Scream 4 (2011)
It preaches new decade and new rules, but it's the same ol' crap
17 April 2011
What happened to you Wes Craven? In the 80's, you were a true pioneer for the thriller genre'. Now, you are at the bottom of the barrel. Not only were your last 3 films utter garbage, but you sold the rights away to your very own classics. You have become the Michael Bay of the thriller department. Yes, i did say that, and try to argue with me otherwise. Try and tell me that "Scream 3" was good. Try and tell me that "Cursed" was worth watching. And i double dog dare you to tell me that "My Soul To Take" is anything past decent. They are the same parlor tricks used over and over again. At least John Carpenter knew when to call it quits. But, i will give the man a second chance.

For starters, the movie preaches up and down how it's 'A new decade with new rules'. They talk about the 'Saw' series and......well, that's all they really talk about because the past 10 years have produced next to nothing in the horror/thriller department. So what new rules have been established? Well i'll tell you right now......the answer is NOTHING. It's the same damn set-up, with the same damn parlor tricks. The only thing that makes it different, is they play another 'who done it' game with different characters.

I think we all can agree that the original "Scream" is a classic. The second one came out, we played along, and were mildly entertained. But by the third, we kind of got tired of the same ol' crap and didn't really care who the killer was. And now with the forth installment, i'm pretty damn annoyed. Just because they waited 10 years to introduce the same concept, doesn't change the fact that they're still knocking on a door to an empty house.

I honestly was hoping for something fresh and original......much like the first "Scream". I will admit, the ending had some potential......but like every other modern day thriller, they gotta take a giant dump on it.

Bottom Line.....i know some and maybe most people will welcome this return with open arms. But i don't. The reason why there has not been a decent horror/thriller movie in the past 10 years, is because they keep repeating the same damn idea over and over again. And this movie just jumps right into the same pool. It's movies like "The Decent" that offer something fresh and different. And if i want to be apart of a mystery 'who done it' game, i'll go into my basement, and find my old "Goosebumps" books. Honestly people, if you want something new and different, go and see "Insidious". Because that will be more remembered that this repeating garbage.
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