To say this film is ludicrously bad is to be too kind to it.
11 August 2002
Nothing can justify the "modest" expense of making this snoozefest. It's a stupefying mish-mash or post-apocalyptic drivel with an incomprehensible set of heroes and some of the worst movie logic ever. To say I felt insulted by this movie does not even come close, and my expectations were low going in. I watched "Battlefield Earth" because I heard through the grapevine that if I didn't see it I would have no idea what people meant when they said about a movie down the line, "that was as bad as Battlefield Earth." So, now I will know what they mean. Was that sacred knowledge worth the time I wasted by watching this dreadful movie? Only if it saves me from wasting more time on such drivel down the road. Quite simply, this film has great art direction and the film is exposed properly, but the performances are all well below the talent of the actors involved, the script is thinner than the paper it was written on, the direction is completely off the mark and the film is structured in such a way that it drains the film of any sense of irony or suspense or, well, intelligence. There is the feeling that some of the material was meant to be humorous, but unfortunately the only things funny are the ones unintentional. And they aren't funny enough. On the other hand, this film is a potentially fool-proof cure for insomnia.
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