Review of Gangland

Gangland (2001)
Gangland a wonderful place
31 March 2006
Wow, never has one movie blown me away than this one. Headlined by superstar action hero Sasha Mitchell "Gangland" will keep you at the edge of your seat and keep you guessing "who actually thought this could work and why is there only one reporter for the entire United States to bring you coverage?" The dialogue was amazing and the flashbacks chilling. This movie teaches valuable life lessons, such as when surrounding people who are not Ganglanders and you are armed with a gun, it is best to punch and kick the person or club the person with the gun, not shoot them if you want to kill them. Also, contrary to popular belief, checking a person for a pulse by putting your two fingers on their neck or wrist does not work. The effective way is to take somebody's shirt off and rub their breasts with you hands in a massage-like motion. Thank you Ice-T for showing us the error of our ways. If you love Sasha Mitchell, and who couldn't, then get ready for an ultimate slugfest where the only help to save the world is the man who coined the term "danaburger" into a national phenomenon. Excellent movie, especially for its porn-like dialogue that kept you entranced the entire way. This quote alone lets you know that only the best writers were working on this film:

Jerad: It must've taken a lot of balls to kill a little girl. Damian: It'll take a lot less balls to kill you!

Go out and see this movie now, and prepare for the plague of Ganglanding in 4 years.
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