The Iron Lady (2011)
If not for Meryl Streep...
26 February 2012
...I wouldn't have even watched this film, given my lifelong left-wing principles which make me despise ultra conservatives like Thatcher, Nixon, and Reagan, and Dubya Bush. But my admiration for Meryl Streep, who has an incredibly magical talent for becoming a character, tempted me to take a look, despite my loathing of Ironpants.

If it weren't for Streep, this film would have been nothing. It's really a one-woman film focusing on Thatcher's drive to power, her marriage to beloved Dennis, her twins. While we aren't forced to sympathize with her views and policies, Streep does an effective job at revealing the person who comes to the same juncture that we all march toward--old age, aloneness, debility--and prompting our sympathy for someone who has reached that point in time where we have more memories than future. Getting old is not something to look forward to, being a grown up baby in need of minders. Personally, I dread the prospect and look gratefully to the Hemlock Society the moment my drivers license is taken away from me.

Meryl Streep could play anyone convincingly. I look forward to her tackling Nina Simone.
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