Triggering for those in, or have been in a DV relationships, or are experiencing any abuse from a 'man'
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a wonderful series, the acting is great, the scipt wonderfully written.

Most of all is the insight into how these 'men', predators work. From their recognition and attraction to vulnerability, they will honeymoon you then once you are dependent send you on the rollercoaster ride of gaslighting, manipulation, deceptiveness and if all that fails threats and violence. They will deny your reality and and quickly become the 'victim'. Expert story telling in this TV production...I will be looking up the writer and their experiences that lead to this great series.

Whether you are rich or living on a council estate far too many of us women encounter these 'men'. When we speak out we are made to look 'crazy', irrational. The police and other services unable to protect us, even if they wanted too.

2 women a week die in the UK at the hands of these 'men', laws need to change, women need to be better protected. These 'men' are not just our intimate partners, or our family members. They are also our neighbours, that 'man in the pub/shop' that takes a fancy to you. If it is not a partner or relation, there are virtually no laws to protect you, it is a 'civil matter' the police will tell you. Been stalked, threatened and harassed by a 'man' who threatens to kill you is a 'civil matter', or you are asked to 'behave', 'what do you do to encourage him'. Its 2023 people, no woman should have to go through any of this.

If you made it this far, and are going through any of this please speak out, call womens aid, local womens charities, the police but please most importantly know you are not alone. Much Love to all.
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