Meteor Apocalypse (2010 Video)
Yeah.... No
28 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I am a fan of the over the top cheesy B, C, or D grade movies. The bad effects, the sub-par acting, and attempts at being basically a knock off of a descent movie that has already been made.

But I'm having a hard time enjoying this movie.

Yes despite the low quality acting, bad graphics, poor script and the kind of ridiculous plots that I live for I cannot enjoy this movie.

The movie basically goes like this. Meteor is heading to Earth, governments of the world blow up said meteor and people started getting sick from drinking the water. Main character's daughter and wife get drug away to a quarantine zone where the meteor pieces are later discovered to be heading so the man heads off to rescue his family.

The part that I have trouble wrapping my brain around is the fact that people are getting sick BEFORE the meteor crashed to earth and has time to contaminate the water.

I don't know if I dozed in the first five minutes and don't recall a really REALLY important detail. Or if the movie is just that bad. Feel free to message me if they explained how the water became contaminated prior to the meteors arrival. Because I completely missed that fact if it was stated and honestly that was the main reason I didn't care for this movie.

And yeah I am one of those people that appreciates a plot in movies. Because lets face it, even when something is really bad, it still needs to have a plot.... Even if it is not believable or realistic.

It still has to be there.
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