Review of Star Trek

Star Trek (2009)
Confirms all my worst fears about the movie industry and its 'target' market
21 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a major Trekkie but I do appreciate most of the movies and do understand why it is such a beloved series. Its loved for subtlety, for intelligence, for the humanity and heroism of the characters, and lastly for the love of fantastical places and events.

In this film humanity is replaced with hammy mockery. Intelligence is replaced with 'splosions. Subtley is replaced with grossness and violence just for the sake of it. There's sexism, stupidity, crassness, all things I don't associate with Star Trek.

Sure there was humor in the Star Trek universe, even innuendo. But it was presented in a normal human way not in a crass or ugly way.

Putting the Star Trek history aside and just viewing this film alone. I will say that I wasn't impressed with the plot. An entire planet blown up and it had less emotional impact than I feel when squashing a cockroach.

The red matter thing was stupid as well as the time traveling thing. As others have said why use time travel for vengeance when you could just warn everyone before it happened. I think a giant advanced ship from the future would convince them you're legit. This is basic stuff here. You feel like the plot was placed there under duress to try and appease the fans of the series. Like they really didn't want to be bothered but begrudgingly threw a scientific crumb to those with a brain.

Sure enough whenever the plot drags at all some 'splosions or CGI is injected into the film. Don't worry Bubba thinking ain't a part of the Star Trek universe no more!

As a science fiction film without a history I would say this is above average. I'd rate it a 5. Its got great effects, the acting is hammy and without real humanity or believability. Its a bit like a big fun house. Lots of surface thrills but little true impact and when its over becomes very forgettable.

As a nod to Star Trek fans I rate this film a 1 however. Its a real travesty to see something they love sacrificed on the Hollywood altar. They've had Star Trek stolen from them and given to the crowd that loved Dieharder.

This film parodies Star Trek itself and tears it down at the same time. Now the Star Trek fans who didn't like Star Wars understand how the die hards felt about Episode I. Its not a good feeling all the way around.
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