Review of Star Trek

Star Trek (2009)
A Brutal and Mindless Evisceration of all that Star Trek stood for
21 October 2009
The stars are for special effects and some (not all!) actors' performance. This is the utmost concession that I can make to this disaster of a movie.

Because, let's face the truth, it is forgettable like nothing else, and it betrays all the visions and philosophies of TNG and DS9 for the cheap thrill easily induced in an increasingly brainless popcorn audience.

Anything else to say? Well, one last thing: Commercial success, the golden calf of our century, is no challenge for the film industry anymore. Simple screenplays for simple consumers, add some spicy ingredients like young actors, sex, and CGI, finally stir long enough with marketing machinery - and no one of the new generation will complain about this meal which oddly tastes like the last fifty meals served. - The ones who had to vomit will soon die out.
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