
19 Reviews
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Blindness (2008)
Opens your eyes for something you don't want to see
15 August 2009
The movie has its merits. It brings you into the story, making you feel all the emotions felt by the characters, and in my opinion this is why some people didn't like it; it opens your eyes for things that nobody wants to see. I'm not saying that a disease like this one could happen, but others may come, and that's a reality.

The movie makes you feel extremely uncomfortable; I caught myself thinking about leaving the room sometimes. The atmosphere that Fernando Meireles built is so heavy and dark (even thought the whole movie is full of bright colors) that it makes you feel something like depression, sadness, and you keep thinking in the movie after it has finished. The acting helped a lot in this aspect; all the actors did their best to give a perfect sense of reality.

If you want just to spend some time watching a good apocalyptic movie, this is not the one. It may be considered as "cult" in someway, by the fact that you don't watch it to get entertained, but to reflect about it.

If I had to grade this movie based on how I felt during it, I would give it a 0, but I have to say that, above everything, it is a great movie.

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Surprisingly good
14 August 2009
This movie is quite predictable. The story of a boy that gets into trouble in school and starts fighting because of that isn't original, but between all the predictable movies with this theme, certainly this is the best.

Your attention is caught in every single scene. I think the best merit of Never Back Down is that it mixes a lot of types of movie. At the beginning, it's like one of that silly teenager's movie, showing the school, party and girls. Then the atmosphere gets darker and the world of fighting is showed, as well as family's problems, turning everything into a drama. And then... I won't tell the whole story, but I assure that you won't get bored.

The acting was very well done too, especially Cam Gigandet. He definitely knew how to be the typical bad guy; not like those annoying bad actors in teenagers movie, but a darker, more "serious" one.

Even with all these qualities that makes Never Back Down stands out, I don't think that older people will enjoy watching it... although the movie brings out a moral that fits in everyone.
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Much better than I thought
9 August 2009
I give 10 to this movie, even not deserving it for making me laugh so hard. I thought it would be like Date Movie or Epic Movie, that I laughed just a couple times, but Superhero movie is in another level. It is absolutely fun; the jokes keep coming every second from the very beginning to the end. People shouldn't make a prejudgment of spooky movies like this one, they should just watch it and have some fun.

Apart this aspect, Drake Bell is definitely in his territory, and Leslie Nielsen gives a class of what being funny really is, even after so many years.

It's a movie with no compromises, you watch when you have nothing better passing on TV, but certainly you will have good laugh moments.
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Rescue Dawn (2006)
An impartial war movie
8 August 2009
Far away from a regular commercial movie, Rescue Dawn shows the story of a American pilot recruited for the Vietnam War that is made of prisoner by Vietcong's. This movie doesn't take sides; it just shows facts that are based in a true story, and that's where its merit is.

Honestly, after watching several Christian Bale's movies, I can say without any doubt that this is his best one. The same applies to Steve Zahn. The impression I had is that they had the maximum of commitment possible for the production (proof of that is that they lost a lot of weight) and that no other actors could do the job in a better way.

The reason of the 9/10 is that the movie is a little bit monotone and repetitive; even thought this kind of movie demands more dedication and time to make it as real as possible. As I have said before, this is not a commercial movie, so if you want to spend as afternoon watching a good popcorn-movie, this is not the one for it.
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The Spirit (2008)
I was expecting more...
7 August 2009
This movie has a lot to show. It's stylish, with a perfect art present in every single scene; it's crazy, with things that you would expect to see only in trash movies, and, at the same time, it is a superhero movie. The combination worked well, but it could be better.

When I finished watching I felt like something was missing, that the movie wasn't completed. More action, less craziness, a stronger plot… I don't know, what I know is that I didn't have this feeling after watching Sin City (it's impossible not to compare both movies).

In spite of this aspect, Frank Miller made a great job adapting Eisner's comics. The special effects support the whole movie in an impeccable way. The movie itself is a mixture between an original art and technology. Visually, the results are amazing. Besides, the actors also were flawless, specially Samuel Jackson. He is perfect as the mad bandit that wants to rule the world. Johansson also was great; she is like a mixture of Samuel's craziness and Eva Mendes's sensuality.

Concluding, The Spirit isn't a movie for everyone; it is far-fetched, different, audacious… the only problem is that Sin City showed all that years before.
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Cloverfield (2008)
A must-see
1 August 2009
I got really surprised with this movie. I expected an average apocalyptic monster movie with nothing interesting or different, but I have to say that I am very glad that I watched.

The direction is perfect. The movie itself is a video recorded from a camera of one of the characters, so it seems like the movie is made of one take. The swing of the camera gives more reality to it; actually you kind of forget that Cloverfield is a monster movie. The writer and director managed to transform a silly theme into a must-see.

The actors also made a great job, specially Lizzy Caplan and Michael Stahl-David, what collaborated so much to the sense of reality given to the movie. All in all, this is a masterpiece of thriller.
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Doom (2005)
Action with no commitments
10 July 2009
Even not being a must see or a genuine action movie, I really liked Doom. The first half is a bit confused and slow; I even thought about leaving it, by the fact that it seemed the movie wouldn't really get started, but then, after the first 45 minutes the story flows naturally with some great action scenes.

The actors did OK. "The Rock" has a mechanized acting, what certainly doesn't cooperate to raise the level of the movie. Rosamund Pike was not into the movie. The best actor, was, with no doubt, Richard Brake. He guarantees some fun situations and it seems like he is the only one who took it seriously.

Overall, I recommend it to have some fun and action with no commitments. If you want a really action-packed "serious" movie, this won't supply what you want.
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1 and 2 were better
7 July 2009
I always liked animations like his one, but I just didn't like Ice Age 3. The other Ice Ages were so much funnier, with comic situations, and this one is all about family and kids and stuff like that, what turned it into a boring movie.

On the other hand, there are still good scenes, creative situations and everything, besides that the animation itself is just perfect. Other thing that catches the attention are the "subliminar sexual jokes" that, I think, just grown ups understand.

All in all, I really think there are other movies of this gender much better. Finding Nemo is the best example, besides the other Ice Ages, like I said... It is not difficult to find others.
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Snatch (2000)
Clever movie
5 July 2009
I guess this movie has the essence of the pure and sophisticated comedy, without parodies or aggressive jokes (which are sometimes very funny either). The movie itself is very unusual, crazy, alternative, and reminds very vaguely the atmosphere of Pulp Fiction.

The beginning is intricate, but as the happenings go on, the relations between the characters get more solid and the situations, funnier.

The acting couldn't be better; all of them were perfect for the roles, but Brad Pitt raised the level even more.

I recommend this movie for the ones who are open-minded, by the fact that this is not a typical commercial movie; it innovates in some aspects and the result was a clever and sophisticated movie that may not be the taste of everybody.
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It is worth the three hours
4 July 2009
When William Parrish is about to die, Death, in the body of Brad Pitt makes a deal with him: he will live longer than planned as long as William be his guide in Earth.

After the deal the story develops in a very natural way. Death proves the Earth' passions one by one (food, desire, love, anger) and these moments make the movie be worth it. Brad Pitt knew how to act like a naive child discovering a new world, and, at the same time, like a serious and cold creature.

Claire Forlani also made an outstanding job. It's impossible to imagine another actress to interpret Susan, the beautiful, shy and naive William's daughter. Both roles (Death and Susan) worked perfect together, what contributes to the success of the movie.

The negative point is the length of the movie. The movie itself is not too long, but the scenes are. There are some that it takes about 10 seconds for the character to say something, and this slows down the rhythm so much.
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It's worth the time
29 June 2009
Hannibal rising shows the first years of life and first years of homicidal of Hannibal Lecter, a boy that lost his family and wants revenge.

The atmosphere is very well constructed; great part of the credits goes to Gaspard Ulliel, that knew how to act in the right measure to give a convincing image to the character. He doesn't need to be killing or torturing somebody to make the viewers get scared, his own way of talk and act gives this sensation by itself. Li Gong was also perfect in the movie; she gave a romantic and seductive air in a heavy atmosphere.

On the other hand, sometimes the rhythm is slow and takes too long until something happens. It could be more dynamic and short, so then it would be actually breathtaking.
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Constantine (2005)
Great movie
15 June 2009
This is certainly one of the best religion/thriller movie ever. It's so full of creations and alternative stories based in reality and in the Bible, that you have the sensation it's an alternative world. Maybe that's why so many people hate Constantine, and many that love - like me.

For sure, this is the best movie Keanu Reeves has ever made. He suited perfectly in the character (John Constantine), a sarcastic, black-humored and supernatural detective that fights against demons to receive his salvation from hell. Rachel Weisz is also very convincing as the sensitive policewoman Angela Dodson and works very well with Keanu.

People that don't like to see supernatural stuff or alternative imaginative stories probably will hate it. But all the rest certainly will enjoy a lot Constantine.
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Get Smart (2008)
Get this movie
7 June 2009
I am glad that I got this movie to watch with my family, it's really funny and at the same time action-packed... The combination worked very well.

Steve Carrel is, as always, very funny... his face makes me laugh more than the jokes, and Anne Hathaway is really attractive as the agent 99. Both actors have a great chemistry.

I underestimated this movie at first, but now I can tell... if you want to have some fun with no compromises, this is a really good option, not only for the great acting of these great actors but also to compare with the old series that were a lot of fun also. I recommend...
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The Eye (2008)
Regular, not good
25 May 2009
This movie could be much better than really is; in my opinion the plot could have been better worked and there are some parts that should be better explained.

Although I don't think Jessica Alba is the right person to do this character, I think she did a great job as the blind musician that receives a cornea donation.

However, the movie claims for more atmosphere, more breathtaking moments and more dynamic directing. It is not even close to be a scary movie, if that was the original intention. It's a nice movie for the times you have nothing else to do, but it's not a must-see, definitely.
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Idiocracy (2006)
An intelligent movie about stupid people
20 May 2009
I had a great surprise with this; I wasn't expecting too much from a movie that tells the story of a guy that sleeps during 500 years and wakes up in a world where everybody is stupid and the world itself is a mess, but I found that it was amazing how the writer/director of Idiocracy made the theme "dumbness" become so intelligent.

I don't see it like an adventure or comedy movie by the fact that it has a huge critic behind all the funny hypothetic situations. We are becoming stupid, that's a fact. If we don't stop reading magazines about the life of celebrities and watching TV programs about violence and stuff like that I don't doubt that some day the world will be alike the one in this movie. Of course I am being extremist, but I just want to give the idea.

A great movie, a great plot, nice acting... the 84 minutes passes like 10 minutes and the best of all is that in the end you feel like you learned something...
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Much better than Da Vinci Code
19 May 2009
I didn't read the book to see what's difference between the both of them. The difference can be gigantic or not, whatever, if you didn't read the book and watch the movie you will feel your money was well used.

I don't understand why people don't like this movie. It has a good story, good actors, good special effects, action, a good theme (religion vs science); everything is good and in the right measure. Moreover, it's a hundred times better than Da Vinci Code.

The theme is very deep and when the movie is over you feel like you want to know more about the church, the Illuminati and the Vatican. It makes you want to read the next Dan Brown's book (at least that's my sensation). The only thing that wasn't clear was the relation between Robert and Vittoria, that gets stuck between a romantic couple and two friends from work. This should have been better worked...
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Awake (2007)
An original idea makes a great movie
18 May 2009
Definitely, I liked to spend my time watching this movie. It makes you feel all the emotions felt by the characters in a way that brings you into the movie. You feel pain, anger, sadness and much other things that you just can't feel watching movies that are more pretentious than this one.

The plot is very well written; it's unpredictable and that's where Awake catches you. At the same time, it involves surgery, pain, crime, money, spirituality, trust, and so many other things. The actors, even not giving their best acting did OK, and Jessica Alba is perfect for the role.

Surely, I highly recommend this for the ones who are fans of a good thriller. It is not perfect as it could be, but it's a good way to spend the evening.
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The Happening (2008)
The intention was good...
18 May 2009
If you want to watch a great thriller that catches your attention through all the time, this movie won't suit for you.

The plot is very original, with scientific explanations and everything. On the other hand, it is badly-worked, in a way that makes you think it was a wasted story.

The acting is not convincing at all; Zooey Deschanel didn't do a good job (she made up for Yes Sir), and the other actors, excepting for Mark Wahlberg, also weren't that good.

The script itself has some failures, some free violence, some happenings that are not easily understood, and some that are just not explained, although the thing that really makes you feel you wasted your money is the end, which is not just predictable, but also charged with emotions and acts that you can find in the most romantic of the romantic movies, what is totally contradictory with the kind of movie.

All in all, just watch this if have nothing else to do or it's passing on TV; if you want to feel attached to your seat with your eyes goggled, try to find another thriller.
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Star Trek (2009)
Surprised me...
16 May 2009
I'd never watched anything of Star Trek, so I had no expectations when I went to the movies, but this one really surprised me. The facts shown happened before everything that people know about the series, which means it's like an explanation of the original Star Trek. This may explain why people that have never watched Star Trek before like this movie. The two hours passes through very quickly, the action really catches your attention and the story itself demands you some thinking, what brings you totally into the movie. The special effects are perfect, the acting is convincing (even Zachary Quinto's... it's almost impossible not to remember Sylar, but he did a great job) and the end is predictable, but also gripping. I highly recommend this to anyone that likes action gathered with a well planned plot. And of course, to all the old fans of the 60's series.
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