
16 Reviews
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Little Man (III) (2006)
People in IMDb need a sense of humor.
12 November 2011
Why is it that everyone downs comedies so much. This movie was ***king funny as f*ck! Are you kidding me? 3.7 rating only? Im glad all you losers didn't enjoy this, because while you were wasting 90 minutes of your life, me my wife and some buddies were laughing our asses off. The movie was way predictable, and unrealistic, but isn't everything you watch on TV like that? Take it for what it is, a movie. Bad acting? I honestly don't think it was that bad on that part. The wayans brothers did a pretty good job. I think the people who didn't like this movie were people who got offended from it. All i have to say for people who voted a 1 star to this movie is, go watch brokeback mountain or something. I highly recommend this movie if your having your friends over for a good laugh. (And cry)
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Valentine's Day (I) (2010)
If you didn't like it, your probably a lonely person.
22 November 2010
I can see a lot of single people not liking this, and people who hate love, or people who have never been in love, would make sense being disappointed. But myself, i honestly liked every bit of it. Good acting, and surprisingly well put together. It was one of those movies that made me feel good after watching it. I feel bad for the people who didn't enjoy it. You must all be lonely, miserable, and well sad?? I don't understand how you cannot like this movie. The only thing that makes sense to me, is that your probably a lonely person who doesn't believe in love or marriage. Pretty sad. My wife cried during this movie. Funny thing is, i cried reading some of your sad pathetic reviews.
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Piranha 3D (2010)
80% porn, 20% blood
29 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
....All i have to say is, if your married, or have a gf, DO NOT TAKE HER TO SEE THIS. Might as well rent the girls gone wild DVD. I went into this to see what a horror film in 3D would look like, and well im sitting in the theatre, and instead of getting 3D, up close action, she had to watch Boobies and butts, in your face 3D for about 60 minutes. Then when the movie finally started to get brutal, we couldn't even enjoy it for what it was. I was expecting something like jaws, but instead i got flaws. Big mistake on my part into deciding to see this with my wife! Now i know a lot of you are laughing at me, but honestly, i didn't enjoy it on my part at all. T&A in a horror movie was never to my liking. The acting in this movie was average. The violence say fair enough. But the movie had a big vagina hole in it. Id recommend this to the younger 18-24, cancun, surfer,immature, jockey kinda person, other than that, well, enough said. Very disappointing.
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Only smart people can like this.
25 July 2010
It started off really slow. I was debating on weather i should take it off or not. Horrible acting & plot was all that was bobbling in my mind. But i decided to give it a chance. Which is where all you idiots who gave up on this movie went wrong. Now im not gonna bore anyone by running down the entire film, but all i have to say is this. Im the kind of person who will analyze a movie when its done. I ask myself why did i waste my time watching this crap. Well you know what? I didn't have to worry this time. Yes it may have had some bad acting. Yes Michael Madson wasn't the main attraction, but when it ended, i thought to myself, it was well worth watching, and not as bad as i thought it would be. As a matter of fact, it was very intelligent and well done, from start to finish. It made me feel good, and put a smile on my face. For those who gave up on this film, read my post and give it another chance. And if you do, and still didn't like it, well go cry me a river....thats your problem!
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I don't get it? This wasn't that good.
14 March 2010
Throw away the brutal violence, and superb acting from at least Cheadle, Gere, & Hawke, and what do you get? A totally upside down, back and forth worthless, boring, confusing, not to mention, pathetic! movie. With that being said, i really don't know how to rate this. I recently saw this film with my wife 2 nights ago and well, she fell fast asleep, and i couldn't get into it until after about 65 minutes, when it started getting a little more interesting. I don't want to spoil anything, but honestly, if your looking for a movie thats gonna entertain you and make your Saturday night a well worth of staying home, DO NOT depend on "Brooklyns Finest" because honestly, it wasn't so fine, as most of these people are saying. Like i said, it was all over the place. They should of done a better job at piecing the movie together, instead of scattering everything into 1 big pile of !@#$ like they did. Anyways, all im saying, is that this could of been wayyyy better. Very disappointing, if you ask me.
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District 9 (2009)
Just awful.
10 February 2010
What the hell was this? Honestly, i cant believe how most people gave this movie great reviews. Whats wrong with you people. I've read some of the comments about this movie and im just laughing because i couldn't even watch more than half an hour. First off it was lame, second, it was boring, and honestly not interesting at all. Im not a sci-fi fan, but i gave this one a try because everyones telling me to go see it, but honestly i don't get the big hype. I think people juat love to join in on the hype when a movie does good, they love to pretend it was good so they get their moneys worth. Face it, you got RIPPPED OFF! This film is the most overrated film of the decade. Im still nodding my head. So yea, to all the people who actually liked this movie, thats your problem, not mine.
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Brothers (I) (2009)
Just a simple great movie to enjoy.
23 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love the feeling of a great movie after walking out of the theater. What made this film great was the acting. Its no surprise with the cast. I loved this movie because it was realistic. I put myself in the actors shoes of each scene, and they did exactly what i would of done in real life. I love how Tobeys character was so calm throughout the whole movie until the end where he finally lashes out. There's an academy award right there. No special effects, no stupid sci-fi which weve been getting way too much these days, and no complex back and forth up and down, left and right story lines. Just a simple great movie to enjoy. I hope directors these days watch this, because this is what most people want to see in a movie. Good script, strong, powerful acting, and realism. (If thats not a word, bite me!) I encourage everybody to go see this film. Ciao!
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awesome movie!!
26 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love revenge movies when there done right. This one was perfect. From start to finish it had me and my wife on our seat. It was the first movie that made me cheer for a criminal(Clyde). I didn't feel bad for anybody in the movie but him, his wife and daughter. I always said !@#$ the system, and thats what he did. The only little thing i would of changed is the conclusion. I would have had Clyde live, and somehow get away with all the murders he created, and have Jamie Fox put in prison. I give this movie a 9. And recommend it to everybody. Its a shame that this does happen in everyday life. The system is corrupted, hopefully there's people out there like Clyde. Who Punish!
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Gamer (2009)
Horrible masterpiece of crap.
16 September 2009
What was this !@#$???? This movie makes the movie Gigli look like an academy award winning masterpiece. Was this even a movie???????? What the hell was this? This just shows how the new generation of movies has went to !@#$. Im not surprised that some idiots on this site actually thought this was good. I started thinking to myself, what if i was a video game nerd, would i have liked it? not even! Cuz this was plainly stupid. I can go on and on, scene by scene ranting on how stupid this movie was, but i don't want to give the people who didn't see it any spoilers. Speaking of spoilers, this movie is spoiled with rotten tomatoes. Honestly. If you seen this movie and you walked out of the cinema happy. was it because your popcorn tasted good? Did you get some chicks phone number? Cuz otherwise i don't see how anyone can possibly like this piece of crap movie. When i went home, i took a crap, and honestly, this movie came straight out of my @sshole. Actually, it was diareeah. Crap crap crap!!! Simple. Just crap! Horrible masterpiece of crap.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Your an idiot if you like this garbage.
5 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie gave me the biggest headache ever. I felt like throwing up. I didn't know if it was because of the motion sickness, or just the movie itself. What was the deal with this film? Why was it made? The creators should burn in hell. I just wasted 2 hours of my life watching this. OK i think i spent enough lines bashing this film, i have no choice IMDb wont let me post it if the comment is too short. Alright never mind im not done yet. To all the idiots who actually like these retarded fairy tales, get a !@$#$ life. If i could only puke one time in my entire life, id like it to be on everybody who gave this movie a good rating. Your all stupid.
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Halloween II (2009)
Tried too hard?
29 August 2009
A lot of violence. Brutal violence. But...what a waste of 21$ (For those who have girlfriends) I love Rob Zombie movies, but this was horrible. I hated the whole Horse/myers mommy thing. What was Rob thinking? I liked the cow scene at the beginning, but everything after that was shallow and weak. There were even some scenes where they didn't even show the killings. I hate when they do that. Oh boy, by far worse halloween movie ever. Even the original Halloween 3 was better than this. He should of just kept to the story of having Michael invade the hospital like the original halloween 2. This one just didn't make sense to me. Not fun to watch at all.
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Crossing Over (2009)
29 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
That's basically the bottom line in this one. Plain ol' boring. Not for the weak minded some people say? I say this is not for the people who enjoy action packed entertainment. I expected a lot more from a Harrison Ford movie. What were the producers thinking? I honestly couldn't keep my eyes open watching this. OK, the plot was good, the acting was superb, but where was the action? Since this wasn't a true story, they should of made it more exciting. There was so much more they could of done with it. OK here's a spoiler guys. Ray Liotta looks like crap in this film, and no comment on Ashley Judd. Whats wrong with celebrities these days? Anyways the way they look is besides the point that this movie full of !@#$. Enough said!
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100% satisfaction guaranteed.
18 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This had me glued on the screen from start to finish. Kinda reminded me of "The Devils Rejects" So if you liked that, your gonna love this. Haven't seen the original yet but I'm gonna check it out now that i know that i got my 100% satisfaction. Let me explain something here, I'm sick and tired of seeing dumb horror flicks with terror, and torture and not have revenge. Im tired of walking out of a theater and saying i cant believe these !@#$ers didn't get whats coming to them, but not in this film. This film delivered and gave me exactly what i wanted. Revenge, Punishment,and terror. This is what people want to see. They must keep making movies like this. Enough of that other crap. Yea i like torture in movies, but cmon, the bad guys must get whats coming to them in the end. Thats why i give this movie a perfect 10. Now go watch it.
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Appaloosa (2008)
Hmmm...missing something.
29 January 2009
I think Ed & Viggo together are amazing."A History Of Violence" delivered. This one...sadly not. Its Basically one of those movies where you are waiting for something to happen, and it never comes. I feel it just carries on and on. Im not really a western fan, but i enjoy watching Ed Harris. If it wasn't for his great acting, this movie would have been a total blow. Renee Zellweger didn't impress me, although Viggo was great as usual. Its like you cant take your eyes off the screen because its not really a boring movie. But like i said, the way they did this movie did not impress me. I never gave up on it throughout the whole 1 hour and 50 minutes of watching it, but when it was finally over, i was very disappointed. So if your looking for an action packed, entertaining movie,i do not recommend this at all.
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25th Hour (2002)
Very boring movie.
15 January 2009
If it wasn't for the great acting from Edward Norton, this movie would of been a total blow. I don't know if its because i went into this movie thinking it would be more of a violent movie, or maybe some prison scenes, but whatever it was it was. Boring. Boring... boring, just plain boring. I see a lot of positive comments on this, and i can honestly say i have no clue why. Whats wrong with you people? Not only was it boring, it could of been so much better. So much more interesting. Maybe more action? And what about all the pointless scenes about the dog in the beginning? Why did they have to show how he found a dog? And what was the whole deal with that 14 year old girl? Horrible script. Like i said, the only positive thing i can say about this movie is Edward Norton's acting skills. Other than that, i got 3 words, waste of time. Ciao.
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28 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Come on people get real. Id love to contradict everyone whose praising on this movie. If it wasn't for my gummy bears and coke id be asleep. OK, Ill admit it was a wonderful storyline, and had great acting, but honestly, that's all your getting from this film. Brad Pitt was excellent, so was Kate. They should of added some scenes of bullying, fighting, and stuff like that to make it more interesting, especially since this is not based on a true story. Makes sense nah? If your looking for a movie that's gonna blast you away with action, violence, and stuff like that, do not go see this movie. Also, this is not a theatrical film. This could be a rental. Whats the point of going to the theater to see this movie and wasting 20 bucks(you and a date)on theatrical surround sound, huge screen. Basically all im saying its a very quiet movie for the theaters. The only reason why its so big is because Brad Pitt is in it. might as well just rent it. Save your money. OK ciao.
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