too many plot holes and ridiculous moments for this to work as any type of thriller. Here are three examples: we never know why Stephanie didn't get on the flight with her family; it makes little sense that the journalist tracked her down; and is that supposed to be a twist or not? Given the inclusion of Bond producers (and half-siblings) Barbara Broccoli and Michael G Wilson (stepson of Cubby Broccoli), we can safely assume that the vision was to turn Mr. Burnell's books into a franchise along the lines of James Bond and Jason Bourne - right down to the fight scenes and international settings. This film certainly sets things up for round two, and if that happens, let's hope more attention is paid to the script ... a crucial element if viewers are expected to buy in.
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Firstmost a suspenseful and bleak DRAMA. Everybody expected nonstop action though (based upon the trailer), they got mostly drama and they undeservedly downvoted this movie.
imseeg18 October 2021
The good: excellent direction by a director who has proven that he can create excellent hardhitting dramas (Meadowland). But now he has made a suspensefull (dramatic) thriller, with true to life characters I can believe in. I need believable characters to really get into a movie, any movie. And this movie has got just that. Great!

More good: Great actors. Really great. Jude Law and Blake Lively are top of the bill. Excellent acting performances, really good! What more could I wish for? A believable story is what I need as well. The story did sound a bit ridiculous when I read it. Even when I saw the trailer I did think "naah, too unlikely", BUT when watching this movie, I had no problems anymore with the credibility.

The photography and soundtrack (Hans Zimmer) are gorgeous, those are 2 things I really appreciate and those technical qualities are a sign a lot of attention for detail went into this movie.

Any bad? Well if you dont like female empowered characters, this movie might not be for you. Lately several good (and many mediocre) female empowered action movies have been released. This one is definitely one of the best.

BEWARE, this movie has got quite a grungy, bleak look and feel. It's gritty. Dark. Even somewhat depressing. The leading character is a down and out prostitute, totally wasted mentally, excellently played by Blake Lively. Some might not like this gritty, bleak feel.

Mind you, this is NOT a regular nonstop action movie, although it is wrongly presented that way in the trailer, but it isnt. What I mean to say is that this is firstmost a character driven suspenseful movie and not an action movie, although there are a few terrific action scenes that are of the same high quality as in The Bourne series with Matt Damon. There is much more suspense and drama in this movie though than there is action, just so you know what to expect....

I dont understand why this movie has skipped beneath the radar and hasnt gotten a higher rating. It is definitely worth a try IF you are into bleak CHARACTER driven suspenseful movies.

The story: the parents of Blake Lively get killed in a plane accident. Later she finds out the plane accident was an attack and she think she knows who did it. REVENGE! Will she find her parent's killers? Or will she die trying?
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Good flick
redsly27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love Blake. She is the coolest. The tension that she had between herself and B was great. I am glad it wasn't the predictable end up as a couple deal.
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The most useless assassin, spy ever.
adamjdavis-919508 April 2020
Massive fan of Blake and her films but this is just horrible. Every single thing the character does in this film she does badly, Terrible plot and I can't get over how totally useless the main character is. Give this a miss.
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Bad film
jamesturnbull-159382 February 2020
Sorry this film was just so slow and boring and the music was even worse
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