Bicycle Bride (2010) Poster


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John Waters Watch Out!
anthonyzedan20 January 2019
John Waters watch out! Hassan Zee is out to out-camp you in his comedy, "Bicycle Bride," about a young Indian-American woman in San Francisco living two lives, the life of a loyal traditional Indian daughter at home and the life of an independent and liberated American woman out of doors. Unfortunately, these two lives come to clash when her over-protective mother decides to set up an arranged marriage for her twenty-year old daughter. What this film has going for it is two beauties, one, a literal Indian beauty queen and, two, a sexy young Swede model slash actor who will keep you interested in their burgeoning romance until the end. But don't be fooled, this is not a romantic comedy; this film is first and foremost a comedy, and at a far second, a romance. The romance does not seem to develop organically, which is a weakness in the film, but the two actors are so pretty to look at that you might be willing to ignore that fact. The film has, at times, the feel of a student film, with either flat or over-the top acting and dialogue deliveries and cartoonish sound effects. At other times, it has a rather strong production value with impressive cinematography. San Francisco is a perfect and believable backdrop for the story to unfold. My biggest qualm with the film is that it is populated with one and two-dimensional characters; I wanted to see more character depth and development. The film has two distinct acting styles that seem to conflict and jar at times that may be meant to express the chasm between first-generation immigrants to America and their children who are born here and, therefore, exposed to American customs, values and experiences. This film fails, at times, to skate the difficult line between character and stereotype, full of the campiness reminiscent of John Waters's films without the daring. This film says its a love story but the romance is relatively tame. I can remember no on-screen risks or kisses and only one scene near the end of the film that conservatively depicts the young couple clothed in bed together, tenderly touching one another, with only the male lead with his shirt off. The film says it is a comedy but the type of comedy sticks close to slap-stick and easy laughs of the older generations. Not to say that I did not laugh, the script has some witty and downright funny observations about culture clash situations that arise throughout the plot of the film. What you will come away with after watching this film is that family is extremely important to Indian culture, and that young Indian women living in America often have to live two lives in order to try to be happy, when that shouldn't be the case.

The film starts out with the charming Beena jogging through Golden Gate Park and stopping to catch her breath and pause and talk directly to the camera in order to explain her dilemma. I am usually not a big fan of films that tear down the fourth wall so early in the film, but for comedies in general, it can and has been known to work only if that kind of narration is sustained throughout the film. There is always the risk that by breaking the viewers suspension of disbelief so early on in the film that they might lose their interest in the characters.

I would have to agree with another commentator on this thread who said that the actress playing Beena's mother stole the film. But so did the older ladies playing the grandmother's. Both and Beena's mom and Mary Janes's grandmother in a wig were John Waters worthy, as well as the religious charlatans selling magical charms to secure a good husband for Beena.

The most believable dialogue exchanges seems to take place between Beena and her best friend, Mary Jane. Beena's parents were a bit melodramatic. The names of the characters, to an American ear, were a bit heavy-handed: James Dean, Bart, Bill Clinton and Mary Jane. I , personally, would have named the male lead James D. Johannsen to stress his Swedishness and later revealed, in a touching exchange between the two leads, possibly after a movie date, say "Rebel Without a Cause" that he was named after his mother's favorite rebellious teen actor, James Dean. Bicycle Bride is about how one young person's rebellion is just an expression of a person wanting to be herself, learning how to be herself while still living under her parents's roof. I was surprised by how just the mere idea of a woman taking university classes at San Francisco State would be seen as controversial and not allowed by her conservative Indian parents. I thought the film should have had at least one classroom scene to introduce the wide cast of characters who show up later for the bike charity event near the end of the movie.

I did enjoy the lively and uplifting soundtrack to this movie that brought that world to life. In my opinion, there was one too many musical montages in this movie. Even so, another thing I really did enjoy about his movie was how it poked fun at crazy, superstitions and other magical thinking, as well as poking fun at how incompetent men with countless degrees and doctor titles (which was self-effacing when you consider that the screenwriter, director and producer is also a doctor). I did enjoy the Hitchcockian cameo by the handsome but diminutive director himself as he sips on a cocktail near the bar as the young exuberant people dance on the dance floor.

Had the director leaned more toward the Bollywood genre film, and maybe added some sing-along songs and more outrageous costumes, he might have had himself a midnight movie on his hands. I do agree with the director, who likes to be called Doc Zee, that I would like to see a sequel to this film, maybe Beena's daughters rebelling against mom and dad.
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An uplifting piece with a real message...
nickbzag4 March 2016
Hassan Zee has created a Rom/Com film that acts as a love story in the city of San Fransisco but also a look into Indian culture and traditions that are widely misunderstood by people outside of this culture. With a couple good jokes and heart to heart dialogue scenes, the film did however leave me wanting a little more out of it. The gags seem to stem from the already understood cliché scenarios and the chemistry between James and Beena seemed transparent at times. That said, Melanie Chandra does a good job of portraying someone looking to break free from her mother's ideas. The film serves as a thought out 'ice breaker' for the issues surrounding arranged marriages and how children of today's world are dealing with the traditions of the past.
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Bicycle Bride is smart, sweet, funny, and above all… super entertaining!
lncnsd997 February 2011
My boyfriend took me to a screening of the film a few weeks back and, I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed Bicycle Bride. It was lighthearted and zany at times, but it was also very touching at others. Apparently, the tradition of arranged marriage is still alive and well in the US. I had no idea until seeing this film that the practice was so common here. It was interesting to see dynamic between the main character Beena and her traditional Indian mother as they seek out happiness for themselves and for each other.

While at the screening, I had the pleasure of meeting the Director of the film, Dr. Hassan Zee. Dr. Zee's story is truly inspirational. Before moving to the States He was a practicing doctor in a burn unit in Pakistan. While working at the burn unit he met several women who set fire to themselves because they felt they had shamed their families. When Dr. Zee came to America to pursue his dreams of being a filmmaker, he brought the memories of those he helped along with him.

It is evident from my brief encounter with Dr. Zee that he is an impassioned individual with a great appreciation for life. This passion reverberates throughout his film Bicycle Bride. The film is about love and relationships but it is also a lesson in courage and female empowerment. Bicycle Bride is smart, sweet, funny, and above all… super entertaining!
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Only review from someone that doesn't know the director
The_Great_Silence15 January 2011
Bicycle Bride is a low budget film and you can tell (being polite). Where the film really suffers is in the writing and directing. The editing is also noticeably bad. The acting holds its own with other low budget films. While it's obvious the director is attempting to do something interesting the result is both conventional and uninspired. While borrowing themes form Bend It Like Beckham it fails to capture any of the charm while capturing all of the clichés and turns out to be a far below average "film". It is boring and sloppy. Anyone that claims the film does poorly because of cultural differences is only fooling themselves, it is simply a poorly made movie.
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Funny and Uplifting
j2remote16 January 2011
Bicycle Bride is a surprising combination of meaningful themes and funny, campy moments. There are hilarious details reminiscent of Almodovar films, especially the wig-wearing older female and prankster friend of the lead. "James Dean" is a surprising name for someone from Sweden, but the lead character's sincerity and serious charm are a nice contrast to the other characters. I particularly liked the writing and portrayal of the lead female's mother. Bicycle Bride is both funny and uplifting. Director Zee has a lot of promise, reminding me again of Almodovar at this point in his career. It will be interesting to see what's coming next from Zee.
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Bicycle Bride is a fun and delightful movie
joeapple5220 March 2011
I thought the film was very well written. I remember laughing throughout the movie. If I had to critique it, I would say the story could have moved a little faster. I felt that it was crawling along at times. Perhaps speeding the end up would move the story along and keep the entertainment value high throughout the entire film.

Overall though, I think Bicycle Bride is a fun and delightful movie. I would recommend it to anyone wants to learn a bit about Indian culture, but still wants to find a few laughs along the way. This movie definitely succeeds in intertwining relevant issues with comedic anecdotes and romantic undertones.
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Love and Bicycles
leroy_brn7 February 2011
I seriously enjoyed this film! I typically don't go for romantic comedies but Bicycle Bride was funny and heartwarming, without being too campy or cheesy. The film's main character Beena, played by the beautiful Melanie Kannokada (former Miss India America), is a strong, modern Indian-American woman struggling with her family's traditional Indian values. Beena's parents wish her to marry an Indian man named Bubba, but Beena believes the choice of partner should be hers to make.

I found Bicycle Bride to be fun and inspiring and well worth the price of admission. I highly recommend it for men and women alike. So hop on your bike and check it out! See Bicycle Bride with your friends or take a won't be sorry!
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A good representation of Indian/Pakistani culture
jacksontillerman1 April 2011
I very much enjoyed the movie. It was fun, funny and entertaining. I think it was a good representation of Indian/Pakistani culture and how much it affects people in our generation now that times are changing.

I like how the film shows both perspectives and it stays true to both cultures. I also enjoyed the music and sound effects. I think they went well with each scene.

Furthermore, I liked how the movie was divided up into different chapters and sections. It helped the film run more fluidly. The animations were also very good and provided and added dimension to the film.
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Bicycle Bride is much more than a romantic comedy...
monkeymonk997 February 2011
Bicycle Bride is an independent film full of life, love and laughter. The story takes place in scenic San Francisco where Beena, an Indian-American girl (played by Melanie Kannokada) falls for James Dean (Andreas Wilson), a Swedish man. Although Beena and James deeply care for one another, Beena's family has other plans for her. Beena's mother has arranged for her to marry an Indian man named Bubba. The conflict between Indian tradition and western feminism sets the table for this riotous comedic gem.

However, Bicycle Bride is much more than a romantic comedy - it is also a social commentary about gender roles in the Indian culture and the tradition of arranged marriage.

So go see Bicycle Bride! It will make you smile, it will make you laugh and it might even make you think!
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Bicycle Bride is a witty film about a rebellious young woman Beena, whose family still clings to their old school beliefs about behavior and marriage for women.
khilnanirajiv11 January 2011
Bicycle Bride is a family oriented film with all the elements of a high drama and comedy. This movie takes you on a one woman's journey who is struggling to maintain past cultural values and family happiness against fast changing cultural norms in a foreign land. The motional journey between her and her educated daughter is worth watching on the big screen.

This movie reflects a nice blend of Eastern traditions and Western culture. It has color, richness and sensitivity depicted beautifully.

In terms of performance and direction, everybody has done an exceptional job. The leading ladies, Shruti and Melanie, have done an amazingly wonderful job with their character and Hassan has invested his heart and soul to make this a wonderful and entertaining movie for the masses.
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Sweet Translations
nileshm-948-62782012 January 2011
A perky Rom-Com in the best traditions of that genre, Bicycle Bride is a movie you can't afford to miss. The characters are funny, endearing, and totally zany; one can't help but feel drawn to them. The movie breezily mixes social message with humorous, irreverent titillation, leaving the viewer concurrently blithe and thoughtful. The performers do a fantastic job, emoting very convincingly. The pace is mellow without feeling drawn out or dragging, and the script is refreshingly witty. The one potential drawback is the cinematography, but even this adds a rustic charm and in some ways enhances the film's appeal. I highly recommend this as a Friday night romp-it's sure to set a very cheerful tone for your weekend.
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Fun, functional, fantastic movie!
ponfree12 January 2011
Bicycle Bride is a combination of traditional-modern, fun-serious, nice-naughty (but still PG), colorful-gray scale!!! Nice polish by writer-director-producer Hassan Zee--illuminating his zest for life, his verve to create, and his endless reservoirs of energy! Great job by cast and crew!!! The flavor of East is portrayed very well even though the movie is set in the West, and is conveniently represented in the English language. Night of Henna was Hassan's first film--and it was a superb delight in cinematography, and yet Bicycle Bride is no less of a visual confection. Bicycle Bride indeed enhances the theme that is Hassan Zee's passion--one of showing how unity can be achieved. Unity is indeed Hassan's Mantra--peaceful unity of East and West, Traditional and Present day. He attempts successfully to fight ignorance and superstition with wisdom and compassion. Love has to win over Hate. Cross-cultural bounds have to be broken. The Bride must arrive on the eastern bicycle tradition, but not to be Man's chattel, but to win the marathons of the world!
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You will want all your friends to see this movie.
rgbalison14 January 2011
Bicycle Bride is one of the funniest films I have seen in a long, long time. This is a film you will tell your friends about, I have. Director and writer Dr. Hassan Zee has an excellent sense of humor. Really there are so many things I thought funny I would not know where to begin. Oh I have to mention there is a meaningful message of self determination. Don't worry you will not be bogged down with a heavy handed moral lesson, but rather object lessons. Of course it has a happy ending and love triumphs. Though there is an international cast, you will see what is funny here in America is also funny any other place in the world. Also a good love story is a good love story any place in the world and that is central to the theme of Bicycle Bride. I just would like to mention that the main characters James Dean (Andreas Wilson) and Beena (Melanie Kannokada) bring real magic to the film. But so also do Mary Jane (Jessica Kitchen) and Bart (Jonathan Bock).

I have to mention Bubba the prospective husband played by Rajiv Nema brought over from India will really get you laughing.

Last but not least Billo the meddling mother played by the talented Shruti Tewari is certainly stand out performance. Billo is the mother from hell in one scene then in the next scene she will have you laughing your head off.
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Comedy and informative
tranquilamos21 January 2011
I found this movie to be a true story for many and seen within the light of humor. It kept me interested, laughing and connected to each character which were unique in their own way. I liked the interactions between the different ethnicity during the movie and found a connection between those interactions and mine in everyday life.

It was informative in cultural traditions and showed the negatives and positives within a culture. It was also informative to share a struggle which some cultures might experience in living in the United States and not in their home country.

Great movie to will get some good laughs in :)
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Clashes of 2 cultures
inquiry_request23 January 2011
What happens when two different cultures clash together? Two different cultures can come with totally different mindsets. Of course each side thinks the other is ignorant because of the differences. So, this story will take you to the inside of people lives that have to live through it.

It's a story that teaches you to achieve what your heart desires and not what others want for you. You learn to fight with passion and patience. The mother of the main girl plays a strong role. The main girl doesn't only posses good looks but also good talent.

Family oriented and funny so for a good time, take your whole family too see this film. Waiting to see what Mr. Hassan will bring to the table next time.
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Comedy with a Dash of Curry
silverscreenmagic24 January 2011
Bicycle Bride is a smart, witty and educational film that sheds a much-needed positive light on Muslim culture in the United States. It features a pretty girl, a handsome boy and an overbearing mother that would give Darth Vader a run for his money! Americans have the benefit of freedom when picking a husband or wife. Some do it online while others do it the old fashioned way. For Muslims, dating is about as acceptable as drinking alcohol or noshing on a little pork. They just don't do it. Parents pick their children's spouses, like American girls buy clothes. Shocking I know, but that's the reality. Bicycle Bride is a clash of cultures, east vs. west, tradition vs. modernity and liberty vs. servitude. This film covers a lot of ground in both an entertaining and touching way. Most importantly, Bicycle Bride gives us a refreshing window into one of the world's most important religions.
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Romance Across the Cultural Divide
idyllist13 January 2011
Bicycle Bride approaches a timely topic with charm and sensitivity. The wrenching tale of Beena is populated by true to life characters at odds with the archetypes they feel compelled to adhere to. No stone or sacred rite stays unturned as we romp, laugh, and sometimes cry with them. This film is truly a great contribution to the important, and growing, pantheon of trans-cultural films. Beena's Mother has blessed her with a strong spirit that makes a perfect mirror for her conflict over tradition and living in an open society with new rules and morals. Her Father stays passive and aloof to this conflict. The family desperately tries to arrange for Beena's marriage to Bubba, bringing him from India. Bubba has his own hilarious encounter with the open society that promises to fulfill his own dreams. The tale of Beena's choice to lead her own life is a true eye-opener for all viewers to revel in.
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A peak into Indian Muslim Culture
petermeyer78619 January 2011
I am very interested in different cultures and I am always excited about Indian films. I think Slumdog Millionaire opened doors for Indian themed films to be showcased in big cinemas in USA. I had seen trailers of Bicycle Bride on face book page and I was curious to see the film as the trailer of the film is funny and peaked my curiosity. I am a big fan of Independent Cinema but the film has to be of merit for me to write a review. A young Indian woman Beena (a very beautiful girl) is torn between two cultures. Inside the house she has to obey her mother including wearing a hi jab and covering her head but outside the house she lives American life. Her best friend MaryJane (I thought she was very talented)supports her friend and keeps telling Beena that she cannot live her life like this and must stand up in front of her mother.(I know a lot of Muslim women don't talk back to their parents as I dated a Muslim woman. Its kind of my ex's story). Mother is trying to find a husband for Beena but she has no courage to say no to her mother. One day she bumps into James Dean (Swedish student) and she starts to like him. The question is how is she going to tell her mother? Its a comedy like Jules and Jim and it has themes like Bend it Like Beckham and Monsoon Wedding. I noticed the beautiful details of Indian culture on screen during the scenes like the mother sewing, knitting, cooking. Its quite funny to hear mother saying " A woman's life purpose is to cook, clean and make children for her husband". Its Hilarious!!! Go see it!!! You will get a laugh!!!
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Terrific Movie! Funny and Well Acted.
smilehug20 January 2011
Bicycle Bride is a very funny film that had me captivated from the very beginning and laughing all the way.

In addition to the immense humor the film has a lot of heart energy, a great plot and an intelligent storyline.

Set in contemporary San Francisco, it centers around a young daughter trying to make her way in the modern world while a bothersome mother attempts to hold her back to the past by setting her up with various would be suitors. This makes for some very funny antics and foibles that will have you in stitches! It has a really solid theme of letting go. Also gives insight into another culture's customs and world views. Highly Recommended!
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Dr. Zee does San Franciscans proud!
laura-n-miller7 February 2011
Bicycle Bride is a little jewel of a film written, produced, and directed by San Francisco Bay Area filmmaker Dr. Hassan Zee. With this film, Dr. Zee does San Franciscans proud! The film is a great representation of the diversity and beauty of our great city. Shot entirely on location, Bicycle Bride takes the viewer on a fun, yet thought provoking cultural journey. The movie is at times hysterical, and at others, deeply moving. Melanie Kannokada is a joy to watch in her portrayal of Beena, a first generation Indian-American woman struggling with her parent's strict Muslim values. Beena's love interest in the film is played by acclaimed Swedish actor Andreas Wilson. The chemistry between the two is palpable and their attraction is highly believable. The supporting cast is equally as enjoyable to watch. This is a credit to Dr. Zee's ability to develop the characters in the film - each character is allowed to shine without detracting from the film's overall plot and aesthetic. All in all, the film is an excellent example of what's right about independent films today. Bicycle Bride is well-written and beautifully shot; and although has an intimate, indie-film-feel, I would not be the least bit surprised if Bicycle Bride became a blockbuster, rom-com hit!
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Very Interesting
Thinkpretty123 January 2011
I love Bicycle Bride ! I have been looking forward to seeing this film since I viewed the Trailer a few months ago. It was funny, and serious. It was interesting to learn about the Indian Culture. "Beena" is absolutely beautiful. I really enjoyed the story line. The location was perfect (San Francisco) The Characters were all casted right on the dot for their roles. Kudos to all the hard working crew who made Bicycle Bride a success. The music was so fun, I wanted to get up and dance. The Indian clothing was absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations Dr. Hassan Zee on a wonderful Movie !

~Lorraine Beausheur
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Bicycle Bride is funny but has a message
destinationlove1620 January 2011
I am a Pakistani woman living in USA for the 25 years. I saw Night of Henna few years ago and I thought the director was doing a great job of bringing to the world, some really critical issues which the Pakistani women are still facing in USA. When I got admission in the college my mother said that you have two things only to worry about. One is books and other is women. You will wear your head scarf all the time and you will not talk to men. Its against our religion and cultural values. We must preserve our culture and values as good Muslims. SO I listened to my mother and although there were some men who were interested in talking to me , I never paid attention. My family arranged my marriage as they brought my husband from Pakistan and now I have two kids. I am a house wife. Am I happy? I don't know. I was never given the chance to make decisions of my life myself so I don't really know. I saw Bicycle Bride and I saw myself in the story. I loved the film. I wish I could have made those choices. I loved the character development of father. I could really see my mother in Billo's character. Mother stole the show. I liked how the director did not make the lead girl a rebellious woman but a real normal character. Thats how any good Muslim girl would react if she was in such circumstances. Through out the film I was wondering what will happen to this girl as she is taking some bold steps in her life but I was quite happy with the ending. It was so natural.
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Loved this film
hikepups14 January 2011
I thought this was a fun and entertaining movie. I laughed a lot. I loved the lead lady and the mom the best. The girl that plays Beena is very pretty and I was told she was Miss India America on 2009. The lead guy won a big award in Europe for a horror film. All the characters were good. It might be fun to do a sequel when Beena has a ton of kids! I was expecting a Bollywood movies but it is more western, I thought the sound track was really really great, in fact I wonder if you can buy it.About my vote: I never give a film a "10" if there are no canines featured in the film!! Sorry that is just the way I roll! hikepups
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fromwordsaction22 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I want to say that this movie was hysterical first and foremost. I enjoyed the characters tremendously. I loved how you so adequately gave us a comical insight to such a common cultural practice. Being American, it is a real challenge understanding cultural differences sometimes. Though I disagree and would probably break with tradition. I can understand how the conflict of being raised to believe and live a certain way and honoring of ones parents can cause torment when exposed to freedom of choice. I can only imagine the anguish girls must feel having to be in this position of choice. Doc Zee you did a real grand job with this movie. You write with passion and clarity. I am now watching all of your work.
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Beena the Brave
ljmerrell-6594624 March 2024
"She who succeeds in gaining the mastery of the bicycle will gain the mastery of life." So said Susan B. Anthony, one of America's best-known feminists of the 19th century. Twenty-year-old Beena is a product of America and not just any America but the one in San Francisco, California, a traditional spot for self-reinvention. Beena is now twenty and her Indian immigrant mother Billo has decided that she's ripe to be a bride, as Shakespeare might put it. Like many a first-generation American, Beena has other ideas, one of which is to master the unstable and highly metaphoric contraption known as a bicycle while another is to attend college and yet another is to become better acquainted with James Dean, a dishy student from Sweden who probably endures the inevitable jokes about his name with Nordic stoicism. It's a traditional immigrant's tale with a comic and lighthearted touch, not to mention some exceptional costumes and a wedding dance scene both joyful and mildly erotic, a celebration of human life and its presumed continuance.
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