"The Haunting of Hill House" Silence Lay Steadily (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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The ending worked for me
snoozejonc30 October 2020
The Crain family returns to Hill House.

I found it to be a strong finale that answers questions that need answering and after ten hours of psychological blackness we do get some hopeful rays of light shining through the walls of Hill House.

It works for me as it gives as much resolution as it can to the show's themes of fear, guilt, trauma, grief and mental health. Not every literal aspect of the story is explained which I thought was good as some things need to stay unexplained or it lessens their impact and takes the emphasis off the show's themes.

There is a great deal of bleakness in the overall narrative of the show so for me the positivity was not necessarily a bad thing. What I took away from the show as a father, son, husband and brother is how important family is and how I need to do my best to look out for each of them but also accept what is beyond my control.

Endings are tricky things that always cause division in opinion. I have never come across a series finale that doesn't either anger, frustrate, satisfy or make someone say "what the hell was that all about?". The difficulty is that viewers get emotionally invested in stories for different reasons and if an ending does not return the investment, whether that is to explain everything, resolve something or take a story or certain characters in specific direction it can frustrate. Creative control belongs to the imagination of writers and show creators and it is their prerogative to decide what happens. All we can do as viewers is express how a story impacted us. Ultimately the role of television is to entertain and distract us from the reality of a world in which there are far more important things to get angry about.
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Last episode does not answer all like most says, here is why..
tughan_a27 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This series is quite unique and unexpected by the turn of events. And i understand the spirit of last episode quite well, since all dark nights have a dawn, however whole 9 episodes represent a very dark concept and unrelenting Hillhouse phenomenon which is evil at best case. A lot of unfinished business, inexorable and continuous harassment, unexplanable state of minds and flash back and forwards... All in all the theme the series presses on till last episode is that darkness of Hillhouse has no cure and no benefit to anyone, and it is not certain actually what the red room is or what the other ghosts' exact role on any of the hillhouse phenomenon. There is either no explanation whether its the intuiton of the victims or intution of the Hillhouse itself or Hillhouse's independency from the time-space dimension that Hillhouse projects over the victims their future selves like Bent-Neck Lady or anything else. And yet again although it doesnt change my highly developed opinion of this series which is quite unique, the last episode actually undoes many aspects of the developed story, the very concept of the Hillhouse being malevolent, which in the end killed a mother and a daughter out of deception, manipulation, and disguise environment and elements projected over the victims even though they never existed in the first place; and last episode kept it as it is -accepting without question- which is inconsistent to my mind.

Well i guess that is all i have to say, i still must admit, this series gets you by the balls, and you have no idea about it.
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And in the end...
songod-950033 November 2018
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After a stunning season of amazing acting, direction, cinematography, writing, set design, and over all creepiness (not necessarily scary or insomnia inducing as some critics have said) the show becomes in it's final episode, a LIfetime Made For TV movie.

It has a HAPPY ENDING!! Mother reunited with children! Dad and mom together forever! Mrs. Dudley gets to be with her dead kids forever! All the people whose lives were tainted and ruined by their time in Hill House are now all set. All problems seemingly gone. The junkie is two years sober. The infertile couple is pregnant. The scared of commitment one in a relationship. They even changed the ominous words from Shirley Jackson's novel to read "and whatever walked there (in Hill House), walked together" instead of the original "walked alone"!!

Now I am all for a nice happy resolve but Hill House simply does not allow for that. It is a house "born bad". Nothing good comes from within its walls. So to suggest dying in the house where family has died will unite you with them forever is just simply anti-Hill House! What should happen is the dead are in torment, separated from all others, forever searching for a connection but unable to find it; and taking out their rage on whomever lives in the house onward.

With the ending they did, I would not be surprised if every one in the cast manages to be moved to Hill House in their dying days just so they can see mom, dad, and Nell again!! Pity if they die suddenly!!
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Philosophical fiction
exuberantloquacity27 September 2019
Reviews often focus on the plot, cinematography etc. However, what's more interesting about this series is its philosophical treatment of life, death, love and family. It's less about the horror elements than it is an exploration of a family's relationships, people confronting their guilt, parents wanting to protect their children from the world, rather than letting them live and take risks; people building walls to protect themselves, not realising the walls are keeping themselves in. Amazing show. Definitely watch it.
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A Happy Ending
bondebygatan19 October 2018
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I'm so glad this show got a happy (or maybe bittersweet) ending. Hear me out. A lot of TV shows and movies these days are gritty and dismal, and that's all good, I love shows and movies like that, but once in a while you need a happy ending. And with the current bleak horror-movie craze seemingly at its peak, and just bleak content in general, there does seem to be quite a lack of those. (And I do think this episode is a small commentary on just that). Reality is full of fear and bitterness. And yes, media that feature such things give a genuine representation of the real world, warts and all, (there was plenty of that in the 9 episodes before this one), but sometimes you just have to let yourself be happy. The creators of this show clearly knew this when writing the script, as that is the message being portrayed, or at least that's how I processed it. People may not like this ending, and that's fine. People can dislike it all they want. I'm just glad we got some light in the darkness for a change.
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Thanks to the negative reviews, i loved this episode
krrajesh31 October 2018
Perfect ending for the series. All mysteries were solved and the ending was emotionally overwhelming as well. Completed the series with a smile in the face and tears in the eyes.
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All questions answered
lenny-2295917 October 2018
Icing on the top. The twists and turns of this programme have all come to fruition. Gutted it's over I urge everyone to watch this programme. tears fears by the bucket load
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As Good As I Could Expect
dalefl7 August 2019
No doubt about it, this was one of the best horror tv shows I have ever seen. Netflix has produced some real stinkers, but this is definitely not one of them. Intelligent, suspenseful, creepy, at times even heartbreaking. The red room reveal was truly original. I've seen some reviews complaining about the fact that they took it in a different direction than the source novel. I read the novel and seen the 1963 movie (several times) and personally I don't see anything wrong with that. If that's what you're looking for then just go watch the original. I don't know what the purpose would be in simply recreating something that's already been done. JMHO. Beyond the supernatural this is a show about the dynamics of a family drama and how things experienced when they were very young affected and influenced what they have become. I don't want to give away too much but this is one of those shows you really have to pay attention to. There are so many times that things, instead of being in the forefront, are lurking in the background both figuratively and literally. TV in general and Netflix specifically have, in the past, produced some really inane stuff geared toward the short attention span of the new age iphone audience. This is most assuredly not one of them.
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Gut-wrenching, a near perfect episode
fitzwolf-6578220 October 2018
Yes, there are many bad dialogs in this episode, I can see that. But this chapter is full of so much pain and deepness and emotion that I don't care. I just watched an absolutely well crafted work of art, beautifully done, that not only copes with horrors, but also with family and hope, secrets and death, solitude and love. The Haunting of Hill House starts as an amazing horror story and ends up as an emotional and heartbreaking journey towards redemption, and that, in my opinion, is the best way to tell a story, the only way. We create stories, yes, but I also believe the same goes the other way around: stories create us, form us, enrich us. This series is fantastic. One of the best I've ever watched. 10/10.
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Unsatisfying Finale
jbencker21 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of the reviewers here seem to think the finale episode was either perfect or absolutely horrible. I for one think the finale was certainly subpar in comparison to the rest of the series but it wasn't completely abysmal.

The series brilliantly built up the tension and created an eerie atmosphere. Hill House virtually became an own character - a sinister one, stalking the Crain family, so naturally I expected a great climax. But there was no real confrontation, only Hill House killing Hugh, mentally torturing the siblings...and then letting them go. Generally I liked the explanation about the room with the red door but at the end it didn't matter because this revelation didn't have any consequences or impact, it was just information. Generally, there was a lack of consequences. After all the house has done to the Crane family there should have at least been some sort of active fight against it, instead of running away and then letting it in peace, only so that the Dudley's can see their daughter. At the end they tried to frame Hill House as not evil by Mrs. Dudley choosing to die there in order to be with her child but after a whole series of seeing the horrible influence and terrible damage Hill House created this doesn't work.

I know the writers wanted to end the show with a happy note, and I respect that decision and the message they wanted to get across. But there is a difference between a happy ending and and a downright utopian ending. After all they have gone through, after the loss of both Nell and their father it just isn't realistic that all of their lives are that happy and fulfilled. There were plenty of possibilities to have a happy ending without exaggerating it. Some nuance would have benefited the ending.
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Season One
zkonedog4 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Netflix model of producing TV shows is pretty simple: Produce original content hand-over-foot to replace more expensive network shows they don't want to re-license. As a result of this strategy, a lot of B or C-level fare gets shuffled through the main menus. Every once in awhile, though, a show transcends the formula and becomes a bona-fide masterpiece. "The Haunting of Hill House" is firmly one of those shows.

For a basic plot summary, "Hill House" begins by introducing a 1960s family (the Crains) living in the notoriously haunted Hill House. Hugh (Henry Thomas) is flipping the house as a fixer-upper, and wife Olivia (Carla Gugino) is a designer ready to provide the finishing touches. In tow are children Shirley (Lulu Wilson), Theo (McKenna Grace), Steven (Paxton Singleton), Luke (Julian Hilliard), and Nell (Violet McGraw). One night, after viewing a series of startling apparitions, Hugh gathers the children and drives away from Hill House forever...leaving Olivia apparently standing in the window looking down at the whole scene.

Now, flash-forward to the present day, and the siblings are scattered to the winds. The death of Nell (Victoria Pedretti) brings them all back under the same roof for the first time since "that night", each harboring their own internal demons:

-Steven (Michiel Huisman) is a writer who mocks his own ghostly childhood experiences -Shirley (Elizabeth Reiser) is a control-freak funeral director -Luke (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) is a junkie in rehab -Theo (Kate Siegel) is an uninspired soul harboring a secret ability -Father Hugh (Timothy Hutton) is mostly an absentee dad now, muttering to himself and spouting mysterious statements about Hill House

The rest of the series ostensibly takes place in this "present day", flashing back to the "younger years" in building up to what exactly happened "that night" and how it was all dealt with.

One could categorize this show as "horror", and likely get away with it. It is a show containing ghosts and hauntings, after all, most of which are legitimately spooky in some fashion or other. However, that really isn't what "Hill House" is about, per se. No, at heart this is as gripping of a family drama as one will ever watch.

Aside from all the spooks, if you will, this show tells a generational story that continues to build upon itself and create almost an obsessive need (for the viewers) to find out exactly what happened to these characters (past and present). The child actors are utterly incredible, which gets the stage, and the adult versions are eerily representative of how actual families interact with each other. There are no punches pulled here.

I got very much an "It" vibe with this show, with the exploits of children and adults playing out at times almost simultaneously. It also is somewhat similar to fellow Netflix Original "Dark" for the generational themes. In all honesty, I perhaps can't think of any better company for this show to keep!

I think the bottom line for me with "Haunting of Hill House" is this: come for the scary aspects if you will, but if that isn't your thing please realize there is so much more here. It truly is an almost perfect blend of horror, mystery, science fiction, and drama. With the only competition being the aforementioned "Dark", this may be my favorite Netflix Original to the point.
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Wow! I did not know ghosts talked this much!!
sadako1120 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yes! Ghosts talk talk and talk explaining everything. I am disappointed. There were no mysteries for us the audience to solve because the ghosts kept talking and talking explaining everything. They also seemed to switch appearances for no apparent reason. They switched from putrid zombies to normal human for whatever reason. Also, they looked to real, to "alive". The should have used some fx to make them more surreal ethereal. At least the should have had modified their voices. I guess they were working on a budget. No money for fx.

I personally found this ending very sappy and corny, but overall this was an entertaining show and I can recommend to my friends. On the other hand I believe that it could have had used a better director and maybe two episodes less.
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A pure disappointment
nikaprovidebit18 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
All the tension and mystery building up just went down the drain turning into a soap opera episode with long monologues about family values and the like, leaving the house and all the inhabitants are merely an accessory. Giving 5 for a camera work.
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Not the best episode but it was actually Satisfying and emotional finale .
Aktham_Tashtush28 October 2018
The finale was really good ,,maybe not as strong as i wished for but it explained and answered literally every bit of question i had ,,, went back to the start, where the Hill house became haunted and gave a really emotional ending knowing what really happened in the red room.

There have been some insinuations for a second season ... but i don't know how they'll come back with another extra 10 hours ... i just don't see it .. and i actually don't wish for it , so it wouldn't ruin something that is already perfect... BUT ... at the end in the red room Olivia Crain's facial expression says A LOT ... more like "I'm coming back for you".

Finally , Of course not forgetting to compliment the visual effects ,, through out the whole season .. it just felt more than just a Netflix series .. it went all Hollywood style and it aced it.
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Not your typical haunted house
EpimetheusA123 October 2018
If you're looking for gore, cheap scares and people making bad decisions, you're out of luck here. The horror in this show isn't from ghosts or ghouls but from the internal conflicts of the Crain family and the way the effects of the house twisted their lives.

This show is impressive, not just because it's different from most other haunted house stories, but because of its characters. And this is very much a character driven story.

THOHH doesn't fail to amaze even in its final moments. As everything came to a close, I was pleasantly surprised by the emotions of happiness and despair I felt as each character came to terms with their choices throughout the series. A part of me wants to see a second season, because I wasn't ready to say goodbye to the Crain family just yet, but another part of me thinks that everything ended as it should, on a very high note.

The finale was a ten of ten, if not better.
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Note for the bad or mediocre reviewers
acohen2033 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've been reading a lot of criticism about this episode not being "scary" or filled with "tension" and I really don't think those people got what the show was about. Again this is just my opinion but hear me hour.

First off the finale is absolutely breathtaking. It was emotional and the perfect ending to a masterpiece of horror. I never the shows goal was never to purposely create tension and horror. It came naturally out of the family drama.

The show at its heart is to me a family drama. While the conversations and monologues may not have been traditionally scary, they are experiencing terrifying circumstances. Facing your regrets, which is what all the characters are doing with Nell, can be scary. Watching your brother on the brink of death, can be terrifying. All the characters going through their different flashbacks and having to confront their regrets is a scary proposition.

The point wasn't to scare you individually but to rather experience their fear. Again that's just me. I think the show beginning to end is a masterpiece. Wish this ep was much high rated.
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Crazy good ending for a crazy show
trevino-1976822 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The father's monologue where he finally gets a spine in the car.... jesus. Jesus. This ending is crazy amazing for all of the characters, brings suspense in every scene, and ends with a final punctuation mark - family. Siblings. The crazy dynamic in between and ghosts. Insane. Nelly's monologue was crazy good, too. The writers know how to do this right, and paired with the talent's stunning performances - it's art.
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Interesting finale - not what i expected
85122227 November 2018
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Silence Lay Steadily" the last episode of "The Haunting of Hill House" was interesting final episode. Lest just say it wasn't what i expected - the buildup was different from the final episode. Acting as usual was super solid as well as craftsmanship.

Overall, i highly enjoyed the series, and final episode was interesting although different from a buildup. Great series overall.
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"Whatever walked there, walked together"
matiasbockerman23 October 2018
This series make salute for Every classic horror movies or series what has ever been done. This is a classic already at birth. A throloughly created atmosphere achieve its peak in a breathtaking way in this overhelming final episode. This was series what iv'e been waiting for, something perfectly written,acted and incredibly adapted from book in to series. Nightmare scenes was so terryfying and very suspenful and tense that I was thinking "no More, please no more". And I cried so much throughout the series, I felt so Many feelings to disturbing to feelings witch I was very emotional state of mind : This was an shocking experience and this is one of my favourite series of all time.
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Such a shame, It was doing so well
Bistoman20 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Hill House is by far the best Horror TV ever made, The tension, The jump scares and the terrifying story-line all pay tribute to one of the best horror movies ever made, Outstanding in this day of modern TV.

And then We get to the final episode, What a shame, It was doing so well. The tension was building up and up. And what do we get? A happy ending. Why oh why did they do this to Us, It was almost the perfect TV show, Everything You ever wanted. And its ruined by the awful ending. I'm giving this 6/10 for the 9 previous episodes that rightfully deserve 9/10, But if was a stand alone show i would give it 4/10 .

To add insult to injury they changed the last line of the Haunting from they walk alone to they walk together, Far too much of a Disney ending for what was a great show.
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Happy ending?
panokarav18 August 2020
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The bulk of this episode's reviews are referring to a "happy" ending, an ending which the spirits of the Crain family are living for the eternity and the family's living members get to continue their lives happily. It is clear that these people totally ignored or forgot the fact that the house tricked Hugh to COMMIT SUICIDE in order not to cease its actions. Let's also not forget the Dudleys, who not only stopped Hugh from burning the house down but also will end up dying in there so they stay in touch with their daughter, thus feeding it. In the end we conclude that the house manages to avoid being burned and simultaneously to guarantee its "food" by "tricking" Hugh (and the Crain's in general) and the Dudleys. So yes it turns out that "the house always wins".
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"And those who walk there, walked together."
rida13rock17 November 2018
A truly masterpiece. Everything about it is so perfect. the ending made me cry. Without any doubt, one of the greatest tv shows ever
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KrionZed30 October 2018
Not scary. That's my biggest issue. No real tension, no genuinely scary moments, just an overwinded speech about family togetherness. This show had been really good up until that flop. Sigh. EDIT: having slept on it, I've come to the conclusion that my biggest gripe was the staging.. Mid season, 'Two Storms' especially, was so organic in the way it unfolded. I mean, it's some of the most gripping and natural drama I've seen. The finale, however, lost this incredibly organic and natural flow in place of very staged theatrics. That is, it lost its grittiness and became more like an episode of American Horror Story. Of course, if there's a season 2, I''ll be watching it no questions asked, but I would like the grittiness and organic flow to come back, along with some more scary moments that remain scary.
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Total letdown
karenswansonfacebook23 October 2018
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For 9 episodes this show built up the suspense and scare factor only for the entire plot to melt into a family therapy session in the red room with a happy ending in this final episode. It's like they had no idea how to end it, and the ending took the wind out of the show's sails. The only upside is getting resolution to what happened with Olivia, but it made no sense Hugh kept that from his kids for 26 years. Total letdown.
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jbt19723 November 2018
What an ending to a brilliant show. Everything explained through the episode and done brilliantly. Loved every minute of it.
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